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stories he? wel. here is a story me and my 2 friends had last night on DE 795 and its called

three friends, two hackers and one HUEY? ( you think)

so me, ghostsword and my two friends karl and Skittles joined this server for some pvp. We all just had easy weapons and karl got us to do it. After killing one players we suddenly heard a HUEY flying over cherno and we thought just for the fun of it, lets raid the huey once it lands. Wel after about 20 minutes our fun task became truth. The huey started to land ontop of the build where we were under. We tried to go up a tower to flank them. I went up the tower and just as the helicopter his engine was off it just went back on and flied away and went towards the hotel. The grapich problems joined me and i could not see them and i was shot. The sound of the gun was something we knew.... a AS50.... My two friends looked around the hotel and saw that there were three snipers covering all in ghilie suit and all with a AS50. They kept switching from position and it got beter once they got at the firestation. my friends shot at the sniper at the firestation but without a strong marksmanship weapon it did not do us good.

Karl tried to get into a beter position and wel..... he just rolled off the building and died. but his respawn point was good, it was on the west side of cherno. The other sniper came towards skittles his position inside a building and he killed Skittles however. Both me and Skittles spawned at elektro which was suddenly also swarmed with snipers with AS50. On that moment we knew something was going on.

My friend karl went back towards his body and saw the one of the Snipers MaRv ( this is the hacker his real name when he played) skittles already had a eye on the pilot in the Huey and saw he was called Jan. when karl saw MaRv he quickly yelled "friendly, friendly, don't shoot all i want is my stuff back" and wel yea.... MaRv did let him take his stuff back since he didn't knew he was one of the people in my group. When Karl got his gear he went looking for the Sniper and found him close at the Huey with no pilot. Karl quickly killed MaRV and stole his Huey! i myself was close at cherno again at the east side and i told karl to quickly move towards me. the moment we switched position in the Huey so that i was the Pilot we suddenly saw the Battleye client admin saying "i hope you are fast in that Huey FRIENDLYKARL, as i'm going to hunt you down!" both skittles and karl thought we just stole a huey from the admin and that he was pissed. They both also thought they have the powers to spawn with gear and to teleport but i myself knew beter.

Once we picked up skittles we went north to find Ammo for the m240's as they were out of Ammo and out of the Sudden karl is saying that there is a huey behind us and they it was the admin trying to kill us. Then i knew it.... we stole this from a hacker.

we wen't flying around since they were at the coast going west we went north and they didn't follow. At the airfield we checked down and it was empty. no zombies no players. Karl and Skittles ejected out since we didn't want them to get a shot at me else we could not escape with the Huey any more. The moment skittles and karl were glidding down with the Parachut they both got shot by a AS50. i quickly flied away and out of nowhere a huey is flying under me and i saw the Name MaRV. At this point karl and Skittles believed me when i said we stole this from hackers. I tried to lose them in the Air and also making sure i was not getting hit. after a few minutes of not ditching them i had to try something more.... risky... i quickly turned the helicopter and went flying low. It worked the other Huey could not turn quick and had problem , the moment i looked behind me i saw it going down.

i flew back towards cherno to pick up karl and skittles as skittles tried to check up on the body of the earlier shot MarV by karl and he had all the loot in game. Ghilie suit. AS50 with 10 clips NVG, rangefinder realy everything. Skittles took all that was legal and waited to log out. while they were busy karl looked to his side and saw ANOTHER huey on the ground ready to lift off. that moment i flew over cherno and saw a Huey coming up the same one that karl said. I flew away and got shot by a AS50. The guy was a bad shot and he didn't not hit the Huey but i did saw his ATV the other huey was gone i circled around the spot of the sniper and asked my marksman of the group, skittles. to try to take him out. but since he didn't hear the chopper any more and was inside a build he didn't do it. karl was killed again and he tried to get passed elektro again just to be shot. when i did another round over cherno i saw that on the east coast of cherno i was getting shot by from a LMG i flew around and saw two guys and a huey on the ground trying to shoot me down.

The first thing after i did this was pick up Karl at Solnichniy. i picked up karl and tried to head back towards cherno with him to drop him off at the ATV. once we were above the ATV area karl spotted anothe Huey and did eject and went down. He checked the other Huey and it was broken and not working any more so he took the ATV. I myself went looking further for the two hackers Jan and MaRv. after a few times circling around and my friends saying that we would never come back here on which i agreed i thought and said "guys, i'm going to crash this Huey in them!" since we would never come back here any way and all i had was a lee enfield with some ammo it was no problem. I had the Huey in good position and i went straight into there Huey! they fired some good shots but not something they could kill me with and i crashed into them and destroying both our Huey's! I survived the crash but all i had left was 3.2k blood and i was bleeding + unconscious. But the zombies closed into the wreck of both our huey's and they were not feasting on my body. I waked up with just 1k blood left and started to quickly run around the wreckage to check on the hackers and to put the last bullet in them. And i found Jan standing in crouch position. I putted three bullets in his head and he died. a few seconds after that i died two. Karl quickly went towards the wreck to check on Jan his gear and he picked up jan his AS50. he tried to try it out and said that it had a thermal view. We told him direct to delete that gun as it was something he could be banned for. He took the other stuff of Jan and he saw that Marv came back in and his body also Unconscious was gone. a minute later Marv died and karl took his stuff for me on a diffrent server. we both also left after a few minutes.

the last thing my friend skittles said was that he thought we just won of hackers. as we maybe destroyed a lot of there stuff and gave them problems.

