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So my first two days of playing DayZ have gone a lot better than I imagined. Decided I was going to join a private hive server, and I ended up spawning just outside the small medical camp outside Balota Airfield. (Had to resort to an online map)

I guessed there would be some pretty dam good loot in there, so I managed to sneak in past the zombies, and climbed up a small lookout tower to find an AKS Kobra. Then I found some mag's for it in the other tower, and a bunch of other supplies. Unfortunately I had disturbed the zombies and ended up with a broken leg. Luckily some guy in a ghille happened to be near by and helped out, and then left.

I then headed over to the airfield, which turned out to be very active at the same. Right of the bat I saw one guy in the distance, then heard a load of AK shots. Then I saw the outline of a guy running towards me who turned his flashlight on. Unfortunately he saw before I could hide, but he turned out to be the guy in the ghille from before. So we teamed up and headed over to the hangers to find a guy dead, who had an AK, so we guessed someone had killed him or he was overrun by zombies. I managed to get a few supplies, NV's, and a GPS off him.

From there we had a clean run to Cherno, although we knew there were guys heading to Cherno from the North, plus there were a lot of gun shots coming from Cherno. We managed to sneak in, only to be fired upon by a guy from the supermarket. We managed to deal with him, and in the market we discovered a hackers loot. A box full of almost every single item or gun in the whole game. I grabbed a ghille, and we both grabbed DMR's, and M9SD's, and plenty of food, drink, and other supplies.

Cherno started heating up so we destroyed the hackers box, and headed out to Electro to find a car. Before we got to Electro though, we were killed.

So a pretty busy first day for me, and a lot learnt. Second day was just as good.

Started of at Otmel, and legged it all the way to Cherno, taking a wide berth round Electro, in order to meet up with my buddy I met on the first day. Instead of heading in to Cherno we went back to see if we could fix up a car had seen on the way there. It was busted though. We looted a small town, and headed into Electro we I had my first hostile player experience. As soon as we entered Electro, shots were fired near us and so we legged it to the other side of Electro, with the player attempting to chase us from behind. We hid in a small bus shelter outside the fire station on the east side of Electro. We saw the player but he headed back. We then met up with another player, looted the fire station, got some good gear, and then we headed off to a long journey to Staroye. On the way there we came across another player who we just avoided and let go. We looted a couple of places, looted Staroye, and then at that point it was about 2:20am so we all disconnected.

Loving the game so far. In two days I've learnt how to use a K&M (Console player 95% of my life), and I've got the know how as well know. :D

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Well, just called it a night. My third day is in the books. Very interesting day as well.

Logged back in where we were still in Staroye and decided to head north west through Guglovo to Stary. Got some really good loot. Both of us had the best backpack's (Forget the name), so we stocked up on bandages, food, drink. Then looted the barracks near the NW airfield where I managed to pick up an M16 which I put in my backpack as I already had a AKM. Before that though I spotted a heli crash site by the first hanger. Now it took us a good 10 minutes to decide on whether to go for it, and checking it was clear. So we flanked right, got in the hanger when some aggro zombie set all his buddies off. After a 5 minute massacre, we headed out to heli, found an M14, but before we could grab it....

I spot a heli. We hid behind the crashed heli for a little before dashing back into the hanger. Too late. The heli started firing at the hanger, we said friendly, but nothing. They finally surround us and killed us. We had a hell of a lot of gear too.

So then we spawned and met in Electro, raided the fire station, grabbed a lee enfield from a barn and head west-north west again. I got messed up by some glitch, ended up with low blood, and a broken leg. Luckily we were near cherno. So I crawled to the top of a hill and kept watch while wounded, and my friend grabbed supplies from Cherno. After that we called it a night.

Tomorrow I hope I see those bandits again, they will get what's coming to them...

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I had spawned and looking to survive headed straight away from the coast to Zelenogorsk in hope of finding some supplies and a bigger backpack. I managed an Alice pack and an Enfield and headed past green mountain towards kozlovka where I would then proceed further north. As I exited the treeline I saw the smoke of angels-heli crash-cautious but excited I made my way towards it there was a couple of FAL's and a bizon but many zeds and I had no secondary. I took the FAL but started getting swarmed and so tried to lose them by running around buildings but more and more just kept piling on I had been hit but wasn't bleeding so I ran up the stairs and made my stand at the doorway determined to finish looting the heli. I dropped zombies with my FAL as they approached till they finally stopped and there was a pile of bodies all around me. I snuck my way back to the heli grabbed what I could and ran through the trees.

Just as I was about to exit into the field I heard a car, must've been someone looting the heli! So I made my way back and heard the engine cut off. There was someone crouched with coyote backpack and a white pickup behind him. I wasn't going to miss the chance, to often had bandits caused me grief and I fired 3 or 4 shots he dropped to the ground and I scanned for any other players that may be nearby. His vehicle was in need of repair but be was loaded with weapons. An L85! And many FAL's plus camo gear. So I took my loot and hid his body. The vehicle was useless to me, but full of gear. My solution: destroy it. So I emptied a FAL mag into it and then it erupted into a ball of flame sending smoke through the trees. I continued my journey north.

Not far from the airfield I came across another player, he saw me and didnt shoot I jumped into cover behind a low wall and began communicating. He claimed to be friendly and had decent gear. He said he needed food, he was in the middle of the field infront of me. I'd have no bother killing him but I told him to face away and I'd give him food. He put his m14 in his pack and I have him food. I felt I could trust him so asked if he wanted to team up and we made our way to the NWA field together where we would find a good few players and saw a helicopter crash. We flanked round to get a better position as we were to far off but our trip was ruined by a god mode hacker.

Nonetheless this was a great experience :D just wish I'd got to keep my rare gear.

Edited by AndrewM

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I have been alive for 34 days. Tonight, I was teleported for the first time by a hacker clan. It was scary as hell! I was teleported across the map, over 16km, in an instant. I'll be really glad once standalone comes out so at least it won't happen (as much, MAYBE).

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The tales of the Norwegian warriors.


It was a late Thursday afternoon when two Norwegian warriors decided to head south to meet up with a third Norwegian warrior. The meet was a success and it was now a group of three, highly geared and experienced Norwegian warriors.

They went on their way East from Piz Kozlova, towards Elektro. From the outskirts of the western side of Elektro, they watched over the city with eagle eyes. Nothing went unnoticed and a few unlucky survivors had to meet death early when a 50. cal, NATO round penetrated their skulls.

After a successfull afternoon of hunting down survivors for the fun of it, they continued on further east in the hills of Elektro, towards a position where they could overwatch the firestation and powerplant.

One of the NOR vikings went down towards one of the firestation, the one located most west in the city, when the viking sniper team on the hills spotted a lone-wolf wandering down in the city towards the powerplant. With a sweep of thermal scope of the L85A2, they could easily pinpoint the exact location of this lone survivor. It was quickly realized that this lone survivor was no bambi down in this zombie-infested city, as she moved carefully around each corner and never kept herself exposed for too long of a timeperiod so that any sniper would be able to take her down.

