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About dawnclover

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Hey, I'm looking for a group of people to play with. I usually stream my gameplay online (hidding my character name, server and all other security stuff), and from the videos this sounds like a real fun group. Would the streaming thing be a problem? Cheers :)
  2. I forgot to say in the original post that I will be uploading the live streams to YouTube after. Don't know if any of you have a problem with this. If not, I'll be contacting you :)
  3. Hi guys! I'm dawnclover and I'm here looking around for 1 or 2 people to start live streaming DayZ with (other streamers are also very welcome). I've played DayZ a couple of times but am still very much a noob, so it'd be good if these people were also just starting out, so we could find stuff in the game together and help eachother out. I'm a stealthy player and I usualy don't take the bandit way of life, only every once in a while to spice things up, so a Survivor would describe me best. I'm in the 25 year old age group and my local time is GMT+1. I'm going to start streaming live soon on Wednesdays and Fridays (around 10pm) and the occasional Mondays (at the same hour), and on Sundays at... well, somewhen during the Sunday lol, usually I have the whole day free so it depends on a lot of things. On Saturdays, I might also do some streaming occasionaly, but most of those I might not be able to. During week days I can only play from 10pm until around midnight / 1am tops due to my jobs (yes, plural, sucks). I am not a native english speaker, but am fluent with somewhat of an accent (I don't think it's too terrible... it tends to get softer after a lot of speaking). Other games I am interested in finding people to play / stream live with: Guild Wars 2, Diablo III, Battlefield 3, and well, others. I use Twitch.tv and am currently using XSplit Broadcaster to manage the streaming. If you'd like to play with me and also stream yourself, let me know and I can teach you what I know in case you've never done it before. So yeah, let the fun (and horrifying) times roll! Let me know if any of you are interested :) EDIT: Please bear in mind that I will be uploading the live streams to YouTube after.
  4. dawnclover

    Player Journals

    I love this idea so much... It'd be great to find a corpse and find a journal in it while looting. Then I'd run to cover and read it. I bet there'd be some disturbing stuff in there! Make this happen!
  5. dawnclover

    Leave messages for other survivors

    This interests me greatly. Just like "journal" idea that's been floating around (you could use the journal while you were alive, and as soon as the "You are dead" screen appeared, you'd be able to write a death note. That'd be great!)
  6. dawnclover

    DayZ Stories

    I am a Day Z newbie, and before yesterday all I had seen of the mod were videos. Yesterday I finally installed it and played it for the first time. I ended up in a server where it was day (sun was setting though), and my adventure begun there. For around an hour and a half I managed to evade both zombies and 2 bandits, before being shot at by a bandit on a tower. Well, I guess I was easy prey, running all happily in the field. We learn from our mistakes. But today, I decided to play at night. First thing that struck me was that it was absolutely pitch black. Fighting temptation, I managed to go a while without lighting a flare. Around ten minutes after walking aimlessly towards (what I think was) Elektro, I saw a silhouette of a zombie on a hill in the distance. I started walking the other way, slowly, as to not attract any unwanted attention. A few steps in this new direction I found a house. But it was so pitch black that I ended up lighting a flare, since I had not seen any other hints of zombies or survivors/bandits around. Bad idea! As soon as the flare hits the wall of the house, a group of zombies (mostly Jamie Hyneman :D) come running towards me. Frightened as all hell, I start running like a mad man without even looking back. After a few minutes running, I found an open door, go in, exit the other way, apparently this made the zombies slow down a bit and I was eventualy able to lose them. I use this opportunity to bandage myself and take some painkillers. And only then, I noticed that in front of me stood a huge structure with light emanating from inside. On my right, suddenly, I hear a zombie growl and I am attacked by 3 zombies. After an epic fight (where I ended up at the brink of the death), I bandage myself once again - but I have no painkillers. My view is shaking, everything is turning black and white. What do I do? My only hope right now was that a survivor was inside that structure. Well, either a survivor or a box of painkillers. No box of painkillers. I make my way to the top of the structure and find another player. I stood there, frozen for a few seconds, as the other fellow starts aiming around like a mad man. I thought to myself "is he showing me that he won't kill me by not pointing his gun at me"? Could be. He turns around, kind of in a "follow me" way, and I follow him. He stops and looks around. I take these few seconds to pop up the question in the chat "Do you have some spare painkillers? I'm dying here". No response. I ask again. Still nothing. The other survivor turns around to face me, and his gun is way too steady pointing at me for my taste. My brain started storming. He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me and quick, as I am already dying. A few seconds after pointing the gun at me, the survivor starts pointing his gun down at the ground. I'm thinking "is he telling me to get down and drop the weapon?" Hell. No. In the blink of an eye, I shot my whole clip at his head. After watching his body fall lifeless, my mind started to wander. What if he WASN'T going to kill me? I just killed another survivor... Realizing that the other survivor could be spawning and running towards me for revenge, or just in case some bandit heard the shots and was running towards me, I loot his body and find some painkillers. After taking the painkillers, I stand up and salute at the lifeless corpse lying in front me, before running into the distance. Into the dark. Where I eventualy found my demise. (this mod is AMAZING)