If you have problems reading this them i'm sorry but i'm Dutch. So English grammer is not my main thing. We reported both of them and as last thing i say is.

Watch out for DE 795 there are stil hackers maybe. But if you find a hacker and you almost have no gear at all. Just try to make his life anoying like we did :)

hope you enjoy the story.

Edited by ghostsword

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My friend Ryu and I logged on and were making our way to the airport near Krosnostav to pick up another friend mushroom in the hangers. While mushroom was collecting gear in the airfield ryu and I were sneaking up on the zombies when we heard a gunshot. At first we thought mushroom had aggroed some zed but he said he didn't shoot, and we noticed some guy running along the fence line and we took him down because he decided to take a potshot at us. I took his cz550 and then we got the hell outta there back to our base to eat and put loot away. 30 minutes later ryu and I decide to hit the airfield again just for kicks but when we got in range we saw a dead goat so at first we were really cautious because only players can kill goats. With my new cz550 I covered him as he examined the goat and it COD was unknown so we knew it wasn't gunfire. I continued doing overwatch just incase when I noticed zombies aggro on something in the furthest hanger so I waited a minute and told ryu to hit the dirt a player was nearby. After two heart pounding minutes a guille suited guy comes out with what I think is the FN FAL AN/PVS-4 aimed directly at me so I shot him in the head for a one hit kill with the CZ. Then we looted him he had top gear loot an AS50, rangefinder,NV goggles, a coyote backpack and an M4 CCO SD which I miss identified :rolleyes: . So we made off with our new haul and about 4 minutes later a hacker teleports everyone to the debug plains, turns us into sheep and starts blasting wierd music through his mic. Ryu and I panicked as we couldn't alt+f4 or disconnect so we alt tabbed and killed the arma2OA task hoping we weren't going to be sheep forever. Luckily we did this before our profiles saved and we had all our shit back and weren't sheep. :D

The hacker was in the server LA10 and I don't think it was a coincidence that this happened right after we killed that guy with his super loot his ingame name was Mumba if it was the guy we killed. Also a quick last ditch thing that might save you from becoming an animal due to hackers is to alt tab as soon as it pops up and end task arma2OA because the HIVE takes around 60 seconds to save and action made to your profile you can sometimes be lucky enough to escape it.

Just a quick question to ask if anyone wants to respond is the PDW SD a real dayZ gun because I found one on a dead player and it's not on any of the wiki pages?

Edited by tjG3ftw436
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Just a quick question to ask if anyone wants to respond is the PDW SD a real dayZ gun because I found one on a dead player and it's not on any of the wiki pages?

if its not on the wiki its a hacker weapon. like a AS50 with thermal vision.

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if its not on the wiki its a hacker weapon. like a AS50 with thermal vision.

Alright thanks for the response, so is it something I can be banned for and should throw it away?

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So here goes my second venture in the world of chernarus ... so far i had only seen a bunch of farmhouses a few Zs here and there but nothing much, playing for the first time i decided i was going to try to be a good natured survivor... you know the good samaritain type, after passing through Komarovo by the docks and looting a few cans of coke and food from that awesome industrial building by the water BTW i love to loot that building its very safe most of the time. So i continued my journey not having a map or compass i decided to follow the water so i could have a landmark to refer myself to in case of trouble .. then BAM! i start seeing all these buildings and zombies, needless to say i was a amazed . I stop by the sign just to realize.........uhmmm yeah I DONT READ CYRILIC!!!!! snap(didnt know about the dayz db map yet). I was scared shitless to enter the town (later discovered it was balota or sum ) . Wanting to lend a helping hand to anyone i could , i started to mash the caps lock every few seconds to see if theres was anyone out there....DEAD silence no noise no gun shots. weird server is full maybe everyone was somewhere else. I see a big strip and some buildings in the distance so i decide to investigate , zombies start popping out of everywhere WTF!!!!! i jump prone to crawl through them to get to the other side but it was taking really long so I turn too look back coast is clear good, i turn around and bamm 3 zeds incoming my way ... NO WAY THROUGH dammm gotta make a run for it . The three of them start chasing me like wiggly madd men finally get into the building turn around i take them out with the hatchet while they surround me and i start to bleed , i finish em off quickly then bandage myself . i see some more coming closer to the door .... gotta peace outta hear. so i start to make my way across to the other twin buildings when all of a sudden.... pow pow pow i hear three shots ring from the right i quickly drop n roll behind a broken vehicle . I was sure someone was shooting at me... maybe not i must just be paranoid. then i notice a bunch of tents with medical logos in the direction that seems to good to pass up havent seen these yet i realise the area is fenced offf so i make my way crawling around the side in the dirt . open 1 door CHECK. open the second one CHECK. open the third door still ok zeds havent noticed me and no one in sight . i make my way to the right deer stand get up and i find my first ak YAY!!!!! salvation ... im on a hot streak still alive and kicking. then i notice some guy being chased by zombies runs up the deer stand across from . He was bleeding so i yell at him that i can support and finish off the zombies that were chasing him . So then he turns around and..... BANG i get shot in the face ......GREAT!!! it really hard playing a ``good`` character my only salvation was that when was falling off the deer stand bleeding out form head trauma is that he aggroed all the zombies around him and were going to go up the stairs mangle him and to the nastiest things to him . i could see nothing all i could hear is was the screaming pain coming out of his mic ahahahahahha lulz KARMA is bitch . learned my lesson pretty quickly keep your iron sights on anyone you see before saying anything or moving TRUST ME.


