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DayZ PC vs Console

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Lets say DayZ releases for Console. What would be your main way of playing, PC or Console?

I can't imagine the world being that big on xbox, like minecraft, they have to limit it. That would take the fun out of it for me, for me its all about the sense of being in a massive world with other players trying to survive.

So my main way of playing will always be PC.

(Will they release for ps3 too?)

Will your main way of playing DayZ change if it released on Consoles?

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By the time this game is ready for a real release, the 360/PS3 will be dead. When it comes out for consoles it will be for 720/PS4.Those systems will have no problem running it like the PC version with the added bonus of playing with a more mature gaming community.

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The PC version will be far dead before the console version comes out. We are talking about YEARS here if the console version comes out. The XBOX 360 and PS3 will be long dead before this. I think most everyone who originally played DayZ will have either moved on, or will continue to play it on PC.

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PC only, consoles just don't float my boat. I need a mouse and many key binds to keep me happy.

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By the time this game is ready for a real release, the 360/PS3 will be dead. When it comes out for consoles it will be for 720/PS4.Those systems will have no problem running it like the PC version with the added bonus of playing with a more mature gaming community.

A more mature gaming community? On consoles?

Anyway, I would play on PC only. I value my sanity.

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I'm sorry... more mature gaming community? On consoles?!

Your kidding, right?

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Pc, i don't own a console..but i do have a wicked as toaster.

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I am a PC player, but in-case my computer somehow is unable to run the standalone, I have an XBuck.

But no matter what, I will always find a way to play it on the PC...




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If a DayZ-type MMO were released for console I would probably drop the PC version in a heartbeat. I don't think consoles have a problem making a massive game, I just think they haven't touched that market because they don't feel like they can compete against PC.

Though what you can get with an XBox.

A game optimized across the board for each and every player. PC, it's all about who has the better system to run the game.

Better controls. PC fanboys can say what they want but this game doesn't require many buttons at all. Plus the xbox has a lot of buttons/key combinations that it isn't even an issue.

Hackers? Yeah... not something you'll get on console.

I was hoping with the release of the 360 we were going to finally get some MMOs, just didn't happen. These are my opinions and you're welcome to not agree with me of course.

Edit: The only thing PC games can beat Console games over is player created stuff, which I don't even care about. Though I'm sure there could be some program to allow players to create things on their PC that translates over to the console.

Edited by Dreygar
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After being subjected to the DayZ community for the past 7 months,with the utmost confidence I can say I have never played another game on any platform with a higher ratio of mouth breathers than DayZ.

Nothing on Xbox Live comes close.

I completely disagree. go play Call of Duty on Xbox for a couple days and im sure that will change your perspective.

Any game will have the youngin's who scream into their mic and order their mom to bring more cookies, but in the 8 years of owning Xbox Live compared to the 5 months of having a good PC rig(which is hands down better), I can personally say Xbox is FILLED with little shitheads 12 and under (even ran into some 7 and 8 year olds!!!!) going ballistic into the mic using curse words even I'm not familiar with.

Edited by orlok
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I completely disagree. go play Call of Duty on Xbox for a couple days and im sure that will change your perspective.

Any game will have the youngin's who scream into their mic and order their mom to bring more cookies, but in the 8 years of owning Xbox Live compared to the 5 months of having a good PC rig(which is hands down better), I can personally say Xbox is FILLED with little shitheads 12 and under (even ran into some 7 and 8 year olds!!!!) going ballistic into the mic using curse words even I'm not familiar with.

You can mute people whether on Xbox or PC... So who cares. There are a lot of mature players on both sides as well. Call of Duty is the most accessible game out there. I don't think many 7-8 year olds would fare well in Day Z (PC or Xbox)

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I guess assuming all versions being equal, then I'd go with console because it'd make for the easiest accessibility for me, as well as for others around me. Not having to deal with the stigmas associated with pc's would go a long way with casual players in terms of getting them to join in.

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I only own a PC. I'd rather stop gaming, than downgrade to an inferior system or use a toy controller. I need a mouse and a keyboard.

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I completely disagree. go play Call of Duty on Xbox for a couple days and im sure that will change your perspective.

Any game will have the youngin's who scream into their mic and order their mom to bring more cookies, but in the 8 years of owning Xbox Live compared to the 5 months of having a good PC rig(which is hands down better), I can personally say Xbox is FILLED with little shitheads 12 and under (even ran into some 7 and 8 year olds!!!!) going ballistic into the mic using curse words even I'm not familiar with.

I agree , but I'd trade the duechbags that drop me 300 ft from the sky or teleports me 5 miles out in the ocean for the 8 year old shit heads any day of the week.

Edited by skyofavalon

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controllers remind me of rc cars, rc cars remind me of childhood, childhood reminds me of losing my virginity backstage at an ice skating show to twelve men with figure skates on...dont lose your virginity backstage at an ice skating show to twelve men with figure skates on.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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I'm left handed, so i could never get to grips with the console controller, just like i cant use an iron.......

So having the combination of mouse and keyboard just gives me a better feel for the game i'm playing, more controll and faster reactions over the (twiddling my thumbs) with the analogs sticks.

I always taught that the DayZ communtiy was laid back, but i suppose you're entitled to have an opinion.

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I'm a PC gamer and a Console gamer, I've been playing both since I was very young and i'm only 13 now, on Cod there isn't much of those 8 year old squeakers on mics, and generally for COD the players are better on Xbox, It's only when you get to games like Battlefield 3 when you see lesser skill compared to PC.

On the next gen consoles it'll be good if there was a different platform 'DayZ' because if some of you guys really hate all the squeakers then they'll just switch back to where they came from.

I don't see what's wrong with a controller, I'm as good with a controller as a mouse and I have extreme accuracy when firing my lovely SKS on Bf3 with a controller :D

I used to play MineZ (minecraft version of DayZ) and all the time I would see people playing it because there computer is too bad to play DayZ, all the time. If It came out on consoles there would be a much more happy community and the PC community will be away from all the 8 year olds...

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Why would they release such a good game to filthy console peasants?

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After being subjected to the DayZ community for the past 7 months,with the utmost confidence I can say I have never played another game on any platform with a higher ratio of mouth breathers than DayZ.

We love you too..licks window.

If a DayZ-type MMO were released for console I would probably drop the PC version in a heartbeat. I don't think consoles have a problem making a massive game, I just think they haven't touched that market because they don't feel like they can compete against PC.

Though what you can get with an XBox.

A game optimized across the board for each and every player. PC, it's all about who has the better system to run the game.

Better controls. PC fanboys can say what they want but this game doesn't require many buttons at all. Plus the xbox has a lot of buttons/key combinations that it isn't even an issue.

Hackers? Yeah... not something you'll get on console.

I was hoping with the release of the 360 we were going to finally get some MMOs, just didn't happen. These are my opinions and you're welcome to not agree with me of course.

Edit: The only thing PC games can beat Console games over is player created stuff, which I don't even care about. Though I'm sure there could be some program to allow players to create things on their PC that translates over to the console.

The pc is an all in one package, when they can make a console do everything that a pc does then i will be interested...but why bother, we already have pc's ;)

The clear advantage a console has is its start off price and easiness of plug and play, jump in and start shooting, creating a consistent player experience is difficult on pc's compared to consoles, but dumbing down games because of consoles is a painful thing ..Crysis 2 anyone ? Plus for me i don't like the controllers and the severe lack of good simulations. A lot people just do not have the time, patience or experience for some of the shit that pc's can throw at you.

This part ... Edit: The only thing PC games can beat Console games over is player created stuff, which I don't even care about.

Ummm yeah. I wont even start on that ridiculous sentence, besides the fact that i love player created mods and that a lot of mods have made many many games better than its original..plus you are playing Dayz MOD right ? You might wanna rethink that ' i don't care about ' line ;)

If they can port dayz to console and reap in the dollarz then good luck to them.

Edited by orlok
edited thoughtless quote
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Ummm yeah. I wont even start on that ridiculous sentence, besides the fact that i love player created mods and that a lot of mods have made many many games better than its original..plus you are playing Dayz MOD right ? You might wanna rethink that ' i don't care about ' line ;)

If they can port dayz to console and reap in the dollarz then good luck to them.

Yeah, that's great that DayZ is a mod but this style of game has been something that people have wanted for a long time so it was only a matter of time. What I mean by player created content is things like user maps, etc.

To my knowledge Rocket was in the gaming industry already and it's not like he was some joe-smo who modded this game to his vision. So it was only a matter of time before he made his own game.

I honestly don't see why a console would have to "dumb" down features from a PC version. If the console can handle the PC requirements, what needs to be dumbed down? I've played DayZ on the higest settings and it is NOTHING special in the graphics department.

I think it's just the stigma PC gamers have in thinking they are the top tier in gaming and that kb+m rules the world.

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From Rocket's writings, I didn't get the impression, he was wholehearted excited about the industry. Guess why he ended up making DayZ as a mod for PC?

The gaming industry is moving to the consoles, just like the manufacturing industry is moving to China. If you can make console games cheaper and sell them for more, then you can move money from development into advertising. It's the same mindset Rocket is up against, when we was looking for funding and an engine for DayZ. No one in the mainstream industry is willing to challenge the casual gamer, because that might lower sales. This is why normal mode is now called hardcore mode and the rest is cover mechanics, auto-aim and wallhack grade player radars. User content is also dead to the industry, why would you allow user content to compete with the content, you hold back to guarantee ore-orders or plan to sell as second week DLC.

Only the 4life gamers have noticed how extremely easy games have become and how little actual content you get for your full price game. Games are so fricken easy, the only sense of achievement and replayability is artificially created. Complete the game running backwards with a bucket over your head *Ding* Shoot five enemies with a gun *Ding* Complete a level without falling asleep *Ding* Why invest in innovating gameplay, when you can hire a graphical designer to make 75 achievement thumbnails.

Edited by Dallas
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