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I just shot two guys on ES1 with my M4 on the coast from a pretty safe distance (inside a tree with ghillie suit). There is no way you guys could have seen me. I really admire that you didn't disconnect since you had plenty of time to ALT+F4 (it took me 30 rounds to take you both down).

You had some solid gear. I only took the toolbox and beanz. I'm really sorry!

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Dead again, oh well. Start runny towards Electro and hear some one speaking in direct communication. He was saying stop running, balls he is going to kill me like others would. But no he says to climb on to the back of my motorbike, yayayayayay a nice guy what a LAD! He then takes me to Electro where there is a crashed helicopter and then takes me to a bus! OMG I love this guy. Near the bus is a SUV OMG Yesssssssss!! Thinking this guy is absolute boss and I LOVE HIM!! So I am sorta set I have a car, I went to pick up a friend and we found a dead guy with a CZ550. YAYAYAYAY, now very happy so we drove back to Electro. Got the bus - now have 2 cars :) . Whilst driving away we where getting snipped but lucky they couldn't shoot. On the way out of Electro we found yet another bus but no one to drive :( . We kept on driving and suddenly started to get shot at, I was bleeding and the SUV was taken out :( . We started to drive off and then the bite in the bolock came. Hackers teleported my friend to the NW airfield and I was frozen to the spot. I HATE HACKERS! That dude that picked me up on the motorbike thank you so so much for a great evening!!

Edited by Skinnyzz101

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So I was just around Vysota when I noticed a few Zeds walking around a high value barn. Checked it out but seemingly the person looting it was gone. Looking around the landside I heard gunshots, AS-50. I made my way to the treeline and started checking the area when I saw Zeds on the other side of the valley running into a forest. It was about 500m away so I made my way planning to surprise the Sniper in his back.

Two or three minutes later I was at a hill with some kind of power distribution building on top when suddenly Zeds started running for me out of the trees. Being angry I had blown my cover I bolted away when I saw something on my right standing on top of the hill. First I thought it was the top of a tree but then I quickly realized it was a player in a Ghuillie Suit.

I took aim with my own AS-50 and though it was shaky as hell the first shot seemingly served the guy for good. I got rid of the Zeds and started looting the guy. AS-50, FN-FAL, M9SD, GPS, NVG the whole shabang, but most outstandingly --> he had a friggin RADIO!

Can only be hacked I thought but I grabbed it eitherway. Cant use it and the only thing it does is vocalise the chat messages like "1-F50-S : Open Fire!" or smth like that.

So I went to hide in a bush near the corpse of the guy. I told my friend who got killed half an hour ago and who was making his way to Cherno to come to my position to loot the guy I just killed. Waiting for him I checked the roofs of the high industrial buildings in Cherno but it was all quiet so I went checking the dead body and just as I was moving there I see a second guy at the corpse with a ghuillie suit and an AS-50. The poor guy didn´t have a clue I was behind him, so I grabbed my M4 sd camo and put semi mode on. Pft. Pft. Pft. Pft. Pft. And he was dead.

I kept waiting for my buddy and in the meantime the guy I killed first came back without any gear in hope to recover his old. Too bad I put an AS-50 bullet in his arse when he was prowning towards his corpse :)

End of story me and my buddy are fully geared now, and I even got a radio, although it´s quite useless I think.

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when i got my last jurry can filled back up after refueling the car, the server crashed.... and after i rejoined the server, the car was gone, the server basically ate it

Nope, you just didn´t do "Save [Car]". After the server restart the clan will have been happy to see it come back :P

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Tonight this game showed me how bitter-sweet it can be.

I spawned miles from anywhere so headed along the coast like a proper cutie. I got caught by some Zs a few times, which left me with 9000 blood. Over the next few hours I built up my gear before hitting a hospital for morphine etc. Found a Lee Enfield with 3 clips and a Makarov with 8 (!), Alice pack etc.

So far so good.

I was checking some apartments when I aggro'd a Z. Stupidly, I shot him with the Lee Enfield.

Talk about ringing the dinner bell.

Before I know it I've got Zs coming up the stairs en masse and of course I had to kill them, each shot bringing more Zs to the party. One knocked me out and I lost more blood. I came to just in time to kill the Z, which started the whole process again....Zs coming from far and wide to see what was making such a pretty sound :P

I killed 30+ in that one apartment alone. As I tiptoed out, a Z attacked me through the wall and knocked me unconscious. As the timer slowly ran down, I could see the Z feasting on me. 5000 blood, down to 4000....3000....I came to again and killed the Z then decided to make a run for it, stopping in the nearby apartments to check for food.

I ran to the nearby store...one can of food and not much else. Nearby barns and houses the same. Went into a cafe and found a tin of beans (YES!) and a bandage. Next up was the firehouse, where I found an AKM with 3 mags and a PDW with 2 mags. Things are looking up! I then headed straight for the nearest wood and was fortunate enough to bag a wild boar and a goat within minutes of each other. One BBQ later and at last my screen had colour back...not quite 12000 but close enough.

