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About RelativeBlue

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. RelativeBlue

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    That's why I only give newspawns a fireaxe, canteen, can opener, and beans. Why would you give a stranger a gun?!
  2. RelativeBlue

    Anyone need ammo?

    That sounds really heavy. Like leave it in the truck heavy.
  3. RelativeBlue

    Should they bring back General chat?

    I don't see much point in General chat. In the mod folks would just kick for global chat use. It'd just be trashtalk anyway.
  4. RelativeBlue

    Logout timer

    30 seconds is reasonable. I could see that happening.
  5. RelativeBlue

    I Have A Dream....

    I like your enthusiasm for zombie hordes. This is what I want.
  6. RelativeBlue

    Average life time

    I tend to live a really long time. Gathering supplies inland and North, then heading to the coast to give aide to any friendly that wants to chat. Then I head out again and restock whatever I gave out. Killing every freakin' zombie mother along the way. Just wish there were more zombies. I've lost a couple characters to wipes but only been killed once. I waved at a guy who had an axe, he waved back. I turned to walk away, so did he. Then he came running around the other side of the building and axed me to the face. Not friendly.
  7. RelativeBlue

    Cooking Food?

    I imagine cooked food will be more nutritious than canned or raw. Now we just need Ramen noodles that stack to 5 in the backpack. Maybe Tapatio hot sauce.
  8. RelativeBlue

    dayz surpassed in population

    Hm. Minecraft HD is doing well. Thanks for the heads up. I'm surprised that many people play Left4Dead still. x_x
  9. RelativeBlue

    Dental Hygiene (Not as bad as you think)

    Great. Then bandits would run around with pliers, handcuffs, and backpacks full of teeth.
  10. RelativeBlue

    A sucker for Alpha's.

    Endgame is a tired buzzword. It's a survival game. Enjoy the journey. But to the OP, I'm with you. Have some beans.
  11. RelativeBlue

    What do you think of fresh spawns being able to punch?

    I think it's fine as it is. If you don't want to get punched, just make space and go back to your weapon.
  12. RelativeBlue


    It's like a gift, OP. Now you get to start over.
  13. RelativeBlue

    Where can i find a respirator?

    If they ever added respiratory hazards to the environment (Or maybe zombies) I'd freakin' explode with excitement. I find them in houses and hospitals, and I believe I found one in the jail cell of a military building. Not uncommon.
  14. RelativeBlue

    what does this sign say? (Russian)

    Says "Bean Cannery"
  15. RelativeBlue

    How many people do you kill in a life on average?

    Still haven't killed a human. Thought today I almost did... while walking the coast to give newspawns canteens and can openers I saw a guy all decked out like some kind of Umbrella Corp. commando. Kept my rifle on him and followed for about ten minutes, but he didn't do anything unforgiveable. I'd really love a zombie count though, I kill a lot of zombies.