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One day I was just walking into elektro when I see a dead body, I wonder "Why is there a dead body?". I go up to it and quickly find out the reason why, a bunch of zombies!

Then I start running as fast as I could all through elektro, I find a ladder going up to a crane and see the amount of zombies behind me! There must have been at least 20!

I was thinking"I am dead" then a shot rings out from afar and all the zombies go after that guy. The strange part is that they formed a conga line almost. This was the aftermath: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Harlie5/screenshot/558690430759102340?tab=public

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Posted by one of the guys I play with on the forum we all basically live on. This was our very first day playing as a full group together. Extremely long but one of the best days of gaming I have ever had.


When I logged in I was close to Aeinna and we met up on the outskirts of Chernos with Jersey, Valec and Marou. We started running around and looting areas; for the most part it was uneventful. Found some great stuff, lot of corpses, and got in a few fights with zombies as we scavanged, but no players. But that all changed when we found the rock of doom. We were running towards a town and decided to stop on the side of a hill, right on a little rocky outcropping. As we all came to a halt the rock ate Aeinna. The very ground beneath her feet sucked her in, then spit her out. Much lawls were had, at least by me. This was followed a few seconds later by the gluttonous earth swallowing Valec, and spitting him out as well. In the light of good sportsmanship, and under the express wishes of those still remaining alive, Marou, Jersey and I took all the good shit off their corpses. During this time Jeresey moved a bit down the hill and apparently ran into a tree with enough force to knock him out. I ran to his aid, and stood above his body doing absolutely nothing until he magically revived and thanked me profusely.

It was at this moment that, down below us in the seaside zombie infested town that a player swam to the shore from the ocean... trailing a swarm of zombies. We all hit the deck, and watched in awe as the lone man ran while his swarm grew to include the zombies from the town as well. Valiantly, he stopped and took a few down, and I had him in my sight but we decided it was too close and if we fired the zombies would just turn and rush us. We hoped he would simply die, but no. The fucker runs towards the hill. Luckily he went wide of our location. This however caused some zombies from his swarm, taking the shortest route to their prey, to come directly for us. We were able to take them out with little fanfare, and didn't aggro any others. Jersey went and kept an eye on the guy, while I stayed by the corpses of our fallen comrades. During this time Aeinna and Valec were trying to make their way towards us, but had respawned rather far away.

I'm not entirely sure what happened to zombie swarm guy, but eventually Jersey returned and we started spreading out a bit trying to see if there was anything to loot in the nearby village. Jeresey was leading the way, I was a fair distance behind him, and Marou was still at the corpses. It was during this time that a lone gunmen ran up and shot me in the side of the head. In my death throws, I alerted Marou and Jersey, who both turned and shot the bandit that was now looting my fallen body. I prepared to respawn and, to my despair, was reincarneted in a spot rather far away from everyone else and was convinced to kill myself by the disembodied voices in my head. I listened, and in their infinite wisdow I was respawned right next to the lovely seaside villa and promptly looted everything of value again from my own corpse. Take that atheists.

Jeresey and I decided to once again search a barn close to the nearby town, and I believe Marou went AFK during this point. Jeresy and I found nothing, but in the course we aggroed a few zombies. We were able to clear them, but a person was close enough to hear our shots and started shooting at us from the hill we had descended. Jersey was hit and went down, but thankfully I was around to save the day yet again with my fast bandaging skills. Jersey attempted to flank him, and at this time Marou returned and also attempted to get to our location (and he would have come up behind the bastard) but he eluded us. Meanwhile, little ol' me who stayed put to play as bait alerted the zombies that started to repop. I wasted about 16 shots with a shotgun trying to frantically kill about 5 zombies. I ran out of ammo for the last two, and climbed a rock. The zombies wandered back in forth below my feet, and I was able to finish them off with my trusty pistol o' doom.

I made it back to Jersey and we decided to head back to a firehouse that had rather good gear, and would be a decent meet up point with Aeinna and Valec. Marou was following, though lagging behind a bit. We entered the firehouse and immediately Jersey runs up the stairs, gets hit and goes down. The shot attracted some zombies, which I took care of, and I then proceeded to inch towards the steps were Jersey was shot and another player pops into view. We exchanged fire, I moved out and reload, then came back and exchanged some more fire. The player was using an auto MP5 and I was using a Makarov pistol. I hit him with 14 shots, and the bastards still didn't go down. But he got me, and I died. At this point, Jersey rises like a pheonix from the ashes, rushes up the stairs and kills the other player present. There was much yelling in vent while this occured, and as the dust settled we realized something.

It was Aeinna and Valec on the 2nd story of the firestation. Jersey had run up the stairs sporting a bandit skin which you get from killing other players. This startled Aeinna who then shot him and Jersey fell off the stairs going unconcious. I exchanged fire with Valec, who killed me, but I wounded him enough that he bled out and died a moment later. Jersey regained consciousness and ran upstairs killing Aeinna. Marou then showed up, once all this was figured out, and joined Jersey to loot everything from the firestation.


Valec and I both respawned rather far away, and met up. During the course we aggroed a rather large amount of zombies (mostly because I decided to shoot a zombie that aggroed in the middle of town, and thus alerted the rest). We killed them, but both ran out of ammo. We snuck our way towards Aeinna (who had met up with Jersey and Marou) and for the most part were rather succesful. Until we aggroed about three or four zombies. Seeing as how we had no ammo, we ran for our lives. It was at this moment that the other group appeared before us, and saved us from the mini horde.

What followed was a rather succesful run through a few areas and we were able to get pretty well kitted out. We stuck to the wilderness for the most part, looting deer stands and only venturing into town if it looked relatively safe. Eventually we had to switch servers, as the one we were on started bugging out. Up until this point we had been playing during daylight. On the new server, however, it was night. On default settings, it is fucking dark, but if you adjust your settings it's rather enjoyable (though still dark).

We made our way eventually to a factory, we popped a flare into the center of the walled area, and snuck inside avoiding zombie aggro in the darkness. There wasn't much inside, so we regrouped out front, and made our way towards a nearby deer stand. It was at this moment Jersey realized that there was 6 people in our group. There were only 5 of us. What followed was a frantic conversation through vent to get our characters to lean, fall prone and otherwise move in a way that identified who was who. We singled out the infiltrator, popped a flare, and proceeded to gun him down. Because you know, a random silent guy suddenly running next to you in the dark is freaky. And he might have had good gear. And because.

We played for a few more hours, which were pretty uneventful compared to what happened above. Playing at night is really fun since you're able to stealth around all the zombies, quietly infiltrate areas, loot them, and get out. All of us got kitted out in some really good gear. Backpacks, maps, compasses, weapons, ammo, med supplies (raided a hospital and we are loaded). The only thing I'm actually low on is food/water, in that I only have one of each which I'll need to use when I log in. On the plus side, they're probably one of the most abundant things, and all new players spawn with some.

So yeah, fucking awesome game. Very enjoyable with a group to run with. And since it's alpha, it can only get better

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I found a dude on a hill that I needed to cross. I asked him if he was friendly, and that I meant no harm and my only wish was to cross that hill. He approved, and I managed to cross. I found a powerplant that I wanted to explore. It was a good time to do it before it went dark, so I asked him if he was interested in scavenging that place. We went down, found a couple of Ak's, and life was good. I asked if he wanted to go to the airfield, to which again he agreed to.

We came over a village, and he was out of ammo so he wished to scav some more. One zombie ambushed us, one shot got a sh*tload of zed's after us. We ran...He was injured from the ambush, and the zeds got to him. He fell and they began nomming...I turned around, as I NEVER leave anyone behind, who still have a chance. I shot the nommers, and threw smoke and flares to distract them. As the focused on the flares, I went down to em, fixed him up, and we RAN...

We made it across a meadow, from there I gave him a transfusion, and called it a day. The adrenaline man! THE ADRENALINE!!

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It was around 1600 hours when our group finally met up just north west of Prigorodky. After a long trek, understandably, we had itchy trigger fingers and were looking for a bit of action. So naturally, the first thing we decide to do is raid a building for supplies while gunning down every zombie within a quarter mile radius. As we approach the area we're looking to case, we spot a survivor moving through an open field to the west. We hit the deck and ask his intentions. He wanted only to read the city sign and be on his way, we were more than happy to oblige him.

Eventually, we move from cover after he disappears to the north west and the fun begins. I acted as bait, attracting about 8-10 zombies at a time while the rest of the team set up inside a barn with their Winchesters. Every time I had enough zombies trailing me, I'd run in and let the rest of the team mop them up. This rather loud process went on for about 4 minutes until we had the entire north west end of the town cleared out. Thankfully, it hadn't attracted any human attention, or so we thought. We went on our merry way, hopping fences and rummaging through peoples'... well, what used to be peoples' back yards and began looting- or we would have if there had been any supplies to loot. It seemed that particular side of the town had already been cleared out.

That's when we turned our attention to the east side of town. We moved through a mostly open field using what little natural cover it offered- dips in the terrain along with small shrubs. Then we spotted a contact, a survivor named Drew. We asked if he was friendly and he quickly fled west, which wasmore than alright with us.

