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Had a DMR, night vision, GPS, rangefinder, ghillie, all hunting supplies, morphine, epi-pen, blood bags, water bottle, PDW with 210 rounds, basically everything one could want.

I was waiting under a tree observing another guy in a ghillie running about 400 m away. He ran into the Elektro fire station trailed by zombies and several shots rang out. I waited for him to appear but suddenly I was teleported onto the middle of a remote road! I heard the roar of a nearby diesel engine and quickly aborted before the hackers could run me over.

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So the story begins with our friend Bill found some hacker v3s's so he stole one and drove to berizino and picked up Velvet Remedy, AJ, and I and we rode south picking up Bambis and bringing them north. On our third trek north with Bambis loaded in the back a 50. cal shot rings through a tire crashing us in Cherno as we try to evac the Bambis a unarmed man starts spewing minigun out of his gaping maw until he decided frags would be more suitable. with few of us left we thought we made it when we saw a bright flash and we all died.

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I had a quite interesting night full of interactions on Panthera..

I'd been up all night, sneaking around gathering weapons and supplies. I got so lucky, M4 CCO, camo clothing, morphine, a nice backpack and tons of food and drinks. I managed to remain unseen by passing cars, helis and a few guys on foot.

Later on, I was lurking around in New Skooma, trying to find some matches. I just got out of the supermarket when I saw someone coming out of the firestation, weapon aimed at me. I made a quick retreat around a few corners and took cover in a nearby house. I stayed there for a while until it felt safe, and then proceeded to a warehouse right next to it.

Right after I finished a loot pile, a guy with a ghillie suit and a shotgun came out of nowhere. He hit me once but I managed to put a quick end to him by hipfiring my M4 CCO.

While I was bandaging myself, a second guy appeared, this one unarmed, a bambi. He told me not to shoot, and I assured him I had no such intentions, I merely defended myself.

I told him he could take what he wanted off the downed wookie.

Afterwards, I decided to get back out in the woods, but my trip took an unexpected turn. I was teleported to an airfield full of zombies. Even though I managed to abort before any combat was engaged, when I logged back in a few hours later, I started on the coast with nothing. Everything was reset. Bummer.

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I spawned on the South-West coast of Chernarus, just west of the village of Kamenka. I decided that the logical route would be to go to kamenka and see if I can find anything. I went in, but all I found was a heatpack broken whiskey bottle. "Blimey", said I, "all that sneaking around for nothing, ah well, at least I have a heatpack now" and then I saw the corpses of three players on the street and one right beside it, next to an old wooden building. "Opportunity", said I, as I approached the corpses, carefully making sure not to be seen.

And then, all of a sudden, zombies spawned out of the blue. "Make a run for it", said I, as that was my only option. I didn't have a weapon and I didn't want to die. I lost the zombies in the nearby woods, bandaged myself and returned. This time crawling and being even more careful, I looted all of the corpses. I found two bandages, a crowbar and about 5 painkillers. Better than nothing, at least now I am armed.

I saw the road signs and decided to go East, twoards Komarovo. I tried swimming to avoid zombies, but I had forgotten how to swim and swam at the speed of a retarded snail dragging an elephant. That wasn't going to cut it. I was going to die out of thirst, before I swam anywhere. Oh, the irony!

Getting back on the coast, I was still in Kamenka. I crouch-ran out of the city, but unfortunatley attracted 3 zombies. I lost one of them, but I figured I didn't want the other ones attracting even more. I decided to try out my new crowbar. "Die, imperialist scum", I said, as I sunk the teeth of my metal crowbar into the zombie skulls. The first one fell, but the second one was much tougher. He knocked me uncouncious, the bastard! However, I got up and finished him off. One bandage and some painkillers later I was ready to continue.

In stead of going straight trough Komarovo, I went around, looting the buildings on the outskirts, where I found some flares and ammo, which I took, and some car parts I didn't need. I avoided trouble so far and continued on to Balota. Ignoring the village once again, I decided to loot the airfield. I was very thirsty and about to die from thirst, which was when I saw, in the middle of the hangar, just standing there, a small little cola can. Best cola of my life. I found even more ammo, but nothing really worth bragging about.