She even managed to keep herself out of the view of the heat-seeking thermal vision of the L85A2 so that the sniper team lost her out of sight for a short time. It didn't take long before they yet again spotted her at the powerplant north-east in Elektro, trying to scavange anything that she could scavange. Looking at her through the lences of a rangefinder, it was decided that she was exactly 856 meters away from the barrel of the allmighty As50.

The experienced survivor decided to head towards the hills east of the powerplant, but at this point she had already given her soul to the devil. With the scope of the sniper rifle aiming down at her, she carefully started to make her way more and more east untill she stopped behind a bush to drink a can of coca cola - a thing she never should've done. The explosion from the barrel of the AS50 rang throughout Elektro, and the unlucky survivor didn't even get the chance to run away. The 50. Cal bullet penetrated her chest and she fell dead to the ground without even twitching. Silence settled over Elektro once again and not even birds dared to sing.

The Norwegian warriors made their way down to the body, carefully making sure that they weren't being watched by anyone else. Once they reached the body, it didn't take long untill they moved on. With a brand new M4A3 CCO SD in their gear and a handy little radio and some other supplies, they decided to make their way to the East hills, the same way that the unlucky lady was going. With one of the vikings hanging back at the powerplant to quickly check everything, the remaining two started making their way up the hill untill they reached the dirt road. As they moved up, a thermal sweep was done by pure instinct to check the hills to the East. The viking quickly realized that three ghilled bandits was looking their way, just watching them and he yelled to everyone to get down and into cover. Viking number 1, the one with the L85, quickly retreated back behind the dirtroad and lay down into cover. Unfortunately for viking number 2, he didn't get the chance to. He lay down and started blasting up towards the treeline but then a single DMR shot was heard and viking number 2 lay there without moving.

At this point, Viking number 1 (The one with the L85A2 and AS50) was laying in cover behind the dirtroad East of the Elektro powerplant and Viking number 3 was down at the powerplant. Due to bad navigation skills and stress, number 3 was unable to locate viking number 1 so he was left alone. The viking at the dirtroad took a quick peek over and saw a survivor slowly crawling down towards the body of our deceased warrior. Quickly switching to his AS50 and turning the zeroing to 100m, he stood up and took the spot - "Douchebag one was killed". At this point the vikings had finally regrouped and was both looking up towards the pinetrees where the two remaining snipers were located. Viking one moved more north and moved over the dirtroad and managed to spot the snipers for viking 3. Viking number three started blasting with his M14 and at the same time a shot landed by the feet of Viking 1. Having in mind that Viking 3 was shooting, he thought it was friendly fire but when he heard the AS50 sound ringing through the sky, he realized that they had a sniper in their back firing at them. Unable to run, viking one started to slowly and extremly frustrated, move more north toward what he thought was cover. Bullets landed right by his feet and the ground behind him. He then managed to run, yet still not out of danger. Having in mind the power of the AS50 round, he was certain that he would be dead in a matter of seconds.

Lucikly he managed to get out of the hot sone, and sat himself in a position in the hill where he could thermal sweep the whole of Elektro. Believe it or not, but there in the middle of tons of zombies, he could see a red little dot on top of the firestation located most west in Elektro, on the very top of it. Hiding behind a tree, he quickly got the range, 800m, and took his AS50 out of his backpack. Setting the zeroing to 800m, he leanded out from behind the tree and held his breath - *PANG*. Blood started pouring out from the bandits head and he went to hell.

By this time, Viking number 3 had killed the remaining two snipers with his M14, and Viking 1 started moving south west along the hill towards VIking number 3 for a regroup. After about 10 minutes of loads of "Douchebag 1, 2 & 3 " was killed, VIking 1 spotted a lone survivor on the top of the hill looking down at the dead bodys. It was quite obvious who this was so Viking 1 sneaked up on him with his ghille and says "Oh hey there buddy.. Looking to loot your own body? Yeeea'.. That's not going to happen". A quick burst from his L85 and flies could be heard. But that wasn't all, because when Viking 1 looked left, another survivor without gear was there. The same process was given to him and both body's was laying there lifeless.

All vikings then regrouped and as Viking 2 was moving up the hill to retreave his gear, he says "Don't shoot me now " as a joke. Viking 1 was at this point overwatching the dead body's and just then a survivor walked right past him with a DMR. He thought it was number 2, but saw the DMR and quickly realized it was not. Putting the L85 on full auto, he sprayed down the survivor who at this point was looting the dead body's.

All vikings then got all the gear they wanted from the dead bodys, hid them and went on their way.

Hope you enjoyed ^^

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Well this was posted in the Urban Legends thread but many people asked for me to post it here also, so here you go! hope you enjoy my Fallujah Airfield story :)

Official DayZ Brony Meetup 4.0

Location: Airfield, Fallujah.

I am alone.... or so i think, i sit here in my small sandbagged nest looking toward the runway, downed choppers around me and gunfire off into the distance. I have to hold this position till everyone gets here... and it's going to be a while before they do. Only things i can rely on are my AS50 and AK, the world vs me.....

Suddenly a shot rings out from the barracks, then another and another, but not from the same weapon, cautiously i switch to my Bino's for a closer look, 2 pretty well armed guys are running from one barracks to another pulling in every undead sucker from here to Bahgdad, i need to get rid of them incase one of us runs into them... somehow i don't think "friendly" will cut it.

I draw my AS50 from my side and scope in... both in one corridor, easy picking by any means, Range easily about 400m, i take aim and fire. Blood spurts and the body drops like a lump of concrete, i think to myself i will have a waiting game with his buddy, will he camp out and wait before moving or will he simply ALT F4 but before i could decide on my actions he steps out, safe to say that was 2 notches on my barrel.

The next six, well this was good i will admit, I get a hail over Teamspeak that one of us was gunned down by a chopper heading my way and as the comms die i hear it, brushing in from the North the gunner was launching hot lead in all directions, i keep low... i wait...

A few passes overhead i realise he is scouting... but then he begins to hover, not even 300m in front of me, and he just holds it there, begging to be shot and i obliged... another .50cal sound rang around the airfield and the chopper slowly begins to fall from the sky.... The explosion was horrific, a monsterous clap as it hit the ground, 6 names appear on the left of my screen, 6 members of a clan, i knew then i was truly in the shit then.

Then it came across the side chat.... Order to Kill Derpy_Hooves... Sniping at the airfield.

Things stayed quiet for a good while... an hour and a half had passed by now and i had 8 kills, RazorPT was on the outskirts of the airfield but i had no idea, due to the side channel i could barely hear my Teamspeak and had no idea of his movements toward my position, until it was too late... i spy him about 500m away checking out a hangar, his nametag never appeared so i took no risk... i bide my time tll i guess his running pattern... One Shot and he drops... "RazorPT was killed". Oops was a major understatement... 9 kills though 1 was friendly.

