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Devblog details on engine architecture for DayZ

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I don't think current maps sizes or Chernarus+ can be stretched to hold more than max hundred players.

Then imagine an island like this.



Edited by Nikiller
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it wloudnt make sense that there are snowy mountains in the south ?? but namalsk in the north now that wloud be awsome ! chernarus+ cloud be the place where you can survive whitout keeping warm etc but wloud be limited in high end gear and namalsk is where you go whene you are a truly ready for hardcore the enemys wloud be brutal there and wloudnt even mind if there where mutants there that wlud make sure that none cloud run/drive from chernarus whitout gear to gear in namalsk

South pole of earth is actually colder than the north pole :P

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So it will be something similar like World of Tanks? Everything is doing by server and we are getting only "pictures"? Sounds great. It will be still Battle Eye or maybe PunkBuster anticheat?

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Rocket suggested that if everything they try to implement considering the game/server architecture goes smoothly, theoretically game would be able to operate even with thousands of players.

In such instance the map size becomes the major issue, and that is the point.

In my opinion what really matters is the number of locations on the map which really draw players. Cherno, Elektro, NWA, Stary became the major hubs and deathmatching places. That's where the action takes place. Nowhere else pretty much.

Dev team needs to find methods to pursue players to explore distant villages and other smaller locations somehow.

Even the current Chernarus is huge, but lets be sincere about it - most of it are desolate woods or barren fields...

They need to add more interesting and compelling locations and, more importantly, decent stimuli for players to explore remote areas. If the server population is more evenly spread then it is right now, then current-sized Chernarus can easily harbor hundreds more players.

The question is how they can compel players to move out and explore inland and border areas.

First humble ideas that come to my mind are pretty obvious:

- change the loot distribution, make even small villages satisfying lootwise (still it's a big puzzle how to implement it, as the big cities obviously should have pretty much everything survivor could crave for in terms of food and basic equipment at least.)

- make such major hubs that are abundant with stuff much, much more hazardous (zombie hordes, hiding and hard to spot zombies that swarm you on place and what not)

and there should be more forces obliging players to keep off the big cities and go explore into the wild...

The second thing which seems to be they are pretty much focused on right now is how to force player interaction. Current issue is, when two survivors meet, it in 95% of cases results in imminent shootout with death of less lucky one.

How could players be coerced into hugging each other and sharing stuff on meeting rather then murdering?

My guess is to make that happen the surrounding should be so dangerous and hazardous that only teamplay can promote survival. (Unless you are geared up like commando and have proper skills - only that could foster lone-wolf play, for a protracted but not-too-long time stretch)

I seriously think that the new wound system and illnesses we have heard of strongly suggests that lone-wolf survival for all the time is not a route for securing long life-stretch in Chernarus.

Anyway, looking for more stanalone news. Keep up the good work, Rocket!

Edited by Walter.ua

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Rocket you have no idea how relieved and happy I am having read those news. Client-server architecture is the best solution possible. I'm really glad it will work that way.

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Calm down, Im the forum moderator, not the lead dev :P

Sorry Griff, but I haven't heard any news about some real "custom" maps for DayZ...just stuff about using existing ArmA maps/assets.

can you PLEASE talk in just one font and use one colour; it's really annoying to read if you do it like that

Yeah...I'll get right on that man, because I'm trying to please everyone here. <_<

If you notice I do it so you know who or what I'm talking about. For talking to the mods/admins I use their colors, so go yell at them.

Edited by Ash712
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great news! I was saying the stand-alone thread that getting better performance is the major thing the stand-alone needs to prove to people

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I don't see what's the point in having more players per server. 30-50 is fine for chernarus. IMO any more than that will turn the game in a big deathmatch and make surviving impossible. The encounters with players have to be something rare because you're supposed to be a survivor of apocalypse. I hope standalone won't be like warz.

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Then imagine an island like this.

If the textures were upgraded and 50+% of those buildings were made enterable that map would be the absolute balls.

