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Poll: Which DayZ map is your favorite?

Which DayZ map is your favorite?  

  1. 1. Which DayZ map is your favorite?

    • Fallujah
    • Namalsk
    • Lingor Island
    • Takistan
    • Chernarus
    • Thirsk (If you've somehow played it)
    • Utes
    • Zargabad
    • Panthera

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Namalsk is pretty interesting. I just wish it was bigger. The atmosphere of the map is terrific. Chernarus a very close second followed by Lingor.

Also (edit: spam removed. :) )

Edited by SausageKingofChicago
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Apparently the poll won't show up now...

EDIT: Fixed it.

Edited by Mr-Zer0

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Charnarus is old and easy.

* There is no struggle to survive, when almost every village has food and water. Even the most desolate low yield villages has a good chance to drop "food/water".

* Players can even abuse the zombie loot to survive, aggro and entire town and run into a building and kill the zombies one by one with an axe.

If there is no struggle to survive, than player will just go pvp.

* Basically what "Cherno,Elektro and the NW Airfield have become"

The drop rate for "50 cals is too high"

* A bit ridicules when "every player" has a 50.

There is no need to worry about temperature "at all"

* When did you ever use a heatpack?

- Or when did you ever use a camp fire to heat your-self up?


Namalsk brings the next level into "Dayz".

With food being rare, players will travel and go to extreme lengths in attaining in.

* Matches in the game are more rare than "50's" of which had their drop rate lowered by allot.

* Players utilize for automatic weapons such as the "AK's or low tier Lee's" more often.

The best military loot areas are located in the mountain regions of which are surrounded by snow.

* The longer you stay in a snowy region, the colder you get.

- You will eventually get sick, your aim is going to get "alot" worse.

- Not to mention you will start coughing and make "alot" of noise, and don't forget you are slowly losing blood till you find antibiotics.

(-) So there goes the whole camping the "NW Airfield" philosophy.


Not sure is this is true, but has anyone found an L85 Thermal on Namalsk yet?

* If the map developer removed it, than "Thank You".

Edited by Sobieski12
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  On 10/28/2012 at 8:17 PM, Sobieski12 said:

Not sure is this is true, but has anyone found an L85 Thermal on Namalsk yet?

* If the map developer removed it, than "Thank You".

I found an L85 AWS at the south barracks with a few STANAG mags around it. I suspect it was hacked in, as the DayZ DB map for Namalsk says that the only L85 variant is the ACOG GL, and I passed it up for the M24 I had on me.

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  On 10/28/2012 at 8:49 PM, Parasprite said:

I found an L85 AWS at the south barracks with a few STANAG mags around it. I suspect it was hacked in, as the DayZ DB map for Namalsk says that the only L85 variant is the ACOG GL, and I passed it up for the M24 I had on me.

Same, I checked the dayzdb map as-well.

* The best loot spawns are at the heli crash sites.

- Going to guess the best weapon at the crash site is the AS50.

I believe the L85 change was intentional, from going to a thermal to a acog.

* I'll ask the developer.

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namalsk is a perfect size.

Small enough so that there is a lot pf player interaction and the military loot is spread out and I have never been killed by a sniper camping a base. Vorkuta proves to be the most interesting of all because of the amount of food is found there, and food in namalsk is just as rare if not even more rare then guns in cherno.

If you don't play on namalk you should, I was reluctant to get it, but now that I did I play exclusively on it.

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Hello there

Lingor due to the amount of enterable buildings.

I love chernarus but lack of useable buildings is a turn off, plus the poor performance for many.



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I swear to god, this mod will rock ass harder if all of these maps are combined together. And to save performance, you'll need to load into the next map when you reach the edge of the previous map, like a road or something that asks "Go to x map? Yes or No". Kinda like an instance but not really. That would be great for a stand-alone. Kinda like a huge MMO. And then tweak it by adding more content, more uniforms, guns, vehicles so that there is a lot of stuff to do. Cuz Dayz has gotten boring now, but these new maps seem fun. But the down side is that the character stats will only save for that one map.

And people will leave WoW and GW2 for this bitch in a heart beat.

