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Poll: Which DayZ map is your favorite?

Which DayZ map is your favorite?  

  1. 1. Which DayZ map is your favorite?

    • Fallujah
    • Namalsk
    • Lingor Island
    • Takistan
    • Chernarus
    • Thirsk (If you've somehow played it)
    • Utes
    • Zargabad
    • Panthera

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Panthera definitely. It is beautiful, has most buildings enterable, and often has a lot of vehicles, including 4-6 types of helicopters and planes. On a server with a lot of vehicles, you can quickly get a nice ride. Of course, there is a balance to this - it is very hard to land planes outside of airfields, and there are few places to stash other vehicles, mainly because of the extremely mountainous terrain.

Chernarus is next up - it has everything wonderful.

Last is Utes - a great, quick, fun time.

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I love Namalsk but its way to small, i wouldnt mind double size or even more than that.

As for the standalone... no thank you, why would i be interested in buying a restricted game?, when i can have a free mod that does everything better. You think the standalone will be free of hackers ? WarZ had the same goal and look how that turned out. ;)

Edited by Claus1978

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I recently got back into DayZ after becoming seriously fed up with hackers and shelving it for a month or two.

I Never really liked Chenarus for some reason, moved over to Lingor which was cool until the hackers migrated there too.

Now im playing Namalsk which I am finding fun, still some hackers but I have found that choosing servers with active admins helps (read a thread on whitelisting today as well, so going to sign up to a couple of those)

Since my return, there are quite a few more maps available, my question is - What is your favorite and why?


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I am currently playing Namalsk which I really like. It is a welcome change from Chernarus and I like the environment. The smaller map makes encounters more likely, making for a more action packed, tense experience.

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So far i've only played Chernarus and i like it, it's simple and it works. Yesterday i Downloaded Namalsk and i'll give it a try in the next days.

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I guess my favorite would be Lingor Island, it has a good balance. If Chernarus had more vehicles it'd be the best.

Maps I dont typically like to play though Utes, Takistan, Zargabad.

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Namlsk, Like the enviorment. If they could Port the mountians to North Chenarus and import the cold effects, Chenarus would be stellar.

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Right now, Panthera and Namalsk.

I have to admit, Namalsk was fun, but I'm sort of tired of it now. it's cool and all, but 90% of the time I die in my struggle to get supplies from the hospital and vorkuta. Panthera is a really beautiful map and it has some pretty cool environments as well.

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chernarus is the best and the first map to be made i like it better then other ones

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Definitely Chernarus, after playing on it for a few years it's just so easy to navigate and find where loot and stuff spawns

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definitely chernarus, but i really like namalsk too, cause the suppliees are more balanced, its not that easy to get the supplies for some days and the places like radio tower and tunnels are really cool too

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Panthera has been a long time favorite due to the fact that every helicopter crash sites having super rare weapons :D

Chernarus is boring :/

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I have only played Cherno and I am looking to give some others a go, just wondering what other people are playing and enjoying?

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one of the best thing is the toughness of namalsk environment

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Namalsk is another very popular one, a very cold map where having warm clothes (or at the very least heat-packs) are a necessity if you want to survive outside.

Should be able to join a well populated Namalsk server easily enough.

Edited by Rossums

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Chernarus is my loyal pretty wife who makes my lunch and sends me off to work with nicely ironed clothes and clean socks..Namalsk is my dirty weekend whore who drags me in, slams the door, slaps me to the ground and turns us into human origami.

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