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I tried to be a bandit a while ago. It never worked out.

First I ran to the airfield to get a silenced-something or other. It kinda looked like an mp40. Ehhh I don't care, not important. I decided to head along the coast to find some players to kill. Well, I found one at a town but he was a fresh spawn, I think. No weapons on him. I told him to come out with his hands up. Smart guy ignored me. He could hear me, I know he could, but his shouts were muffled. Eventually I decided he was no threat and continued to crawl through town. "Ohhhhh a shed" I thought. "Cold food! Soda! It's all going to..."

"Hey, don't shoot, I'm behind you."

Jesus, that guy scared the hell out of me. No matter how well an ambush you pull a flashlight wont beat a machine gun. This man has balls of steel!

"Oh crap, zombie."

Well of course the guy never went prone so he attracted a small horde. It always happens to the good players. Random person agros zombies and runs up to you while you crawl. Anyways, He ran off into the woods shouting something at me but I was more concerned about the zeds munching on my rear. Poor guy, what if he wanted to team up or swap supplies? Then it hit me. What was I doing? I want to be a bandit! "Next person I meet is dead meat!" I chuckle. "Heh. That rhymes, sort of". I guess I'm just not cut out to be a heartless player killer.

Fast forward by a few minuets. With my decent weapon I head out to Elektro to get tools, food, a good backpack. "Hmmmm. Getting hungry." I open up my bag and eat my last can of beans. I munch joyfully on my cold beans. When I was finished I switched to third person view to enjoy the scenery, look at the hills, just absorb that wonde- HOLY SHHHIIIIII

Of course right behind me was a gillie suit sniper with his barrel pointed straight at my bean filled face. I could just see my run ending there. A million thoughts were running in my head. "Fight or flight! Oh God I'm dead!... any second now."

Mr.Sniper Dude, I don't know whether you were out of ammo, or low on blood or something, but why? Why are you not shooting me?

"turn around and run"

": D"

As hell I wasn't going to argue with that. I never even thought of it as an act of mercy. Only a sick game with that sick smile lingering in the chat. I ran. I ran fast. I looked back and ran faster. It was like a nightmare. "You want to play a game?" The sniper would say to me. I know he will. He will shoot my leg and laugh at my pain and suffering before snuffing out my sad life.

Silence. Nothing. I still ran.

Looking back on it, I could have gunned him down before he even got one shot at me. I never did. As I was running away he could have took a steady, agro-free, pot shot at my head. He never did. Why? Can anyone answer? Who was that mysterious lone stranger. Was he an angel of mercy? Was he even a bandit? The world may never know.

Ah well. Being nice can pay off in a karmic sense, right? As I conclude this, it's easy to just ignore the event. Just call it a freak encounter. He had his reasons. I could care less. It's the knowledge that there is mercy and kindness in this hell of a wasteland that made me so happy. Keep this knowledge. It will find you and present itself. It's the moment when you heed its call, the moment of moral high ground and low ground, that you will find out what kind of person you are in this land of the dead.

Mr. Sniper, where ever you are, I thank you for making my first hour on a wonderful play through the best and most emotionally confusing hour ever. Oh yeah. Thanks for not shooting me too. That was nice.

Edited by RandomGuardian
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Today i was playing with my friend near Stary Sobor, and all of a sudden a man opened fire on me, luckily he didnt see my friend who had never been in pvp before, my friend fired his shotty and hit the player a couple of times, the foe then ran off and jumped in his ATV and drove off to god knows where.... my friend was excited as fuck as it was his first pvp, and i was bleeding out while he was orgasming... it turns out that we later found out that i can't see camo clothing or ghilliesuits as they are invisible to me.... thats the story about the invisible ninja sniper.... anybody that can help with being able to see other skins please reply ;)

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at northwest airfield, fell off stairwell in fire station broke my leg, figured i would be able to find an auto injector at a barracks or something, outside the firestation i embarrassingly arggoed a zombie while proned, shot it my pistol another came, shot it, another came, shot it, another came, shot it, switched to rifle instead of reloading and then they all came

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today i shot a guy and missed from a couple of meters, in a barn east of sosnovka. i was friendly but he scared me..he said i was a bandit so i started to follow him to make him change his idea. then in a field he shot me with his dmr, missing badly at least 5 times, while i was covering the 100m among us,shouting don't shoot i'm good guy. when i stopped and said i was standing still and friendly he just said: leave alone..and run away. and i usually find friendly people..i cannot say i never got killed or sniped, hacked or even no sense killed while unarmed, but ending without blood an encounter with someone else is a so good feeling that i never give up trying!

