Balrog (DayZ) 1 Posted July 5, 2012 Alright,so i spawn... I'm not really new to the game,and i know that i'm near Elektro. Its a pretty dark night. I go to the regular spot where i check out the fire depot near the outskirts of elektro. i go in,find an AK74 with one mag, continue onward. as i enter the general store, i hear distant shots. I immediately switch to Direct Comms in hope of me being able to communicate with the guy later on.I finish raiding the store,go into the Hostel. While in the hostel, I hear footsteps. over direct comms, I say: "Hey buddy... Dont be stupid here... You dont want to shoot me,you'll jsut alert the twenty-something zombies around this place.. Just be cool, i'm friendly, I wont shoot. Be reasonable,you know you don't wanna shoot." As i exit the hostel, i see a guy in front of me. i repeat: "Be reasonable,we can just walk away now,no harm done."And so we both went our seperate ways. this is the day i found out i can be a diplomat.Story #2:Me and the luckiest friend i ever had are over skype. We talk, we have some laughs, when he tells me "Oh shit,i'm bleeding! Oh shit,i fainted!" we both panic a bit, since he has an AS50 on him and an L82A2 he has saved up for me. at this point,i'm near stary sobor. the server's a veteran empty server (Nobody goes on veteran DE servers). He gets up, patches himself up. He tells me dreadful news. He's SOMEWHERE near Devil's castle with 1.3K blood. i freak out. cant let my buddy die. not after his 8 crashed helicopter raiding streak. I start panicing a bit. i tell him not to move a muscle,lest he cut himself on a badly placed branch. i start running, all the way trying to calm MYSELF down. "Dont worry man, he wont die,i'm running his way now,we'll meet up,all will be well". i reach Grishino. I'm freaking out,i know i need to find him. i start walking in the direction i THINK is devil's castle. i turn out to be dead wrong. i'm now circling the woods,i have no fucking clue where i am. He throws a flare to try and draw my attention. I dont see a flare,but i AM tripping balls. all the trees seem to be illuminated by a red light now. i start running towards grishino,since i spot its chapel. he tells me to start going up the hill. i do that,and while doing it,find a tractor with some ammo on it. great stuff. I get to devils castle and order him to drop another flare in the direction of devils castle. I suddenly see a bright red light. a brilliant,red light. the light of salvation! we meet up, i patch him up with a blood pack, we trade weapons (my FN FAL with 7-8 mags for his L86A2 with 6 Mags.). it was the best feeling in the world. i've never been this stressed before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EBRAddict 9 Posted July 5, 2012 I snuck into the NWAF this morning at twilight.I moved into the Southeast barracks building to loot, but it was already picked over.As I move back into the main hallway, I see two other survivors run into each other at the entrance, and kill each other during a short gunfight.So I picked their corpses clean of lots of good loot. Thanks, gents. You saved me a lot of time. Next time bring a bigger backpack, please! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phantomb12 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Alright, so, here I am in Elektro, minding my own business in the fire station. Couldn't find much except a ghillie suit and a revolver with no ammo, so I book it to the church.Not even three minutes, and I turn around and a guy shoots me several times with a makarov. I yell a string of profanity at him, and sprint the hell out of Elektro, towards Cherno for some reason. Before I reach Cherno, I see some guy called "72" sprinting down towards Elektro. Tried to warn him about the crazy Makarov guy, but he just keeps on sprinting. Well, he was nice enough to not loot Pigorodky, so I take a hatchet from the barn and promptly get knocked out by a zombie. Not very fun, especially with under 4000 blood. I manage to wake up and sprint the fuck to Cherno with surprisingly no zombies following me.Before I enter the city, I notice two things. One guy named Dylan or something again sprinting around Cherno being chased by zombies, getting killed not more than two minutes later, and two stiffs on top of the construction yard with a Lee Enfield, lots of ammo and a Czech Backpack. There was also some sod with an AK running about that I never managed to meet in the streets.After looting the stiffs, I decided to check out the factory or what have you, and to my amazement, there is a bus. So I try driving this bus out of Cherno, and this one guy called Maz sprints towards it and gets in. We drive for a few more kilometers beeping around Elektro and shit, and stop at Nizhnoye to get some repair parts. Unfortunately, Maz got mobbed by zombies and died. I, however, manage to get away and loot Berezino, replacing my revolver with a 1911 and getting some morphine from the;dr, pretty shitty start turned into gold via some bus