I decided not to waste any more time and prosceed right onto Chernogorsk. A true soldier for the motherland is not afraid of being on the front lines! On my way there, I encountered a small gas station, where I found some food. I ate it and continued on.

As I approched Chernogorsk, I went into a crouch, sticking near to walls and avoiding any line of sight to snipers. I cleared a couple of buildings, but found nothing but trash. I attracted a zombie. Deciding it would be much better (and easier) to kill him, rather than run around attracting a horde, I swiftly dispatched this already dead soul. Suddenly, "Behing you, behind you!" I heard a voice say, "Friendly", it added. Turns out, it was another unarmed player. Had he been armed, he could easly have shot me in the back and there would have been zilch I could have done with the crowbar to stop him. I was about to confirm status, but I forgot to switch to Latin. I typed in cyrillic. Then, I stood up to salute. The man just disappeared. "Connection timed out", the chat said. I stood around for a bit, before I moved on. I saw a house, where I found plenty of food, drink and bullets for the guns that I aspired to have.

From there, I moved on to a factory, which was full of hatchets and car parts. I didn't really need either of those, so I moved on. Outside, I found more ammo, bandages and an empty canteen. I was ready. I saw my window of opportunity, a guard hut. However, a few zombies were in my way. I didn't want to have their attention. Then, all of a sudden, they all ran off. A comrade had attracted them. I wasn't about to wait for them to come back, I went into the guard hut.

Inside I saw a few cans of cola and pepsi and then.."Great Lenin", I remarked, whilst staring at the brilliant Lee Enfield carbine and it's ammo on the floor. "Now, I can do some damage." I loaded it up and as luck would have it, I even had a spare clip for it in my backpack from my previous stops. "Nothing can stop me now!", I remarked, as I rushed out to the street, confidently. "What the October Revolution?", I said, "What Reactionary is shooting at me now?!", as shots rang past me. Then in my stomache. I tried to look around and see which enemy of the people was firing his reactionary bullets into me.....I never got my answer.

I died.

And here is the final map of my adventures...



So, there my story ends. I hope the NKVD castrates the fascist who shot me! The Party will not be pleased with him! :)

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Private Hives are the best thing ever.

Yesterday, I was in Cherno and heard someone shoot multiple rounds with a Makarov, I warned him saying "I hear you going off with that peashooter Makarov"

Then someone asked for bloodbags at Cherno, I asked him "Are you the Makarov guy" he said "Yes, I'm the Makarov guy."

Later on we met at the hotel and went for the hospital. We sneaked our way trough. We got what we needed and bloodbagged each other.

We raided the residental buildings near the hospital and heard a DMR sniper go off. I said him to follow me and we tried to track him down, but I guess I scared him by saying "Fuckin DMR, I'm gonna hunt him down" in the sidechat.

After all this, we decided to head North. He didn't have a map yet, so I worked as a tracker. We stumbled across some deer stands and were very organized about raiding them. He got a G17 and a map.

Then we decided to hit the dangerous target, the Stary Sobor tents. Luckily there wasn't any snipers around, but we still flanked it. Found an MP5 and left the shotgun for the guy.

Then I had to log off.

Today, I joined in again.

Some guy was asking for a bloodbag and was passing out at the Airfield. I was very suspicious of it and decided to approach very slowly, but fast. Raided the North Barracks, hit the treeline and came from the north-east treeline. There he was, in the corner of a hangar, lying down. Again, I was very suspicious about it and told him some instructions. He followed them and I got him fixed up. For celebration, I again worked as a leader and we hit the other barracks. I found some satchel charges.

I'm gonna become a hero at that server. Even though I have a ghillie..

Edited by Sutinen

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Day 1

Me and My Friend where walking along the coast near Cherno. A zombie was following us but we didnt really care. We saw 3 mid-high priority barns just north of our position so we decided to head there. A few zombies were on our tail but it was ok. Finally we arrived and found a Winchester, Some Water and some Pepsi. My Friend took the gun and i took some food. We then headed to the next barn where i found a Double Barrel and 2 hatchets. We were ready to head to Cherno and our priority was a small apartment block next to the hospital.

