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Reason behind your username?

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Hartraft being from Captain Hartraft or Captain Dennis Hartraft from the book Honoured Enemy by Raymond E Feist.

One of the best books in the series I think and a great character.

And an annoyance on my part is that for some reason everyone calls me Hartcraft....Theres no C in my name!!

Edited by Hartraft

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Pyranos is a name that one of my friends used for his fire mage on WoW. I stole the name and gave it to my rogue on another server, kinda stuck with it ever since. I had to come up with a last name for a DUST 514 character and I wanted to use Pyranos. My wife is the one that suggested Grigsby, so I have kept it ever since.

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Reason I got my name, is cause it's simple. No beans about it, it's simple and it works, though in-game I usually use my real name, cause again, simple and it works, and I am way too lazy to take the time to change it.

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Tfortacos, this dates 3 years back. I came home, i was high, i was hungry I went to tacobell got home and started playing maple story made a new account and needed a new username so it hit me! t is for tacos!

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If you ever need anything please don't

Hesitate to ask someone else first

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I had a bottle of after shave on the desk

That's a pretty simple reason. But it works!

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Around 5 or 6 of us in HS invented a board-game (well, it was mostly just a pseudo-boardgame; we really just wanted to nerd the fuk out and write up epic biographies on our characters), and I came up with Baxerix as the name of my Dwarf Warrior (I think he was a Dwarf...)

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3 name Jayz6 for jay( name) 6 ( fav number) and z for obvious reasons

Samazooks or samazookie for Sam a spartan in halo ( a is for something I forgot ) and zooks or zookie for a dragon in a book

Also techromancer, techro for electronics and engineer roles in games like mart..... Sum thing in dawn of war retribution and manner meaning magic person

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I visit a lot ww2 discussions forum and some of those guys have nazi german names like Wittman or Peiper a bit doubius IMO.I wanted a "good-guy" name, so I chose Drabik after the first American GI over the Rhine.

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I visit a lot ww2 discussions forum and some of those guys have nazi german names like Wittman or Peiper a bit doubius IMO.I wanted a "good-guy" name, so I chose Drabik after the first American GI over the Rhine.

Cool. Thanks for that little bit of history!

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i just like the way mine sounded....Rabid Gerbil...im gonna bite your f*king hand off and give you rabies just to add insult to injury!

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i just like the way mine sounded....Rabid Gerbil...im gonna bite your f*king hand off and give you rabies just to add insult to injury!

That's..... Pleasant

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Cause i was a long time lurker of these forums and then one day every little post about stupid things made me rage, so i originally joined to troll and piss people off (which i still do never the less) but i got hooked into the forum game and never decided to change my name.

I chose asshat because back in the sidechat days of Dayz when you killed someone for no reason the raged in the chat and this one kid i really rustled his jimmies and he called me an asshat, i couldn't stop laughing so i decided thats gonna be my name from now on.

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Reason behind my name? I simply realized it was my name.

xD I wanted a new username. And at the time I was really into Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and I liked a character called Wrath who I thought deserved revenge for being awesome. Ta dah!

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Bear Grylls for dayz because i mostly live off the land

wawfulfrier for everything else because I'm a bad cook

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Im really bad at making up names to play with so I just use my first name with XX behind it :P

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Nothing major with my name. I'm a big guy, and hoss is an abbreviation a lot of people use for my last name.

Edited by BigHoss

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Im named after a famous US marshal from the wild west. and growing up i was always called sheriff by teachers and friends. So the nickname stuck

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I got this nickname after a bout of gas that was heard (and smelt) a good 100 yards away

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Back in the day I used to play World of Warcraft.. I played an undead rogue.

And well rogues "stabbed" so there you go.

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Mine is after the movie Inception. After watching the movie in 2010 I pretty much used it as my internet username for whatever place.

The period was added because I don't think I've actually seen usernames with a full stop in them.

Awesome. SO can we have usernameception?

Also 200 replies on my first post!!!!

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