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Last week or so I was creeping around the hospital/medical tents in either Cherno or Elektro (I can't remember). The tents are between the hospital and another roughly four-story building. I usually play on low-population servers and go days without seeing another survivor, even in cities. I was prone and crawling from tent to tent looking for blood bags. I'm still a new player, and this was before I figured out hunting. So my travelling companion and I were stocking up on bloodbags to bail each other out of scrapes - but this day I was rolling alone.

Being a new player, when I hear gunshots I run. I heard the sound of a rifle I wasn't familiar with, I'd just gotten my hands on Lee Enfield and I knew it wasn't one of those. I lay there, holding my breath IRL and scanning the perimeter with panic. After a moment or two I calmed down and decided to get the heck out of there, and decided to get up into a crouch. That's when I saw him - A survivor crouched beside another survivor's dead body.

He finished looting and moved to the opposite side of the tall building there, out of line of sight. So I stood up, and bolted for the ladder leading to the roof, firing off an entire magazine of pistol rounds on the way. I ran my butt up the ladder and waited with my Enfield out to extract anonymous justice for his prey. Sure enough, Mr. Peoplehunter there swept around the building to the side I had been on, looking for me....

...and ran smack into the roughly 12 zombies I must have woken up with my pistol rounds. I watched him get knocked out and eaten. Then I went down there and grabbed his rifle, it turned out to be an M16. It was all I could grab, I had to loot him quickly as I was surrounded and taking heavy damage. I hope his victim returned and got a better look at his stuff.

I wound up down to like 6K blood from 12K, but it was worth it to take that jerk's gun off him.

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This world. This world is infected. It's not just those shambling husks of former humanity, either. Those still alive in the sense of warm blooded people are infected by a madness. They kill one another, sometimes without provocation. They gloat over their victories, and all I can do is sit by, huddled in the bushes, hands clammy as I grip my rifle, wanting to look away but unable to do so, wanting to fight for the fallen but greatly outnumbered.

But it cannot be this way any longer. Humanity cannot be snuffed because of this. Whatever has afflicted those zombie-like people is a shame, but those who remain need to wipe them out, to secure ourselves, to go on. Without community, without society, we are no better than the animals we claim to be above, and I have seen it.

Can I do anything alone? I would hope so. How do you fend off the seemingly undead and the bandits? It becomes a time for guns, a time to use force. So as I sneak and scrounge, as I struggle to survive, I will do what I can. I will slaughter the infected, and I will arm the innocent. Our society is little more than a gun-ocracy now,, and all we can do is vote with our bullets.

I will do what I can to ensure everyone has a way to cast those votes and survive in this new society of terror. I will bring Firepower to the People, one person at a time.

And if I die, then I am free of this hellish Chernarus, and in whatever afterlife I find, I can walk the streets of home once more, in the warm summer sun of memory. Forever.

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Was going to the Airfield at the coast next to Cherno, I spot two guys running across and decide to leave them alone. I desynced abit as I was walking toward the warehouse and all of a sudden two guys on direct chat told me to stop. So I did then I saw them aiming at me, one sat back and watch while the other demanded me to drop my hatchet (lol) and then he told me to drop my backpack. This has to be one of the most intense situations in DayZ after getting into firefights with super geared bandits.

So I asked if they could let me go and the guy goes "sooo what should we do with him?". Then the guy that was covering his pal while he grabbed my gear just ran off and the other guy looks away then looks back at me and kills me. While I was annoyed that I had to respawn and stuff it was actually a really awesome experience to actually get robbed, and my heart was going mental as it was occuring.

Beans to you good sir for not Alt + f4ing. Would've been nice if they'd have let you go, just for playing along. If I had been your robber, I'd have broken your legs and put some morphine and your weapon 30ft in front of you while my friend and I made our get away. As a courtesy of course ;)

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Was looting a barracks when we heard a shot. I didn't my friend did. The original plan was to head into the woods and drop for the night. Not worth the risk, and we were both tired.

That's not quite how it went down. We found the people who fired the shots...and they started firing again. I zig-zagged along in a straight line towards them- my G17 was out, not my rifle. I managed to dodge fire until I got ontop of him. He swept my legs, and knocked me down to 3500 blood. It wasn't good enough. I unloaded a full G17 mag into his face, and killed him on the spot. Did my friend get his backup? I don't know. What I do know is that an Alice Pack, an M16A2 and a G17 to kill a guy with a coyote pack and M4 holo is a good trade to me.

If you can't kill them, you take them down with you.

Edited by amaROenuZ

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Just saw that peoplewere talking of their first kills on DayZ and decided I would like to share a few of mine.

The time is around 6 a.m (GMT) and me and my cousin are deciding whether or not to go to bed after being on the game for a full, solid 6 hours. The server we frequent (LU203) is getting bright and we see that there are only 4 of us in the game (normally around 15/16) so we think 'What are the chances of meeting another player anywhere? We're up North so why not check out the NW airfield?'.

Pulling out my compass, I head West, leaving my cousin trailing behind as, even when he's sprinting and I'm crouch-running, I am faster than he is. Armed with my trusty Winny (nicknamed Beth) and my cousin havind a CZ, we move through the forest eventually seeing a ruined castle on a hill.

'That's Devil's Castle!' I hear as my cousin reaches full-pelt towards the area. 'There's normally some good stuff there!'

Having only played the game properly for about 2 days, I believe everything he tells me and follow him up the hill just as the notification pops up in the bottom left that Swarrrz was killed (it was something like that). We decide that that's one less out of the other 2 people on the server who we'll see up north.