About another half hour to 45 minutes pass and again over the sidechat this clan called out for my blood and not more than 2 minutes later i hear a shitstorm approaching, another chopper, another 6 kills i though yeeehaw!! Knowing damn well i had very little time till i was surrounded i proceeded to fire at the chopper regardless of caution, shot after shot bounced off the cabin or barely scraped by... the gunner at this point affixed to my position began bursting shots at me... closer and closer then rang but lady luck was with me, one shot left in my mag and the chopper was moving pretty quick around me, pure pot luck brought that chopper down... another 6, the same DAMN CLAN!!

i reload my last mag into my rifle... another player to the west now running directly at me... booom!!! number 16, bullets ricochet off the sand bags behind me almost a second later, im calling to the others to hurry but no one is near or armed well enough to help me, this was truley the last man standing.

Again the bullets barely miss me by much but i clocked him, somehow he missed me static twice with a DMR, no idea how be he had. My first shot is way over his head.. i hadn't changed my range from 500m yet and he was about 300m at most away, he cracked another shot but luckily i was out the way and proceeded to leave the safety of my nest to get him.

I sneak out side and creep behind the giant barricades giving me the upper hand, i see him scouting my old haunt but he doesn't see me, safe to say kill 17 could have been harder!

18, 19 and 20 however were a damn sight harder to kill. I must have been back in my nest for no more than 10 minutes when this Pickup with mounted gun came smashing through the fencing by the barracks aiming right for me, .50cal blazing away i had to get out of there, my AS50 was as good as nothing at the moment so i switched to my AK-M hoping they jump out the vehicle.... 2 did and one stayed on the gun, by this point though they hadn't noticed me running behind the ATC, i wait for the two on foot to sneak up toward where i was, i can see the gunner from where i was just peering at my last spot... this is do or die, i had to act or i was a dead man so taking my chances i run out hoping the gunner doesn't catch me out the corner of his eye, thankfully he didn't so flanking and killing him wasn't hard, but now his friends knew where i was, open and exposed with no chance of help coming any time soon,

the next 10 minutes ended up being one of the best stands of i've ever been in, shot for shot we just had a go at each other, i got hit but not too bad, nothing i couldn't bandage up. i was almost out of ideas when i remembered a lone frag in my inventory. I hate frags but this seemed the kind of time where it would work and i would win and regardless of it not working i was going to die anyway... so up and over the pickup it went.

Somehow i killed on and i hear bones breaking.. without hesitation i run to them and see one player dead and the other KO'd... easy picking in my book, 20 kills but now on 5K blood, running out of ammo and running out of ideas.

Kill 21 was completely by accident, i took the pickup and arranged to pick up the other Bronies and try get to some sort of safe haven (yeah i was tripping i know) Great idea i thought so pedal to the metal i get the hell outa there. i must have been driving for about 2 minutes when this survivor just runs from behind a building right in front of me. Up and over the windscreen he went and landed with a crunch, Poor sod never stood a chance!

Seconds later i met my maker when a .50cal round penetrated my skull leaving a brain smoothie everywhere!! DAMMIT!

Couldn't complain though, 21 kills... pure chaos and well never actually met up with the others in the end... we all kept getting lost!

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It was me and a long time friend, running from a zombie horde. It seemed like there was no end until we could reach the hospital in Cherno. After miles of running, and miles of desperately holding off the Zombies that wanted our flesh and blood, we reach the hospital. We bust open the gate like there was no gate. Upon going inside, POW POW POW, a gust of smoke sprees out from the corner of the hospital wall, and a familiar voice shouts "Yeah take that you fuckers!"

My friend gets hit, all 3 bullets entered his chest, he went down. I somehow managed to leap to the side of the building and run around it, finding a ladder, I climbed for my life. When I reached the top I crawled to the edges, searching for the man I found to be so familiar. finally after about 5 minutes of waiting, he pokes his head around one of the military tents and starts to crawl to my friends corpse that is being eaten by the zombie horde.

I pull out my AK-47 and fire off one bullet. One bullet that seeks the head of this crazed man. One bullet that avenges my friend. One bullet that kills another bandit.

I climb off the building and go to study the body. His name was Gus McChicken. I remembered him from earlier. Me and my friend had just been running from Bolota air strip because of him. We killed his friend after he loaded a shotgun shell into the wall next to me. Gus came around the corner shouting and enraged, so we booked it. He must have gotten around us...

After finally defeating Gus, and losing a good friend. I started to feel guilty. I thought that maybe he was just avenging his friend, as I was avenging mine. Maybe he was just like me, but he didn't have the knowledge to look up. Maybe he was friendly, but he was just drowned in anger because of what I did to his friend. Maybe I could have avoided the whole thing.

Nope. What happened, happened. I just walked along the mountain side thinking "This is DayZ..."

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Today I found a bus, too bad it was full of people who wanted to kill me.

I was leaving the fire station in Elektro and I ran right in front of the thing, I was a fresh spawn after I won an epic 500m sniper duel only to take an m107 bullet from less than 50m away. I had an enfield and was not too eager to use it. Having very little to lose I ran next to the bus seeing if it's occupants would be kind enough to stop, they did. And they got out, and began tracking me with a double barreled shotgun, and they opened fire. It was at that point that I returned fire with my rifle, zeds be damned. I counted 3 in the bus, and began circle strafing those who got out. I am sure I was taking fire because I began bleeding. I got one and he fell down, I put one into his body just to make sure, I was less than 5m from his buddies, and one of them was attempting to kill me with his revolver. I did not even scope in and resumed firing. I got a second guy and began running, my blood icon was red and flashing, I could not stop because the dinner bell had been rung about 10 times at this point. I though the last one would be scared shitless but I was wrong, he came at me with an AK-74 and I heard the shots ping all around me, his mistake was getting close enough for me to distinguish his form from all the zeds, insulting the lot over direct I put one in his chest point blank, and as I fell down dead I saw his death message flash on the screen. Those zeds got a surprise buffet, that for sure.

Message to the lucky bus bandits in Elektro:

We could have been the best of buddies but you gave me my third epic experiece in one day, three of which by themselves would have made my entire month, I hope we meet again, and this time I could be a great passenger in the bandit bus, that is if some very luck fresh spawn didn't drive it into the ocean.

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Yesterday was epic.

Meet a new friend in a server with 100+ vehicles. After arriving in Electro via boat, we looted and then found a VW Golf sitting on the docks so we quickly fueled up and got out of there and headed north. That thing does like.. 105mph!

After two close calls with a heli, we bombed it as quickly as possible, but then we had to stop. Why? Because we had 3 crash sites within a mile of each other. We hid the car, flanked round the first, when as a I turned around.. crap. I thought I was seeing things, but I told my friend to dive in this bush, and got a quick glimpse at a sniper on the road. The blew up our car and surrounded us. There were only two in sight but I knew there was at least 3-4 of these guys. Stupidly, they had aggroed the zombies from the first crash sight and the one not too far away. So that gave us an opening and we legged it.

We reached the second heli and managed to grab a M249. But as we reached the third.. bang. Both sniped. So we left that one to join a less hostile one with another friend making 3 of us. I had already started a character on this one so I had a lee enfield and a ghille. Two of us headed to Cherno to loot it and then made our way to our friend on a rescue mission. After that, we decided to head north, loot everything we came across, and hopefully reach the NW airfield.