jacking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 5, 2012 Killed a man today.Was scouting around north of Rog Castle for a decent pack when I heard shots ring out. Taking cover in a doorway, I called out friendly, knowing that the town was crawling with zed. No answer, more shots, then footsteps. I warned the guy that I would shoot if he didn't respond, and no answer came.I was huddled in my door, AK74 poised to fire. My cover was bad, but I didn't dare move. The steps sounded closer and closer, circling around my house from left to right. For a full five minutes, the guy searched for me in the town, close enough for me to know his approximate location but far enough that I couldn't tell whether I could move or not - he was walking, so any movement on my part would be a siren.I sat, heart pounding up into my throat. Suddenly, a gun barrel, a leg, an arm... *BANG BANG BANG.* I loosed my AK into his chest as he passed, jumping in my seat in surprise at the same time.The bandit, as my debug menu confirmed, was poorly armed - a hunting knife and two cans of beans were all he had of value to me, which I barely looted as zombies poured in from the rest of the town. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roggle 27 Posted July 5, 2012 Today me and my friend Kevin had quite the adventure. We had heard wind of a group of five that were putting together a van. We got their skype information and found out where they where building it ( north of solnichiniy)We find out they are still in need of engine parts, and tell them we would be happy to trade the non-existent engine parts for a military weapon. They say they have a M240 they are willing to trade. So the deal was onI had a sniper and kevin had nothing and was relying on getting the M240 before they realized that the engine parts where a farse. I set myself up 400 meters away from the trade point and zeroed in my sniper. Five targets, military grade weapons, a broken van, and pitch darkness. This was going to be hard.Kevin says in skype that he is in position for the trade, the other group meets him, they lay down the machine gun for him to take. Kevin rushes in, grabs it. "Crack"I take my first shot, its lined up perfect, right into the brain, target dead.Kevin screams "Who is shooting" to cause confusion He then lets out a vicious salvo of machine gun fire into the guy in front of him, another dead.One target runs to the van i take my shot and miss, its followed by a hail of M240 rounds, the man drops to the ground legs broke. I follow up with a shot to the body to finish him off. I look for more targets when I see kevin, walking slowly forward like rambo, raining bullets on an guy behind cover. At this point the skype call was screams of anger and pleading for mercy. The guy behind cover was bleeding and screaming to be allowed his lifeKevin walks out of my sight, all I see is a quick flash and i know another one of them is dead.The last target is badly bloodied, and legs broke. He is crawling in the open, among his dead friends. He goes to each of their bodies trying to give them first aid. They are all dead. I savour his moans and cries. Line up my shot, and finish the deal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weeman0 7 Posted July 5, 2012 YOU MONSTERS! The man was pleading for his should've healed him...then shot him...then healed him...then shot him again.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patient Zero 2 Posted July 5, 2012 And the Drugs ?Edit: Change of title better reflects content. Even if the first 2 replies will still say... RE: "your original misleading title" ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aquilez 16 Posted July 5, 2012 I find this hard to believe. A group of 5 being that stupid? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yahhzoo 10 Posted July 5, 2012 Finally a post on general without a youtube video. That is pretty hilarious dude. People trust people way too easily these days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThorNy1 0 Posted July 5, 2012 i agree with antonio lol, no screenies, nothing? sounds like ur trying to stretch ur ePeen, and failed imo lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 300 Posted July 5, 2012 Proof or never happened. Group of five with spare MG couldnt be that stupid to not put an overwatch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanchrian 2 Posted July 5, 2012 Exaggerated or no, that was a fun read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
