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stefans (DayZ)

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About stefans (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. stefans (DayZ)

    Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3 Regulars

    Hi pal, i am 18 years old, well equiped, and looking for a squad. I have a microphone, i can understand english well, but my spoken english is pretty rusty. I have a stealthy tactical approach to the game, and i have decent gear aswell. please Pm, if interested :)
  2. stefans (DayZ)

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: Stefan Steam name: Nostm Age: 18 The current time zone you're residing in: UTC +1 Mic: Yes How long you've been playing: Two weeks Your preferred role and/or weapon: Scout or assault class. Atm i have a M4A1 SD CCO, and a M9 SD. Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor
  3. stefans (DayZ)

    I require some help at NW airfield please.

    Im a the airfield, add me on steam. Nostm
  4. stefans (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    On my quest to find a functioning vehicle in this wasteland, i have travelled several kilomerts back and forth. In my quest i had yet to meet any survivor. I went to NE airfield to stock up on ammunition, a feral zombie spotted me, attacked, and broke my leg. I crawled for kilomers to Benzino to find some morphine to linder my pain. And ensure my future survival. The sun was fading in the horizion. So i headed towards NW airfield. In the cower of darkness snipers wouldt stand a chance. After the long journey on foot, i finally arrived at my destination. As usual i scouted the terrain, and there was no sign of life. So i proceeded towards the hangars to stock up on supplies. I made a full round around the airfield, no building went uninvestigated. In the cower of darkness equiped with NV googels, and a ghillies suit and M4A1 SD CCO, i felt safe. Zombies was not a threat any longer. In the cower of the forest i went towards the barracks on the south-eastern side of the airfield. I went towards the barracks, and holted behind a fence. When i saw a flashing light in the dark; I couldn't belive my eyes, i switched my nightvision on and off, and still the light was penetration the air. The light fell upon me several times, blinded me. My heart started pumping furiously. I went closer to investigate this anomaly, as i had suspected, another survivor. Time slowed down, i had to take a difficult decission. Should i aproach the person? Should i commit my first murder? He had yet to discover me, but something felt wrong, could he feel my pressence, my gaze overseeing his steps? No, i gazed into the shadows, another person was sneaking on the road. I was now in a dire situation. Was he trying to flank me? Maybe they had seen me, but they did not have NV googles. This shadowy figure was moving in crouched posture towards me, he had discovered me. Or so i thought, when he looked at me, i did not hesitate. With my heart pumping, i open fire. The bullets whistled around his personer, his freind had turned off his flashlight i could se him bleading, i had sent 7 shots in his direction. Immediatly he stood up and ran for the cower inside the dark pinetrees. I hadn't taken him down, he and his buddys where still alive. I decided not to pursue them, for my intent was not to become a murderer. But was merely a desperate measure of survival. My 7th day has ended, i had finally found some other survivors. But i had hesitated to make contact. It seemed that the persons had hesitated to shoot aswell, maybe i had assaulted band of freindly survivors.But in this zone of NW airfield, the policy goes; shoot or be shot. I proceded towards the hills, another lonely night in the wild. PS. Sorry for my bad english
  5. Hello fellow stalker :beans: I would like to join your group. I have decent gear, and im tired of roaring the fields and forests of Chernarus on my own. Please PM me if you would like some more information.