On the way we found another crash sight. Rather than get greedy, we spent 5 minutes checking the area, and another 5 moving into position. My friend crawled his way to the heli while I hid in a bush (Ghille) covering him, and my friend took the high ground. 10 minutes later we were done and continued to the barracks. Raided that, then flanked round the right to the hangers. Found 2 dead bodys, and a I grabbed and a MP5SD and put it in my bag. I sat up top on the control tower picking off aggroing zombies, then we legged it out of there, hid, and called it a night.

Came across a lot of new spawns/new players yesterday too. On my way to Cherno from Balota, I found 3 spawns within 5 minutes of each other all dead, one running away from a horde of zombies who in no way would of survived, and came across another waiting for a friend who was very friendly. Came across another two players in Cherno who didn't try anything as I had an enfield.

The most intense part was in Electro. Came down the hill towards the fire station on the western side, when all hell broke loose. At least 4-5 players in a firefight. I hid for about 10 minutes and headed north slightly towards a barn to grab some stuff, then headed back. I reached the super market were I came across a bandit who luckily enough need blood, so I pretty much blackmailed him for my own life. Found a dead body out back, and 3 dead bodies in the street. After a heart pounding few minutes, I had managed to loot them all. Looted the hospital too, and came under fire from an AK as I headed away, which I survived.

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Got a few stories from last nights adventures.

Part I

So to start off with, I log in, hoping my car is still there, no surprise when it wasn't, so I was stuck at the far north west side of the map, near the Ural spawn. I pop a look around to see if my car somehow moved somewhere in the area, after all it did have a wheel missing.

As I search around, I find a tractor, take a look at the gear, find 4 tank traps and a few jerry cans. It's in perfect condition, almost full tank of fuel, get in and about to set off, I go to my map to set myself a waypoint and I see a green helicopter on the map, jsut down the hill. So I mark it, get out and go to check it out. There it is, a helicopter in perfect condition. I raid it and get myself a camo suit, which I was glad to take, it finished off my outfit as I have a Mk 48 Mod 0 and an AS50.

So as most people would, I jump in and fly about, having fun flying over major loot spots to try grab some attention in the chat, as I am about to fly over the NWAF, I see another guy with a helicopter say in the side chat that he is giving lifts, the server I play is 70% friendly most of the time. He is heading to Elektro area to pick up a few gunners but I see in the side chat, 'I hear you, come give me a lift at the NWAF'. As I still don't like trusting people I don't know, like any smart person would in my situation, I fly over and say that it's the wrong helicopter he can hear.

As I fly towards the NEAF, I hit up typical camp spots to see if there is anything around, at my disadvantage, fog is everywhere. I land on a hill to get a better look around with my AS50 as I don't have bino's. Can't see a thing, start flying towards the air base and bad news appears. I was kicked for being 'afk in lobby for over 5 mins'.

Now, I had this happen to me the day before, while I was in a car and it just put me back to a similiar spot not far from where I was kicked. So I run about, hoping to find my helicopter, unfortunately, I lost it and now i'm 2km from the air base. That's wasn't my biggest problem, what was is that my food was flashing and I had no food or drink. My hydration was on the red and soon to follow the flashing of my food. Though, thankfully I find a pig, cook the meat and head towards the air field and restock on supplies.

Part II

I'm at the NEAF and I need to get out of there and get myself fully geared, as this is my goal. The nearest shop was in Krasnostav, so I thought I would make my way there, having no car to use, I procede with caution, as these areas usually have bandits passing through with it being so close to Berezino.

I don't find much in the shop, so I head back out and attempt to get myself a car on my way. I head to Ostrey in hopes a car has been stashed away there, no luck so I make my way towards Pobeda Dam to find a camp. Still no luck, I was thinking to myself, where to go next?

I was going to head into Gvozdno and take the route from there to the NWAF and check out camps around that spot, but instead I remembered that a Motorbike spawn isn't too far south from Gvozdno and set off detouring around the town so I don't attract attention from anyone and anything. Once again my luck fails me and I decide to head off towards Gorka, going through the forest and keeping myself out of the open.

Finally, my I get lucky, I find a bus, a gaz and a tractor. I check them all, not much weapons, none worth taking with me but I do get myself some M107 mags and a couple 240 rounds. I grab supplies and put them in the gaz and head off to a safer area because I don't like t stick around incase people come back for their stuff.

I hit up Novy, coming in from the NE forest on foot, pull out my AS50 to scout about, I see a UAZ driving around, at first I thought they saw me as he turned to head towards me but they turned away towards the industrial building. He got out and I thought nothing of it, but I did see that he had a DMR in hand so I was certain to shoot on site if I heard any shots coming my way.

About 10 minutes later, he's on the top floor and seems to be scouting around like I am, I hear 2 shots come in my direction but about 100M away from me, I thought he was aiming at me and had a bad shot, so I fire a warning shot, hits just in front of his face. He runs into cover as he heard my shot. I would have done the same in his position, he didn't seem to have eyes on me. About another 5 minutes later, he drives away. I was tempted to shoot out the tire because I wanted the UAZ but I let him go after noticing I had my NATO rounds loaded, I wanted the car, I didn't want to destroy it.

I head back towards my car and a guy said he died near Novy with his friend. The guy, Morgan, is known to be friendly and I have trusted him before. So I said I would help while him and a few of his friends get back their gear. The only problem is that the place had now been broadcast over side chat, and bandits had made their way towards Novy.

I said I would set up in my spot again and give cover from above the town. As I get into position, I notice a bandit, I hit the floor and go into 3rd person to get eyes on. The guy heads towards me, I thought he saw me, I must have been wrong but I silently roll into a tree to try get cover by becoming unseen. Works well and can't see me very well. He runs past and I crouch to get a shot with my machine gun in hand. He turns and I was about to fire when I saw a second guy, I prone again. My adreneline is off the charts now, the gameplay became tense. I keep an eye on the two. They both ran past me many times, so I thought I would be safe to lay there until they go. They headed off into the direction of my car, which I wasn't too bothered about as I would rather lose my car than my gear that I had on me. All what was in the car was a M1014, travelling supplies and repair supplies.

No sign of them for 10 minutes and Morgan and friends come back to get there stuff, they get shot at with DMR and Lee Enfield fire, I couldn't see where it was coming from. My hunch is correct and they are both on the industrial building, I take the Lee Enfield guy out and the DMR guy alt-f4s, at this point, I'm not bothered that he has because I know his location and name if he does come back on. I carry on overwatch as they return, a few guys died again, this time to a horde of zombies and Morgan is covered with about 30 zombies chasing him. I switch weapons and head down, take out about 15 and get the aggro onto me, I run them into the forest to take them out and get them away from him. He heads back but still has a lot of zombies around so can't reach his stuff. With the town being safe of bandits, I head off to grab my car so I can get the zombies to follow me around. Took me a while to find it as I didn't mark it on the map but I make my way down as a guy in an offroad gets to Novy.

Morgan tells me it's his friend and that he won't fire, we try to get aggro as Morgan grabs his stuff. Another bandit, a well known one on the server turns up and fires at everyone, kills all but me and I hit the road and go around back to my forest cover. He takes out the offroads wheel to make sure it goes no where and locks down Novy. He has good cover and I can't get a shot. Morgan abandoned Novy and his stuff and went for the night. His friend comes back to get his offroad and gets shot again.

I hear an ATV and he gets close to me, he gets off and my first reaction was that he was hostile, I pop a few shots with my Mk and he jumps on and drives towards me to try run me over. Instead of wasting ammo, I jump in my car and drive around. He has the advantage of offroad capabilites but soon drives off as DMR fire surrounds us both. Once again I head around to the forest to get eyes on, the offroad now becomes a wheel-less thing and I see in sidechat 'No wheels on the offroad, no one is taking it now', I reply with 'I have enough wheels to repair'. It annoys him and he takes pop shots around the forest in attempt to hit me. I fire at the offroad with my NATO ammo to destroy it, as he was using it as cover, he soon runs off. With no one coming back I head off again to finish my goal of fully gearing up.

Part III

About 2 hours later, I head towards Berezino as the server had less people on, I thought it would be a little safer. I scout around in search of vehicles, see nothing and as I go to hide my car to hit the shops there, I get shot at with a winchester. He totally misses and I jsut drive off as fast as I can before he can shoot out a wheel. On my way down, I decide to call it a night so I head off towards Elektro to get clear of the coast fast. I know this is one of the worst things to do but I thought I wanted to finish the day with a little risk so I can go faster. On my way, about 1km from Elektro, I see a black gaz heading in my direction, I slow down and jump on the left side of the road, which I probably shouldn't because most people are American as i'm English and people tend to drive on the side of the road they usually would in their country. Anyways, enough of my senseless babbling.

I see there are 4 people in the car and i'm cautious of them getting out, I hear a voice over direct asking me to stop, I do just to see what the driver wanted. Ready to drive off if someone jumps out, I switch to direct and ask what was wrong. To my delight, he just wanted to know where the nearest gas station was. This was a rather nice thing to happen after my day. I told him where one was and we head off opposite ways. This moment put a smile on my face so I headed off to Elektro and head through it towards Bambilands. Further along the coast, away from the more, deadly, spawns, I see an offroad with 2 bandits in ahead of me, one gets out and switches to his winchester, I laughed in direct chat as I ran him over.

This was my highlight of the night. So I hid my car and logged off. I wonder what will await me today.

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Okay EPIC here. I was playing on server (Canada Server) 69. Me and my brother joined it and it was pretty fun and epic and stuff but we died so then we decided to quit the server and train. (While we were training he capped me in the knees a couple a times but gave me morphine but i finally shot him with a double barreled shotgun XD and turns out he died instead of breaking his leg's (Oops) So i joined the server again (Canada one) and i was playing for a while intell i convinced this guy to come to me (Jason, i called him Jasey) so i was hurt badly and then he showed up so we sneaked around Cherno (Chernogorsk) and got me and him some blood. There's this bandit team called *=SAS=* and a guy named brosteak (He's apart of *=SAS=*) so he offers some rides and me and my buddy jasey give him a -Meet us at the Dock in Cherno- (When me and my brother joined the other time i almost made it away with his car intell he shot me) So his car (brosteaks) is just standing there at the dock bouncing waiting for us so we quickly run up to the car (Jasey had a pistol, i had one bullet left for my double barreled shotgun) and me being smart knowing that the guy inside the car is a bad guy i run up to the driver seat and shot him through the window of the car with my one bullet of the shotty, he got knocked out and fell out of the car (I don't have any ammo or guns) I scream at jasey telling him to hand me his pistol but he's just like "This cars gonna need some gas" so i search the bandits (brosteaks, the driver of the car) backpack and to my luck i found a auto sniper so i pulled it out of the backpack and i loaded a full clip into him and i said "Burned brosteak, guess you really are a steak afterall XD" and he's like "Bitch, i hate you" (Too much rage in my opinon) so then me and jasey searched brosteak over and i got a jerry can and filled up the car. Me and jasey road the car and almost went out of cherno when brosteak spawned with a vehicle and guns and stuff and kill us :_( then we knew that they are hackers or a group of damned cheating admins.

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Another story for you this time about how I pissed of a script kiddie!!

It started last night I had loaded into Chernarus during a server restart and when I finally got into the server I had re-spawned on the docks of Electro with all my gear, which at the time was some of the best i've ever had and my character was 25 days old longest I have survived to date. My gear consisted of M4A3 CCO, M14 Aim, G17, Backpack coyote and the basic food and med supplies along with a few smoke and M67 grenades.

So as I was now in Electro again I decided I would check around the hospital and supermarket just to stock up, along the way I ended up running into the church to avoid a few zeds I managed to pull, after about 2 minutes inside I heard a gunshot Winchester I think anyway a death message pops up so I realise theirs a bandit killing newbies and I decided to kill him to give the bambi a fighting chance, as I stood up to go outside an unarmed survivor runs inside with half of Electro on his tail including the bandit so I whipped out my grenade and tossed it killed half the zeds and I shot the rest I was looking for the bandit now with no luck so I ran outside to find the bandit unconscious so I put my trust in the bambi and gave him my G17 and let him do the dirty work, this was more satisfying than a kill XD, but it was also strike one to me for this hacker his name was simon.

I had teamed up with the bambi now and got him some gear AKM included and we set of up to Stary Sober, along the way we noticed a helicopter so we hid inside the forest under a bush, now their was know way this guy could see us no zeds spawns about we were hid before he was even visible to us yet he lands in the field right next to us and gets on the gunner and starts spraying us, at this point the bambi was about to log of before this happened so I told him to abort not to risk his best character (according to the bambi) to this blatant hacker.

So there I am all alone with shit loads of bullets whizzing past my head I pull out my M14 aim 2 smokes and a grenade sat firmly behind cover keeping an eye on him to make sure he dose not teleport to me or leave the chopper, I am waiting for the reload and I hear it I pop out and whiz a smoke grenade not knowing if this will help ofc he could have ESP/wallhack on anyway it seemed to confuse him a little I chanced it and ran towards a pine tree where I would have good cover and he kept shooting at my old spot, so I chucked my remaining smoke to give me more cover and chucked my grenade through the smoke towards the chopper at this point he had stopped shooting again I believed he was reloading, my grenade blew up and then there was a huge explosion and his chopper was gone but he was not turns out he had left the chopper looking for me so I went back into the forest to find him searching and I pop 2 bullets from my M14 aim into his skull and guess what it was simon again ofc you already knew this I guess.

So now I had acquired some NV goggles of his body nothing else worth taking so I hid his body and went on my way, eventually I arrived at Stary Sober I began looting the tents and all of a sudden the whole server about 20 of us were at the fuel station outside of electro and ofc without hesitation I opened fire killed 3 people before getting to cover and eventually killing another 2 including my buddy simon, who again was geared to the teeth once more he had also left me a present a Uaz with lots of spare parts for choppers and cars I promptly hopped in the car and drove back up to Stary sober where I continued to loot, I had empty all the trash from the car to make room and i found 2 AKM's AKS cobra and a few tools GPS an stuff and once I was done with Stary sober I went up to NW airfield where I found an M24, M16 ACOG, M4A1, PDW, MP5 silenced and a Remington so this car was stocked to the brim.