perekule 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Yesterday I went to the Blunt Rocks to see if I could find a vehicle from there (according to one map there should be two car spawns). I checked the possible spawn locations, but found nothing. I then decided to head a bit north-west. After running for a while, I saw a bus. First I thought it's some sort of bunker, but second after I realized that it is actually a damn bus! I crouched and started to approach it. Could be a trap, but in other hand, who the heck would make a trap in middle of forest? So, I approach it and hop in. Not much fuel left. Wheels were a bit damaged but nothing too serious. So, I drove to a nearby road and headed south.I kept driving through Krasnostav and all the way through Dubrovka and to a gas-station near Gorka. I had to refill, so I ventured to Gorka itself. I checked the buildings for jerry can. Nothing. Across the road, I saw a barn of some kind. I went in and there was on. I didnt have enough slots for other one, so I had to go with only one jerry can. I returned back to the bus and started filling up the tank.It was done quickly after. Then, when I was going back into the bus I heard a shot. Bullet hit the side of the bus and I panic. I sprint around the bus to get inside. As soon as I'm in, I hit the gas. Whoever was shooting at me, shoots few more times. Bullets rain in the side of the bus, and unfortunately one bullet hits me too. I start bleeding but am still able to drive.I keep driving. I drive thru Polana, past the factory and thru Orlovets too. Then, I pull over. I have lost quite a lot blood, so I bandage myself up and eat some meat from my backpack. All good, I'm not being shot at, I have a working bus. I hop back in to continue.After driving a bit, I see Berezino. Certainly I dont want to go there with the bus. So I turn off the road and soon I'm on the coastal road going south. I keep going. Somewhere before or after Solnichniy, I see someone running on the road. Unarmed guy. I'm not sure should I just run over him or stop. I decided not to get one murder, so I stop and let him in. He thanks me over the chat and I ask him if I could drop him somewhere. No answer. He just says that he needs a gun. Dont we all. I just keep driving, through Elektro and Cherno. I'm happy that no one shot at us there. Odds of someone shooting at bus going full speed through Elektro or Cherno are quite high.Soon after that we arrive at the airfield and military camp near Balota. I tell him to look for guns while I wait nearby. I park the bus, turn the engine off and hop out. I wait for some time, but the guy doesnt seem to come back. I decided that it's my time to leave. I hop in and drive off-road past Balota. Then I return back to the road. I keep driving west, through Komarovo. At Kamenka, I hit some trash pile and the front wheel breaks. I'm like "oh damnit", hop out and aggro some zeds. I ran in the woods, managed to lose one of the zeds but two were still running after me. I turn around and finish them off. Then I prone in the grass and log off. I wonder if the bus is still there, with one broken wheel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yorkie065 78 Posted July 5, 2012 Have got a cracking story lined up for later. Shall have to post it this evening after work. Stay tuned ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UKA Harrysoon 67 Posted July 5, 2012 So I reached Polana last night. I checked out the building next to the supermarket to check if anyone was in there. There was a tank trap in the main entrance to it, so figured someone had been around recently, but couldn't tell if someone was still around. I snuck round to the side entrances, but there was another tank trap in the doorway, and at this time a zombie had agroed, so I made my way back to the house next to the supermarket to take care of the agro, when I heard what I thought was someone else nearby. I wasn't sure at first until I started making my way back to the supermarket, but the opposite way round. I was crouch walking when all of a sudden a DMR shot rang out from nearby. I hadn't a clue where it came from, just it must have been from the supermarket, so I ran to hide. I didn't see anyone, so made my way back to the supermarket and hid in the garden behind the fence surround the supermarket. Zombies were agroing someone, and a Winchester rifle shot one. I still couldn't see anyone. I lay there hidden for some more time when I heard shots in the distance from yet another weapon. I head in the direction they came from, but again found nobody, so returned to the supermarket and slowly went inside and found nobody. That DMR shot that fired out scared the hell out of me. I could feel my heart pounding my ribcage. I used a heart rate monitor app and my pulse was at about 120bpm haha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted July 5, 2012 hi all, never used ''quick reply'' hoping i'm doing well :-)i started in elktro,it was my 5th or so attempt to survive.. very quick and good start, fire station one, fire station two, a couple of appartments moving to hospital and at the same time scouting for was raided and when i was inside another survivor came in, i said : it's all been taken, don't shoot!he seemed to believe me cause he didn't shoot me, but anyway i moved out, towards hills in the north. at this point i was very proud of myself: complete gear(no morphine :-() food and drink, an enfield and revolver , so a bit louder than i wanted..and also avoided