We begin to slow up as we reach the castle, not wanting to aggro the zombies, and crawl in between the towering walls.

Then, we see him, it's a dead body sitting at the foot of the steps and suddenly, the mood changes. We're both now wide-awake, completely different to our previous laboured movements, and are searching high and low, ears pricked to the signs or sounds of any danger.

'I hear movement' my cousin says, a phrase I've heard so many times before and never payed any attention to. I don't believe him, that's a mistake.

As I check the body, my cousin moves up the stairs, even I can't hear him now. The next thing I hear is huge banging of shots and the shreiking of disbelief coming from the other end of the mic. 'BRIAN is dead' is what pops up.

Now, I'm all alone in a place I've never seen before with only Beth, an M1911 and a can of beanz to save me. I creep upstairs, watching the door, zoomed in and waiting for any sign of movement.

As I get in the doorway, I stopped the player sitting to the left of the doormouth, looking at my dead cousin's body. I quickly turn and shoot. I miss, the wall next to him freeing some of the rubble as it crashes to the floor, suddenly he's aware of my presence and leaps off the stairs, shooting what seems to me like an assault rifle in my direction as I spray into the cloud of dust.

I fall first, breaking my legs but I can see through the smoke that he's bleeding badly. The whole screen goes black and I see the words 'YOU ARE DEAD' on the screen, confirming that I have fallen, I have failed my cousin and will now lose Beth. But, as I sit back in my chair, a beacon of hope pops up in the bottom left 'Zegraska has died' I've done it! I got him! I couldn't believe I had killed somebody and was close to dancing in the middle of the room.

In the end we found out he had a DMR after I made my way back, beating everyone there but connection troubles stopped me from picking it up and when I joined back, it was gone, along with mine and his bodies but my cousin's had glitched into the wall so I could get his stuff.

Please tell me if you liked and I will write the story of my second kill (it's almost as good).


Posted this elsewhere on the forum but found this so here we go!

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well, heres a touching story

i was walking through the woods, badly injured, out of bandages, my pistol is clean of ammo, and my crossbow is loaded with my last intact bolt, and i am hungry and thirsty (in fact, the UI was flashing, yet, my supplies were depleted) when suddenly, i come across my first clan camp encounter

i at first panicked, i didn't know if someone was there at first, but then i noticed nothing was moving, so i went in and searched the tents

and i couldn't believe my eyes: i found 100's of canned food, soda, coyote backpacks, NVGs, silenced weapons, MORE bolts for my crossbow, a silenced assault rifle and m9, and tons more stuff

i decided it was time to enjoy the jackpot i acquired, so i spend a hour gearing backup, then i ate to my hearts content (in fact, so much that little food remained, and i was carrying 6 cans of food, and my blood was at 11250, before it was 6517), then i noticed that a car was nearby, so i took the fuel i found, refueled it, then fixed it back up

then.... as i was getting ready to go, a player poped up in front of me in the camp (just logged in) and he quickly put 2 & 2 together... and shots were fired, but he missed, and i landed a head-shot... and got a bandit kill

then i realized this player had a clan tag in his name, so he probably is informing his clan buddys of my theft. i needed to escape

i loaded what i could, then i drove off, when i got on the road, more shots were fired, possibly the clan coming back for revenge

but i escaped unharmed, the car unscratched, and i went on my mossy way, and on with my 2ed kill (first was by accident when a player ran in front of me while i was taking a lee enfield to a zombie, was also a bandit)

after a while, i got to the point of no longer needing the space in the car (ate all the food, and used all the scrap metal to repair the haul after using the car as a zombie killing tool), when, i suddenly was running out of gas, i had just went through my reserves, so i went to a gas station for refueling

when i got my last jurry can filled back up after refueling the car, the server crashed.... and after i rejoined the server, the car was gone, the server basically ate it

i still got everything else, and i'm still alive, and still got all the gear, and to that clan who i looted, sorry guys, but if someone finds a unguarded camp, its all open for the taking, and your food supplies bailed me out of death, thank you ALOT

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Hello my name is ashpwnall and this is our first day in DayZ Warning Long Read! But its worth it

We all spawned quite close to each other during the day, My friends Adam and Jake spawned in Kamenka and my friend Justin and myself spawned in Komarovo. My friend Jack spawned in Balota. So as my friends Adam and Jake ran towards us, Justin and I began to loot the village. Justin finds a Makarov with 2 clips. And I find some coke a bandage and so does justin. We also get some chem-lights. As our friends get to us, we hear over Skype that Jack found a Akm and is playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with a bandit.