I then decided I would hide the car in the forest north north east of devils castle but I decided to check out the castle before hand and I found nothing but as I was coming out I saw a white pick up parked next to my UAZ, by now it had been a couple of hours since my last encounter with simon so I checked the player list and he was still here so I noticed the guy get into my car and come out with my M24 so I shot this guy in the leg knocked him out and then went close studied the body and yes it was my dear friend Simon. I then tebagged him until he started to move again as you know it takes a little while to get up once the unconscious timer runs

out as soon as he started to move I put him down he was out for about 20 seconds. He had some Range finders an NV goggles on him this time along with a few other things so now I had everything I needed.

I hid my car where I planned to then ran back to the pick up in devils castle I proceeded back to my new camp, this pick up was full of parts and lots of medical supplies too, when I got to where I had left me tents and UAZ there was nothing there except my fire I left lit as a marker. I was a little pissed now at first I thought the admin is on and the car was hacked in so it got deleted, but then I thought well this pick up just appeared at devils castle along with simon so why hasn't this been deleted anyway I was looking around and saw nothing and as I drove of Simon spawned in front of my with a bazooka and well this time I didn't kill him so everything I had stocked up with had gone and to make matters worse I spawned at Kamenka.

At first this guy didn't annoy me much other than spawning himself gear the encounters with him were fair fights more or less he didn't have godmode or wallhacks so other than having top gear and vehicles straight away it was a normal bandit encounter but I could tell he was getting pissed off when he started teleporting us and to me and I think he had just decided to steal my car at devils castle to piss me off but he failed and I pushed him over the edge and he then used his brain if he has one and attacked me when I was most vunerable in a car XD.

So there you have it a day in the life of a public server, script kiddies gotta hate em.

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"Hey, man, I need your help! I've only got half a clip left in my revolver and there are zombies on my tail!"

"Easy, bro, I won't hurt you. I only have a single bullet left in my Lee Enfield. We can help each other"

Captain Enfield turns his back to loot a pile of debris. Dreadsauce puts his rapeface on, drawing his revolver.

Two revolver magazines and five Enfield shots later, both men lie dead and feasted upon by zombies.

The moral of this story:

Lying is bad.

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So last night I just spawned was at Balota airfield messing about when i get messageson side chat calling out for help describing my location I replied and went to help him. Trouble was I didn't have any medical supplies lol he asked for a drink I gave it to him then he tells me his leg is broken I went into the medical tents near him only to not find anything of use but i found two M67 grenades, my dark humor got the best of me so i go back to the wounded player and tell him i put something in his pack im going to go now sorry I couldn't be of more help. A good five minutes past and I hear a boom in the distance along with that players name, I just help a person with euthanasia :blink: . I wonder what the person thought when I gave him the grenade lol. O Dayz the things you cause us to do!

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This is going to be a series of posts I make from my experience of playing on the island Namalsk in a more poetic format and from a story-telling perspective. I intend to record my playing sessions in short posts as this one here and on a Tumblr called NestinginNamalsk.

Mud. Or sand, I couldn’t tell. It was raining and the sea was barely touching my heels. I was already standing but I had no recollection of how I got up or how I got here to begin with. Even though I had a form of amnesia one would, perhaps, expect after a long night of drinking, I could not even find the tiniest memento of my past. It didn’t matter a lot at that point as it was not the perfect time to look back, anyway. As I took in the environment rising ahead of me, I noticed bleak trees and dirt going up about fifty meters. High points make good vantage points, I thought, so I began my ascent. As my mind cleared and the fog thickened, I noticed the tank-barricades on my left aligning themselves with the slope of the hill. They were about the only man-made objects I could see in the vicinity. Nothing but emptiness and the only thing to remind me of humanity, is war…Ironic.

War. Is this why the place feels so desolate? I observed the objects with some more attention but I could not make out whether they were relics of an ancient past or still serving some grim function. I followed them upwards. The rain was still hitting me with full force. The ground began to lose some of its firmness under my feet. I became more careful with my steps as I reached the top of the hill. Not only out of fear of slipping but even more so out of fear of what I would find at the top. I still had no clue what I could expect in the next few minutes, hours, and days. I reached a couple of trees at the top of the hill which proved a nice break from the relentless rain. The break also made me confront a thought that had been creeping up during my ascend. As I once more carefully observed the ghastly vista in front of me I could no longer refrain from asking myself:

Am I dead?

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(This is a drama version of my first time playing namalsk. Starting on the coast, and ending with the explosion of 2 helicopters.)

A cold wind tears trough my shirt, and im shaking. My hands are numb from the cold, and my nose is dripping. A bare, desolate hill, with barely a tree or animal standing upon it. Its foggy, and tiny drops of rain cling to my face and clothes. The wind blows again, and i swear i can hear a little girl laughing. I tell myself that my fantasy is getting the better of me, but the screams and laughter i find difficult to shake. I look down at my hands, grasping the bloodstained hatchet. The weapon had been imbedded in a zombies skull, and with much strength i had been able to release it. It was the only weapon left from the trip. I remember getting on the boat near Kamenka, with Andrew, and we had set of from the zombie infested country. After a couple of days at see, while looking trough the boats inventory, we found a map and coordinates for a closed Russian island, called Namalsk. We set our course for it, but ran into a powerfull storm, slowly tearing the boat apart. I remember the boat capsizing, and how cold the water was, and then waking up on the coast with a hatchet in my hand, and a map in my pocket. I am going to find out if i am on this island of namalsk, but i see someone walking, and they seem fairly unstable. I crouch towards the Russian soldier stampering forward, the gravel crounching under my every step. After some slow sneaking i get cloose enough to see his pale skin, and blood stained teeth. Here we go again.

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So we Have our base. But before we made our base there was a few bandits that were trying to kill us. we wanted revenge. So me and my 3 buddy's head up to the nwaf in a convoy. We have 2 people in a UAE and 2 people in a v35 ( I'm im in v35) so we start patrolling nwaf when 3 shots ring out. Ping ping ping. All hit the v 35. We thought it was a dmr the driver of the UAz has a as50. And makes quick work of that sniper. So we decide to head to stary sobor. This is we're the blood will be spilt. We move up the sniper hills to see if anyone's there. We see a flash of light and I jump out of the car. I hear pings from small arms fire. But I know my sniper buddy got us covered and he's a he'll of a sniper. I pull out my m4a1 Cco sd.