a nonsense firefight with one of my human brothers. at this point i said to myself: cherno is too dangerous, to berezino! i have to say that i was extremely lucky to find some morphine in the shack near the damn in the near north of elektro!i walked in the forest for a couple of hours or so, and i must say that little villages near elektro and bere have a lot of zombies and not so much loot, just food and drink i consumed in the trip.a little after the road signal ''berezino'' i've seen a sort of 3 long barracks compound,with a red star at the gate, between two industrial areas i think, enough near to the i went there but a lot of zombies followed me and had to take them down..maybe distracted by them i continued my cautional route to north without noticing that i was maybe a little in the middle of the valley, so i sat down, pull out bino and bam, dead before i touched the ground.i thought sniper headshot, but the insanity of that act hit me, i mean i was medium gear, not certainly a good loot,and he probably watched all my struggle against zombies..i never shot the enfield in the whole trip and took down almost 30 infected, and that stop near a bush was my biggest mistake, and last..i know this isn't a thrilling story but someone has never been in that redstar compound? and someone has any comments to what happened to me? i'd really appreciate your opinion! thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yorkie065 78 Posted July 5, 2012 So here's a lovely tail about how a dirty sniper up on the North East Airfield got what he deserved. So after me and my mates logged on (there was 7 of us) and were driving around in a Ural, we rounded everyone up in the truck and decided to head North East to the airfield in hope of finding chopper or some decent loot. We got to the airfield and had a quick glance to see if there were any zombies. There were none so headed in driving from the west end of the runway towards the east. We passed the hangars slowly and there was no heli, so we headed for the fuel tank, we reached it and prep'd ourselves to jump out, start refueling and cover with the silenced M4's that 3 of us had. We got out and started refueling, 2 in the car, 1 running back and forth with the jerry can and the other protecting the truck and our buddy refueling. The zombies spawned all around us and immediately 2 guys got to work taking out those who were right next to us. One of our guys climbed up onto the top of the fuel tank on the little platform."Dude, you don't wana go up there" one of our guys called out over TS. Immediately, as soon as he got to the top, he came under sniper fire, he took 2-3 shots before dying outright, at which point we abandoned both his body and the re-fueling operation. Fortunately, the guy the sniper decided to shoot at didn't have all that greater gear compared to others in our group. We headed off back the way we came, sniper shots flying over the truck every couple of seconds till we were off the runway. We followed a road off to the west behind some trees. We stopped and quickly came up with a plan. Me and another mate being snipers, decided we'll go back to the airfield on foot to see if we can recover any gear from the body, and possibly take out the sniper there whilst the rest of the group would go off to refuel the truck elsewhere. So we went off our separate ways. Me and my buddy reached the airfield and moved in a little, sticking to the tree line as we both have ghillie suits. I checked the airfield with my range finders and found where our mate got shot, there was no body, but there was blood still spurting out from where it had been. We both suspected that someones gone and looted it and hidden it. I put away my range finder and immediately saw a black dot running in the distance. I pulled them out again and it was a guy, crouched running holding an Assault Rifle. We both acted fast and headed in his direction down along the north side of the airfield, again sticking to the trees. We paused for a second to catch our breathe back, as my buddy took a look around with his thermal L85. "Got 2 on thermal" buddy said over comms. "Really? where!?" I replied."Up the hill, to our East, roughly 70 degrees"I pulled out the compass and pointed myself in the direction, zooming in with the range finders again. "I can't see anything!" "Pull out your thermal! They're in the tree line, prone below a pine tree."I zoomed in on my thermal and scanned around, finding them quickly. "I see them", quickly switching back to the range finders. "They are.....650 metres out! Wana take them?" "Yep" my buddy replied, opening his bag and pulling out his DMR"They fucked with the wrong people" I giggle, opening my bag and pulling out the beast thats the M107. We quickly got prone and flattened a bit of the grass infront of us. I zoomed in and zeroed myself to 600 metres at my mate adjusted his shot. "you take the one of the left, i'll go for the one on the right" I say, trying to relax myself. My heart was in my mouth