As we approached the first of a group of larger farms and stables, one team member heard the droning buzz of flies. Finally, some loot! We all entered together, our second mistake that late afternoon, and find two dead survivors. Around that time we saw Drew cursing a bandit in chat for ambushing him. We started to bug out, when one of the team spotted another contact. It was bandit approaching from the south east. The last team mate inside, Chris, barely had time to drop the gear he was looting when the bandit lit him up. I sprinted in from the south entrance just as they both went down- dead.

Hastily, I checked both bodies. The bandit must have just spawned, as he had no decent loot on him, and must've been looking for an easy target to get some gear. What's left of the team moved a little north to get into some cover and to get a perfect vantage point on the stables as we wait for our survivor to return. He spawned near Chernogorsk. Not too far a walk and we weren't left waiting long.

This time, as he went in, the rest of us stayed outside on overwatch and eyed our surroundings like hawks. "Contact! Another bandit approaching from the south east." This time Chris was ready. The bandit was well armed and managed to land a shot on him, but the rounds from his Windchester to the enemy's center mass put him down hard. We moved in to treat our fallen comrade and I filled the bandit's body with lead one last time to make sure he was down for the count. This time he had some loot worth taking.

The team decides that we've had enough of bandits and survivors for one day and we start to move out. We were heading north for the treeline when I spotted movement to the north east, yet another bandit lying prone with a rifle was watching us from the trees. I shout contact. Everyone hit the deck and scrambled for cover in the open area using the sparse vegetation. I trained my Kobra sights on him and Chris asks if he's friendly. The bandit tells us that he's just passing through. As I tell him to get lost, I ask my team mates to make for the treeline again, one by one. Meanwhile, the bandit concedes and starts to head east away from us.

When we all finally made it to the safety of the trees, I told them to start bounding overwatch. We started the leapfrog-like maneuver to the west and up the slope, every team member using a tree for cover. Soon after, the last in the formation called out that she's spotted our bandit friend heading towards her as she combat crawls to her next bit of cover. She slides into a small depression in the terrain behind a shrub. I asked her to hold her position while Chris and I searched for the camo clad gunman. To our pleasant surprise our bounding formation had him surrounded on two sides.

The bandit, unaware, kept his eyes on Krittar who was to his west, while we low crawled until we were about 20m south of him. He thought he had our team mate pinned down. On my mark, we lit him up. He fired wildly and fruitlessly at the survivor behind cover. She provided us with suppressing fire while we put round after round in him. In a futile attempt to hide, he went prone. Chris and I closed in on him and finish the job.

Though it had to be done, I still found myself uncomfortable with the fact that I had to kill a fellow survivor. I quickly tell the bandit over chat that I was sorry but he forfeit his life when he chose to come after us. He curses us from the grave, telling anyone who will listen not to trust me and vehemently arguing the fact that he had been stalking us. Krittar laughed dryly, amused at bandit's reaction as she and Chris began to loot his body.

Our rag-tag band of survivors found, much to our surprise, that all the hassle that afternoon had been worth it. We discovered gear on the corpse we had long been searching for; our answer for sustainability away from the rest of humanity; a pack of matches and knives for everyone to hunt with. Wary that the angry bandit had given away our position, we quickly hoofed it out of the area- not stopping until we put a few kilometers between us and his corpse.

Edited by whtwlf
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The following story took place today on NY4:

Me and two friends were heading for the factory outside of Orlovets to meet up with another friend. A couple of grids away we spot a bandit down by the road and about the same time get reports from our friend about another bandit in the compound. After observing their movements for a while we decide to open fire, which would later prove to be the starting moment of a very long standoff.

Friend #4 drops a bandit close to the gate while the rest of us open up on the bandit down by the road, uncertain if we hit him or not. We then decide to move to a better over-watch position to be able to better spot and eliminate the hostiles. Our designated marksman and friend #4 both engage the bandit on the roof resulting in a bleeding death for the poor guy. As we continue to scout the area, one of the bandits has managed to circle around our backs and drop one of ours but ended up getting himself killed.

After a while of no action I decide to move up and clear the compound from within, quietly crawling my way down the hill and into the compound from the back. I quickly realize we've eliminated all hostiles within the compound so the DMR proceeds down the hill to loot the first bandit we dropped by the road. After checking the corpse one of the bandits gets the drop on him and makes short work of my dear friend, making me (stuck on the factory roof) really jumpy at this point.

Around the same time friend #4 starts circling around towards our original over-watch position to try to get the bandit who killed our DMR from behind but running into hostile contact on top of the hill but luckily eliminated the bandit. We scout the area for a while trying to spot the last bandit and I finally spot him by some bushes down by the road, looting the DMR from our dead friend. I let off a couple of slugs in his direction, unfortunately without hitting him. He then decides to advance towards my current position in the factory but as he does so I manage to hit him with a slug, forcing him to cover behind the wall and bandage.

At this time, low on blood and pretty shook up, friend #4 decides to make a break for it and runs down the hill towards the compound gate, only to get sniped by the last bandit just before making it through.

Last man standing, with an Mp5SD and a shotgun against a lone bandit with a DMR I feel my heart pumping and my thoughts racing at light speed. Where is the bandit? Is he watching my obvious position in the factory? Have the others respawned and run back? What should I do?

My earlier shotgun slugs had attracted a fairly large group of zombies coming up the factory stairs so I take my Mp5 out of the backpack and drop them quietly before advancing down the stairs of the factory. I at this moment have no idea where the bandit is, he might even have entered the compound and shot my friend from inside, so I do a quiet crawl/crouch sweep of the area to make sure that it's clear and then set up an ambush spot in case he does decide to enter.

I waited for what felt like hours for the bandit to make another appearance but hearing or seeing nothing except for zeds. Realizing that I'm a sitting duck and that the bandits are probably planning an ambush or attack at that very moment I decide to shoulder my trusty Mp5 and exit the factory through the same small hole in the back as I came from.

Quietly crawling across the factory yard, through the wall and into a small strip of forest I suddenly catch a glimpse of a bandit crouching in the middle of the field. My heartbeat is racing at this point. This is the guy who killed two of my friends, stole our weapon and items and is now watching the factory, trying to kill me. I feel my boddy filling up with a mixture of hate, anger and excitement that he seems to have no idea where I am.

I decide to get closer before going for the kill, engaging at this range with my weapon versus his would be suicide. I try to spot him again but realize that he's gone from my view. Nervous and a bit cautious I proceed to crawl around his last known position, constantly keeping an eye out for any movement or shots fired. After some time I again spot him, this time trying to get into cover to be harder too see. Bad move!

With his position clearly noted I proceed to slowly but surely make my way towards it from behind, keeping the bush he's covering in between him and me at all times. My heart beats faster and faster as I realize I'm getting closer and closer with him apparently completely unaware of my current location. When I'm about 15 meters away I hit the crouch button, shoulder my mp5, aim down the barrel and fill his corpse with an entire magazine worth of lead.

I quickly hit the deck again, time freezes and my mind is shouting at me; "Is he dead? Did I hit? What if I missed? Did his friends see me?" and then I see it. "Tiba666 has died." It is over.

I really want to thank Tiba666 and his other bandit friends (unfortunately I don't remember or know their names, except that one of them had two names, the first one starting with a J) for what, for me, was probably THE most exciting and thrilling moment of DayZ so far and for being very honest opponents!

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20.4.2012 EU13 The Day of Cars

I found myself at the coast. Again. Not by dying, but by some kind of a server restart. Seems like I have walked the distance inland twice as many times as I have died.

Navigating the land with full survival gear comes like a second nature, but I was somewhat wary of other players, being closer to the coast than I liked. Being in a state of heightened alertness I meticulously scanned the horizon with my binoculars every hundred meters.

Close to Staroye I spotted something I haven't seen before. A car. A red car. Nothing fancy, but neither one of the rusting hulks that now litter the streets. The car was a considerable distance away from me and I couldn't spot the driver with my binoculars.

I started to approach the vehicle via nearby woods, hoping that my presence would go unnoticed. I suppose I did get a bit too excited and got to the car in a manner not quite fitting an alive survivor. Neither had I really planned what to do with the car if I would reach it unopposed.

So there I were, pondering my next move when I hear a step behind me. I duck under the closest tree, but it was way too late to fight back. I got put down without ever having seen the owner of the car.

Bitterly recovering from my third death (first one caused by a player) I headed to familiar ground to gather essential gear. While travelling I run through the previous encounter and cuss myself for being so careless. It is getting dark, but I am almost at my tent and ready to begin a new.

Having only ever seen one car, and only couple hours before at that, you can guess my surprise when, in the middle of pitch black woods, I run into a pickup truck.

It is apparent, that the car is parked in a hiding spot and me being alive, not very well guarded. Without wasting time, I jump to the drivers seat and head of from the woods. After a good half an hour the car is relocated and I start to inspect the gear in the car. A lot of car/helicopter parts and medical supplies. Not a bad catch.

But the day of cars was not over. Skipping forward yet couple hours I am travelling on foot near Gorka, trying to meet up with my friends. I stop on my tracks at a sound of running motor.

I have no time to prepare, set up an ambush or plan ahead when I see a car coming over the hill about 50m from me. I take a knee, set my AK-74 to full auto and take aim to the driver. Before I take a shot I notice another player running behind the car.

I am not sure if the runner was for security, for situations like the one at hand, or if his predicament was a result of some other mishap.

However, at the moment I had no time to analyze the peculiar arrangement ahead of me, but I did consider the running player more of a threat. I reajusted my aim. I fired two short burst at the runner, gunning him down. The car veers left and stop. The driver manages to exit the vehicle but hits the ground dead. I have shot 23 rounds in 3 seconds.

I quickly scan the ground. Seeing no more movement I jump in to the car and quickly relocate it to a better hiding spot.

After hiding the car I come back to loot the corpses. At this point I am not sure if I got all the bandits, or if I attracted more players. Everything seems quiet and I inspect the bodies.

Turns out the other bandit was named Shoarmaboer. The same owner of a red car that earlier shot me down. In his hand was my M4. A rifle that ironically was as unuseful to Shoarmaboer than it was to me in our previous encounter.

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It starts in the morning, just after daybreak. I woke up on a beach. The road was just ahead, and on it... 1 man running. He stopped, and pointed his shotgun at me. He could have taken me out, right there. "Where you headed?" he asked, "nowhere" I replied. "I'm on my way to meet someone, do you need gear?", "YES", "okay, stay close". And that was that. For the next hour I followed him, around small settlements, across roads, through woods.... untill we hit a barn. "Go in", he said. My first CZ rifle, two clips. It was a beautiful thing. We went into a nearby building, got enough food to last for a while. Then he had to leave. He and his friend were planning a raid on an airbase, and I would surely die if I went along.

Aimless now, I wandered what I would later find out to be eastwards. A power station, and what looked like a city next to it. The city was too risky, I already knew how loud my rifle was, and honestly, I was terrified to go in. I opted for the PP. Nothing of value. I decided following the powerlines north was a reasonable idea for some reason. By now it was dusk. I turned back to look at the city. Flares were filling the city, and gunfire was almost constant. I watched for a while, before falling asleep under a pylon.

I awoke to a new day. Picked up my rifle to see what had changed overnight. It turns out that not much changes in the zombocalypse. The city looked deserted at least, no sound of gunfire. As I started moving down the hill towards the PP again, I noticed something. A building, off to my left. It had been too dark to see yesterday, or I just wasnt paying attention. I didn't like it, having a building so close that I had no idea existed made me very weary. Dive to the ground. Scope up. Two men. One belly down, scoping the hill, by some miracle he had not seen me. The other, moving around in the building, probably looking for supplies. "FRIENDLY??" I asked frantically, these were the only people I had seen other than my helper. No reply. I repeated myself, twice. No reply.I fired, 1 shot. It landed in the head of the guy who was scoping the hill, probably looking for me. The other dived for cover behind a fence, popping out every few seconds to look for me. I repeated myself one last time. No answer. I fired my second round. Headshot.

They were carrying nothing of real use, a shotgun (which I did not take, my rifle was serving me well at this point), and a second rifle. I searched one of their backpacks..... jackpot. Blood and painkillers, two lots of each.

Then, a cry for help. He was loosing blood, running from the city towards the PP. He was running right in to a second swarm of Zed, I knew that from my earlier scouting. I could (maybe should) have left him. But I was close, and I had just what he needed. I took off towards the PP, sniping the Zed that were in there on the way. I offered him the blood, he ws nervous to trust me, (killing those men must have had some sort of effect on me) but after the transfusion, he was ridiculously greatful. Infact, for some reason, I was now his leader. I had never lead anyone before, hell, I barely knew what I was doing myself, but here I was. "Where too?" he asked me. I realised that I wanted to keep my follower alive, inland was the best bet. "Pusta" I replied, almost instantly. "Lead on".

We ran west through the woods, hoping to hit the road to Pusta. We were followed. I didn't notice, my companion did. We swung around quickly, searching for a decently elivated position to confront him from. Turns out we were close to the road, so we got into cover on the other side. "FRIENDLY" we heard him shout. He sure didn't look friendly, you could tell by looking at him he had killed a few men. He moved on to the other side of the road, his weapon lowered, ours trained on him the whole time. To prove his alligence, he took it upon himself to dissarm, and lay out his gear on the ground. For me, for some reason, that was more than enough. "Pick it up" I said, "you want to follow?". He did. We set off along the road.

Things started to go wrong. It was taking far too long following this trail to get to Pusta. I concluded that we had somehow overshot the town, but remembered that further on up the road there was a junction, where we could turn left to head towards Mogilevka. My companions trusted my judgement, so we continued. We came to the junction. A gas station. I did not remember this on the map, but I kept it to myself. No usable loot. We headed left as planned, and found the outskirts of a town.

My companions were eager, too eager. Up to this point I had avoided big towns, and this place was BIG. But they wanted to go in. By the time we hit the second building in town we were spotted. 7 shots in total from my friends to take down one Zed. Then the hoard came. We split up, running into town different ways in an attempt to loose our pursuers. I heard one of them shout "follow the cranes! jump in the water!". Water? In Mogi? Sure enough, I saw the outline of cargo cranes above some of the buildings, and head towards them. A dock. And ocean. This was very wrong. But under pursuit, I had no time to think. Into the sea I went. Did you know Zed can swim? They can. Across a small stretch of the water was a way onto another part of the dock, where one of my companions had already climbed out. I met him, and together we ran down the peir untill we knew we were safe. We took stock. Between us, 2 Pistols, 1 clip, 1 bandage. The rest had been lost in the frantic swim.

We decided we should try and find our third member quickly, recoup some of our lost supplies and get the hell out of wherever we were. We split up, and lost contact. It was almost pitch black in the unfamiliar city. I looked up the road. No less than 12 Zed were heading straight for me......

OOC: I hope somebody enjoyed reading this, that was my first real attempt at surviving in the game xD ALL of this actually did happen to me over the span of two days, to one character. It was quite a ride. If anyone was wondering where we ended up, I studied the map properly, and it was Elektro. When we were frantically hiding from our third member on the road earlier, we must have lost our sense of direction, and we headed south down the road, rather than north to Pusta. Quite the blunder for me to make under my first command :')

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I am a Day Z newbie, and before yesterday all I had seen of the mod were videos. Yesterday I finally installed it and played it for the first time. I ended up in a server where it was day (sun was setting though), and my adventure begun there. For around an hour and a half I managed to evade both zombies and 2 bandits, before being shot at by a bandit on a tower. Well, I guess I was easy prey, running all happily in the field. We learn from our mistakes.

But today, I decided to play at night. First thing that struck me was that it was absolutely pitch black. Fighting temptation, I managed to go a while without lighting a flare. Around ten minutes after walking aimlessly towards (what I think was) Elektro, I saw a silhouette of a zombie on a hill in the distance. I started walking the other way, slowly, as to not attract any unwanted attention. A few steps in this new direction I found a house. But it was so pitch black that I ended up lighting a flare, since I had not seen any other hints of zombies or survivors/bandits around.

Bad idea! As soon as the flare hits the wall of the house, a group of zombies (mostly Jamie Hyneman :D) come running towards me. Frightened as all hell, I start running like a mad man without even looking back. After a few minutes running, I found an open door, go in, exit the other way, apparently this made the zombies slow down a bit and I was eventualy able to lose them. I use this opportunity to bandage myself and take some painkillers. And only then, I noticed that in front of me stood a huge structure with light emanating from inside. On my right, suddenly, I hear a zombie growl and I am attacked by 3 zombies.

After an epic fight (where I ended up at the brink of the death), I bandage myself once again - but I have no painkillers. My view is shaking, everything is turning black and white. What do I do? My only hope right now was that a survivor was inside that structure. Well, either a survivor or a box of painkillers. No box of painkillers.

I make my way to the top of the structure and find another player. I stood there, frozen for a few seconds, as the other fellow starts aiming around like a mad man. I thought to myself "is he showing me that he won't kill me by not pointing his gun at me"? Could be. He turns around, kind of in a "follow me" way, and I follow him. He stops and looks around. I take these few seconds to pop up the question in the chat "Do you have some spare painkillers? I'm dying here". No response. I ask again. Still nothing. The other survivor turns around to face me, and his gun is way too steady pointing at me for my taste. My brain started storming.

He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me and quick, as I am already dying. A few seconds after pointing the gun at me, the survivor starts pointing his gun down at the ground. I'm thinking "is he telling me to get down and drop the weapon?" Hell. No. In the blink of an eye, I shot my whole clip at his head. After watching his body fall lifeless, my mind started to wander. What if he WASN'T going to kill me? I just killed another survivor...

Realizing that the other survivor could be spawning and running towards me for revenge, or just in case some bandit heard the shots and was running towards me, I loot his body and find some painkillers. After taking the painkillers, I stand up and salute at the lifeless corpse lying in front me, before running into the distance. Into the dark. Where I eventualy found my demise.

(this mod is AMAZING)

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Found 3 others in the outskirts of a spawning town, we waited for my mate Connor to appear (who i was using teamspeak with) before heading off inland.

We hiked for quite some time before we managed to find what i think is "Little hill." We began cleansing the town and shared what food, ammo, weapons and other supplies together. It was all peachy, then we got 3/4s of the way through the town and found a well, we topped up our water and continued north.

However, in a completely bizzare and unexpected twist, no less than 10 zombies spawned LITERALLY around us! We tried falling back, bullets flying through the air, the 12 zombies quickly became around 2 dozen! panicking the 5 of us became separated! I chased who i thought was Connor into a nearby building, another of the group had followed me, but it became hopeless as we darted out the other side. I lured zombies as a comrade shot them off me until he ran out of ammo, i returned the favour!

Having been beaten and bruised, we returned to try and find the other survivors, we found no less than a dozen corpses in the building we had fled through, Connor had died and 2 of the other survivors had vanished. : ( Memory is a little blank after this, i think i decided to respawn and try to catch up with Connor, it was great that we all worked so well for the time though.

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It was roughly around Midnight, no moon up and pitch black. I had just managed to sneak my way through Chernogorsk gathering supplies and had arrived on the Northern side of town, when on the global radio information came through from a 2 man party making their way from Kamenka up north then to Bor, a small village to my North west.

Now, at this moment in time, I was classed as a bandit to the civilised world, due to a little incident where I returned fire on a survivor and ended up killing him. Even though I try to stay out of trouble still, the incentive to give them a scare is too much, so I make my way quickly north west, sprinting through the cover of forests while using no flares to stay completely hidden.

By the time I get to Bor, the information coming from the radio leads me to believe that they have already passed it and are on their way to Zelenogorsk, so I make my way north with haste, hoping to get my chance while they are looting the town. However, shortley after heading out, new information comes through that they infact only just reached Bor, so I set myself up on a small raise at the corner of the road heading north, watching directly down the road. I have also placed two chem lights on the road hoping to cause as a distraction.

It is not long until a light appears in the distance, and 2 figures appear on the horizon running down the road, 1 holding a flare. They reach the chem lights and stop, at which point I throw a flare down on the road from my position. They jump off the road and put out their own flare, however my own still illuminates them. They scream out whos there, scanning the grass side looking for me. I make my intentions known on chat that I was simply teaching them the dangers of being so public about their actions, and make my way down the hillside with my gun lowered. I speak to them, and it comes to light that they were running out of flares (no pun intended :P ), so I procede to drop them another set of 10 out of my spares.

While the trade is taking place however, with the flare still illuminating us, sniper shots ring out, 1 first taking out one of the party of two, and another hitting me square in the head, still looking in my backpack. As I lie dieing, I see the final survivor running off the road in to the dark, sniper shots still ringing out trying to hit him.

On respawn, we got to talking. It turned out I wasn't the only one with the plan to intercept them, only where I had peaceful intentions, the sniper obviously did not so :P It was just an unlucky coincidence that we laid out traps in the same place, and sheer luck for the sniper that we left my flare lighting up the area. With his positioning and the speed they were running at first, he most likely would not have managed to kill them had I laid my trap elsewhere.

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I killed a man today.

I met up with Ben at the electrical plant shortly before noon. We were both in a good way as far as ammo was concerned but needed some food and other necessities before heading north into the wilderness. We decided it would be best to loot around Elektro before heading out.

The zombie presence was light that afternoon and we had no problems slipping past the undead picket and into the deserted city streets. The church yielded up more ammo than we could carry and some food. The grocery store was more of the same though I found a m1911 in the back room and took it for my sidearm.

We had just cleared the school when everything began to fall apart. I was shuffling my items from my basic pack to an improved ALICE pack I'd found on the ground floor when Ben started shouting at survivor across the street. The man had ducked into the cafe and would not respond to our calls. I moved forward to cover Ben if he decided to storm the cafe when a winchester slug took his head off. The now bandit had moved to an upstairs window and had a perfect view of our position. With my partner dead and no clue where the enemy was I beat a hasty retreat back inside the school and took up position in a second story window with a clear view of Ben's corpse. If the bandit tried to scavenge off my friend he would pay dearly.

Minutes ticked by and more survivors decided to brave the city providing the bandit ample targets for sniping. He killed two and then things went very quiet. As time continued to pass I became nervous, I knew he knew I was there. I also knew he probably wasn't going to leave such a fertile hunting ground. But I had learned from the other survivor's mistakes, I wasn't about to run outside and give him another target. So I waited.

It took fifteen minutes but eventually he came looking for me. When I heard his footsteps on the first floor I tucked myself into a corner of the room with some boxes between me and the only door. My 1911 leveled right where his head would be when he came inside. I wasn't disappointed. The bandit came in leading with the same Winchester that had killed Ben. He managed to fire one shot before I emptied my clip into him.

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Had an unfortunate series of events tonight!

For starters i fell off a crane and broke some bones, luckily had morphine, pain killers and bandages so got going again!

Found an enterable building with barb wire all through it so thought it might be a safe place to hole up in as the sun was rising.

Made my way to the roof to see what was about and got mugged by a zombie, dropping my blood to a level where i started getting blurred vision. Had to ask in chat to find that out and saw a guy on the building opposite, who i had been chatting with...looked down and he had about 25 Z's after him! They weren't getting to him so we relaxed as another guy offered to come and give me some blood.

For some reason the guy in the roof felt the need to get over to me and lasted about 5 mins in the process as well as leading a bunch of Z's to my building. Had to despatch 7 of the bastards!

This other fellow finally found me after detouring to the hospital to get some blood packs, had a bandit skin but was great, fully decked out, fixed me up and gave me an M1911, ammo and some food. He then promptly got kicked from server for "not responding" and must have appeared elsewhere when he logged back as I saw he was killed by someone, made me feel pretty bad actually!

So yeah, finally got a story out of the mod, can't wait to get back in and check out one of the castles! ...very carefully of course!

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I play this mod for about a week now and 2 people of my skypelist finally got it too, so we decided to login and meet up. It was nighttime.

Besides some minor hilarious bumps on the road, involving zombies, accidentally thrown flares and talks over the mic where everyone seems to be: "I'm right under the crane." - "me too, but i don't see you...oh wait, is there more than one cranes at your position?" - "No just one" - "Allright, then we speak of different cranes", we finally found each other.

Knowing that the coast near our spawns would be dangerous, we didn't bother with any of the small towns and made our way into the woods, all the while discussing and arguing where north is, one of our guys always talking about the northstar near the big dipper or something, the other one being sure that we need to walk into the opposite direction and me just saying that we shouldn't log into servers with nametags over our heads, since the whole sneaking would be kinda useless then.

I picked up a Sniper somewhere along the road on a body, my first sniper of all times and kinda pissed that the body didn't have any ammo for it, so i had to just carry it around without being able to use it, other than for scouting the area in front of us.

We landed (after some detours back to the beach, cause we ran in the wrong direction) somewhere near Three Valleys, spotted that radiotower and i finally found some rounds for my sniper.

Not seeing much and being kinda lost, we switched to a server where it was just shortly before nightfall, so we had at least some light left, even though it was foggy as shit.

Next thing we know, we stumble upon a sign with ...of course...russian letters on it and one of the guys said "Hope that doesn't mean minefield" (XD) and then he started up google translator, figuring out it was the sign for the Quarry ahead, while i moved on a little bit to see the big cliff going down and asuming the sign meant something like "Big fucking drop, step carefully"

They decided to check out the bottom of the quarry and since i had a sniper with some rounds, I was assigned overwatch and lay down halfway down the cliff, watching them and the fencegate of the quarry.

Zombies didn't make any problems but then a shot rang and it turned out one of them got shot, shortly after the other reported too that he is down and thus i started to scan the surroundings.

Turned out a banditskinned sniper was on the other side of the cliff, kinda on the same height as me and i took aim and shot him in the head.

I was not sure if he had a buddy along with him, but after the kill message in the chat, i also spotted 2 disconnects at the same time, so either a coincidence or he and his body logged out.

We lost 2 guys with starting equipment, but I gave them their revenge and was able to stock up on a winchester, some supplies and more ammo for my sniper and since it was allready late anyway, we decided to call it a night.

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After spawning and finding each other, my friend and I, headed North in order to get away from the coast and other players. After some unfortunate encounters with zombies in a couple of towns, we were low on ammo and food, and dangerously low on water, but I had managed to get a hunting rifle with a scope.

We were scouting a town we had run across but decided to go around it, because there were too many zombies. We walked around the town to some hills overlooking what seemed like a military quarantine area with lots of body bags and zombies. We were going to skip it and keep moving North until we heard gunshots down below.

We hid among the grass and trees, while I scoped the area and saw another player running from a group of zombies. He ran into the quarantine area. The player had figured out that he could stand in the middle of all the body bags and zombies couldn’t get to him while he shot them. As he was taking down zombies, we had to make a decision.

The choice we came up with were:

Help him and gain an ally but risk getting killed if he wasn’t friendly.

Wait and see if he would be killed by zombies so that we could grab his gear.

If he survives the horde, wait for him to leave and loot the area if anything was left.

Kill him with my sniper rifle after he cleared the zombies and loot him and the area.

It was an intense decision to make because we had to choose quickly and consider all the pros and cons at the same time. Finally, we decided, and seeing that he had finished clearing the zombies and was now bandaging himself, I held my breath to stabilize my aim and fired a shot.

The bullet him in the torso, and I fired again to make sure he wouldn’t survive.

We descended the hill towards the body bags but my rifle had drawn the attention of a couple remaining zombies. We ran to the body bags and dealt with about 4-5 Z’s. Once it was all clear we checked his gear, and jackpot! He had a map, a compass, binoculars, a Remington shotgun with a flashlight attached. He also, had some food, chemlights and an empty water bottle. We divided the loot and moved North.

Jump to a couple days later, and things hadn’t gone well at all. We had no ammo, no food, no water, and I was losing blood from starvation. We had nothing but bad luck after that encounter, and ended up roaming around Northern Chernarus frantically looking for an opportunity of any kind. In the end, we found a radio tower. We ran to it and climbed to the top past a group of zombies. The zombies obviously notices us, but we didn’t care. We had hoped we would find something up there, anything. But no. And with no ammo or supplies there was no way out.

We stood over the edge of the railing and jumped to our deaths.

The End.

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Well, One night ago I spawned behind some bandits. I was lying in high grass and they didn't see me. I had pretty decent gear and I could get away. But after been shot and killed by those fuckers for so long, I took my chances. First some zombies came and fucked shit up. I took my chances and throw a flare into their face. Both of them panicked. I went around and shot one of them in the back when he run away. I got shot but it was worth it! I died but I don't regret it!


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After having played DayZ for over 24 hrs now, I have murdered my first Survivor. I always play the lone wolf and try to avoid killing anyone at all costs; I don't want to be the kind of guy that pops some other poor guy in the back of his head for his can of frank and beans. But I can no longer claim the high moral ground because I have become a bandit.

Here is how it happened.

It was early on an overcast morning; I had spawned just South of Elektro and decided to make my way to the far North, following the coast. The plan was to cut inland from the NE Airfield and head West toward Devils Castle, scavenging along the way.

The Zombies in the Elektro dockyards were glitching, as sometimes happens, and were standing as still as statues when I moved through. I felt a little dirty but used the opportunity to stock up a little on supplies because I sure as hell was not going to disconnect and go through the hassle of finding another daylight server with decent connection. I had picked up a Winchester shottie and had plenty of ammo, an ALICE pack and had stuffed it with plenty of general supplies.

As I took the long journey up the coast I waded out to a small island to investigate a boathouse but nothing was to be found but some active and aggro Zombies who I had to fight off, losing a little blood but my injuries were minor and I continued until I reached an area on the Southern outskirts of Solnichniy.

There I came across an abandoned service station. It seemed that there were no Zombies or survivors in the vicinity however I followed my usual cautious stealth approach anyway (now second nature in Chernerus), and snuck in to it to check for items in the small kiosk.

As I stooped over to scrutinize the tin cans and empty whisky bottle inside, I was startled by the sounds of rifle fire from right outside the kiosk.

My heart started to pound, and adrenaline rushed into my bloodstream. I looked around wildly - was someone shooting at me? It was the only explanation; after all I had seen no Zombies in the area to attract gunfire. Panic!

Instinctively I dived to the floor of the kiosk. I had to locate the direction of the threat. I crawled my way through the bottles and cans littering the floor of the tiny room and leaned across just enough to peer out of the open doorway, with my Winchester loaded and held out in front of me, looking for the bandit who had clearly been shooting at me.

I spotted him almost immediately, directly across the road from the service station. He was only 15 yards away, lying prone next to a derelict vehicle, pointing his rifle at me. A wannabe Bandit! He was not shooting so clearly he had lost sight of me. However anyone who goes prone and points his rifle in my direction can only be trying to do one thing – put a bullet in my head and steal my pack and gear.

Not if I could help it!

I had come a long way up the coast and was not going to die alone in the kiosk of a service station with my body left among the cans and bottles and other litter here on the floor. Careful not to expose myself, I leaned out a little and carefully aimed my shotgun at the prone figure’s head. I gently eased my finger down on my trigger. The low coughing sound of my Winchester broke the silence of the early morning air.

At that moment two things happened.

Across the road I heard the survivor cry out as my shotgun slug slammed into his body.

But another, more blood curdling shriek came from closer to me as a zombie came out of nowhere, no doubt attracted by the shot and leaped into the doorway at me.

The Zombie started to lay into me. I was taking severe damage now, whether return fire from the man across the road or the Zombie or both. I managed to kill the Zombie in the ensuing panic but slumped unconscious against the inside wall of the kiosk.

This had to be the end.

The guy across the road was surely not dead; he was too far away for my single slug to have killed him. Even now I could sense him getting to his feet, crossing the asphalt towards me, gun in hand and taking advantage of my unconsciousness to end what was left of my life. At this point it would almost be a mercy.

But he never came.

Finally the hourglass of unconsciousness went away and I staggered to my feet, lurching out of the kiosk – the aggressor obviously knew my position now and I did not want to stay trapped in the tiny kiosk. I darted around the corner and took cover behind the building in some shrubbery and waited for the man across the road to come for me, as come for me he surely must.

I reloaded my Winchester and waited.

Sure enough he came, but he was peering ahead and up the field behind the service station. In fact he had seemed to stop for some reason. That was all the opportunity I needed, I was losing blood fast and needed to bandage myself. There could no hesitation if I was to survive this encounter. I fired.

He dropped to the ground, killed instantly.

Glad the threat was over and even gladder there were no other Zombies in the area to attack me in my severely weakened state, I bandaged myself to stop the flow of blood streaming from severed arteries, and, with vision swimming in and out of focus from the blood loss, shaking with pain I approached his body. I gulped some painkillers. That eased the pain, but I felt sickened by what I had done. I told myself it had been in self-defence, and that it had come down to him or me.

I half-heartedly picked over his body, taking a few minor items of use.

I left his corpse lying in the gravel by the kiosk where it had fallen and staggered north to continue my journey, now desperately in need of food to restore blood, my vision blurring and occasionally falling to the ground unconscious from my serious, potentially fatal injuries.

It was only much later that as I huddled in an apartment building in Solnichniy waiting for more cans of food to spawn to help restore my blood levels that I realised I now had a murder showing in my stats, and that I had become a bandit. But it had been self-defence, hadn’t it? I was so sure the guy had shot first. Or had he?

At this point it is worth mentioning that I record my gameplay as I have a small YouTube channel. After the game I went back and watched the video footage of the attack in the service station back again.

Now, usually when in game I do not pay much attention to the in game chat scrolling down the screen, and usually in those do-or-die moments where you confront other players I have found that if I stop to try to type in a message I get shot while I am distracted trying to hammer out ‘I’m friendly don’t shoot I want to be your friend but not in a gay way’ on my keyboard.

However when I watched back the video of what went down in the service station, I noticed a person typing ‘guy in service station, friendly?’ and ‘friendly don’t shoot’ and (even after I shot the guy from the kiosk) ‘don’t run, I’m friendly’. Sure enough, this was the man I had killed. After the screen showed his death he bewilderedly typed in chat that he never kills other players himself and always tries to help other players.

Needless to say I felt bad about what had happened as murdering survivors is not my play style in DayZ. In fact it seems that all of my injuries had been dealt by the single Zombie who had also attacked during the confrontation, rather than from gunfire as I had thought in the heat of the moment.

After that I found the guy on Steam and sent the poor guy a message telling him what happened and apologising for gunning him down. He said that after I shot him the first time he had fallen unconscious (which explains why he hadn’t come over while I was also down and out).

For a guy that got murdered he was nice about it and even subscribed to my channel. I was amazed that shooting an innocent guy in the face earned me a subscriber but I guess it just goes to show, ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’ .

Here is a video clip of the incident mentioned in the above story:


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I have a little story. I like to go off alone and not join up with people. This allows me to scavenge the country side at my own pace picking and choosing the best loot and always getting equipment when it pops up.

On my last death I had a nice assortment of goodies an Alice back pack that I found almost instantly a 1911 with about 12 spare clips everything you need for getting around and surviving in the wilds except a trusty map and plenty of cooked meat stored for those dire situations. Finally I make the choice to brave a city knowing full well that this could be my last trek. I really wanted a map I really wanted some bloodpacks so I could group up and I really wanted to kill some bandits.

For some reason I decide to hit the firestation in Elektro first. Bad decision. Bandit and survivor bodies strewn everywhere. But I had checked the towers before going in and since no one sniped me on my suicide rush towards the place I start looting. Nice a toolbox and some fencing that's handy. This guy had a watch sure might as well some more painkillers always welcome. I make my way to the second floor of the fire station having gotten everything from the ground floor and while digging through a pile of junk I spot a bandit creeping down the stairs from behind my loot menu. I quickly raise my 1911 fire off a few shots and book it. I could hear the screams of the zed as I shot off those rounds and I turn to face them with my winney but I start bleeding before the first one goes down. Another appears and as I shoot I hear more screams coming from the field that surrounds the station. Bleeding out having a fire fight with zeds this bandit will know exactly where I am I choose the cowards way out I disconnect to fight another day.

I was going to switch servers one that was lowly populated so I could heal up and be ready to continue raiding hopefully to reach the hospital but something is stabbing me in the stomach saying go get that bandit why did you turn tail and run? I steel myself and reconnect to the same server. The game's finished loading and wait ... everything is choppy as hell.

I should of just bandaged myself and logged out right then and there.

I got down to business fixing myself up getting to almost full blood and start crawling around to see if the bandit was searching for me on the ground. I'm crawling so slowly and just tapping the move keys that I make almost no noise. In my prone stance I see a survivor run into the warehouse next door. I wanted to tell him there's a bandit here and he is killing everything get out now or come with me to take him out. But I didn't. I knew this bandit had some serious tech on his hands and giving him any inclination to be cautious was not in my best interest. I crawled to the outside wall waiting under a crack peering in Hoping the bandit would take the side door if he came. This poor bastard was full on running around the place. Sure enough footsteps get closer and closer until a loud crack and a body hits the floor as zombies scream behind me. Another and a gasp is heard and zeds are running all around me now. This should of been my time to strike my time to take this bandit out. He was firing off his sidearm now taking out 1 2 4 5 zeds and must of thought that he was in the clear not worried about giving away his position but I just waited. I wanted him to get back to a sniping position so I could flank him while he was prone. A stupid choice in the string of stupid choices I made. Slowly I inch myself into the station and climb each stair case so slowly. As I got to the 3rd floor I hear pistol fire in the field below. I didn't know who but someone else was there and if I got into a bad situation with this bandit and lived I probably wouldn't make it past the next guy.

I should of logged out right then called it quits and good but something made me keep going.

I got to the last stair case took a breath and inched up it. The buzzing from the dead bodies became a drone almost covering up the the footsteps that were trailing my ascent. I couldn't turn to face this guy now the bandit would come down and merc us both I had to make my move ... wait for it ... I rush the last half of the stairs and burst onto the top floor ready for blood ready for death. But the room is empty the bandit had run off to greener pastures or was behind me at that moment I had no way of knowing. My plan had failed. I was so cautious and patient and bullheaded and greedy and prideful. Quickly I assume a prone position behind the entrance of the staircase ... and wait I'm getting launched past the stairs I shit I'm outside of the building Smack! I land on the roof breaking some bones and bleeding copiously with that big green hourglass staring at me. I see my blood meter drain down I do the math in my head and know what's going to happen next ...


Morale of the story don't be a hero if you're an idiot

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Dear diary...

Last night was nerve-wracking to say the least. Mako, Geng and myself all met up at Rog Por. We had a plan to meet with some other survivors, but Mako had had strips torn off of him by a few zombies and was in a bad way. We'd stabalised him but he'd lost so much blood he was fainting every few minutes.

We decided to head for Elektrozavodsk for medical supplies instead. We knew there was a hospital in there, although we imagined it'd be pretty dangerous to get to. We started the walk, pausing to slap Mako around every time he flaked out, and eventually came around the Dobryy hill and had Elektro in view. We started moving cautiously down to a low hill above the city, figuring we could look and listen for activity and plan a route in before making the move.

The three of us lay on the hill, passing a set of binocs about and getting the lay of the town. Things looked peaceful. There were zeds of course, but they were well spread out and just wandering around in that ponderous way they do. We hadn't heard gunfire in the five minutes we had been there, so we started down the hill, hunched over to keep a low profile. We moved into the first few buildings, avoiding several zeds, before we found an accessible townhouse. We moved into it to check for supplies and found a rifle, a revolver, and some food, which Mako scoffed before we had almost noticed it. While we were in the house we noticed the zombies outside getting riled up, but it wasn't us. Some fool had got himself trapped in a large building across the way from us. He'd made the most common mistake made by people hitting trouble in town. He'd opened fire on the zeds and pulled all of them from the surrounding area. They were swarming in through the smashed front windows, doors, even scaling ladders to get in the second level. We watched nervously, not wanting to offer help in case it announced our presence to the zombies. He vanished deeper into the building and out of sight, zombies boiling around the entrances.

From the windows of the townhouse we had spotted the hospital, so we made the most of the distraction and legged it out the back and across a couple of roads. We picked up a couple of strays on the way over, but made it to the building well enough ahead of them to be in no danger. The front doors were barricaded, but we found a ladder leading up to the roof and left our tail behind as we scaled it right to the top. Up on the roof we struck the jackpot. It was mad, we couldn't believe our eyes. Two large boxes stuffed to overflowing with painkillers, blood bags, morphine and epi injectors, and rolls of bandages. It was a bounty, much more than we had hoped to find. We gave Mako his transfusion and then filled our packs, ditching some of our old supplies that would be easy to replace to make room for as much as possible.

Across the way, things were quieting down at zed central. We couldn't see the dude, and the zombies didn't look quite as animated as they had earlier. In fact some had wandered over to the base of our building, attracted by the howling of the lads we had left at the bottom of the ladder. It was fast becoming quite a gathering... We examined our castle a little closer and found another ladder down to a second floor balcony. Unfortunately there was still no way inside the hospital, and the zeds were now thick as flies at the bottom.

Luckily for us, the hand of god reached down and killed the server. When it came back up the area around the hospital was clear, but Mako had not rejoined us.

Geng and I dropped down the ladder to ground level and hid in the corner of a wall. We waited, watching the few roamers in few shuffling aimlessly about the road. We got sick of that pretty quick and started to move out, but almost immediately pulled a couple of friends. They ran at us like the crazed freaks they are, but we took them down pretty quick with our pistols and didn't seem to attract any other attention. Or so we thought... Almost as soon as we re-broke cover, shots rang out and Geng heard the buzz of bullets passing close. They were shooting at us no doubt, and it turned out we had dragged in a few more friends than we initially thought. They came running as we scrambled for cover. Geng made it back to the ladder and started up to the roof of the hospital again. I had too much heat on me and bailed in the opposite direction, deeper into town. Stupid really...

But Geng was left injured on the roof. I wasn't going to bail. Well not yet anyway. I circled round while Geng indicated through the radio that the bad guys seemed to be in the building the zombie chum was trapped earlier. I knew where that was so I doubled back and noticed a ladder on the side of the building in question. Up I clambered, zombies nipping at my heels, just in time to see one of the bandits come out a door and head for the lip of the building, looking over toward the hospital. He didn't notice me. I took a couple of steps closer while pulling my winchester off my shoulder. Pumped a solid slug into him from behind from about 4 meters. Didn't feel the least bit bad about it as he dropped without even crying out. This isn't Hollywood and he wasn't coming back for revenge, but I put another in him anyway. I didn't think he'd be alone, but I had no idea where his mate(s) were, so I crossed to his body in the hopes of finding anything that would help. As I passed the doorway I glanced in and saw his buddy crouched at the far end of the hallway. I didn't stop at the corpse, but continued right around the building to the entrance I saw behind him. As I approached his hiding place I knew in my guts that he would have predicted my move and be waiting for me. I edged out around the doorway expecting to get a muzzle in my face, but no. He was still staring, transfixed, at the door at the opposite end, where his friend had been dropped. I put a slug in his back and he went down in much the same way as his bud. I gave him another to be sure as well.

I did a quick lap of the second floor. No more baddies. Went back and examined the bodies and by god, what a treasure trove. Aside from the two AK-74s and 5 clips of ammo, they had big backpacks, hunting knives, gps units, maps, compasses, watches, entrenching tools, a toolkit, fencing kits, a tent. They had gear coming out their ears. While my eyes were growing larger and larger I heard Geng again on the radio reminding me he was hurt pretty bad. I grabbed the essentials and cleared a few zeds out of my way on the way back down the ladder. I legged it back to the hospital and got back up top quick to help Geng with a transfusion. He assisted me in kind and we were both feeling pretty happy about ourselves. We knew there was a buttload of loot still over the road, but we also assumed the dead bandits would have mates that would be here soon, with little to lose and all their buddy's gear to gain.

So we headed back down. We were headed back up to the lookout hill, but Geng couldn't resist the chance for some phat lewt, so he detoured up to the building-of-continual-conflict to try his luck. I continued out of town. Perhaps it was a little rough leaving my pal to scavenge for himself in there, but I had some treats I never even knew existed before, and the toolbox I had snitched was our key to one day fixing up a ride of our own.

I reached the crest of lookout hill at about the same time as gunfire erupted back at shit central. I scrambled into a bush in mute dismay as I heard Geng gunned down by more bandits. I found a position from where I could see the building that had given us so much trouble, and sure enough, there were two ill mannered fellows scampering about on top. I figured I was about 300 meters out and had no faith in my aim from that range, but the trigger of my new found AK was giving me an itch. I watched them scamper around the rooftop firing at some other unfortunate bastard. I lined one up and let off a few rounds. He got down fast, but I hadn't hurt him. He was crawling frantically around the rooftop trying to find cover with no idea of where the shots were coming from. I was almost amusing, continuing to oppress the prick. And I got him. Took me about half a clip of ammo, firing careful, but he eventually went down.

Revenge semi-sated I decided not to push my luck, so I pulled back up the hill and waited to hear from others. There were a group of allies approaching from the east so I moved out and joined up with them. We had another couple coming in from the east of Elektro, some of whom required medical attention, so we decided to try for the hospital again and hope the bandits figured hanging around in town was a bad idea too, and had pissed off... Well we can live in hope, right?? What the heck, there were five of us and even a makarov is plenty deadly as long as you can hit your target.

We moved back in cautiously, about 30 minutes plus after our last encounter in the town. Everything was quiet. Zeds were doing their typical, shambling thing. We knew this end of town well by now, so moved straight to the building-that-will-not-be-named and headed back up on the roof. Wow there had sure been some more action since I had last been there. The roof was a litter of bodies and congealing blood. There were a good 30 dead zeds and maybe 5 ex survivors, including the three I'd downed. Still there and ripe for the pillaging. We did a quick check of the building but were feeling pretty good about ourselves. That's the thing about the scavenging life. It doesn't matter how much great gear you find, you can only take what you can carry. So we all picked over the corpses like a flock of crows. There was more than enough to go around, but I decided it was enough for me and that I'd end the night on a high note. I found a safe spot and bunkered down for the rest of the night.

I wonder if I was dreaming, but I think I heard gunfire and screams as I drifted out.

Dear diary...

Last night I died three times.

First time I was doing a loop scavenging deer stands. I was at the ladder to one when I heard a crack and dropped to the ground, bleeding out. Didn't have much gear and the bandit was at least kind enough to come a finish me off instead of leaving me to bleed slowly before I could respawn.

Second time. I respawned south of where I died and consciously decided to avoid the place of my death, but somehow found myself back there again. Figured I may as well check my corpse and the deer stand, after all I had called out the bandit's location last time and they wouldn't have stuck around, right? But there they were, five of them ahead of me in the forest. I hit the dirt but they had seen me. Bullets started kicking up dirt and they were approaching slowly. Staying in place was suicidal, so I jumped up and ran, zig-zagging madly. There were plenty of shots and bullets whizzing through the air around me, but they only clipped me with one shot. I was bleeding, but not terribly. I left the forest and ran across a field toward some trees. I ducked quickly behind a low one without even looking back, and quickly bandaged myself, then lay under the tree. Sure enough, like a pack of animals with the scent of blood in their nostrils, the were out for the kill. I waited quietly, Makarov in hand. They approached and drew level with the tree I was under. I did not think I would escape notice, so I opened fire, hitting one who then dove for cover and out of my line of sight. He friend joined me under the tree shortly later. I got a couple of shots off before *click* *click* *click*. "Damn." I said, into the muzzle of his barrel.

If I'd had a whinny I reckon I would have taken at least two of the pricks...

Third time. I was with four friends. We had worked our way all the way across the map and were approaching the airfield in the NW corner of the map. We were still hitting deer huts as we went, and we had just found one. I was in front and moved in to mop up the four or five zombies there. I shot one and the others all pricked up their ears and came running. I moved back into the tree line where the rest of the lads were waiting to cut the zeds down. I moved right out of the line of fire and they opened up. *Bam* *Kapow* *Pap* *Pap* *Pow* *Bam*

And I dropped like a sack, dead before I hit the floor. Everyone went very quiet on Teamspeak. "Well guys.' I said, 'Either there's a bandit with eyes on us, or one of you have just taken a humanity hit..."

"Err, looks like I owe you a beer." said friend Daffy.

On the flip side a server glitched spawned me only about 500m away with all my gear.

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Night time was approaching. Me and my fellow survivors have been walking for a good hour. We where tired and hungry but spirits where high for that nights mission. Having extensive military experience and training within navigation i was put in front responsible for leading the group forward.

As we passed Kozlovka the sun was setting and the landscape was draped in a orange glow from the setting sun. It was a beutiful place and for a second there i almost forgot all the lost ones and walking dead. Even the danger of bandits escaped my mind as i took a knee to consolidate the map and give my friends a chance to rest up and have a drink of water. I quickly snapped back to it when the growling sound of a lone walker came into view in front of us. I had halted our group at the bottom of a few sorrounding hills to give us some early warning to potential stalkers or walkers. Their silhouette against the sky would give us the upper hand in a potential firefight. This wasn't a holiday trek or a camping trip, this was the new real world where dead men walked and anarchy ruled the land. I remember growing up as a kid watching Mad Max on the television and playing with friends as if it was real. Who would have thought something like that would become real.

I started the group up again, headin North towards Pulkovo. My initial plan was to avoid the major cities and MSRs running Chernarus and stick to the country sides and small villages. Almost all villages and cities has a well but the risk of going into a large city center just for water was deemed to dangerous by the group and i agreed. There was also a greater risk of bandits in the larger cities as there was better loot to be had and in greater numbers.

When we passed Kabanino we stopped a small body of water to drink and fill our canteens. The sun was gone down behind the hills to the west and it was getting dark. It was still possible to navigate after landmarks but i knew soon i had to rely on my compass and ranger bead. I took out a course North North West for 4000 paces or 2000 meters, if my calculation was correct i should end up just North of a lake called Prud and in a small forest just West Southwest of Grishino.

My calculations wheren't to far off, i ended up a few houndred meters short but i guess my paces where a bit shorter in the small climb up the hill to the old fields. No matter the direction was good and there was enough light left for me to make out the first stop of the trip from the little forest. Devils Castle was built at the turn of the 11th and 12th century by Duke Kozlov. The former Kozlovo Castle, now called the Devil's Castle, was supposedly inhabited by the yeoman Jakub Čert (Devil) from Gorka. His bandit campaigns started here at the castle. He enlarged the keep of the castle, using the loot from these raids and the castle holds his name to this day. According to legend, the Devil's Castle was burned down during the zagorian Karzeg's rebellion, Jakub Čert burned in the castle's main tower after he refused to surrender to Ataman Simurg. Only burned walls remain of the castle, haunted to this day by the spirit of Ivan Kozlov. Whatever the truth is, Devil's Castle is one of the most remarkable architectural sights in Chernarus and it became a rewarding destination for tourists. That was along time ago and our little group was eager to follow in Jakub Čert footsteps and use the castle as our base. The similarities ended there, we had no interest in looting inocent ppl. We wanted Devil's Castle for its prime real estate on top of the mountain. The Castles high walls providing protection from whatever came from the outside and its high vantage points providing good view of the area around the Castle.

We started the walk North, according to the map the easiest route would be straight North from our position. As we came out of the woods the Castles silhouette appeared and we got ready for whatever might be ahead. We didn't know what we would find, walkers or bandits. Would we be the first one to consider this as a base of operation and home. We slowly moved closer to the Castle walls and the main gate. We could hear some growling coming from the inside of the walls and we had our answer. First one here, but not alone. As we moved into the main gate we moved into a small room to the left in the archway, lighting a glowstick and cleared the room. We then moved into the courtyard and towards the center tower. The growling got louder and more aggresive but we couldn't see where the sound was coming from. We had to make a tough choice, do we pop a flare and clean out what we see or risk doing it in the dark. The group said no to flares, to risky. Bandits might see the bright red glow and make their way up. Then as i rounded the corner of the tower i was face to face with a walker, my heart stopped for a second. There was no choice, i had to shoot him or it would be over for me. I lifted my Colt 1911, aimed at the walkers head and pulled the trigger. A lound bang filled the courtyard and pushed my heart into overdrive. As the sound from my 1911 disappeared other sounds took over, growling, screaming and the sound of running feet getting closer. Suddenly all hell broke loose at Devil's Castle as we defended our position from the charging horde.

Then there was silence, not a single sound filled the air. I looked at my group, shaken and bruised but not broken. First part of the journey was complete, now only the hard part remained. The target for our trek was the military airfield. We had a list and we wanted to get as much as possible checked off that list before we established a base at the castle.

Not wanting to spend to much time up at the mountain after such a firefight i said we should move out as soon as possible. The group rested for a few minutes and then settled of in the night bearing South West for 6000 paces.

30 minutes later we could see the airfield and its hangars from the forest. This is where the hard part begin i said to the group as we followed a concrete wall north, looking for a opening. The military airfield was bandit and walker territory. The bandits wanted the loot and the joy of hunting survivors looking for loot. The walkers, well who knows they where mindless husks with one purpose. But the stories that had been told was that there was many of them and many of them where soldiers still in uniform and combat gear. Fighting the undead was one thing, undead wearing kevlar was a completly different monster.

Our first target was the barracks and vehicle yard Noth East of the airfield. Hopefully we could find some gear left behind and maybe just maybe there would be NVGs. We crawled trough a hole in the concrete wall and kept going North along the concrete fence. The growling from the walkers could be heared all over the place and many times they where as close as 20 meters from the group. But the darkness gave us cover from their bad eyesight, their hearing was our worst enemy. Suddenly the sky turned bright red behind us and the group turned around and our worst fear came into fruition. We where not the only ones alive at the airfield. Roadflares lit up the side of the control tower 200 meters behind us as gunshots went off. We decided to keep moving and hoped that whoever was behind us used enough time for us to get in and get out.