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While a proper server-client structure is a big improvement, it is far from hack-proof. Source is client-server, as well as all the Unreal engines, and I would hazard every CoD that is not MW2 and MW3. All of those games have their share of cheaters.

I look very much forward to see how the alpha comes out, but notice the release now reads 'end of this year'. The mod has far from outlived itself, I guess.

/me hops to the server in order to secure his vehicle.

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This week saw our lead programmer outline a dramatic plan to change the face of DayZ and how it will hit the world at the end of this year. Simply put, the application will move into a traditional client-server relationship which the server makes most of the decisions. This is the common architecture behind virtually every MMO currently out there, and it will be DayZ’s architecture when it releases.

at least one person at BIS has some guts in his head.

we’re not just locking the application and data down any more, but we’re making the server the umpire

those are the first good news for dayzgame i heard!

if they implement it properly, i will gladly buy it!

src: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

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EDIT: Removed due to merging

Edited by Terrorviktor

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So I can't own a server ? I have to pay a subscription to Rocket to play on their serv ?


And here we go again, cracking the game to play on our own servers:|

Edited by SqTH
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So I can't own a server ? I have to pay a subscription to Rocket to play on their serv ?


And here we go again, cracking the game to play on our own servers:|

Not sure if your post is serious because i'd love to know how you got from those quotes Pay 2 Play.

Edited by LVG
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So I can't own a server ? I have to pay a subscription to Rocket to play on their serv ?

And here we go again, cracking the game to play on our own servers:|

it looks like some people can't read properly.

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I hope this means we can have servers with thousands of zeds wandering around, never despawning...

Does this mean we can have thousands of zeds wandering around, never despawning? :P

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Not sure if your post is serious because i'd love to know how you got from those quotes Pay 2 Play.

Gimme the quote where he says he doesnt.

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Good news.

Less hacks, more fair gaming.

I have to ask something though - Is proper File Caching be ever implemented? Bigger (read larger) Ram usage perhaps?

Imho, current 'HDD file stream rape' is plain silly. Have you ever tried playing on a non-raid/sdd machine? You probably should. You may feel the bane some people have to endure.

I would duly enjoy the moment this game starts using copious amounts of ram I have. I mean seeing the game use less than a gig of ram, while some six and a half gigs is still free, makes me wonder whether this is the reason I get 10-15 fps in Chernorus cities. Sad panda.

Taking unnecessary stuff out is always great, but don't forget to tweak the engine so it can use the resources we have. I'd rather sit extra minute or two on the 'Loading...' screen to get game assets properly cached in Ram, than have all the stutters, freeze-ups, and fps drops during the game-play.



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Gimme the quote where he says he doesnt.

Hey in this post you didn't say you weren't a Nazi! Oh my god u must be nazi u racis and hate jewz!

All he said is that servers will make most of the processing of what happens in the game. I really do not understand where you got your ideas from.

Edited by Timberwolf
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I think you forgot my Gif during the merge LVG .

No i simply removed it.

Gimme the quote where he says he doesnt.


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Gimme the quote where he says he doesnt.

You are funny. :) Where does it say we have to pay a subscription?

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Well.. the more I think about it it may be possible that most of the custom map makers may be waiting for the actual architectural code. No use making something new if you don't know if it may run, but i'm all for making a open source asset bank where devs/modders work together and share work and experience.

Should the server truly be able to support 1000's of players it may be necessary to obtain a subscription. This subscription may allow for a constant expanding map with fully committed developers. You cant expect the world to be free, and for that world to come out in a quick time frame. Dayz devs focus on the bugs and issues that are bound to arrive, map devs focus on the world map,everyone earns beans and is happy. If they work together even more beans for everyone :) . Will there be free custom maps of course.. though remember they are being made on free time.. Free time these days is on a premium.

And to people who don't want to pay subscription, i ask how much do you pay for entertainment for an hour.. movies.. etc. ? But that's just me.. should the world building aspect of this game ever be created and even come close to its older brother.. (you know who i'm talking about) the only thing that will hold people back is server power.

Edited by Archsamael

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