It didnt take long to get there and when we arrived around 25 zombies were aggro on us. We dashed inside the apartment and headed to the third floor. My friend set up a firing position whilst i started looting. I found a makarov and lots of food and ammunition. Suddenly, the zombies stopped and a man could be seen smashing into the hospital. My friend took aim and killed the man with a shot to the brain. We had to do it. He was attracting to much attention. Zombies were swarming every where am i climb to the roof to shoot. Finally after about 10 minutes they started to back off and we made a dash for the hospital. My friend was scratched pretty bad in a arm-to-arm fight with a rogue zombie. We now had plently of medical supplies and were about to leave when we heard several shots. We dived for cover and i whispered to my friend to run. He did and provided cover. Suddenly a man runs towards me and aims his gun at my temple. I freeze and look at him. I shout friendly but he ignores it and walks to a bag of meds. He then tries to fire at me but i take cover and blow him away with my Double Barrel.

We loot both there goods and come out with 2 makarovs, 2 decent guns, food, meds, water, knife, compass and much more!

(( This happened all in 1 hour ))

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Washed up on the shore of Solnichniy, I loot the town and head west. Armed with an AK-74 and what must have been my luckiest day in DayZ I find a bus and an Offroad on the next 2 villages. Both need a wheel, so I head back to Solni and find one. Decided to go with the Offroad, I head up north to loot the Berezino hospital for some morphine and bloodbags. The second I get back in my vehicle some bandit kills me. :(

Lesson learned, do not drive into town even on low pop servers.

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I dug up a story I read on a message board back in August.

Literally joined a server 20 minutes ago. There was no food, no water, no guns, no ammo, and no flares. Instead I found at least 3 hatchets in every house I went to, then I got run over by a guy in a car playing Chop Suey on the open chat.

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It was my first time ever playing DayZ. I started near lighthouse at Komarovo completely unarmedand made my way towards what I didn't know to be Balota at the time.

I was being cautious, I had read stories about the hostilities of Zeds and especially other humans. I opened 2 gates to the medical center and didn't find enough loot to justify upsetting the Zeds.

I crouch-runned out and eventually after walking around in circles for a bit saw an airfield and some hangars. Which I didn't know at the time to only be about a 30-second run from the medical center. I loot a random tent sitting right in front of a barrack that had a Makarov and some beans.

I crawl into the barrack, as the Zeds are walking circles around the baracks. I am lucky enough to find a M4A3 CCO with 4 clips of ammo.

I'm set then, so I crouch walk to the forest line only to see a few Zeds running in a random direction. I knew someone else Was around. Was he stalking me? I had no idea, so I crouch in the forest watching to see if I can see him. He's lightly armed, or from what I could see. I keep watching him, he checks the tent. It must have been his. I continue watching him as he then was apparently distraught about finding his tent empty. He patrols around the baracks and then goes inside. At this I crouch-run off.

I had no idea where I was going, and eventually after much running I end up at what I believe to be the NW Airfield. I crouch-run to the back of the tower, and to my surprise a figure emerges from the top, I put my gun on him and his tag reads "Bandit (TJ)". He then apparently tries to climb down the ladder. He doesn't see me, so as he is is walking around the top railing he stops, I assumed he was checking his kit. I took the opportunity and gave him one quick one to the head. He would have done the same if he saw me.

I then make my way to his body and loot it. "POP POP POP" I hear in the distance. Followed by sounds from a different gun. I make my way to the hangars, thinking that I was safe from the conflict, at least for now. After looting 2 hangars I slip into the third from the side, I get about 30 ft. into the hangar and I hear "CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK" I turn as I'm being fired upon and unload as many shots as possible into two crouching figures, both bandits. I like to think that I hit and injured, maybe hopefully killed one of them, but I died too soon. They knew I was in there. They had been stalking me. They had the drop on me because I got too comfortable.

Based on this experience I will never, ever trust anyone with the bandit skin, and I will hunt them and kill them wherever I can find them. I will kill them on site regardless of what they are doing or what their kit is.

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Today I picked up a guy and promised him a car at my base.

He got in and I drove all the way north (022-002) where I broke his legs with a M9.

I wonder if he's still there.

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Today on the same private hive, I met a guy with a Enfield in Stary, who wanted someone to bloodbag him. I agreed and we met at the supermarket.