knowing that these we probably the guys who took out our buddy. "On my count" I call out as I zoom in and line them up. "" We pulled the trigger at virtually the same time. The recoil on the M107 is pretty big so when it came back down and saw they were still there alive. We waited for what seemed like an eternity (was about 0.5-1 second) as the 2 rounds traveled the 650 metres to their targets. Next thing we see is both guys slump to the floor simultaneously with blood pouring out their bodies. The two names in the player killed feed confirmed our work. Me and my mate went fucking nuts. Not only did we make the shot each at 650 metres, but we did it at the same time, and they both died at virtually the same time, giving them zero time to react. We decided to head cautiously up the hill to their position, keeping an eye out for a 3rd or anyone else nearby. There was none. We got to the bodies and only took their DMR and any other important stuff that we could fit in our Alice Packs. The guys we shot soon left, clearly raging. We went back to where we got dropped off and jumped back in the Ural. Morale of the story, don't bite off more than you can chew. These two guys decided to pick on a group of 7 who are all very well geared. Whilst they got a jump on us and managed to kill one of our group, it ended with both of them dead. Not only that, we took the M4A1 CCO that the guy who looted my mates body, off the dead body, and gave it to our guy who got shot.If only global chat was still in the game so we can mock them to hell. Would have loved to see/ hear their rage :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted July 5, 2012 Okay so i spawned in solnichni and after a while went to the deer stand behind the factory. I see 3 zombies, but they were headed away. So i loot the deerstand and climb down. I hear makarov shots, look around and see a player shooting zombies. I had a 1866 and i thought i should help him, but then i hear ak shoots and decide to not take chances and ran the hell away. I ran up to malinovka and down to polana.I was looting the store, when i see another player through the window. Probably the same player as i heard ak shots. I don't know if he saw me. I quickly ran out the back and up on the hill.Also it was my first playthrough so i was really excited. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ape (DayZ) 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Snipers at night:It was in the middle of the night. Our group of 3 survivers arrived at Mogilevka from south direction. medium equiped with 2 enfields, a shotgun and a few random pistols. after a tough fight at Pusta versus a horde of zombies (damn this enfield is noisy) we were on the run, low on ammo, low on flares/chemlights, no nightvision. at the end of the road i saw the shapes of the first housings. One teammate pulled out a flare, enlighted it and threw it towards the buildings. No zombies. suspicious... we moved on slowly. after passing the first building we gathered on the right side of the street in the high grass. on front of us the open fields and downhill the center of Mogilevka. - then a shot ; and a 2nd one - we tryed to reach some cover. Another shot! This time in our direction. first teammate went down immediatly. headshot. i heard the flys above his body when i went to phrone next to him. another shot hit me and i started to bleed. i tryed to reach some cover and bandaged my wounds. we knew the sniper in the center of the village and propably had nightvision. so we started to threw flares in his direction, hopefully to blind him and give is at least some kind of hope to see him. We split in 2 directions and slowly aimed for the village.shadows were moving everywhere in the city. "Get him zombies" - i though. and they did! another 2 shots but not in our direction. i could barely see his weapon flashing. but after that darkness. no way to see him. i pulled out my binoculars heading towards the flashing lights. and there he was lieing on the ground, aiming at another zombie. and another shot. with my binoculars on i tryed to go closer but then he aimed in my direction. i went to ground immediatly. after changing my postion i got up to risk another look. he was gone i saw 2 zombies chasing something. thats the only chance i said to myself. so i stood up and try to chase the zombies. i run downhill looking for the sniper, looking for the zombies - darkness. i felt uncomfortable and i started to think of turning around. didnt know that this was my last thought. i saw a last light flashing and before i heard the shot... darkness.was fun though :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Werty (DayZ) 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Today I got my belief in humanity back.So, I started a new character and turns out I was outside balota. I decide to go head there since its a low pop server and I really don't have anything to loose. Loot balota, Get a M1014 and G17, but no food or water.I head over to