I spotted a barn a little way off and aggro'd the surrounding zombies so that I could easily slay them once inside. I ran full-tilt into the barn and as I neared the far door I heard a gunshot....I was hit in the back. As I turned around I saw a survivor on the upper floor. I must have been badly injured as I don't think I landed one shot before he fired two more times and killed me.

The air turned blue.

I lost:

Alice pack












4 frag grenades and the usual bandages, soda etc.

I spawned again in the middle of &£%#ing nowhere, and then did something I've never done before. I tried to die and respawn. What seemed to happen was that I was immediately out cold, with THE SLOWEST TIMER YOU EVER SAW creeping down ever-so-slowly. When I finally came to I seemed to be in exactly the same spot as I had just spawned to. I wonder if this is one of the undocumented changes Rocket mentioned for

Anyway, to cut a VERY long story short I was being chased by Zs and ran into a long barn, and I could hear flies at the other end. Hoping to find a dead survivor (oxymoron? lol) with at least a pistol I found a dead guy wearing a ghillie suit.

I gained:

Coyote backpack? 24-slot one, think it's the best?

M107 with 6 clips











Cooked meat


but the miserable dead **** didn't have any Mountain Dew.

I drank one of his Cokes to celebrate. It never tasted so sweet :D

So, to finish I have a message to the guy who killed me in the barn.


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Today I decided to head to starry on a server in my country, being 7 AM it was completely empty, I get to starry loot the military tents finding nothing but a AK and a few mags, not picking it up as I have a DMR and M4 CCO and a G17 I continue on to the store where I filled up my coke supplys, just leaving starry, I see a player I could have shot him but I really didn't think he'd be a problem so I head to NWAF for the first time ever, when I finally get there I see two guys sitting in the bushes one lights a fire, as one is ontop of the hill cooking meat I snipe him two shots and he's dead, his buddy not being in my scope makes a break for it, he runs into the forest, I lose him then maybe 5 minutes of waiting he comes out of the forest running across the field next to where his buddy died and where i'm sitting, I go for my M4 and open up on him, he proceeds to spray in full auto with what I think to be a AK, I let him go but his buddy gets looted by me :) GPS, Hatchet, Matchs, plus some food and drink, I am pretty happy as now I can live off of the country.

I head to starry just outside the lake I log off, AND GUESS WHO WAS HAPPY TODAY?

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After spawning, I went straight to cherno, getting lucky and finding a body with an AK 74 with 5 mags. I continued on, feeling invincible, when I got jumped by a horde of freshly-spawned zed. I ran for my life, but it was futile, as the horde had already encircled me. Turning my rifle on to full auto, I shot a couple down, and ran, reloading on the run. I had drawn even more zombies to my attention by the gunfire, and started seeing my life flash before my digital eyes. AGAIN, I get lucky, and manage to run into a warehouse and kill most zed, and bandage my wounds. I logged of with 5k blood and 3 AK mags.

After jumping back in, I was much more conscious of my surroundings, and decided to hit up a fire station for ammo. Walking in, I saw a foreboding sight... a tank barricade blocking the back door! Continuing on, albeit cautiously I started to slowly advance toward the stairs. At that moment, a single zombie walked through the door, and was subject to a quick dispatch.


Walking up to the body to check for food or water, I heard the worst sound one could hear...


Spinning around in panic, I noticed a player pointing a revolver at me. As soon as it registered, I opened fire, missing most shots. He ran outside and I, thinking he ran off, reloaded my gun and did a quick check I wasn't bleeding. The player promptly ran back out with an M16 and returned fire, though inaccurate. I aimed, and let loose, finally knocking him down. I walked up to his unconscious, bleeding body, pulled out my M1911, and and fired a single bullet into his head.

My hand, shaking like crazy, signaled that I needed a break. Scariest experience yet.

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Today I managed to get a spawning bug where it says I have died and I spawn into the debug plains but after a reconnect you respawn back near the coast with all your shit. I was pissed because this was the second time in two days this had happened and it takes me about 2 hours to get back to my camp. So I reconnected and started from the docks in electro in the dead of night. Instead of just hauling ass to my camp as I usually do, I decided to hit electro since there was only one other person on the server and there were no zombies spawned so I knew he wasn't near any towns. First thing I see when I get near the firehouse is barbed fucking wire, everywhere. There were 5 sets of it outside to keep people out and 2 sets inside to keep people from going up the stairs. Luckily I had recently found a toolbox and I went to town dismantling every stupid troll trap in the entire town. Count of things was 7 barbed wire, 6 tank traps and 3 sandbags. I also found several tents in the town who I believed to be used by the server hoppers, who obviously set up all these things as they were behind the wire, and happily destroyed them with a few grenades.

Take that dumbass trolls now everyone in LA10 has access to the fire stations, grocery stores and churches.