I didn't have a bloodbag, so he asked for painkillers instead. Well, I gave him some painkillers then.

We went to the backroom and I started typing something when he asked where I'm headed. At the same time, he shot me in the stomach (This one confuses me, he could have easily shot me in the head).

I ran for cover and shot him atleast 6 times in the head. I made it out alive.

Well, atleast I killed his pain.

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Today I was playing on a private Lingor server. I was on the island north east of Maruko looking for vehicles. I found a technical pickup truck in a gas station loaded with morphine and guns, fully repaired. So I took that and drove back to Maruko, asking anyone in side chat if they needed blood or help since I was bored and had nothing to do, when I got a request from a group of people in an osprey saying that they had 2 people who were in the back passed out with broken legs and little blood left that needed help.

I knew that I was good on morphine since the truck had about 5 inside, but I didnt have any blood. I raced to the hospital, crashing through hordes of zombies on the way. I quickly got out and broke through the lobby, looting all the blood bags from inside the boxes. Then I climbed the hospital and got on the roof to signal the osprey. But there was 2 ospreys, and one was shooting at the one that had my fellow survivors.

I hid on the roof for a while the ospreys dueled, and slowly made my way back to the pick up. I got in the truck and looked in the distance that the friendly osprey had ejected the 2 wounded, who were parachuting their way down to the bank. I hastily drove trying to find the bank, and when I finally found it the 2 survivors had crawled outside so that I could help them. I quickly gave them blood and morphine, then went back to my truck to save more people.

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Was looting the northern part of Chernarus today with a buddy, minutes after he logged out I decided to go have a look at Devil's Castle and found my first ever heli spawn. The AH6X Little Bird. Wasn't even going to try flying it at night with no NV, no fuel, and practically no experience in flying other than a couple tries in the ArmA II heli training. Just admiring it, then SSSSNAP. Dead. Can only blame myself. Should have ran out of there ASAP to avoid trouble. At least I didn't lose anything valuable. Some bloodbags, MP5, basic tools and a Czech Backpack. :D

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My friend and i were playing the other night. We were both fresh spawns near the south east corner of the map. We decided to make a break for Elektro. I had a double barrelled shotgun with two slugs and two pellets. My friend had a crossbow with only two bolts. Neither of us had any melee weapons or sidearms, so we were pretty poorly geared.

We decided to approach Elektro from the north east, cutting over the hills. As we drew closer, we could hear explosions and loud gunfire. We could hear multiple weapons being fired, they sounded like high powered rifles.

With very little to lose, we decided to stupidly track down the source of these gunshots.

We edged closer and closer to the seemingly endless gunfire. We assumed that it was a group of people on sniper hill shooting into Elektro. Every few seconds ".... was killed" was popping up.

"Go prone!" My friend shouted at me. He was a few metres ahead of me. We both hit the deck as we crawled further down a hill. We reached the edge of a treeline with Elektro in view and the power station closeby. We found the source of the gunshots.

Four bandits were looking down at Elektro shooting sniper and assault rifle rounds at players entering and exiting the city. One of the bandits even had a rocket launcher. But what caught our attention the most was the shiney new pickup truck they had parked in the treeline.

We had successfully proned behind them without them detecting us. They seemed way too preoccupied with sniping Elektro.

With our severe lack of firepower compared to what they were packing, we realised we wouldn't be any match for them if we got into a firefight. We decided instead that we wanted their truck.

My friend began proning towards their pickup truck, which was maybe only ten-feet away from where the bandits were sniping. Realising that there was no way my buddy would be able to get in the truck, start her up and drive off without getting shot, I decided to run defense.

I got the bandits attention, firing blindly at them with my shotgun. I managed to get one of them down low, breaking his leg. I yelled profanities through direct chat before running off back up the hill and into the woods. Gun shots followed, I was definitely hit. But I kept running despite losing an insane amount of blood.

I ran over the hill, weaving in and out of trees with bullets spraying every which way. I looked over my shoulder every few seconds to see at least two of them pursuing me. I was just crossing my fingers that the one with the rocket launcher wasn't going to try anything.