Cherno, looking for food, water, and better gear. When I get to cherno I find some food and water, and trade my G17 for a M1911, and continue going through cherno. Suddenly, I head on the side chat(yes this is a server that has side chat, not gonna tell you which one, cause you will probably stalk me.) from a person named "Vinny", "Heh, I nearly shot you Werty" I was in one of the restaurants, out front, and I hit the deck. He shoots out some windows in the restaurant to prove that he can see me, and them I'm freaking out. I start sprinting around serpentine, hoping that the bullets wont hit me, cause I don't like to die. He starts assuring me that he wont kill me, and I start scanning for him. I was in the square in the middle of cherno and he says, "Hey do you want a L85?" and I said "Well If I could get one I would love it." By then I figure out where they are, they are on top of the 3 grain silos or whatever in cherno, and I figure, Fuck it. If they are gonna kill me I might as well see there faces. So I head over to the towers, and start climbing the massive ladders.(You all know what I mean.) By the time I get to the top, there are 2 guys there, Vinny and Jakeb, and to my surprise, instead of shooting me they ACTUALLY GIVE ME A L85. We hang out there for a while, me still a little bit cautious, and then we get joined by a third person, Trip Doctor I belive. Anyways, I go down to the hospital with Jakeb(Or was it vinny) And we loot it, get everything we need. Anyways, by them I'm all set to get out of bean wars, Knife, matches, map, compass, watch, but no hatchet.So I continue searching Cherno, and in one of the resuraunts I find a GHILLIE SUIT, and Vinny and trip have left by then, But Jakeb is still on. I announce this over side chat, and Jakeb says that if I could spare it then Vinny would love to have it. I figure that I owe them a lot for the L85, so I say sure. Vinny comes back on, takes the suit, and gives me some more clips for my L85.(I must have 10 clips by now) So I give him the suit, and I leave again, as firends. I then find a hatchet in the construction area and head out of cherno, my belief in humanity restored. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted July 5, 2012 I want to apologize to Jonah for defending myself in Berezhino yesterday. Nighttime raiding of apartments ended badly for him when he took a few shots after I stumbled upon him. My AKS74 showed the flies where to land and I thank him for the nice backpack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor-Kyle 148 Posted July 5, 2012 The other day I was waiting for a friend to meet me in Msta before heading north. He got a bit lost along the way so I was just chilling and hanging out in the woods south of town (near the deer stands), when I heard 3 shots in quick succession. My heart stopped. There was another survivor near by. Where did the shots come from? How close were they? What/who were they shooting at? I hit the deck and and took cover, after I was sure I wasn't the intended target I began a slow, careful, search for the shooter. Suddenly I spotted him. Running along, alone, through the tree line. He was clearly unaware of my presence. I drew a bead on him with my AKM and then I didn't fire. Instead I called out over DC, "I have you in my crosshairs. Don't move or I'll shoot!" He froze. I continued, "Turn to your left and walk down the hill. Don't stop." He turned right. I assume he was just confused. Perhaps he was actually looking for me to assess the situation. I fired a shot at him, but missed (sight was zeroed at 300m, and we were much closer than that. My fault, and potentially a fatal mistake). I'm glad it missed. "Turn around a walk away. I don't want to kill you." Then he asked me if I needed anything. That felt too much like a trap to me. I read the forums, I know that 99.995% of players are back-stabbing pieces of trash. So I told him I was fine, just a bit paranoid. He walked off, and I followed him with my cross hairs until he disappeared. Then I booked it out of the area. WHAT A RUSH. If I had just shot him I'd have missed out on that crazy tension. On the blood pressure raising standoff. I don't see why people just KoS; they're missing out on so much of the interpersonal dynamics that this game creates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jace (DayZ) 1 Posted July 5, 2012 Well lets see a few days back my friend and I ventured to the NE Airfield for the first time, not well armed just an enfield with a few mags and an AK-74 with 5 bullets. we made quick work of the hangers, but in the distance we see a car driving we quickly head to the COM's tower. My friend and I had never driven a car, so with my buds amzing marksman skills just 2 bullets 1 in each of their heads they were both down, this is where it gets... interesting... We quickly dispatched to the vehicle to find a third in a ghille suit and this guy... well just listen we gun him down not yet dead just passed out we loot him and find two MK17 TWS SD's