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About phronk

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    Woodland Warrior

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    USA, NY
  • Interests
    Killing god damn zombies.
  1. phronk

    DayZ Mod Update

    Excellent post, sir! Simply brilliant! You should be awarded the Most Useful Comment award! In addition, you've increased your post count by 1! SIMPLY AMAZING SIRE! ALL HAIL THE QUEEN! In all seriousness, use your brain, ponder for a few moments about what you are going to post, and then make your decision, instead of being a useless 12 year old who's trying to pointlessly inflate their own post count with pure, utter goose shit. That's right. I called your post a pure pile of sincere utter GOOSE shit. It's obviously a bug/glitch, you god damn moron. (or not?) PS: am I cool?
  2. phronk


    PLEASE NOTE: This is a suggestion for the upcoming DayZ standalone game in development. I'd like to see DayZ provide more modding options, as well as allow players to make slight changes to their installed DayZ. For example, harmless changes that won't keep you from playing on retail servers such as texture packs or font packs (for whatever reason you'd want to change a font lol). Additionally, I think it'd be nice if there was a separate single player option. By separate, I mean give players the option to play a single player character (cannot be loaded in multiplayer) and the option to play a multiplayer character (standard DayZ method of playing online; cannot be played on single player). If this were to be added, it'd allow a lot more moddability for the single player portion. I think that eventually, this could lead to some really good mods being made for single player and then possibly being approved/implemented by the actual developers on retail servers. TLDR: It's two god damn paragraphs, but basically I'm saying I'd like there to be an OPTION to play offline in a moddable single-player mode on a single-player mode only character.
  3. phronk

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    The only weapon I actually appreciate the crosshair for is the Crossbow, because the crossbow ironsights are extremely inaccurate. If that was fixed, then I'd say remove the damn crosshairs. No crosshair results in the requirement of more skill and immersion. Win-win really.
  4. phronk

    Wierd Lag...

    If it's not the mouse smoothing thingy, I think it's either a server-side issue or you're using the wrong beta patch version thingy. If you're on a server that has a different beta patch version that the one you have, sometimes it gives you super shitty frames-per-second. That was the issue for me at least. :P
  5. phronk

    Standalone HD skins...

    Hmm... well, I bought the DLC packs anyway. Good deals on them all and totally recommend you guys get them. Private Company improves survivor character textures with HD textures, British Armed Forces improves camo clothing and ghillie camo with HD textures, and Czech Republic DLC (I believe) improves the dog texture. They also make other subtle improvements with weaponry and scopes. Appreciate the feedback btw. :beans:
  6. phronk

    Standalone HD skins...

    Just curious if the DayZ standalone will still utilize content from the ArmA 2 game and its DLCs. In other words, will the character textures of survivors and camo clothing still be blurry without the ArmA 2 DLCs installed, or will that no longer be an issue? The DLCs are only 5 or 6 bucks now, thanks to Black Friday on Steam. So yeah, I'd totally appreciate your responses. Might get them anyway since ArmA 2 is fun even without DayZ and ArmA 3 won't fully release for at least a few months. But nevertheless I'm still curious about this! So yeah, thanks in advance! :D
  7. phronk

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Here's a typical screenshot of a typical camp on Little Hill. :}
  8. I'm just curious, do server restarts remove/despawn player-placed fortifications such as barbed wire, sandbags, or tank traps?
  9. Hmm... that's true. I also hope they fix the flickering shadow/light glitch when running through cities or forests. Don't know if anyone else gets that... Oh and they should also alter the flashlight to appear more grungey. The light is just too crisp and intense. Adding a flashlight light texture effect or just making the light edges in the circle fade out a bit would contribute a bit to making the flashlight make stuff look scarier. There was a flashlight effect that looked really good in a scary game... can't remember what it was called... might have been Condemned or Left 4 Dead.
  10. I'm not so sure about that though, judging from the screenshots. Not saying the screenshots look bad, but it doesn't really look like they've made any graphical improvements. Then again, they did say the screenshots were taken in "Normal" settings which explains the jagged shadows and stuff like that.
  11. I'm really looking forward to the standalone version of DayZ, but one thing that sparks my interest that I don't think has been confirmed yet is whether the graphics will be modified or improved in any way? The graphics aren't going to keep me from buying the game. In fact, I think they're pretty good! But improvements can be made, and so I am just curious if the DayZ development team even plans on working on the shaders in the game or something like that. It is very unlikely to be on their current to-do list before the game releases, but if it's planned to ever get some graphical improvements, that'd be pretty cool. B) ~ Phronq
  12. This happened to me twice in a day. I setup a tent inside of a tree by accident and crawled into it to try to see if I could still store stuff in it, and when I turned my body while inside the tent, I broke my bones and died. This was out in the middle of no where, pretty much. So I can guarantee my body wasn't hidden. So I ran back to where I died in the tent, and although my tent and body were still there, right after I accessed my dead body's gear and accidentally closed out, the body disappeared. But the flies continued. Same thing happened when I died at a crashed heli (in an empty private server) to a bunch of zombies; I ran back to the heli site and my body was gone, but I heard the flies. :\
  13. phronk

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    If the hotel in Cherno allows players to go on every floor and explore all the rooms in just that one building, I'd be a happy guy. :) Plus it'd totes make it harder to spot a sniper in, which is always fun :D