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Weapon damage, do you like it?

Weapon damage, do you like it?  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the current weapon damage system?

    • Yes, absolutelly.
    • I like the damage some weapons do, but other weapons need to do more damage
    • No, I dont like it, it needs a complete revamp.
  2. 2. Assuming you don´t like it, what solution do you like?

    • I am happy with the current system.
    • Just increase the damage all weapons do, making any weapon kill almost in one shot.
    • Increase the damage all weapons do, making it more realistic but without making them kill in almost one shot.
    • Increase the damage all weapons do, but create a realistic stoping power, so that the one who first shoots, has the more probability to win.
    • Just add a realistic stoping power.
    • Make some underpowered weapons, like pistols, do more damage.
    • Make weapons incapacitate players depending on what the bullet hits(e.g. being shot in the arm incapacitates you to use a weapon)
    • Increase weapon damage and include stoping power and/or make localizated damage.
    • I have my own suggestion, and I´ll post it here...

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Don´t you think weapon damage is a bit unrealist for a game that is supposed to be realistic?

I think you all have been in the situation to be in danger, due to someone who you shot first attacked you with a more powerfull weapon, which is not very realistic...

Edited by Mitor

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The game isn't meant to be 'realistic' it's meant to be an 'authentic' scenario - in this case a zombie apocalypse scenario.

If it was realistic there would be no zombies and any gun would be very fatal.

I'd be happy if they implemented a similar system to Fallout in where you can be incapacitated and have reduced effectiveness walking, running or aiming your weapon.

A few guns should be tweaked a little but overall it seems quite balanced as far as weapons go, some are obviously a bit stronger than others but they are 'high-end' type weapons.

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I think you have to balance realism with playability and fun. Realistically you would be down after getting hit once with any gun, but that wouldn't make the game particularly fun. I think the balance is pretty good as it is. Although perhaps pistol damage could be bumped up a bit considering their effective range is very short.

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Sidearms should do more damage, otherwise pretty good. Shouldn't slugs also be deadlier?

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I'd like to see different damage models tried, but nothing for sure until they've been tested to see if it works right.

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Pistols should be more deadly at close range but have a severe accuracy/ damage penalty at longer (like 50m) range

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its fine the way it is..

the Axe would be pretty much the end all weapon if it were a reality sim.

no one functions after getting wacked fullon with a Axe blade.

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Increase Pistol damage, increase 7.62 damage,make the DMR a very rare gun and remove .50s from chopper crashes and we are set

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its fine the way it is..

So, you think it's fine to be able to run off after getting hit by a 7.62 round? Sometimes up to 3 rounds without dying

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Its a game so simplify it.No reason to make AK family slightly less powerful than the M16 family.Most online weapon forums judge them as pretty much equals.The only way I would make the AK slightly less effective is if you then add in its exceptional durability.I think it should be looked at as how many body shots to take down and that fixed to better give all weapons there due.None of this shooting at a person with Bizon and needing 14 bodyshots.For example....

Silenced=8 body shots

pistols=6 body shots

Revolver/m1911=5 body shots

Stub assault=5 body shots

Assault=4 body shots

AKM=3 body shots

Sniper=2 body shots

Not sure on shotguns though.And add in some type of penalty if your dropped below say 4K blood that you then get the erratic aim thats already in Arma2 when shot.Could be a good use of morphine to be able to fight effectively?

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I'm fine with most of the weapons, the only problem seems to be the handgun, no matter which one.

Zombies take around 6 body shots from the 9mm pistol, that seems ok when you compare it to zombie movies or the old Resi games.

When it comes to PVP, you're gonna have problems. I give 2 examples:

1. I was attacked by a guy from behind in 10m range, he had a 1911 and hit me 3 times before I turned around and one shot him with my Enfield.

I should've dropped from those 45 bullets, or get unconscious.

2. There was a guy in the super market with an axe, I walked in slowly and aimed at him with my Makarov, as he started to run at me, I opened fire, unloaded the whole clip in his upper body. He hit me, broke my legs and finished me off. :) Won't happen to me again, but I'm sure that a 9mm should be able to drop someone from 5m distance with no problem.

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Increase Pistol damage, increase 7.62 damage,make the DMR a very rare gun and remove .50s from chopper crashes and we are set

^^This, in particular the first 2 points.

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Pistols are 1 hit to the head. Its your own fault that you can't aim :P

I would love it if killing a zombie required a headshot ala the proper old style zombie films. My issue with pistol damage is more for PvP. As a few people in this thread have already mentioned, having an M1911 emptied into your body from 6ft should (and would irl) kill you. The trick is not to let somebody get that close to you :D

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Increase Pistol damage, increase 7.62 damage,make the DMR a very rare gun and remove .50s from chopper crashes and we are set

Agree with this. Specifically the first point, pistol damage needs to be tweaked. Their only purpose is head shotting zeds because against players theyre useless (unless its an unarmed player).

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Agree with this. Specifically the first point, pistol damage needs to be tweaked. Their only purpose is head shotting zeds because against players theyre useless (unless its an unarmed player).

I have actually won an armed bandit with an M1014 and buckshot rounds, only using an M9. You just need a fully auto trigger finger and some precision. I hit him with 15 shots straight at his chest and neck.

That happened at Stary Sobor tents, so I probably couldn't have taken him out that quick if it was a longer distance fight.

Edited by Sutinen

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Increase Pistol damage, increase 7.62 damage,make the DMR a very rare gun and remove .50s from chopper crashes and we are set

How high do you feel 7.62 should go?Its a two body shot kill weapon right now and thats perfect IMO.You wanna make it a one body shot kill weapon and then its basically a less accurate AS50.IMO nothing in Dayz should be one shot one kill unless its a headshot.

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Increase 9mm and .45 damage, and add a more complex damage system. The character shouldn't be a pain-immune superhuman who can constantly sprint with a 7.62 bullet in their chest.

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There needs to be a body-map for more complex variation in damage than just "headshot or not", for both zombies and players.

I also think zeds should have the same health as everyone else. (I want them to be harder to despatch than people, not easier)

I've noticed the 9s and .45s are underpowered, but my main gripe is with shotguns.

Shotgun (slugs + pellets) need to be be beefed up a LOT.

I reckon, at 100m or closer, a single 12 gauge slug square in the chest, should do more damage than a 7.62mm bullet.

Edited by Chabowski

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Pistols are 1 hit to the head. Its your own fault that you can't aim :P

That is a very stupid comment, hope you were joking. 2 shots to the chest with a .45 will put the largest man alive on the ground.

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How high do you feel 7.62 should go?Its a two body shot kill weapon right now and thats perfect IMO.You wanna make it a one body shot kill weapon and then its basically a less accurate AS50.IMO nothing in Dayz should be one shot one kill unless its a headshot.

Definately not 1 shot kill but there should at least be a 50% chance of passing out, IMO. The amount if times I have shot someone in the chest with any of the 7.62 weapons and they got straight up to run away or log out is ridiculous. I am we'll aware that I should just hot the head but sometimes that just isn't possible dependent in the situation.

Maybe if the damage were increased and the DMR made a hell of a lot rarer then I'd be happy. At the moment it is a fucking noobtube that is ridiculously common

Edited by jdz

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they should make all the guns instant kill because in rl any gun can kill you in one really some might take two or three but most like a sniper or a revolver would kill you in one shot or almost kill ^_^

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