I see to jack asses moving up the roads with akms. They looked like the fuckin Taliban. Me and my buddy in the car with me get to cover. While we're focused on those 2 3 come up behind. Before they shoot one of them drops. That was enough noise for me to turn around and kill both of them. We still see the other 2 but there joined by 2 more. Our sniper can't see them. We were on our own. So shots go back and forth and we get hit a time or so but were fine. Eventully I run around the church to try to flank. One pokes his head out and he gets shot. Amen to our sniper. I go around and see 1 bandit firing at my friend with a m240. I hear the resounding click. Fuck I'm out of ammo. So I pull out my trusty revolver. Kill 2 zeds chasing me and kill the bandit there's still 2 bandits left. I see one go around the corner with a ak. It's to late. He fires 1 round into me and I go out. I'm sitting there on the ground, and realize that I'm not bleeding. So I wake up and hear no more gunshots. One of the bandits says on the side channel that my buddy is dead. I go in angered up and have a small firefight with those fuckers. One dies but I run out of ammo. I know hes gonna kill me to avenge his friend. He starts saying stuff on the mic and I run into a house. He is walking slowly towards me knowing I have no weopons left. Then suddenly he turned still. He falls over and I see my buddy with a axe. So we win. Fuck yeah. Bandits lost a handful of people. We just lost ammo in there body's. The end

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So we Have our base. But before we made our base there was a few bandits that were trying to kill us. we wanted revenge. So me and my 3 buddy's head up to the nwaf in a convoy. We have 2 people in a UAE and 2 people in a v35 ( I'm im in v35) so we start patrolling nwaf when 3 shots ring out. Ping ping ping. All hit the v 35. We thought it was a dmr the driver of the UAz has a as50. And makes quick work of that sniper. So we decide to head to stary sobor. This is we're the blood will be spilt. We move up the sniper hills to see if anyone's there. We see a flash of light and I jump out of the car. I hear pings from small arms fire. But I know my sniper buddy got us covered and he's a he'll of a sniper. I pull out my m4a1 Cco sd.

I see to jack asses moving up the roads with akms. They looked like the fuckin Taliban. Me and my buddy in the car with me get to cover. While we're focused on those 2 3 come up behind. Before they shoot one of them drops. That was enough noise for me to turn around and kill both of them. We still see the other 2 but there joined by 2 more. Our sniper can't see them. We were on our own. So shots go back and forth and we get hit a time or so but were fine. Eventully I run around the church to try to flank. One pokes his head out and he gets shot. Amen to our sniper. I go around and see 1 bandit firing at my friend with a m240. I hear the resounding click. Fuck I'm out of ammo. So I pull out my trusty revolver. Kill 2 zeds chasing me and kill the bandit there's still 2 bandits left. I see one go around the corner with a ak. It's to late. He fires 1 round into me and I go out. I'm sitting there on the ground, and realize that I'm not bleeding. So I wake up and hear no more gunshots. One of the bandits says on the side channel that my buddy is dead. I go in angered up and have a small firefight with those fuckers. One dies but I run out of ammo. I know hes gonna kill me to avenge his friend. He starts saying stuff on the mic and I run into a house. He is walking slowly towards me knowing I have no weopons left. Then suddenly he turned still. He falls over and I see my buddy with a axe. So we win. Fuck yeah. Bandits lost a handful of people. We just lost ammo in there body's. The end

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So we Have our base. But before we made our base there was a few bandits that were trying to kill us. we wanted revenge. So me and my 3 buddy's head up to the nwaf in a convoy. We have 2 people in a UAE and 2 people in a v35 ( I'm im in v35) so we start patrolling nwaf when 3 shots ring out. Ping ping ping. All hit the v 35. We thought it was a dmr the driver of the UAz has a as50. And makes quick work of that sniper. So we decide to head to stary sobor. This is we're the blood will be spilt. We move up the sniper hills to see if anyone's there. We see a flash of light and I jump out of the car. I hear pings from small arms fire. But I know my sniper buddy got us covered and he's a he'll of a sniper. I pull out my m4a1 Cco sd.

I see to jack asses moving up the roads with akms. They looked like the fuckin Taliban. Me and my buddy in the car with me get to cover. While we're focused on those 2 3 come up behind. Before they shoot one of them drops. That was enough noise for me to turn around and kill both of them. We still see the other 2 but there joined by 2 more. Our sniper can't see them. We were on our own. So shots go back and forth and we get hit a time or so but were fine. Eventully I run around the church to try to flank. One pokes his head out and he gets shot. Amen to our sniper. I go around and see 1 bandit firing at my friend with a m240. I hear the resounding click. Fuck I'm out of ammo. So I pull out my trusty revolver. Kill 2 zeds chasing me and kill the bandit there's still 2 bandits left. I see one go around the corner with a ak. It's to late. He fires 1 round into me and I go out. I'm sitting there on the ground, and realize that I'm not bleeding. So I wake up and hear no more gunshots. One of the bandits says on the side channel that my buddy is dead. I go in angered up and have a small firefight with those fuckers. One dies but I run out of ammo. I know hes gonna kill me to avenge his friend. He starts saying stuff on the mic and I run into a house. He is walking slowly towards me knowing I have no weopons left. Then suddenly he turned still. He falls over and I see my buddy with a axe. So we win. Fuck yeah. Bandits lost a handful of people. We just lost ammo in there body's. The end

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I did not have fraps on at the time, so all I can share is words.

Another DayZ story by Raptor Jesus:

The Hunger Games.

It was a lovely day really, the 20 people on the server seemed to be nice, most of them took to the forests which kept zombie spawns down, and most of them were really nice people, I know this because I've played with most of them. My friend and I were heading to Cherno, we were on a private hive at this point so we didn't have all of our guns and such, anyway, we were scanning the outskirts when we noticed a single man standing in the middle of Cherno, it was odd to say that no zombies had spawned around him. We ignored him, and then flanked around to the back of the city, so we could quickly search the military tents. There was nothing in the city, even the hospital was cleaned out, the streets were quiet and not a single zombie was in sight, my friend and I simply shrugged it off whilst thinking that it was a despawn of sorts, which meant another player was int he city with us. We decided to hunt for him, because unfortunately we were nearly out of food, water, and ammo. After 5 minutes, we spotted him, a lone survivor sitting in the middle of the road, he had no gear besides what looked to be an Alice pack, he was an easy target. We approached him from behind, and aimed our guns at him, I said "alright mate, I want you to stand up, kneel down and drop all your food", he responded with this; "sure thing bud, but first you have to catch me".

So then he rose up, and began to run. We chased him around the city before he darted into a small warehouse, it only had one enterence (the others had been barricaded) so he was trapped, we were close to our food. We both injected ourselves into the building, scanning left and rights in search for him, he was no where to be seen. Somehow, he had escaped. But we were persistent, we went deeper into the building. We were puzzled, he was gone, and then all of a sudden it began to rain outside, the sun vanished as darkness took over, at this point we were certain that this server was bugged or something, but that was not the case. From behind us, the large metal doors leading into the building swung open, we both span around with our weapons drawn, aiming at the door way. My friend took a step forward, and then his legs instantly broke, he had stepped on a bear trap. He freaked out, and so did I, we threw out a single flare to light up the building to see what the fuck was going on. To our surprise, the entire floor had a nice coat of bear trap. What I mean, is that the entire floor, was covered in armed bear traps, we had been locked in here like animals with no escape. My friend crawled back to me as I watched the door, he administered our last stick of morphine that he grabbed out of my backpack, we argued with each other whilst working out how we would escape. Then the lightning struck, a massive boom is heard followed by a voice - "you have 2 options. Option 1, is you agree to come with me and 'participate' in a game show. Option 2, is death".