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Chern is my drug of choice, and beans to you sausageking for the monty python bit.

Edited by Rhoak

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  On 10/28/2012 at 8:17 PM, Sobieski12 said:

The drop rate for "50 cals is too high"

* A bit ridicules when "every player" has a 50.

namalsk has military spawns everywhere -> everybody has .50 cals too.

  On 10/28/2012 at 8:17 PM, Sobieski12 said:

The best military loot areas are located in the mountain regions of which are surrounded by snow.

I know of at least 3 bases with baracks(best spawn) that are not in snow.

  On 10/28/2012 at 8:17 PM, Sobieski12 said:

(-) So there goes the whole camping the "NW Airfield" philosophy.

Instead of camping best military spawn, everybody camps best residential spawns in vorkuta. So it's the same thing really.

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Chernarus :wub: will always be first, herself and I have been on a rolercoaster of emotions for god knows how many months now and Namalsk is just such a great map.

I've only started playing yesterday (It was dark, scary dark) Lasted about half hour, my god it's so unforgiving...... I just want more of it.

That "Help me voice" talk about getting a chill down your spine.

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  On 10/29/2012 at 3:27 PM, Hawc said:

namalsk has military spawns everywhere -> everybody has .50 cals too.

Really, seems the M14,DMR and AKM are the most popular choice.

* Unless your playing on a hive that is connected to multiple servers.

- Then I'd say are you really surprised?, people are more than likely loot cycling on empty servers connected to that hive.

- Then server hopping.

* Try a "private hive"

- Or better yet, try a very populated server, your not going to find a 50.

M107 Drop rate on DayZdb


AS50 Drop rate on Dayzdb

http://dayzdb.com/ma...4.044;item=AS50 / Notice more than half the heli crashes are in the snow.

  On 10/29/2012 at 3:27 PM, Hawc said:

I know of at least 3 bases with baracks(best spawn) that are not in snow.

Would you actually camp the bases to the "North-West" part of the map?

* Then I wish you luck?

- Unless your playing on a empty server.

  On 10/29/2012 at 3:27 PM, Hawc said:

Instead of camping best military spawn, everybody camps best residential spawns in vorkuta. So it's the same thing really.

With the amount of cover in "Vorkuta", it really is not that hard to get in.

* Grab some essentials and get out.

* The amount of buildings and foliage is more than enough to get in and get out, unless your feeling lucky in running to the super market of which you will more than likely die.

I prefer the dense city over the open airfield in "Chernarus", but that is just my opinion.


The best reason to leave "Chernarus"

* There is no L85 Thermal on Namalsk, so you can actually utilize cover.

Edited by Sobieski12

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  On 10/29/2012 at 6:23 AM, infi said:

I swear to god, this mod will rock ass harder if all of these maps are combined together. And to save performance, you'll need to load into the next map when you reach the edge of the previous map, like a road or something that asks "Go to x map? Yes or No". Kinda like an instance but not really. That would be great for a stand-alone. Kinda like a huge MMO. And then tweak it by adding more content, more uniforms, guns, vehicles so that there is a lot of stuff to do. Cuz Dayz has gotten boring now, but these new maps seem fun. But the down side is that the character stats will only save for that one map.

And people will leave WoW and GW2 for this bitch in a heart beat.

Best idea i have heard ever, beans for you!

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Everyone will be playing Chernarus within 2 months.

Maybe eventually more maps will be ported to Standalone, but not right away, and certainly not some of the poll answers (i.e. they're bad).

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Honestly Namalsk is amazing, I don't like chern to much for many reasons

1) TOO big not enough player interaction unless you go to electro stary or airfield.

2) not all building are enter-able ( smae with namalsk but namalsk feels more open).

3) I have enough food and drinks for me + anyone I would ever meet in dayz.

4) Tempurature not a factor????

5) Many snipers camping high loot areas, that doesn't happen often on namalsk because there is military loot everywhere but food is rare.

6) on chern its same routine : spawn on coast head north. On namalsk you can spawn anywhere and make different plans considering where you are.

7) It has a more zombie apocalyptic feel then chern

If namalsk is ported to standalone I will cry of joy.

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