My blood was getting extremely low, it was difficult to see anything as my vision was going blurred and grey. I started to head for the treeline, doubting I'd make it much further, until my friend pulled up in our brand new pickup truck, honking the horn. I jumped in the passenger seat and we drove off into the sunset with bullets whizzing past us.

And that's the story of how I got my pickup truck.

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So there I was looting Stary Sobor and I heard a helicopter (thanks to my 2 years of ArmA experience) I deduced that the rotor blade sound was AH-6J littlebird, my friend for some reason got kicked from the server and I warned him about the heli (heres the convo on skype or roughly what it was)

Me: Dude, dude be quiet I-I hear a heli incoming?

Friend: Oh fuck that then I'm not logging in.

Me: Well I might have a chance of getting it so I am waiting around

About 5-8 mins later

Me: DUDE! ITS LANDING ON THE BARN! Oh fuck! (After he landed it turned out his friend hopped out and he landed on the ground to loot the military tents)

Friend: Well can you kill him?

Me: Well I could try? don't forget you have the higher scoped version of my rifle? (I had a M14 Aimpoint and he had a DMR)

Me: Dude get on right now!

Friend: What why?

Me: Just get on! he has landed and is hopping out

So we both sat there for about 5 mins and my friend got his rifle out of his backpack

Me: Shit the heli is spooling up he is going to pick up his mate!

Friend: Ok what then?

Me: SHOOT HIM! HANGON no wait, wait until he gets onto the barn roof.

So he flew up there and one of them must have spotted one of our nametags (even though we were hidden perfectly) And he waited for a bit before hopping in


So my friend opens up and hits the guy dead in the face on his first shot but the pilot didn't realise I dont think and waited (probably on skype together) and I opened up with my M14 and after 3 rounds I hit him!



Me: Cover me I'm going to loot their bodies!

But the top roof is not accessible so we googled a way to get up there, Sadly to no avail but as I'm searching my friend says something

Friend: Haha! dude the heli! is just slowly sliding off the roof!

Me: (I click back onto ArmA) Wait wha...HOLY FUCK!

The heli slipped off the roof and smashed into the ground, exploding gloriously and the building sort of collapsed, and the dead bodies fell free and we could loot them! The gear was great (I do not class that as banditry because none of us turned into them so we are obviously heroes-ish but a Coyote backpack, Loads of equipment, M107, Silenced M4 (That we left) and we hid the bodies and ran into the woods.

It was probably one of the best runs on DayZ I have had recently (Sorry to those we shot but you were bandits) and I hope you enjoyed my merry tale!

Edited by Khaos

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So I was with 2 others on the new DayZ Sahrani driving around in a car into the Paraiso airfield army-base (which can be seen in the 2nd pic below), we came across someone we knew was hostile and they got in their car and they tried to drive off.

We all went to get out of our car to start shooting and as teammate #1 got out of the car my DMR-shots blew his head clean-off.

After we took out the hostile we originally intended on taking out, teammate #2 and I gathered all the gear into our car and drove over to where we were keeping our PBX so we could pick up teammate #1 who was somewhere on the other island (can usually tell because the north island is more green with huge mountains everywhere while south-island is more tropical).

Part 1:


After arriving at our PBX stored somewhere on the west-coast of the South-island we started heading up to roughly where I thought teammate #1 had spawned (He spawned in Wilderness so we weren't sure), we got about as far as the X marked below and then the server timed out for 2 whole minutes!

When everyone managed to reconnect, teammate #2 and I were swimming in the ocean with no boat to be seen.


Part #2:

Just a minute after after teammate #1 logs back in he sees a boat incoming to the shore next to him without a driver...

So because we basically 'ejected' from the boat due to the server timeout it kept driving exactly to where our teammate was and literally picked him up for us!


So we got picked-up by teammate #1, brought him to his gear and everyone lived happily ever after :D

2D Map link (Which you can use to find your way around as there's no DB map out yet): http://images3.wikia...ni_Map_4096.jpg

Community info: http://www.dayzhorror.com

Server info (As far as I know the best and most popular Sahrani server!): http://www.gametrack...

Edited by R3con

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It's probably 4+ months since I loaded DayZ.

Updates, no problem.

Spawn with no gear at all.

Almost immediately find dead guy in super market with basic gear (very basic) load out. Enfield, revolver, compass.

