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Asking people if they are friendly?

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Playing on a private hive (especially, if whitelisted) can go on a long way and you're more likely to encounter actually friendly players.

But yeah, it's just the nature of DayZ and one of the thumb rules: trust no-one.

If you feel like it, take a risk and see what they are up to.

If you'd prefer to play it safe put a bullet in between their eyes.

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I don't bother asking now. I just watch them, see if they may pose a threat to myself or my friends.

We are more neutral than bandit or hero. We're not your friends, nor are we your enemy.

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Hmm... I usually watch people and deliberate whether to shoot them or not. Holding people up hasn't really worked for me so far.

On the other hand, teaming up with randoms has always worked so far. It usually started out with me having my sights on them and recounting their every move to them and perhaps giving some warning shots at the ground, they become pretty docile once they know they can't run/hide/fight. I've never been shot in the back, not by bandit randoms I teamed up with, nor by survivors.

Then again, most people will log off as soon as they encounter a potential hostile that has the drop on them. The new anti-logout timer doesn't really do it's job. You can fire at them, but the timer doesn't start. So if you want to make sure you get the gear, shoot and aim for the head.

Edited by Oompa

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2 options.. or trust no one .. or you have a team of 3 guys and cover each other backs.. ohh and a 3 option is to do what ever you are gonna do if that happend at real....

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Holding someone at gunpoint and demanding they drop their weapon is an act aggression to me. It's similar to what the old skool bandits used to do. If someone came to me yelling me to drop my gun and threatening with violence if i didn't, I'd take that as an aggressive act for sure. And I would never ever drop my weapon at gunpoint, never, so shootout would follow. Not a good way to make friends at all.

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Hey guys. I've experienced that saying "friendly" to another person is not always ending good. I've tried being friendly several times, but yet getting killed.

Tired of losing my gear...

I don't want to be seen as a bandit, so I don't kill survivors. What do you do if you have good gear and you meet someone?

Basically forget it. 2 months ago, my answer was different but now, just don't bother.

Make friends here on the forum first, THEN plan on a meetup in-game. That is the only way.

Other than that, if you see someone, make sure they don't see you, and move along. Communicate with them if you choose, but make sure they don't see you.

If you insist, make sure you have something to offer them like a blood transfusion, and make sure this was a 'medic mission' where you left all your other stuff back in a tent.

You will be killed - if not by them, by someone or something else.

Congratulations on trying to play right.

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If you see someone under fire and calling friendly, kill the person attacking them and try to talk to them.

Saving someones life if they are unconcious is a good way to show your not a douche.

I tried this too. No good anymore.

Saved 2 guys from getting absolutely mauled by a herd of 10 Zs. I picked off about half of them with my AKM, which drew the rest to me. As I back away, so they can escape, they shot me with their pistols.

This is why we cannot have nice things.

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On a private server, two of us on. Side chat enabled.

I asked for a transfusion, fully expecting to die.

He was bored and shared his 5+ vehicle camp with me.

So, you never know.

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I have direct chat mapped to my space bar, this makes it so I can instantly say, rather than having to switch channels, by which time I could be dead. But yeah, I usually keep sprinting if I accidentally bump into someone, its hard to hit someone whos running around you up close, and I just shout friendly? as Im running around them :D It is very effective actually. Gives the guy a little time to realise that you are friendly too, which is a big issue, as often peoples twitch reaction is to shoot, give them a second or two where they cant hit you and the penny will drop. Not with everyone obviously :D

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Sounds like someone I've bumped into before Rooneye. If it was you, thanks for yelling Friendly - and I hope you appreciated the smoke grenade I threw to get the train off you.

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Holding someone at gunpoint and demanding they drop their weapon is an act aggression to me. It's similar to what the old skool bandits used to do. If someone came to me yelling me to drop my gun and threatening with violence if i didn't, I'd take that as an aggressive act for sure. And I would never ever drop my weapon at gunpoint, never, so shootout would follow. Not a good way to make friends at all.

I guess it depends on the situation. If someone asks for a blood transfusion and you hold that someone at gunpoint while you're trying to get to them in a safe fashion because you want to give them the transfusion isn't an act of aggression. I tell people to equip a flashlight and to face a wall a bush or something while I have my rifle aimed at their head as I advance.... I don't consider that an act of aggression. That's some kindness going on... because there's more factors than just that person asking for a transfusion. Hell it could be a group of bandits playing 'possum, right?

Make friends here on the forum first, THEN plan on a meetup in-game. That is the only way.

There's a bridge in San Francisco I canna sell you... it'sa very niiice.

Congratulations on trying to play right.

I agree. I appreciate players that make an attempt to actually kind-of role-play this mod.

Indiscriminate killing doesn't do anything other than to grow your own e-peen and just makes you an a-hole.

On the other hand, as a friendly player, I can respect when someone camps out a super market for example, and waits for a person to come out with the goodies you were too lazy to get yourself. Bravo... pretty much makes sense doesn't it? Let someone else risk their life as they get the things you need... That... is a bandit. Someone just capping a new player running around with a flashlight and no rifle or killing people in spawn areas... that's just an a-hole thing to do and ruins other player's experience with the game and probably will make them dislike the game and not come back to it.

This probably kills the amount of players on that server, thereby reducing the a-hole's amount of easy targets to a very small amount and which makes THAT a-hole bored, since there's nothing to shoot, and then he leaves the server as well to move on to other greener pastures. In this case, I think it serves to have active admins on servers to reduce the "grief" to a minimal amount, which keeps activity high on servers and ultimately increases the amount of fun people have.

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I personally only kill if the situation is in my favour, ie you just looted that barracks and ooh nice new DMR you have there.... mine...