As we start to head to Balota after sharing our meager supplies, we discuss a plan. We decided on just looting a city nicknamed Cherno. We also decided to attempt to talk to people and see if they are friendly before shooting them, bandits are a exception. We get close to the Balota Airstrip and we hear a loud SNAP! and our friend Jack is yelling and we hear about 10 RATATA! noises, and Jack said he killed him but he's bleeding and his leg is broken. My blood gets cold as he said this, he's as good as dead, morphine is hard enough to find. We get there and I bandage Jack up, and Justin goes over to the bandit and puts another bullet in his head. Then the death marker shows up. We search his body and find a sniper rifle with 1 bullet, which Adam takes, we find some food, a Alice Pack. a Hatchet. Some pain pills, bandages and Coke and Pepsi, we also find to our surprise a M1911 with 4 mags, which Jake takes, we also get a morphine shot, and fix Jacks broken leg. Jack hands me a M1911 with 3 mags and said this might work better than a hatchet. We then head towards Cherno,

Upon entering the city, we see a apartment building and scout it out, we find alot of supplies such as a camping tent, a mp5 which Justin takes. A couple of hatchets, matches and some meager food and drinks. We then put down the tent and decide that Adam will stay hear and cover us from the building (he finds 4 bullets for the sniper in the building) We also decide that if anything went down come back to this building. We then logged off for a little bit.

When we came back it was night time. We then changed some tactics and took chem lights and road flares as well, we started moving down the street towards the super market. We come across a amateur with a chem light strapped to them and say in game-chat "Freeze, are you friendly? We are armed and not afraid!" The response we got was "All i have is a pistol, i'm friendly, can i join with you?" We thought about it for a minute, then said okay. Her name was Emily, We then enter a empty supermarket that was already stripped through.

We then moved to a group a buildings towards the church and Adam lost sight of us, but saw about 6 survivors moving down the road. We become very suspicious of Emily at this, and we turned into a open field inside a group of buildings, and Justin said he would cover us while we ran across, he threw a road flare to our left as we went across, He then yells AMBUSH!! and opens fire towards the flare. Flares are thrown at them and us, lights and gun fire rains everywhere as we all open fire. Somewhere to my right Jake is shot and killed instantly. i return fire and hit 2 of them, killed 1. I yell RUN!! and we all run in different directions, Justin keeps shooting his Mp5 as we all run away, Behind me i hear zombies, about 50 zombies coming from all directions everwhere, i hear a in-game player yell "Get Them!!" Justins not shooting his gun anymore and all i hear are gun shots of guns we don't have. I was being chased by about 20 zombies as i ran down the road towards the apartment.

I hear 2 loud SNAP! and Adam is in the street shooting the zombies about 20m from the door, He yells "I'll cover you!!" i run past him as 2 Enfield shots ring out, hitting me in the side and the other one hitting Adam and breaking his leg. I look back as Adam is shooting a revolver he found somewhere, while bleeding on the ground, leg broken. I couldn't go help him, there were to many zombies and Adam can't stop the zombies. I run indoors and bandage and hide upstairs, and i hear lots of gunshots everywhere and zombies. I look through the window and see under the flare light the guy who shot me and Adam running towards Adam, i take aim and shoot him, killing him instantly. I yell "I Got Him!" I look at Adam and my blood freezes, Adam is overwhelmed by zombies and being eaten.

The sun comes up soon (a issue with the server day/night cycle) I head out the back leaving some items behind, wishing there was a way i could leave a message for my friends, but theres not, I leave and head into another apartment, i see someone with his back turned, over whelmed by fear a shoot him in the back. Guilt immediately overcame me, and i buried the body without even looting him. I headed out and saw Emily running the other way with Justin's gun and the apparent leader of the Ambush group, I yell "Hey!" my first mistake, then i put 2 and 2 together, Emily said we should cross the field and hit the buildings on the side. I realize that they saw us and she was sent to act like a friend,

I shoot 2 shots at them, but i'm not good with guns, i hit Emily's side and she runs and her friend turns around and shoots me breaking my leg, as i'm on the ground, i shoot 3 more shots at the guy and kill him. Emily ran away, and my leg is now broken. I hear 2 Zombies coming from behind me...

To Be Continued

Edited by ashpwnall
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Aug 8th, 2012

Character: [WS_Sgt]DocHoppy

Server: US20

I woke up in the barn I had taken refuge in, and chowed down the last of the fresh meat I had. Prior to winding up here, I had made my way through Balota Airfield, and Cherno becoming moderately well equipped. I decided to make my way up to the NWA to see if I could find a cayote back pack. I decided to take the long way around, and it the north barracks first. Crawling toward the barracks, I notice the door is closed, but I hear flies. I open the door and find some poor soul lying dead on the floor. I quickly check his body, he apparently hadn't been there long, but did appropriate his alice back and compass. I checked the barracks and find an m16a203. I pick it up and drop the m4a1 I was carrying. I found nothing else usefull and made my way to the hangers, again nothing usefull, same with the southern barracks. I decide to vacate the area and head SE. shortly after leaving the airfield I come across a helicopter crash, and lady lucks graces me with an DMR and one mag. I decided to see if the local Clan that runs the server has a base out on Skalisty Island, this is a fairly long trek. As I am making my way across the map, I come across a lone tent, not well hidden but just there. I take a look and low and behold there is an L85AWS. I decide to leave the DMR and take the L85, since it shares mags with the m16. Happy with my new toy I continue on my trip, get to Krutoy cap and stop.

"no boat",I think out loud. I decide to take a chance as there was only 1 other person on the server and leave my pack and everything on the shore behind some rocks, and swim with only my g17 and magazines plus a bouyant can of sardines. I explore Skalisty but find no camps. I do find a boat, and make a mental note of that. I continue searching the island and find a quiet fishing community with a boat house, and a few formerly known as humans. G17's are great if you can get head shots, but that wasn't happening, I hoof it for the boat with a little over a half dozen "Zeds" chasing me. I make it to the boat and jump in, luckily it is in good shape with half a tank of gas. I make my way back to the

spot I had dropped my items and reaquire them. I decided to use the boat for what it was worth, (Very slow) and head up the coast, I jump out ditching the boat near solnichny. I found a warehouse and found a spot to call it a day.