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This is a pretty cool and weird experience that happened to me yesterday. I was in the treeline in Vysota watching over my friends going to loot the military tents in Cherno. I get sniped while I was wearing a camo suit and died instantly. Lucky enough for me I spawned at Prigorodky. I got shot at multiple times while I was unarmed and running to where I died last but I finally made it without being hit. Found my dead body and got all my gear back! I had a DMR, M4A1 CCO SD, NVG, GPS, a backup camo suit, coyote backpack, emplacement tool, toolbox, matches etc... Take that person who killed me!!!

Edited by Lynaugh

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Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had turned down the assignment and never come to Chernarus. Bloody Chernarus. Why did our company's geologists find oil off the coast of that damn republic? I don't mind Russians, or former Russians, but damn, this was no place for a woman to sign on when the world was about to end.

Not that I knew some plague would throw us into a chaotic world possessed by seemingly dead shells of people intent on cannibalizing the living. Before that, it was just a three-month job that had a bonus bigger than a year's salary, in a place with good hiking, good cafes and a lot of fun watching McGee, the lead engineer, try and out-drink the locals.

To be fair, the company tried to get us out. After being locked in the camp for two days, watching news reports of riots all over the globe, seeing a journalist torn apart as a cameraman dropped his gear and fled, I had trouble sleeping. I still do. Yet I finally had a call come through the satellite phone, and the boss back in Cow Town said the chopper was on the way, and we were to get on it.

It was a chance to go home. Whatever happened, if we were to die, at least we could try and get across the Pacific. I'd rather die in my own bed, or near my own family, I told myself. There was no question about getting on. The local workers were staying at the camp, barricading themselves in, and we left them most of our supplies. We didn't care, we were going home.

There were other helicopters out there, and I saw two jets flying low near the coast as we cut west. "Balota," the pilot shouted to us as he moved us a bit closer to the ground. "Plane there, get you home." After that he was shouting into his headset, angry or scared, I couldn't tell which. We had flown in through the main airfield up north, so the little I knew about Balota didn't make things better. It was small on the map, so what would be waiting for us? But as we headed past the place we called Electro, we could see the smoke billowing up. Riots? Worse? Another city fallen to the madness of this mysterious plague, but we didn't care. We were quiet, holding on as the pilot made his bird jolt around columns of hazy black that threatened to block our path.

I remember that the pilot began swearing a lot. I had learned a bit of Russian in the month before I left home, and the month I was here, and I knew this was bad. That's when he put that chopper through moves that would make a cosmonaut nervous. Pitching down, swinging back, shouts of "Hold on, friends" in his heavy accent as he almost turned us upside down. I remember the glimpse of something else in the air. Jet? Maybe. After that there was a rattling and an explosion from behind. The door was ripped open. Gomsi's harness was shredded and flapping in the exposed air. There was no sign of Gomsi anywhere. I knew I was screaming, swearing and wondering what I could do, but the cacophony of air and fire and whirling blades stole what hearing I had left. We were spinning, smoke was filling the cabin, and the world beyond was a blur that began to fade as dizziness punched through my skull and into the pit of my stomach.

I remember the thud, the crunching, that impact on the ocean's surface. It broke the blackness in my brain, but only made my panic worse. Water rushed in, and the cold chill stung at me, almost crippled me. Fingers fumbled as I undid my harness, and I reached for McGee's straps as the water pushed over our heads. It was getting darker. I wanted to breathe but I didn't even know where the surface was. My chest wanted to rupture as I fought to keep my lungs full. I couldn't feel my fingers anymore. I felt the rush of air bubbles against my face, saw that slight glimpse of McGee's face as he found consciousness and screamed at our fate, another image that I still see most nights when I close my eyes. Never before had I seen fear like that in anyone's eyes, but sadly, it wouldn't be the last time, as I know now.

I let go as my vision found only a black pit glancing back at me. I tried to think about the training we went through. Everyone assigned to a rig team goes does it, even if you'll only scout a bare spot of ocean before you job is done and you go home to leave the engineers to the hard part. We all learn how to escape the helicopter.

I remember that burning pain in my lungs as I broke the surface, the twilight falling low over Chernarus to greet my eyes, the glow of fires and haze of smoke blurring it all no matter where I looked on the coast. That first breath of air was one of the best things I had ever experienced. But sometimes I think I should have let myself drown.

The shore I woke up on the next morning, the one I must have found in the night as I burrowed under a bush and curled up on that warm spring evening, was even worse than the one we had tried to escape. The acrid smoke stung my nostrils, the bits of ash in the air stuck to my hair, and the haze that cast a vile gloom over everything inland. I should have walked back into the ocean.

Smart people barricaded themselves in their homes, content to die a slow, peaceful death. Smart people rushed security checkpoints controlled by soldiers so they could be gunned down and die quickly. Smart people opened up their veins and let life slip away, or let themselves drown in the water despite the terror of being sucked into the cold embrace of the dark.

Instead, I did was I always did. I did what made employers and friends praise me, and opponents wonder. I refused to give up. It's been twenty-six days since we crashed, twenty-six desperate and agonizing days since I alone survived of the eight member geo-survey team eager to escape this bloody place. Most of these moments have been spent on my own, but am I ever really alone? I can't tell anymore, as I fight to keep living in a land where the infected shamble like corpses fresh from the grave, vigilantes try to enforce their twisted sense of order, brutal bandits roam the cities and highways, and of course, there are the few holding out, scared survivors like myself who just want to find a place to be warm, dry, and live a little bit longer.

So I wonder what would have happened if I had turned down the assignment. I'd probably be trapped at home, in a city of over a million people, dead or dying, or I'd be one of the infected, dying on my feet, seeking to feast upon the raw flesh of the living. At least here, if I refuse to give up, I might have a chance. That's the only thing that's kept me going, That's all that can keep anyone going when society ends. Hope. I still have it, and I will not give up.

Besides, today I found a few pens and a notebook. Maybe one day, someone will read this and realize what we went through as we tried to put our world back together. I hope it has a happy ending.

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I've got a story, first time i survived for more than an hour.

I was working out the kinks on how the inventory system worked. However in doing so i deleted two primary weapons (Crossbow and winchester.) I was in a farm area with 3 barns (one multi-level) and slightly injured (8k blood). I figured i'd dip out of the server and try another. low population server no biggie. i get myself a lee mat. allong with all the extra ammo i had been colecting in my bag that made 7 clips for it and backed up with my trusty Flashlight. I run over to the last barn and i see an object i've never seen in videos or myself. A bear trap. i walk over to it and pick it up. there was a zombie in the barn but i wasnt worried. i set the trap and attempted to see if it would affect the zombie. a bout 30 minutes later i got fed up with it and took the zombie out with my hatchet. i go over to collect the bear trap.


After i picked it up and walked past, it apparently left a ghostly imprint of itself and broke my legs. I had no morphine, just some painkillers and bandages. other than my broken leg, i was fine. So i started crawling. and crawling. and crawling. Following the road. hoping i hit a big city with a hospital. over the next two hours i crawled past a town, a factory, and a light house.

It started raining, i wasnt in danger of cold damage but i was more dehydrated than i would have liked. I was near few road side houses. No harm in looking. Heck the debug tab says there are only 8 zombies on the entire map! So i crawl in. i see two zombies in the back yard. i slide past them with no problem. Then the next two. then the next four. an another four. 8 zombies had become 30. i started to crawl towards the only house i could get into. i get stuck on the door. seeing as i cant stand and walk in i had to do a little number of camera shaking and slow crawling. It was worth it. found some Mt. Dew and drank it right up. I slid out just as i went in.

I went ahead a little further, coming across a gas station. Seeing if i could find some food or some unlucky person with morphine on them. I saw wire barricade in one of the small buildings. I diecided to go around. after a quick zoom in.


I tapped the trigger accidentally. I see the swarm coming towards me. two of them were on me instantly, beating me till i was bleeding. I shot them both in the knee caps and started backing up lively. Five of them barreled towards me. Then they just stopped. They couldnt see me since i was prone. they still advanced going towards the location where they last saw me. A few more were coming up on my 9 o clock but eventually did the same as the others. so i continued to back up behind a bush. Mangaged to bandage myself. I started crawling back into the open area near the road.

There was a zombie less than 5 meters away from me. i started backing up. it started running. I had to take the shot. The whole herd of them was upon me. i managed to take down about 3 more before i eventually died.

Welcome to DayZ Eagle

Edited by Eagleeye
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Ugh. killed by bandits again! Someday, I'll run into one of those fabled friendlies, I tell myself. Well, time to try again.

Repawn. RIGHT ON THE DOCK in electro. There's no way I can walk off the dock without aggroing the zed, there's no cover at all, only one way off the dock!

So I run for it!

I run .. I duck . . I hide. .. I run some more. . . I gradually throw off the horde of angry zombies till there's just one left.

What's this? An open door. I run in.

A hatchet! I'm saved! Sorta. . .

Take the hatchet. TAKE THE HATCHET (bleeding profusely).

Remove from toolbelt! (munch munch there goes my spleen).

Click click, (nothing!!)

Right, stupid bug, I have to "Reload" the hatchet first (ow, there goes my other spleen)

Smash! Miss! Miss! (height difference due to steps)

Smash smash HIT!!!

He's down!!

Man, my guy is wheezing hard from all that blood loss and exertion. Vision going blurry. ..Can't quite make out what's around me anymore ..

Wait, footsteps. . AAHH, another one!!!

It runs right up to me, and then suddenly pauses right in front of me. Vision still blurry. . .something weird about this zombie. . colors are different. . .hasn't bit me yet. ..

no matter.

Whack! Whack! (zombie goes down).

Vision starting to clear. . .wait . .

THAT's no zombie!!!

It was some poor dude fresh off the coast. He had no mike, he was a friendly and he stood still because he was typing me a message.

I facepalm as the chat reads "Friendly! Don't hurt me!! NOOOOOOOOOO!"

I meet my first friendly only to accidentally dismember him.