When out scavenging i wont take the risk of communicating, but rather wait out and check what you are up to and how much a threat you pose.

If you have a better pack than me i'll probably kill you too, saves me risking going to a populated area for one....

Ultimately you have to be a bit ruthless to survive in DayZ for any decent amount of time, i agree though shooting new spawns is a no go.. i only ever engage up north or on the rare occasion some one starts a fight while im supply hunting in Cherno... if anything i'll leave Bambi's alone and maybe give them a lift somewhere if i have transport.

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Put a piece of lead through their skull leg and then ask them if they are friendly.

if you have the right gun, you can brake their leg, make them unconscious and have your way with them, or leave the scene. This also leaves you free to bandage, morphine, bloodbag them back into health should you decide to trust them.

That being said, the one guy I trusted and hung out with for a bit did turn on me; after 10 minutes of talking and seemingly being a nice guy, he attempted to steal my vehicle. I shot him in the head with my M14.

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ok, ill be starting my adventures round chernarus in a weeks time or so, and all ive managed to discern is that i should hide away from other players because its impossible to trust them unless you're the one with the gun pointed, but that makes them not trust you anyway

personally, that seems better than meeting on level terms, because they know that you could have killed them for that L85 easily... but it wouldn't be nice to do it in the middle of Cherno or bandit-ville, since they wont be able to defend themselves...

it seems that there simply is no best way to earn trust in this game... why even bother trying to find it?

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Because when you do find that person or team you can trust it's SOOOO worth it. ;)

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I have only played for about four to five hours, and in that time one guy killed me after he asked me to drop my weapon (which I did) so we could be friends and another guy killed me when I was just spawned and obviously unarmed. One guy killed me even after I did (don't have a mic yet) the "friendly dance". Got to buy the microphone so at least I can try to reason with people.

I really don't understand people who shoot other players. Shoot the zombies if your trigger finger is itching. Or play something else. I'm not going to shoot anyone other than someone shooting at me cause shooting other players is not the reason I want to play this game. And after reading this thread I'm sure I will be killed many many times after I have dropped my gun or being unarmed in the first place.

E. Have to add that in the same time I met a guy who gave me AK-74(?) without me asking anything, one player gave me a ride and saved me from a bunch of zombies and one guy gve me something to drink. So gotta remember that there are also some good players in this game.

Edited by John Matrix

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I've been anxiously awaiting the Standalone and scavanging any info I can about DayZ, but as time for the standalone nears I'm getting afraid. All the players have frayed nerves and trust no one like in The Road. All I can come up with after my digging is run away before you're seen, or shoot first before you're seen.

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I'd actually like to thank the contributors of this thread. This'll help with the learning curve when I get the standalone.

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I go by the code, This was the code that DayZ started with, this is the code that it'll end with.

1. One shall not hurt the living unless threatened into it.

2. One can only loose what was put in - as well as gain.

3. The best defence is an offence. The best offence is a defence.

4. Every living deserves a chance and choice that comes with it.

5. When immediate and alarmingly confronted, One is not blamed for disregarding the above.

6. If One hears Another call out the code, One shall;

A ) Maintain respectable, non-confronting distance

B ) If confronting, lower your wares and tools

C ) Return the call.

7. If the living are in a life and death situation, saving them is ethical and look highly apon.

8. If Ones life has been saved by Another, respect and gifts are beyond logical
Edited by Ghass2

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I go by the code, This was the code that DayZ started with, this is the code that it'll end with.

1. One shall not hurt the living unless threatened into it.

2. One can only loose what was put in - as well as gain.

3. The best defence is an offence. The best offence is a defence.

4. Every living deserves a chance and choice that comes with it.

5. When immediate and alarmingly confronted, One is not blamed for disregarding the above.

6. If One hears Another call out the code, One shall;

A ) Maintain respectable, non-confronting distance

B ) If confronting, lower your wares and tools

C ) Return the call.

7. If the living are in a life and death situation, saving them is ethical and look highly apon.

8. If Ones life has been saved by Another, respect and gifts are beyond logical

Thats also my code now. Thanks!

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Ha, John Matrix, my favorite Hacker. Do you remember me at DE 1781?

I never saw so bunch of disorganised hackers in the history of DayZ.

How's you're little brother?

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in ur situation i would do it like frankie force them to drop the weapon (via voicechat) so they cant harm u and its funny often make friends this way...

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I will always try to give people a chance to get out of it alive. I tell them I'm friendly and don't want to kill them.

I would rather not get into a holdup situation and myself move away from the scene if i can.

I'm a very discretion is the better part of valor type of player. The stuff will always re-spawn, I can change servers etc....

I actually like the way FrankieonPCin1080p goes about it if he really doesn't want to kill someone (SOMETIMES).

He gives them plenty of warning that:

1. He has the ability to one-shot them

2. He identifies their weapon and its capabilites.

3. Tells them NOT to turn around or look towards the sound.

4. He tells them very specifically to "Put the weapon down."

5. I've even seen him try and text the person to move away if they dont respond to chat.

He pretty much makes it crystal clear that if they make any moves towards, turn etc. HE WILL SHOOT.

Me? I'd do exactly what he said. I may ask him, to not take my Pack or at least leave me a can of drink and some beans and a bandage.

Knowing how difficult it can be to find some items, i can understand if he takes my matches, knife, watch, compass etc.... and my weapon if its better.

I've been shot for not doing what the other told me, turned towards them, didn't speak to them to say that i wasn't a threat. It was MY FAULT I GOT SHOT.

Anyway, that's my 2c. Its a survival simulator, not a care-bears simulator.

As Frankie says "Well, That's Dayz for you".

Cheers and Peace. Out.


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