Random player calls out and I fumble to chat, he's a friendly acting new spawn, weaponless. He offers to help me at the hospital, but I peel off for the fire station I see when I exit.

Empty tent, m-9 mags, smoke grenades, vest pouch, crap.

Top of staircase, lay down, log out.

Likely go back to waiting for stand alone....

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I'm a lone wolf and a survivalist; in a month of play I've only killed three players. But two of those were tonight, and it was 45 minutes of non-stop heart pounding. I want to share the background and the kill, it's the most exciting thing I've ever done in DayZ. Plus, if you've read any of my other posts, you know I don't like short posts :D I've taken a bit of creative license, imagining it from the PoV of the character, not me playing a game

I'd set up camp last night just outside of Stary, and my health was dangerously low. My hatchet was gone - the head was imbedded in an infected I killed last night - so I couldn't chop any wood to cook meat. I decided my best chance was to look in Stary's eastern farmhouse. Worst case scenario I could always light a fire at the barrels near the tents. So after heading through the red warehouse and into the farmhouse, I saw a pile of wood tucked in the corner. Only problem was, I couldn't light the fire inside and I could hear a helicopter drone in the distance. Another military flyover, scanning and exterminating the countryside. I quickly snuck out of the east end of the building to light the fire. I cooked the meat and hid inside, safe and sound. Or so I thought...

After the heli passed, I crawled outside because I heard a gunshot from the northern hill, and I wanted to knock off the sniper. I had a quick peek, and it turned out my imagination was playing tricks on me. I thought now was as good a time as any to check the tents. So I kept crawling (this place was swarming with zeds), and I'd only made it about 5 metres before I realised the heli was coming back. I had a choice: turn back, or keep going? I decided to keep going, because behind me were some zeds, and I figured the heli would pass. You know the small bushes next on the south side of the tents? I was gunning for those. So it was literally a race, but one the heli didn't know it was in. He came clearly into my field of view about 3 metres from the bush. It's a cliche, but it literally looked like 100 metres. So those 5 seconds of crawling were make or break. If they saw me, the gig was up. If not, I could live to fight another day. Luckily, I made it through without them noticing me. So I snuck behind the bush, waiting for them to leave. But they didn't. They were literally hovering 40 metres above my head, taunting me. This was it. This was the end....

Or maybe not. I racked my brain, why are they here? And I remembered, the fireplace was still in the open! Damn me and my carelessness. But it gave me hope; they didn't know where I was. After about 3 minutes of waiting from both parties, I quickly poked my head out from behind the bush. One pilot, one gunner. They mean business. And then the worst thing happened: they moved. The pilot moved so that they were now on an angle to me, not right above. And the gunner was looking right at me...

He couldn't see past the bush though. I owed my life to this tiny green foliage. There was definitely no way out of this now though, I was snookered; one movement in any direction and I was surely gone. But the heli started moving again, and I gathered my wits. I made a pact. If they hover again, I've got one chance. My CZ is loud and slow, so hell would break loose if I missed. But I trust my life with this gun, she never misses. I noticed the all too familiar bank on that Huey, indicating it was beginning to hover. I waited for it to stop, and when it did the gunner was again looking straight at me. This was him or me. I aimed down the sights, poked my head out and fired....

Direct hit, right in the chest. Don't know if it was the bullet or the fall, but he was no longer with us. A gunnerless heli was the least of my problems now though; every damn zed in Stary heard that shot. With literally 20 on my tail, I bolted from under cover, back through the red warehouse and north east out of town. These pricks wouldn't give up though. They used to just be content to let you go, but with less meat around now those demons don't want to give up an easy catch. I was toast. I had 4 bullets left in my 550, and one round in my M1911. Two outcomes here: death by zombie, or some lucky shit sees this train of fucking zeds behind me, sings happy birthday to himself and kills me. I couldn't think of an escape, and I knew this was the end. I might as well give up now. But then help came from the unlikeliest of sources....

The other gunner! Of course you idiot. It's a military copter; each one has one pilot and two gunners. But he was a problem for another time. I knew his shots were pure luck, if he got me so be it. You can't hit a moving target from the air when you're moving as well, unless you take half the fucking land with me. For now though, he was distracting the zeds. All of them were running back to the chopper. I darted into some trees, and me must have lost me in the crowd of infected. No more shots. I ran about a klick out of Stary, and set up camp early, high in the woods. I didn't sleep, but I stayed hidden....


I heard a thundering boom, and left my tent to see a heli crash outside of Novy. Could it be the one from before? It wasn't. I saw 6 zeds leave the wreckage - no one turns that quickly. I noticed 1 dead human but he wasn't a soldier. Poor bastard tried to steal a military chopper. Even though it was in wide open fields, this was nothing compared to before. I crawled up to it, switched my backup Enfield for an M249 SAW, with 400 rounds. Time to kick ass. I heard the heli again, but after some inspection I realised it wasn't getting any closer. The sound was coming from the south west, so I guessed it was still in Stary, waiting for me to pop out. I decided to kill these bastards....

I went back to Stary in the late afternoon, and camped on the northern hill. The heli was gone, but I figured it would return soon. And it did. Circling Stary, I watched its movements for about 10 minutes. Every time the same thing; one trip around the town, then hover right in the middle. This was my moment. The fourth time it came round, I readied my CZ. I was smiling a demented smile as I aimed down the sights at the gunner. I wanted to see his reaction to the gunshot, to see the fear on his face. That wouldn't make up for what the army has done to my friends and family, but it was all I was going to get. The fucking bastard wasn't even watching though. I decided to take my chance anyway. I heard the crack of the gun, he heard the whip of the bullet, and the pilot saw his gunner's skull split in half. That man was shitting himself. I rained fire on the chopper with my M249. I knew it wouldn't pierce the glass, or even damage the Huey, but if he wasn't certain about running away before, he was now. Fuck off. This is my land, my country.


Edited by WBK

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me and 3 buddies where just starting and we all went to elektro and after some waitinng my friends eventurly made to the place and kept waiting for me {because we where on skype] and i met some people some nice people in a car [also we where playing on a rp server] let me drive with them i asked them to take me to elektro and they said thats were they where heading so i had a good find untill we run into a road block by the enclave and when they surched my bag and found out i was a new guy they  just told me to wait next to this guy but what they did not know is that i had some torlet paper and some choloform which i used on the guy guarding me so i stole his crossbow and his m9 sd yes i was very lucky and than i stole his water bottle and some meds before driving off in their car all the while i was explaining this to my friends and they did shoot at me but i got away soon i madde it their and found my friends who had found a buch of surrplies and a bhigger bag for me so we drove off made a road block for about 30 mins and caught 3 people withen the time but let them keep most of their stuff soon we where on the road again when we met with the enclave a  differnet group thank god and they where having a massive fight with a differnt group of people so as we drove though the fight to get some actiion we lost a tire and called out "guys just picture us as torrust" sorry for bad spelling but continued on our way untill the car was unuseable thanks to my friend crashing intom a tree so we had to carwl our way across which went well surprisenly untill i fell uncosenice thanks to a couple of gun shots and had to wait so i got a drink and found that my friends had bangaged me and gave a blood transfusion after dragging me out of the battle they told me that a enclave thought that we where trying to sneak by so we could kill them and than left so after that we were on the road again when we met this docter who gave us a ride to this outpost where we stayed for a bit untill we got kicked out which led us to a hele and we stole it the bad thing was that my friend who was a terrable driver was flying the hele so bad we almost crashed untill we evacuated because people where shooting us. soon we found a quiet place untill one of my friends said "mates we have had one hell of a time so why don't we go out in a big bang" which made us run for the door which we heard one big bang and all fell unconuses. but as soon as we woke up we met more enclave and the guy i knocked out was their and he said some words shot me in the led and than sore at me untill finally shooting me in the chest which he thought he had killed me but he did not so my friend helped me and we killed the ass and ran away in the guys care agian it was so dam funny that we stoped just to laugh alot than i said "okey guys we have to chang our user names because we just made some serious enermys and they agreed but from than i have notbeen ableto playmuch until now sorry for the bad spelling  shadowolf out

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that was so sad why if you ever meet that person i want you to shoot him in the head and say you are dead fucker

mate you have my beens

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