We came too the vehicle yard first and started to check the building in the yard. Jerrycans, roadflares and some chemlight was all we found but we took roadflares and chemlights leaving the jerrycan for later. As we moved into the large building which had to be the vehicle service building one of the members of our group tripped in the doorway. As he fell he dropped his Winchester as his body tried to brace the fall. As the rifle hit the metallic floor a large "Clang" echoed trough the building and out into the courtyard on the other side of the building. Suddenly a Walker came trough the door rushing for the source of the sound. One of the group members screamed and fired his shotgun at the charging zombie. Then it was like Devil's Castle all over again, but this time there was more and they where tougher targets. Shoots where going off right and left as we tried to cover the two doors into the building. Many bullets later the screaming stopped. We had made it, noone was hurt and all the zombies was dead.

As we checked up on each other a light suddenly lit up the building. A flashlight of some sort scanned the building we where in. We all dropped to the floor and hid between the dead bodies scattered across the floor. All our guns pointed at the door where the light came from. Whoever had been at the control tower was now here and we had no idea of their intentions. We had to make a choice, shoot on sight or fire back. I said, if they have the balls and skills to come up here and fight whoever is up here then they have calculated the risk of said trip just as we did. Shoot on sight and ask questions later i said, they all agreed. I didnt move a muscle, my heart was going 200mph as my body prepared for what was about to go down. The light outside continued scanning, moving closer to the door. I aimed my rifle at the edge of the door where i thought the light would emerge and rested my finger on the trigger. It felt like an hour passed before anything happened but in real time it was more like a minute. the light moved closer to the opening and suddenly moved from left to right in the doorway aiming the light on us. I guess they thought the same thing as we did because we all fired at once as did they. I heared screaming outside as the light fell to the ground and screams on my right but i didnt lift my focus of the door, there could be more coming. Hinduman was hit and bleeding badly and seconds later he died. We couldnt save him, the gunshot to the neck was to much to fix.

We took what stuff he had on him and proceded outside to check the source of the light. There outside the door lay two bodies, dressed in camo uniforms and shemags across their faces. they where bandits, looking for loot and someone to kill for loot. I didnt feel as bad as i had when i took the decision to shoot on sight. We proceded to loot their bodies, found two AK-74s and a M16 with ammo, grenades, some supplies and two of the largest backpacks. They wouldnt need them anymore.

I then looked at the time and relised i had to go to work. I moved away form the airfield and logged out in a forest nearby. My comrades kept on for a while trying to find more gear.

Thank you Rocket and crew for creating this awesome mod and giving me the best gaming experience i have ever had in my 20 years of gaming. The above story is what happened, unscripted and all random encounters and my heart was actually doing 200mph when that flashlight was turned on. It was an EPIC gaming moment.

TL;DR? Your loss

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Hey guys,

this is the first post I've written in a stories thread. The situation is simple, I'm on my third life ever, and I'm three days in, barely hanging on to my fingernails trying to stay alive. Everything went so well, until this situation presented itself last night and I almost took the dive.

I had been moving cross country from east to west in the hopes of reaching the North West Airfield everyone was always talking about. Yesterday I ended up in a little town just east from said airfield. I was so excited, almost smelling the goodies that lay in wait for me at the field. One moot point; I had lost my CZ sniper AND my M1911 during a backpack switching mishap, and was wielding only a crossbow with, luckily, 8 steel bolts.

I had picked up binoculars in a church the day before, and a compass, making life just a tad easier on me. I was determined to find a new weapon before moving into the airfield. Scouting the town from the edge of a nearby forest I saw a large open barn. JACKPOT! I thought to myself, and circled around to get close without exposing myself. Starting to walk in I heard it.. Gunshots! Quickly lying down I waited and took the Binoculars out again, trying to find the source. I saw HORDES of zeds rushing for the barn, and then it struck me, someone was in there. apparently he fired a lee enfield and attracted all the zed in the neighbouring village as well.

Zed after Zed was going in there, and pop after pop he was laying them down... but there were too much. eventually the shooting died out and I saw zeds coming back out. He bought it.

I made my way up the barn to see what was left to loot. On the way there I entered a small house first, and lo and behold: an M1911. This was my lucky day. Re-equiping the weapon and putting the left-over clips I had in my inventory ready for use, I go to the barn. To my amazement, I hear several zeds still inside. It appears they were trapped in a small sideroom of the barn, and were bumping into each other. I took my time to loot the barn, finding a CZ and an empty winchester. I couldn't believe my luck. Suddenly I realised that since I had to leave the crossbow anyway, I might as well use it to kill some zeds before I go. After all, it's a silent weapon and they wouldn't be alerted by it. I took out all the zed in the barn, and left for the airfield.

After an hour, in the dark by then, I arrived. It looked deserted at first, but then I saw the hordes of zed roaming the place. I had slain two pilot zeds on the outskirts before, thinking there was only one.. and lost some blood in the process. I made my way to one of the buildings, and climbed up the stairs to get a better view of the place. As I was looting and eating/drinking on the way, I scrolled my mousewheel by accident, ending up with a flare in my hand.

Suddenly, my entire area was lit up by a red glow. Did I accidentally light a flare? It couldn't be, I wasn't that careless, or I wouldn't be here in the first place. I panicked, and then it happened.. before I knew it I saw my character throw a glowstick out of the window. What had I done?! I crawled back in the corner of the second floor, and waited. Thoughts rushing through my mind, I don't wanna die here, not now that I was so close to my goal.

Seconds go by, my heart pounding in my throat. And then it happened.. Suddenly I see a head poppung up in the stairway entrance.. a bandit! It seemed as though I was playing Max Payne, as the next second seemed endless and tense, feeling like minutes going by. I was thinking, do I shoot or don't I? Then the stranger decided for me. I got hit by his CZ rifle and I shot him 4 times in the head with my M1911. He fell down, dead. I was bleeding heavily, and started to have blurry vision.

My worries weren't over though. The gunfire lured all the zed in the vincinity into the building. I could hear their screams. Pointing my gun at the stairs, I waited for them, and popped headshots as they came in one by one. Eventually they stopped coming. I had lived!

Needing blood badly, I went through the things of the stranger. My luck streak kept going, as it appears he had everything on him. Cooked meat, matches, knife, raw meat, toolbox.. All he was missing was NVG's! I ate the meat and got out of there, but broke a bone on the way down and lost more blood.. Now down to 1000, I would have to get out nearly blind, and fainting every few minutes.

Eventually I got out, and headed back east. Started a fire for the first time in this game and cooked the raw meat the guy left me, eating some beans I had in my pack. Now my blood is back at 2200, but vision is still very blurry. Tonight I'll be going off into the woods and fields away from civilisation trying to find animals to kill and roast.

What a thrill, killing that first bandit. This game has a real grip on me. Thanks to all the people behind the scenes of this mod, you made one insanely cool MP game and gave me the best alternative for BF3 after it got fucked up by their devs in the latest patch. Keep up the good work!

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I was moving about one my own, trying to get my hands on some supplies.

Came across a barn just a little north of Chernogorsk, saw it was stocked with goodies and proceeded to evaluate what was there and take what I needed.

I climbed up the stairs was and was inspecting the first loot pile when suddenly I heard a couple of gunshots, and was hit! I freaked out, and realised there was another survivor in the doorway. I quickly took a few steps back to block his line of sight and checked my guns. 2 rounds in the M1911... 4 in my einfield, but 1 spare mag.

'Right' I thought. 'If someone wants to tangle with me I'll throw down everything I have!'

Since my cover seemed to work for the moment, I quickly drop the rifle, and pull my M4 CCO out of my bag.

I inch my way forwards, see the target near the edge of the door and fire off a quick bust.

This of course calls in hordes of zombies from near by, and while I can shoot them with single shots as they try to get up the stairs to me; my attacker had no such advantage, and he gets mauled to death.

Allthough wounded, I easily dispatch the remaining zombies, and proceed to take the rest of the gear in the barn, and loot the corpse of my unprovoked attacker.

Got a new makarov and 6 mags off him, so over all not too bad for my first combat encounter with another survivor.

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I was exploring near the NW airfield with my 3 day character, found myself a shiny new M16 with ACOG sight and plenty of food, ammo and other supplies. Was feeling pretty good

My girlfiend then somehow locked herself out of the house when taking out the recycling, I ran down to let her in and when I got back found my character bleeding out from being shot by a wandering bandit. Hours of playtime lost in 30 seconds :(

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I was exploring near the NW airfield with my 3 day character' date=' found myself a shiny new M16 with ACOG sight and plenty of food, ammo and other supplies. Was feeling pretty good

My girlfiend then somehow locked herself out of the house when taking out the recycling, I ran down to let her in and when I got back found my character bleeding out from being shot by a wandering bandit. Hours of playtime lost in 30 seconds :(


That sucks man, I hope you at least got some appreciation points from your girlfriend for dropping the game to help her =P

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