with 16 mags! WOW we had never seen guns like this, but no time to waste we jump in the jeep and run the ghille suit man a.k.a. "The Third' over with the jeep and now he finally dies. Now we have been driving for a couple minutes and we see a helicopter, they tried saying something, but it wasn't very audible considering I was in a skype call with my friend. All of the sudden the session ends so we join another server and run into the hills after we sigh about the loss of our beloved jeep we try to use the MK17's and see they have thermal scopes oh yeah! We go to town on the zombies and head in-land, at this point we have more respect for our lives and cautiosly and covertly start raiding ZELEN we head down to the market loot it to the bone and move out. We had about 30 zeds on our tail, so we use our tactic one person sprints ahead, turns around, and and lights those F'ers up! After eliminating them all we head back to the NE Airfield once we get there we decide to log off and take a break considering we'd been playing for about 5 - 6 hours. We log back on the next day my friend in the farthest hanger and I'm in the COM's tower I quicly and covertly cleaned the area and dispatched towards my bud, but around the second hanger i randomly freeze fo about 3 seconds, then 2 zeds manage to work their way in front of me I get into a mosh-pit of zombies and my bones break and at this point my friend is lighting those zeds up! But sadly not enough to save me... My friend never died though, in-fact he was able to meet up with me in Cherno but only with an AK-74 Kobra lost everything else but I ran to the balota airfield (respawned there) got shot in the leg now on 3000 blood I run to the first hanger and acquire an m4a1 with 5 mags I throw a smoke grenade and run out guns blazing through my smoke and rip a bandit's face a new one. Running back to the cherno hospital my friend gets me a blood transfusion we then run to the outskirts of the city and fortify a house so we could call it home we then log off to take a break. TO BE CONTINUED... By: Jace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimate_ 0 Posted July 5, 2012 Well lets see a few days back my friend and I ventured to the NE Airfield for the first time' date=' not well armed just an enfield with a few mags and an AK-74 with 5 bullets. we made quick work of the hangers, but in the distance we see a car driving we quickly head to the COM's tower. My friend and I had never driven a car, so with my buds amzing marksman skills just 2 bullets 1 in each of their heads they were both down, this is where it gets... interesting... We quickly dispatched to the vehicle to find a third in a ghille suit and this guy... well just listen we gun him down not yet dead just passed out we loot him and find two MK17 TWS SD's with 16 mags! WOW we had never seen guns like this, but no time to waste we jump in the jeep and run the ghille suit man a.k.a. "The Third' over with the jeep and now he finally dies. Now we have been driving for a couple minutes and we see a helicopter, they tried saying something, but it wasn't very audible considering I was in a skype call with my friend. All of the sudden the session ends so we join another server and run into the hills after we sigh about the loss of our beloved jeep we try to use the MK17's and see they have thermal scopes oh yeah! We go to town on the zombies and head in-land, at this point we have more respect for our lives and cautiosly and covertly start raiding ZELEN we head down to the market loot it to the bone and move out. We had about 30 zeds on our tail, so we use our tactic one person sprints ahead, turns around, and and lights those F'ers up! After eliminating them all we head back to the NE Airfield once we get there we decide to log off and take a break considering we'd been playing for about 5 - 6 hours. We log back on the next day my friend in the farthest hanger and I'm in the COM's tower I quicly and covertly cleaned the area and dispatched towards my bud, but around the second hanger i randomly freeze fo about 3 seconds, then 2 zeds manage to work their way in front of me I get into a mosh-pit of zombies and my bones break and at this point my friend is lighting those zeds up! But sadly not enough to save me... My friend never died though, in-fact he was able to meet up with me in Cherno but only with an AK-74 Kobra lost everything else but I ran to the balota airfield (respawned there) got shot in the leg now on 3000 blood I run to the first hanger and acquire an m4a1 with 5 mags I throw a smoke grenade and run out guns blazing through my smoke and rip a bandit's face a new one. Running back to the cherno hospital my friend gets me a blood transfusion we then run to the outskirts of the city and fortify a house so we could call it home we then log off to take a break. TO BE CONTINUED... By: Jace[/quote']Good times, me and jace both plan to make a video lets play of our adventures soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites