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New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

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Ye has never been used in English language, it's actually a creation of the movie industry. So no, thee is correct here :)

Nope. The word "ye" is an old form of "you" used in the Bible

I recall it was used back in Miles Coverdale's Bible in 1535 (Luke 12:28) and John Trapp, in his Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, 1647, recorded the term: "O ye of little faith. Ye petty fidians; He calleth them not nullifidians."

Lol. Movie industry.

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Our development focus is 100% on core technology, the key architecture, and not on features (yet). A major stream developing assets also runs in parallel to the core development team.

So basically you are a liar, because you have been harping on dogs for like, ever.

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focus is 100% on not simply stating in one sentence whether december release is still the target.


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Could we potentially play it on OS X in the future? Would be the best game available :)

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Hello, Mr. Rocket,

Quick question. Well actually two.

First: How will the AI react, more aggressive than in the mod, more intelligent, etc. Also by being more intelligent, would one zombie perhaps be able to alert a certain number of infected in the vicinity? Go for a player who aggro'd them or their buddy who has low blood. I would love to know how the AI could potentially turn out to be and be filled with possibilities in my mind.

Second: Can you take the day off for Christmas? The whole team, you guys deserve it for the marvelous contribution you have done for the gaming community.

Edited by SpuriousSpunk

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New update here:


I will be trying to get through the one liner questions and etc.. here on the forums tomorrow, once I finish work. Sorry for the delay guys.

Dear rocket,

the most important thing to do now is to take care of yourself.

We can wait a little bit more for the SA (...not so much time...a little bit less :)).

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you and to all the DayZ community.

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o.O Looks like to much work for a scam. What´s up with this?

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Jerry Hopper, respected member of the Arma community, host of Limnosradio.com, SahraniRadio, Helpivanmartin.org team and evidently


He's a really fine gentleman :)

Edited by PurePassion
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How did this guy get Arma 3 and Dayz on Xmas? wtf

He didn't, he got a gift from Bohemia interactive (only assumed) which included card knives and some sort of crystal/glass table ornament. Not DayZ SA or Arma III.

Edited by Dr.PoonHammer

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Ye has never been used in English language, it's actually a creation of the movie industry. So no, thee is correct here :)

Not a Hollywood construct. It's just ignorance about the temporary use of Y as a stand-in for the older English character thorn Þ, þ which represented TH sound, before it was replaced by the modern digraph th.

Also, when is this next supposed mod update?

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Indeed, I don't care for it in terms of providing a good incentive to make the game better because I believe businesses will naturally (as they should) grow towards their revenue stream. If you revenue is hats, then that is an area you will naturally grow towards. If your revenue is "we need to make this game more attractive so more people buy it", then you develop it some more until the point you get diminishing returns on that.

Anyway, I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a bit of LOTR humor, given the wave of embarrassing hobbit mania that is enveloping my home country right now.

Is it possible for u too describe how the Rad Doll physics will be in the SA? im just wondering... plz answer..... and will there be any customizations for clans regarding clothing?

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Will there be a december dev blog report?

No because that irresponsible drug dealer wont check his fiends......playing other games now anyhow :(.....

Dont like getting treated like shit this early in development feels a bit like EA......Im sure im not alone when i say not everyone gets time off at christmas, especially someone

on the precipice of something great.....seems soft as shit for an army man.

Note: If its BI or Steam shutting you down right now, apologies and fuck them for being greedy standard game devs.

If not read above.

Edited by aVIOLATEDmonkey
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