Dude I hacked to death by "robotkid" (me) outside a mansion in Electro on US 328 last night, I'm sooooo sorry!! I swear I thought you were a zombie, my vision was all messed up!

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Part I

There were three of us, starting our gaming session with a night-time raid on Elektro for basic supplies. As we came through the valley from the north, we noticed a survivor surrounded by zombies near the power station. We are all three decked out with NVG's, L85, M4 CCO SD, M9's silenced, you name it. The survivor is unarmed and pitifully trying to navigate by crawling through zombies. I'm not even sure if he could see anything at all. We decided to help this poor fellow, so I speak to him on Direct chat. I tell him we are not going to harm him, and I place spare NVG's in his pack. I instruct him to put them on. I notice he is African American, like us. He also had on some pretty cool looking shades.

I directed him to follow us, we were going to escort him into the firehouse to get a weapon. As we crept through what seemed like at least thirty zombies in our immediate area, we drop any that are in our path. We reach the firehouse and the survivor grabs an M4 and I toss him a couple mags. "Alright man, you can defend yourself a little better. We will see you around." I said as we parted ways with this stranger. He thanked us over direct comms and moved north into the night.

As we moved through Elektro, shots rang out from a brick house. I accidentally pressed the vault key, so of course I was dead within seconds. My team moved on the perpetrator and secured the area. My team member quickly locates him and takes him down as he was looting and burying my dead body. The player disconnects, and disappears.

I spawn in East Chernogorsk. While in route to Elektro, my mate takes fire from sniper hill from a silenced weapon. He sees two men, neither was the one we helped earlier. My friend fires on them with his M14, but they are slightly out of range. They are scared into hiding. As they wait, I make my back into Elektro with no weapon, no supplies. I decided to run distraction for my team and draw the two men out of hiding on Sniper Mountain.

I have an idea, I place my coyote pack on the ground. I am unarmed and packless. I slowly walk, not crouch, not run, but calmly walk up the dirt road approcaching the mountain. As I crest the hill silenced shots slam the ground around me, but I don't even flinch. I keep my stride walking toward these pitiful bandits a few hundred meters uphill. I'm not sure what went through their head at this time, but I see them disappear as they disconnected from the server. We scour the mountain and no sign, the server is dead. Havingn our supplies we decide to switch servers.

Part II

New server: I am on top of Sniper Mountain, having nothing, I am relying on my team to take down a decked out bandit to gear up. My mates are set up to the west. As we enter the server, I creep over the hill to see a pitiful sniper in a ghillie suit laying 100m ahead of me killing fresh spawns. I give my team the position, but they are not in direct sight of him. So I make a decision, I am going to sneak up on this guy and take a gun out of his backpack, if he has one, and kill him with it. With only hope and a set of balls on my side, I lay down and slowly tap W and inch forward, over a period of ten minutes so I don't alert the sniper of my presence. As I get close, Open Cayote Backpack, appears. Inside is an M4 silenced.... "perfect". You know what happens next, grab, reload, ping pang pow.... One dead scumbag.

I gear up and head back to my comrades. As I reach their location we hear a vehicle, it's a bus coming down the paved road toward Elektro. My friend decides to test the anti-material capabilites of his rifle. He shoots out the bus tire as the poor driver clumsily tries to exit the door, bam... He is down. Never drive a bus people, it's a deathtrap.

Shortly after the bus incident, we make our way toward the woods to meet a friend who is about to join the server and meet up with us. As we are running a hacker spawns us all hundreds of feet in the air over some debug area. Three of us are falling, one friend dies, then the other... I hit Abort about 20 feet from the ground. Not giving up, I spawn in our home server to see the aftermath of the hackers fury. As I spawn in the server, I see the message "Thunderpimp was killed". It seems I fell, but on my screen there I am with no gear, a broken bone icon, and in a desert wasteland. Still not giving up, I log off and back on the server again.

I am placed in Otmel back on the coast with all my gear, not a scratch... "Holy crap", I said. " I think I just beat the game! "

I basked in my good fortune for a bit, then we all logged off, having enough adventure for one evening.

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A rags to riches tale of DayZ awesome-ness. Find a helicopter, shooting a man (just to take his crap), to losing it all, and not the way you think. Wrote it up on my blog: http://dorf-and-dorf.blogspot.com/2012/08/why-i-love-and-hate-dayz.html

A little funny, a little sad, and something I'm sure most of us have encountered, but probably not in such a one weekend whirlwind of ups and downs.

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well i dont have much i died about 30 times already so i changed my plan..... chern,well what could i say it was like vegas, the land o dreams, see now i saw this HUGE flame right in the center of the city so i thought it was a heli crash but i got in it and there was no heli or zombies but TONS o dead bodies must have had been attracted to it as well so i got all the bodies looted and i went into the shop...there was a guy there and we couldnt talk to each other cause in the update theres no side chat so i just followed him and he me so after a while he left the city. i stayed in and so i decided to climb a buildng...so next thing i know i climbed to the peak of it and saw bunches of wlaker and player bodies alike an i also found a alice pack and a makarov pistol!!! but while i was gettin the supplies a guy shot the living daylights out of me and i eventually died... anyone saw a flame or something above cherno that day?