"Fuck off" said my friend in an aggressive tone, I quickly shut him up and then responded with "explain option 1 again!?". The voice returned, this time in a calm tone saying "well, you agree to participate in my tv game show, 20 contestants will be placed in an area somewhere in the middle of the forest, weapons will be scattered across the area along with food and water. You have no friends in that arena, you must kill or be killed, the last man standing receives what ever he likes, weapons, vehicles, anything he will ever need". We both sighed, then agreed. He teleported us into the middle of a forest, all 20 of us stood in a circle, the area was lite up by flares and helicopter spotlights. I knew almost everyone here, I've played with each of them, they are all my family. Everyone was yelling at each other at this point, we always talked over direct chat to increase immersion, anyway, some people wanted to abort, but they couldn't for some reason, some people were saying how they wont shoot anyone if they don't shoot them, I just stood there assessing the situation, taking note on who to look out for. The strange voice returned, he shouted "WELCOME, to the second ever Hunger Games. Most of you are here because you were in the wrong place, or the wrong server simply at the wrong time, some of you are here because I believe that you could survive this, Raptor Jesus will be our special guest, I suggest you all take him out first". That was when things had gotten creepy, this guy knew me, he had been stalking me for awhile now just waiting for me to enter a server with enough people. "The rules are simple, you kill or be killed, you can chose to team up with someone if you can trust them, but in the end if it is just you two remaining, you will be forced to kill each other. The games will begin in 5 minutes, if you step off the area you spawned in, you will be killed. There are weapons in the center of the circle", he had his buddies now throw flares into the circle, revealing a gold mine of weapons, M16's, DMR's, even a lone AS50, but the thing I spotted first was the Crossbow... There was more yelling, people began to freak out, one guy even screamed "fuck this!" and then started running, his actions caused 3 others to do the same. They got about 5 feet before the helicopters opened fire, killing every single person who decided to run. We were all quiet then, just waiting for the games to begin.

I turned and looked at my mate, who was already staring at me, he was on the other side of the circle, I didn't know his name as we had met up in this server. We started playing together around 5 hours before hand, and had survived quite a bit, we formed the "hunting buddies" bond. I could tell he was scared, he was looking all over the place, searching for a way out, I had hoped that he would just run backwards into the forest the second the games started, that way I would have known that he would be safe. Everyone here was good at base ArmA 2, which made every single one of them very dangerous with guns, I would have to get in and out with a weapon as quickly as possible, which was exactly what I was about to do.

"3.." "2..." "1...", a massive boom is heard and everyone darts to the center of the circle. My eyes were locked onto that Crossbow, it only had one bolt in it which was a problem, but it would make do. Myself along with 3 other players were the first to reach the center, I picked up the crossbow, a Czech backpack, and then ran out. There were no gunshots at first, some of the guns had no ammo in them I guess. I had reached the treeline just as the first shot had been fired, then another, then another, then bullets were flying everywhere, the sound of screaming and cursing filled the air, I looked back to see my friend, the only one with camo clothing getting shot by a Winchester. I went prone at the treeline, rolled behind a tree for cover and watched my friend attempt to crawl away. He was nearly at the treeline, everyone had ignored him besides one asshole with a hatchet. I jumped to my feet, and ran deeper into the forest, watching behind me as my friend was butchered to death. The sound of a grenade going off was heard, it was louder though, similar to a thunder strike, what ever it was it was cleverly scripted to go off when a player died.

I had gotten away from everyone else, I couldn't hear gunshots anymore, well besides every now and then followed by the "player had died" text that appeared on the bottom left corner of my screen. I took a seat, and checked what was in my backpack. All that was there, was a hunting knife, matches, no hatchet and an empty canteen and 4 bear traps. I was already hungry, and thirsty, but luckily that was a river next to me. That river, was the only one around, it was the only way to get water, so that was where I set up my trap. I didn't want to kill others, but I had to, there was a single piece of cover near that lake - a broken stone wall, so I set up a bear trap there, I had set another ontop of a dead body resting next to the lake, the third and fourth one I set up next to a pre-made tent. Then I waited, prone, starving, my crossbow ready, half an hour had passed before someone darted out of the forest, heading towards the lake. I followed him with my crossbow, ready to place a bolt in his skull. He ran to the dead body, and imidently triggered the bear trap, he fell to the ground and attempted to crawl away. YOu might be asking, why did I not kill him then? Because he was the next part of my trap. He crawled, and crawled, before I saw 2 people emerge from the woods, heading strait for him. They had guns, one had a DMR and the other had an M16, those guns would soon me mine. They walked up to the injured man, and then they shot him dead. The one with the DMR knelled down the take the dead mans stuff, so that was my opportunity. I aimed, and fired, the crossbow bolt luckily smashed into the side of the mans head, he dropped the the ground as his friend darted for cover - the only piece of cover was the stone wall. He did was I had predicted, he ran to the wall and stepped on a bear trap, the sound of bones snapping exploaded into the air. I quickly ran to the dead guy with the DMR, took his gun and then darted back into the forest, waiting for the M16 guy to stick his head out. I waited there for 15 minutes before he yelled "who ever you are don't fucking shoot man, I'm friendly", he wasn't that friendly when he shot that injured survivor, but I recognized that voice, it was Ted, one of my old friends. I talked to him, and he talked back, then we chose to team up, he didn't care much about the guy I had killed anyway.

Over the next 2 hours, Ted and I had hunted down and killed 7 other players, everyone had killed eachother leaving Ted, myself and my close friend Fireburd. It took only 15 minutes for Ted and I to track down Fireburd, he was just sitting down in the middle of the starting circle, he had no guns or anything. It wasn't a trap, Fireburd was good with a gun but shit at planning stuff, so we approached him. He simply said "just fucking kill me, I've killed so many good friends tonight, I don't even want the fucking prizes anymore". Ted and I, sat down next to him, and just talked with him for awhile. Fireburd then demanded we finish him off, so we did so. It was a sad moment when we heard that 'boom' sound, it was just Ted and myself remaining. We turned to eachother and lowered our guns. The voice had returned, saying "well boys, it has been a long day and you two are the last remaining survivors! Only problem, is there can only be one hahaha!" he laughed at us, and then demanded we shoot eachother. Ted stated that he wanted to live, his 40 day old character wasn't ready to die, Ted was no longer my friend, he was just another target. We both raised our guns at the same time, we didn't fire at first though, we just stared, waiting for someone to pull the trigger first. It was intense, we had been good mates for a long time, never before had I killed someone like this, but as always, man kind will do what ever it takes to survive, Ted shot first. I knew he was about to fire, so I pressed my "E" key and lent to the side, his bullets wizzed past my head. He was out of ammo, I was not.

"CONGRATULATIONS, Raptor Jesus, you have survived the Hunger Games! I wasn't expecting you do kill your friends like that, but you are a true survivor, name your prize!". I just looked up to where the voice was coming from, and said "go fuck yourself". I then disconnected, closed ArmA 2, and began to write this.

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