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About Vengeance1st

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Vengeance1st

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I get the impression that they couldn't release it even if they wanted to, from what little understanding I have of coding (by little I mean none) it seems they're working on the fundamental coding of the game, it seems they need to finish creating the actual engine/client/whatever before the SA would work period. I'm happy to wait, as long as what they release is a polished version of the mod I'm happy.
  2. Vengeance1st

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I think what most people are expecting from the initial release of the standalone is just the mod with enterable buildings and a system to reduce hacking, they've done a decent job of keeping expectations reasonable.
  3. Vengeance1st

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Rocket has mentioned that he's been thinking of charging for additional maps. Like anything you pay for it has the potential to become pay to win, the most obvious example being if there's a map with extra good loot on it released. Though I doubt they have any intention of making a pay-to-win game. The reality with War Z is that it exists, it's competition and the team here just has to deal with it, they should just be thankful the competition is incompetent.
  4. Vengeance1st

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    To be fair War Z did try to come at it from a different angle, main differences being the global inventory and characters that don't die permanently. So they didn't try and copy it completely, they tried to make the concept less "hardcore". If they weren't so unethical and crap at their jobs they might have even pulled it off.
  5. Vengeance1st

    an idea to solve the PVP fiasco

    Note that he doesn't want to stop pvp, he wants to stop people treating the game like it's cod. So the people who kill others for no other reason than their own amusement.
  6. Vengeance1st

    First day

    Read the threads here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/
  7. Vengeance1st

    Don't do what Minecraft did...

    I can't tell you how many times I read that on the War Z forums and we all know what has happened there.
  8. As I said, I'm waiting for the standalone, so I haven't played and obviously can not write about it. What I could do is when the standalone comes out is take note of things that I have difficulty with and forward those to you so you can see if you've missed out on anything. It might be an idea to ask a few people to do this, so you can see if there are any common issues.
  9. I read the "encountering a zombie - what to do" post and you didn't really do a great job of it. The useful information was as such "Use a silenced weapon, have a good escape route, run around a building to get rid of them" the only thing out of those three that is useful is the building, oh and you suggested using a hatchet as a melee weapon due to duel functionality, so two pieces of useful information. The other things are self-evident, worth a mention but self evident. You didn't really tell me what I'd want to know, being a player with no experience (waiting for the standalone) what I want to know is the max number I should take on (with a melee weapon), how I should deal with them, what I have to be worried about like getting in a corner, zombies hearing and coming from behind and other things like that. I also want to know about anything that isnt obvious about escaping, e.g zombies don't slow down on hills (I had to re-read it to get this one, but make it three bits of useful info). It would also be nice if you cut down on the fluff when you're giving advice, the first paragraph for example, it's an introduction but why is it there? I'm new, I want as little information about other topics as possible so I can focus on understanding the advice you're giving me. I see what you're trying to do, and by all means insert all the personality you want in non-instructional posts but just try to keep it to a mininum for instructions. I just looked at another the "surviving your first day" post, it was good, though it was soured when I read a comment showing a faster way of looting and a warning about inventory, so your own inexperience with the game is showing. Overall nice effort and I'll be using these tips when I get the standalone.
  10. Vengeance1st

    Asking people if they are friendly?

    I'd actually like to thank the contributors of this thread. This'll help with the learning curve when I get the standalone.