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well i dont have much i died about 30 times already so i changed my plan..... chern,well what could i say it was like vegas, the land o dreams, see now i saw this HUGE flame right in the center of the city so i thought it was a heli crash but i got in it and there was no heli or zombies but TONS o dead bodies must have had been attracted to it as well so i got all the bodies looted and i went into the shop...there was a guy there and we couldnt talk to each other cause in the update theres no side chat so i just followed him and he me so after a while he left the city. i stayed in and so i decided to climb a buildng...so next thing i know i climbed to the peak of it and saw bunches of wlaker and player bodies alike an i also found a alice pack and a makarov pistol!!! but while i was gettin the supplies a guy shot the living daylights out of me and i eventually died... anyone saw a flame or something above cherno that day?

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Was walking to Devil's Castle, crossed a road and was checking my backpack with a few friends around, All of a sudden we hear an engine, turn around and see this Hilux driving straight for me. I pull off some ninja shit and just sprint out the way, and that's when it all went down. About 4 people just opened fire on the car, killed the passenger (L85, Camo clothing, and some other stuff like NVGs) and wounded the driver. We see the general direction that the driver drove off and look around, within 10 minutes we find 4-5 tents, got a M249 and some other nice stuff. Anyways, was a productive day :3.

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I got three stories that both happen with my best mate Strelok.

First: We had geared up need Cherno and were making the long trek to Stary. Stopping at some Deer stands and towns along the way to pick up shit that we need, we finally get outside Stary and start swinging right around town to set up a observation point. We come up to a patch of trees that are in he center of a open field and find a player tent right next to some trees. Strelok swings right around the tent and i go to the left around the back side coming out on the far side in his vision. Strelok starts screaming "I FOUND HIM, I FOUND HIM." We were LANing at the time so i look over at him and say "Dude thats me" He then looks over at me, smiles, and put a Enfield round in my head. Instantly killing me.

Second: We were someone where near Zelen making are way up to the airfield to get are hands on some good loot. we were stuck in a house after having a entire wave chasing us. and im not talking 4 or 5 zombies. this is some 28 days later shit. As we are burning threw what little ammo we had one Zed breaks Streloks legs and of course we dont have any morphine. we are down to one mag each. and hes laying there defense less with no hospital with on 1000m. Zombies are still pouring into the house and we dont have the ammo to fight them off. So i find a window and just booking it outta the house taking 2-3 Zeds with me. the house is just pouring full of more and more and hes sitting next to me screaming "You asshole you just left me here!" as im running away. No Regrets.

Third: We are at a deerstand out side of Gorka and we found a Heli crash. We fight of the Zeds around the crash with little resistance and come to find a M107. Strelok plays a sniper in every game. So hes sitting next to me screaming like a little girl. We work out way into town to find a place to drop it in a loot pile so he can pick it up and as we are taking out a few Zeds around the barn he fires once again shooting me in the head and instantly killing me. Im pissed. He gets his sniper that he wanted and starts heading to the coast to pick me up. as he makes his way down he finds another heli spawn outside of town. Two? i know. as hes sitting in the tree line picking off zombies with his new toy that his badass friend got him he spots a play running up to the chopper. Frantic he starts taking shots at the guy missing all 5 of them as the dudes tiger patterning around the crash site. The guy that Strelok failed so bad at picking of starts making a B line for him in the woods after spoting him. at this point Strelok switched to his 1911 and starts draining mags into the guy but nothings working. Oh and i forgot to mention this dude only has a hatchet. Well the guy gets close enough to strelok and smacks him with the hatchet as hes running away reloading. Strelok finally says fuck it and starts running away. As hes running he switches to his M107 and 180 spins around and fires instantly kiling the dude chasing him. Man we laughed for hours at how funny it was that he 180 No Scoped him.

We now run a 2 man sniping team with him running a Gilly suit and m24 and me running Camo with a m249 and Bino's for spotting.

Edited by Stats

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me and three others had a car, when to northwest airfield, everything was going fine, 3 of us were losing and one was driving the car around to distract zombies, we had looted everything without a hitch and we were on our way out when we decided if to see if we could take on all the zombies at the airfield, i foolishly didn't hold down the mouse one button long enough on my m67 and killed my 3 partners...

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Today I spawned in rocking the patch and I was going about my business looting Chernogorsk. I met a ghillie suited survivor by the shopping center. He announced friendly. We chatted, it was his first day playing and somehow he'd found two ghillie suits in one day. Seeing as he was lucky enough to nab a suit and I was (am) about to head to bed, I decided to give him matches, a hunting knife and a compass and I told him to head north. Oh, and told him not to use the Lee Enfield he was holding. lol.

Good luck stranger.