August 9th 2012.

Server UK 197

I am awakend by engine noises, I look and all I can see is a dust cloud. I leave Solnichny, I headed in land a bit and ran west along the road trying to see if I could see the car. I trail all the way back to Kamyshovo but dont find him. I head back to the shore and as I am coming back up on Krutoy Cap, I catch a climpse of blue near the trees back off the road, I also see someone swinging a hatchet. I had hear stories about a crazed hatchet fiend and decided I shouldn't take any chances. I was 150 meters away and this person hadn't noticed me, I went prown and zeroed my scope on the L85 for 200 meters. I take the shot and bam head shot clean kill. (Sorry Shapka (I think)) I make my way to this pretty blue mini van and quickly take stock. The guy had not had the van very long. Van is in good shape, I decided to head the the north east airfield. As I am cruising along, I see fuel is getting low. I know there is a jerry can in the back and decide to fill up at the airfield. As I am getting fuel, I suddenly here the crack of a round coming really close to my head hitting the bus, I hear glass breaking. I jump in the bus and back up..and take off across the air field. The shots do no real damage, and I figured out where this guy was. he was in the top floor of the ATC tower. I pull about 500 meters away and jump out. I sight in, seeing him lying on the roof. I don't fire, I see him get up and run down the stairs, as he is going down the steps I have a shot through the window...again I don't fire. Zeds are running toward the ATC tower, I hear frantic gun shots, non coming my way, I decided to leave him to his zombie party. I make my way to the gas station near Gorka, I jump out and begin to refuel the van. I walk over to refill the jerry can, and nothing. (desync bug I think). I decided to quit playing for the day but want to try to blow up the fuel tanks, by parking the van almost on top of them, and Blowing it up.

The van explodes with a lovely orange fireball, but the fuel tanks dont.

That is all for now.

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found a crashsite with fn fal an/pvs-4 + ammo, a motorcycle behind the crash and then the server crashed. but as you can see, i'm just annoyed because my motorcycle is gone - good day so far 8D

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Fired up a night server, was right outside of Cherno. Made my way into town into a tower like usual, looked around a bit and decided I'd head towards a drum can fire to cook the food I had on me. Guy runs up the stairs right as I'm heading down, scaring the hell out of me. I start unloading my AK towards the guy, missing terribly. He's blasting his 1911 all over the place. He gets a good shot on me and I get downed, broken leg and bleeding. As I'm laying there with an empty AK, the guy just looks at my body. Probably started looting thinking I was dead.

Sucks for him that I wasn't. Switched to my Revolver and blew his brains out, took his food and some matches. Nearly bled to death, am currently with 200 blood and will need some saving. He was a bandit though, so that was cool.

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Sorry for the long story and spelling errors, im just so excited how far i've made it soloing on my most recent run in DayZ.

After about a dozen tries and fails, i have finally made it out of electro with a hatchet, knife, and some matches. I begin making my way out in the world to explore the unknown places beyond the coast. I have only been playing for about 4 days now so i am very excited. First i head from mountain to mountain to try and find the large radio tower. I quickly find its location, but much to my dissapointment nothing is inside or even around the tower. Sadened I head north. Carfully plotting my course zig zagging from deer posts and villages for loot and steaks, to eventaully end up near the Airfield and Devil's Castle.

I am about 2.5 hours into my game now when i reach the southeastern edge of the airstrip. I carefully dart through the forest behind it and explore all the hangers before making my way to the on base firestation. Im well equipped at this point but a little extra never hurt, especially since it seems all the survivors on this server are duking it out on the coast (no surprise ever). I find some mags in the tower but for nothing i am carrying, i have a makarov, and an AK-74. So for fun i throw a grenade i find out the window because im a noob and have never seen how big the explosion is. BOOM! 'Shit,' is the immediate though that shoots from my mind. I hope no one was close enough to hear that, and make my way towards the control tower.

After alreting some zombies and running up the stairs, i hide for a minute to make sure i lost my pursuers. I then begin searching the tower. In the control room i find a dead survivor (( sorry pal). I will never kill a survivor unless im threatened or provoked, i hate when im killed for no damn reason so i wont be a hipocrit.) I find he has an M1911, Sweet, favorite handgun ever, so i loot it. shit no ammo, but i remember the firestation had mags all over. so i make my way back down and across. On my way down i find a corpse stuck in the ruins in front of the door. I loot her to find she has an AKM Kobra or something like that (newb i am). green dot scope, hell yes please.

I finally get back up and on the TOP FLOOR there is one mag for an m1911, thank you g17 for never being around when i find all your ammo. I begin dinking aorund in my inventory because my bag is almost full and im trying to make room for some spare cans of soda and my water bottles. Thats when i died.

Or at least i thought i did, Two rounds slabbed themselves in the wall in front of me. My vision goes fucking hazzy and im so shocked from the random event idk whether its too late to save myself or fucking book it, for what seems like a minute, but is probably only miloseconds, i finally check my blood. 7900's, no bleed. 'RUN!' i scream in my head. 'How the fuck do you close the gear window!' i scream back because i seem to have multiple personalities when im panicking. 'gah fucking escape'. That shits finally solved so i spam 'W' to start sprinting down the stairs. My guy can not oddly hover glide down them fast enough. i glance out the window when i get some cover to see my shooter. I only see zombies running in his general direction. Good he's distracted. I ran for kilometers in the other directions, towards Devils castle. For the first 2 minutes of trying to escape my adrenaline was pumping like someone had taken a shot at me in real life.

When i hit a main road i view my map to get a game plan. I see i have two options, circle back and flank this asshole because i could get the upper hand knowing hes in huge shit for firing off a dinner bell in zombie airfield, or forgive and forget and continue my quest of exploration. I decide to forgive. I understand the appeal of shooting people to further advance in the game and know it was nothing personal, just a troll being a troll.

I am now placed right outside the castle, excited to explore but hoping their are no trolls inside. i decide to log off for the night. I believe im now at about 4 hours into the game on this life which almost my new record. One day i ran into a couple of awesome dudes who took me on a helicopter ride and we gunned down loads of zombies together. But that life was glitched out of exsistance.

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Ever wondered how come everyone starts at the beach.. well heres a story i think it might have happend... Beans up if u like :P :D

The name is Xardorian i became 23 april 21st.. I cant remember how long it has been since the military dropped me off with my squad to find any survivors on this forsaken part of the land... Even our commanding general said theres some f*cked up shit going on around here. We walked on the beach line trying to find a city to evacuate anyone left alive from this nightmarish grasp.

We found a small village called Kamarovo surounded by Zeds. Thats the name they where given by the local survivors and soldiers. We started clearing our way in to see if there was any survivors. This is where it all started and went to hell quickly.

We had to take cover on the roof of some sort of hangar. Our luitanant screamed: These things cant climb up laders can they! As this is my first actual contact with the zeds i had no idea what i was getting into.

Our luitanant yelled at me asking for a medivac helicopter to take us out of there. Yet no respond from the radio or anyone from the base.Could they been over run? As the zeds came climbing up to the roof i got a signal of some local survivors having medical equipment and are on their way to our coordinates to pick us up.

As the shooting stops and screams been heard all around me. i see the rooftop swarmed with Zeds and i fell off the roof on a small building bleeding to death and with a broken leg. I see everyone getting eaten alive... Right before i pass out i see a helicopter flying over me and asking if i needed medical attention. They got me in to the helicopter and landed in a safe spot to patch me up.

They said they where taking me to stary sober where their base camp is set up.

As we fly over what seems to be the shore line we hear a loud *bang* and our pilot starts to cough up blood and does not respond to anyone talking to him. I looked towards the tree line and see a group of bandits shooting at us. Those pesky bastards are all over the place trying to loot and kill everyone they see to survive on their own. As our helicopter comes pummeling down we crashed near the shore line as i am stuck inside of the helicopter i can see the bandits clearing the area taking everything they find and killing everything that moves.

I passed out after the crash as they take my equipment and survival kit. Everyone i knew died that day and i alone made it out alive. all i got left is a bandage some painkillers and my flashlight.I have nothing to navigate or anything to protect myself with from any harm. IM LOST! in a place called Chernarus The Place Of The Running Dead. My name is Xardorian and this is the beginning of my story.

Edited by Xardorian
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Chased by "The Crowbar Stalker"

It all started when i spawned, i was walking to some village to get some gear when i saw 2 dead bodies.

I checked them but there was nothing on them and i though:"Well maybe they used all theyre stuff".

as i was walking around i noticed that all the zombies are starting to run away to the other side and i understood that its another human when suddenly i saw him - he was a crazy idiot with a crowbar in his hand. He was rushing at me so i ran away into the village trying to lose him it worked but luckly i never saw him again!

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Well the server name i really can't remember but i was switching around a bit to see if a little graphic bug with stary sobor military camps could get resolved but with no use.

So, to waste time I decide to take refuge in the large scrapped metal building next to the camps and with Hunting rifle and ghillie suit I laid down and started to watch. I waited around 10 Minutes and nothing was happening. No gun shots , just silence. Then when I was just about to leave I saw a little dot moving towards stary at a high speed. First thing that went through my mind was that it's a hacker with some sort of speed hack or a car lagging out and a player driving it.

As the dot got closer it turned out it was a player on a bike. Never seeing a bike before i grabbed my scope and started aiming at him but with the angle being unstable I couldn't take the shot. Zombies started running like mad towards the guy and I lost sight of him.I waited a bit aiming around the area where I last saw him and once again to my surprise I see the same guy running on foot through the outside of stary with an estimate of 10-15 zombies behind him.

I saw he wasn't armed and though of helping him but he disappeared out of my sight for good after 5 minutes i guess he was heading for the corner store in stary. Being suspicious i head down stairs and saw a green bike laying on the ground. I thought it was scrapped and laying as a barricade, but as i approached it the option to get in as driver came up. That brought a smile to my face as I saw that all the stats were in green just the bike was upside down I flipped it over and drove out of stary and decided to record the rest of what I did. If your interested you can see here :D


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