Edited by Vyse

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Having just spawned just east of Elektro, having been murdered again by someone claiming to be friendly in Cherno, being a bit butt-hurt from losing some decent stuff, (I know dont get attached, but its still a pisser sometimes) being of the 'glass half full' variety, I make the decision to go against my nature and trust no-one I see in the cities. I find a hatchet in teh warehouse by the rail tracks just outside of elektro and head towards the sniping hill. Give it a quick sweep to make sure theres no lame snipers hiding there and head towards the supermarket. Just as Im going to cross the road I spot movement in the cafe across the road, a zombie going in. I watch it a bit more and see someone upstairs with a hatchet hacking away (at zombies?). I watch and wait, he comes out and heads towards the supermarket, but hasnt seen me. I follow right behind him adn as he bends down to check the first loot pile I swing my hatchet, then again, and again, and a few more times till I hear the final squeal.

Then I felt bad for the guy, I checked his stuff but he didnt have anything even worth stealing (I know, how rude?)..

So my first kill in cold blood, it didnt feel good, but I think it might be the only way to survive in the cities for me now.....

Edited by Rhoobarb1

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So last night I had just died. Like 6 times. Because I kept respawning in Kamenka. Before the last time I died, I was at 1.3k health with only a hatchet, asking a guy to come help me. He didn't and seemed to be shooting at me, so I kept running around the barn (outside Elektro). I passed out, I guess he thought I was dead, he looted some tin cans or something beside me. I got up, hatcheted him to death. Asshole wouldn't help me. I then passed out in a field and died from some zombies. Anyways, respawned, went to get my body. Had a Makarov and an Alice pack (and NV goggles because a friend gave them to me. Odd combo, right?). So I respawn, have a friend on the hospital with an AS50 saying he saw one guy in a supermarket (mind you, it is night). I decide to be a boss and run in there with my pea shooter. See one in the back, run in and go to shoot. Two of them end up looting, so I shoot one in the head and the other gets up and I shoot him too. He got me once or twice, but was knocked out...went to the front, bandaged, realized he wasn't dead, and finished him off. One guy had a Coyote Backpack with an AKM, the other had similar stuff, but mainly food and supplies.

It was funny as shit to me.

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say hey im cool if you want this in Dayz: bandits can kid nap survivors and get new execution animations, and beeing able to rob peoples like steal from ppl ands make zeds to not go thru a wall and more updates!

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I spawned on the coast like most people who come to experience this hell hole, somewhere near to Komarovo. It was dark. I could see the outline of a tower not far from me but I also heard the buzzing noise that told me someone had bought it nearby.

To use the torch or not? The question was answered a few seconds later when there was an explosion from the direction of the town. I decided against heading for the tower. It may be a bit crazy but I thought if they were engaged in a fire-fight on the road a Komarozo, I may be able to get into the industrial units by the coastline, relatively unseen.

I made my way as quietly as I could and saw the outline of the building close up. I cautiously made my way past one of the the infected into the building and was immediately aware of a corpse in the room. The horrible buzzing flies giving away his grim demise. I searched his backpack for much need provisions, but there was nothing to be found. Murdered? For sure, but by who? And for what reason?

Suddenly there was a blinding flash and I was in a different room, it appeared to be on top of a large building and I could see towers in the surrounding area. Other people were here with me too, dressed the same, some shooting, other just running around in the confusion.

(Server restart)

Strangely I think I must have blanked out for a bit, the others are gone but I am still on top of this building and there's no way down. Around the building I can see several towers, three to the north and two to the south east. I'm in Chernogorsk. Not a great place to be. Everyone who survived this outbreak knows of it and two words always spring to mind "bandit territory." I was unarmed, exposed and out of ideas.

On the south side of the building I can see a platform about 20 feet below the rooftop. I know there are 3 hospitals nearby. Long since abandoned but they could still have supplies if the worst comes to the worst. I take my chance.

The initial pain was the worst. I think I've broke my leg and I'm starting to shake uncontrollably. I black-out for a short while. Eventually when I come round I find I just cannot stand on this leg, so I have resigned myself to crawling. It seems to be the least painful method anyway. Mercifully there are no infected at the base of this ladder and the night has totally enveloped Cherno now. I know I'm a target for snipers but there's little I can do.

I lower myself down to terra firma and crawl to the road north west of the building. Thankfully it is fairly easy to circumvent the infected in this part of town. The night is my friend. I arrive at the hospital. Dammit! I have nothing to break the glass with, desperation sees me pounding the glass ineffectually with my fists until clarity makes me realise that I'm not going to be able to break the glass and I'm more likely to attract the infected. The medicines I so desperately need are a few feet away, but they may as well be in Kansas for as near as I can get to them.

I re-evaluate my situation. The building has a fire escape ladder - there may be a way in from the roof. I start the painful climb up the ladder, every rung burns my arms muscles with fatigue.

Mercy! Someone has dropped morphine on the roof. There's also some bandages and blood. I quickly grab them and make my way back down to the street level. The roof door was locked from the inside anyway. I need to get out of Chernogorsk, but being unarmed in the Chenarus countryside is a fools game. I notice a couple of civilian residences not far from the back of the hospital and start to crawl towards them. My leg is feeling much better and there's less pain now, but standing would increase the chance that these hellish infected would spot me.

I make it to the first residence and as luck would have it, I find a Makarov pistol with a couple of magazines. Not the best weapon, but better than nothing. There's a few cans of soda, one of which I open straight away. I'd forgotten how thirsty I was.

I'd achieved more than I could imagine. The elders in my village used to say that no one could ever survive in Chenarus for more than 49 minutes and I was fast approaching that time.

I crawl out of the building and make my way north. I know of a road leading out of Chernogorsk and into the relative safety of the woods. Twists and turns, double backs and dead ends blight my attempts to leave.

Suddenly I see movement. It's not the shambling of the infected but straight running. A survivor like me! I call out to them but they do not respond. My sweaty hand and nervous index finger toys with the trigger of my untested Makarov. I call out again, nothing. They are less than 10 yards away from me and to my dismay I see he is carrying a shotgun. I try to crawl back behind a wall but it's no use. I first feel the pain in the lower half of my body. No morphine is going to stop that. In an action which seems all to prevalent in these lawless times of banditry and murder, he fires the second barrel.

I lose consciousness. My last blurry vision is of him rummaging in my backpack, I can feel my lifeblood ebbing away and he's going to take the very stuff that could save my life.

When I come around it takes a short while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. My body is racked with pain and I'm severely injured. In a second stroke of luck it appears I am not bleeding, the wounds from the shotgun blasts seem to have gone straight through my flesh.

Chernogorsk is not a fair place and hasn't been for some time. Like a twist of cruel fate I see a body lying on the other side of the road, just slightly to the north. It is my attacker. I've decided to call him Si. The infected milling around him tells me he didn't survive long after he shot me. The report from his weapon must have brought them running. I decided, probably foolishly, to not try and retrieve my previous medical supplies. I need to get out of here and fast. I'm not bleeding, but I have terrible injuries. I figure my best bet it to find an empty barn to hold up in for the night.

I start to crawl north again and, despite the enormous pain, make it to the edge of town. The safety of the woods is tantalizingly close. I crawl and I crawl. Suddenly there's two shots to my left. Across the road from my position. I cannot see where they are coming from but it's certainly got the attention of the infected. How do they run so fast?

It's a boon for me! With the infected distracted from the field I was making my way through I break cover and head for the tree line.

I'm alive! Injured but alive.

I'm going to head north. There's an airfield near to the town of Vybor that the military used as a base when the infection hit. It's probably got the best chance of supplies and equipment and perhaps other survivors I can team up with?

Here's hoping.

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On my quest to find a functioning vehicle in this wasteland, i have travelled several kilomerts back and forth. In my quest i had yet to meet any survivor. I went to NE airfield to stock up on ammunition, a feral zombie spotted me, attacked, and broke my leg. I crawled for kilomers to Benzino to find some morphine to linder my pain. And ensure my future survival.

The sun was fading in the horizion. So i headed towards NW airfield. In the cower of darkness snipers wouldt stand a chance.

After the long journey on foot, i finally arrived at my destination. As usual i scouted the terrain, and there was no sign of life. So i proceeded towards the hangars to stock up on supplies. I made a full round around the airfield, no building went uninvestigated.

In the cower of darkness equiped with NV googels, and a ghillies suit and M4A1 SD CCO, i felt safe. Zombies was not a threat any longer. In the cower of the forest i went towards the barracks on the south-eastern side of the airfield.

I went towards the barracks, and holted behind a fence. When i saw a flashing light in the dark; I couldn't belive my eyes, i switched my nightvision on and off, and still the light was penetration the air. The light fell upon me several times, blinded me. My heart started pumping furiously. I went closer to investigate this anomaly, as i had suspected, another survivor. Time slowed down, i had to take a difficult decission. Should i aproach the person? Should i commit my first murder? He had yet to discover me, but something felt wrong, could he feel my pressence, my gaze overseeing his steps? No, i gazed into the shadows, another person was sneaking on the road. I was now in a dire situation. Was he trying to flank me? Maybe they had seen me, but they did not have NV googles. This shadowy figure was moving in crouched posture towards me, he had discovered me. Or so i thought, when he looked at me, i did not hesitate. With my heart pumping, i open fire. The bullets whistled around his personer, his freind had turned off his flashlight i could se him bleading, i had sent 7 shots in his direction. Immediatly he stood up and ran for the cower inside the dark pinetrees. I hadn't taken him down, he and his buddys where still alive. I decided not to pursue them, for my intent was not to become a murderer. But was merely a desperate measure of survival.

My 7th day has ended, i had finally found some other survivors. But i had hesitated to make contact. It seemed that the persons had hesitated to shoot aswell, maybe i had assaulted band of freindly survivors.But in this zone of NW airfield, the policy goes; shoot or be shot. I proceded towards the hills, another lonely night in the wild.

PS. Sorry for my bad english

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