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DayZ: Namalsk

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This map looks very nice to play on :D gonna try this one tonight :D

Edited by masterpipo

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Couple of suggestions/comments.

Is there any way to add a more robust clean up script like the Fallujah map runs? Bodies, loot piles, and zeds?

Any way to make high end gear life limited? GPS/NVG with batteries, ect?

Really like this map.

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Yes, this is doable and I would like to implement some randomness, but again, serverside update, which in the final, will apply like on 10% on the server population :/ We really need to centralize changes for serverside before deploying any additional things on servers.

Yes, definitely! In winter update :P

:o :o :o Winter? - Namalsk will get even colder? omg :thumbsup:

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any update on this getting on DayZ Commander? I updated manually, but the few servers running this are all half-way around the world or locked

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Great map and well tought out. Loving it, one suggestion I would make is to add more 50Cals and more Russian weapons. I'd love to see the KSVK in the game.

And don't listen to the n00bies complaining about getting killed by one shot kills, they need to learn to use their environment better not whine about getting killed.

All in all looking good.

Thanks, hehe, yeah, I agree, there should be more Russian weapons, I will take a look on it and see, what could be done, I will probably need to develop some additional changes to the distribution of these high end weapons like KSVK for example.

Couple of suggestions/comments.

Is there any way to add a more robust clean up script like the Fallujah map runs? Bodies, loot piles, and zeds?

Any way to make high end gear life limited? GPS/NVG with batteries, ect?

Really like this map.

I can try to look at it.

That would be interesting, yea, I guess, it can be implemented, I will add it to the feature list :)

:o :o :o Winter? - Namalsk will get even colder? omg :thumbsup:

Yes :P I will try to implement weather system changes so there will be rain and also snowfall, so it will be even colder than it is during raining.

any update on this getting on DayZ Commander? I updated manually, but the few servers running this are all half-way around the world or locked

From Josh on DayZ Commander forums - "It'll be on there tonight" :thumbsup:

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Im a new guy to Namalsk, but I have a question concerning the new gun, ER7. I finally found one in the underground bunker, but I wasn't sure about the weapon itself, so I decided not to drop my cco but to place the ER7 in my starting patrol pack. I did, and then when I went to switch the guns, it wasn't in my bag or on the floor. It was just gone, but I still had the ammo to it. Does it take up more slots than other guns in your bag? Patrol pack simply too small for it? Or is that some bug other people have mentioned and it just isn't fixed yet?

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Patrol pack has 8 slots, main weapons need 10 slots, side arms need 6 slots. It got destroyed when you tried to put it in a bag which is too small to hold it(annoying bug, but you need to know about it!).

Edited by VViking

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Can someone please give me a step by step on how to install this. Someone early on said all you need is on the nightstalker website but that wasn't any help at all. Thank you.

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Can someone please give me a step by step on how to install this. Someone early on said all you need is on the nightstalker website but that wasn't any help at all. Thank you.

If you take the time lôôk through this Topic, it has been explained a few times already.

Instal the base mod and then the updates.



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Wow I like what I see so far Sumrak from the shaking from cold instantly on map to the random infected roaming the map.The shaking right away with the wind sound made me feel instantly cold while playing and I love it!Some suggestions...

Add in the breath fog mod

Make shaking visible when in 3rd person

The wind and ambient noises are too loud IMO.Can you make them 1/4 the volume they are now?The reason I ask is that I like playing with volume at full so weapons sound dangerous but then the ambient sounds are overwhelming.

Slow down the run speeds back to default Arma2 level.The pistol is the same in Dayz and Arma2 but running with rifles in Dayz is same speed as sprinting or so close that you see no difference.I think the more realism added into a simulation the better and the flying thru the woods look just throws me off.Also when I am firing at an enemy and they are jinking side to side at this faster level it looks off to me.

Back to give it a go,thanks Sumrak......

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Not sure but the sniper rifles have been tweaked? The zoom on the AS50 seems out of place, also for the first time today i had to use 2 or more bullets to kill a static enemy, something that i never missed in months... and it happened the whole day, so unless there's something wrong on my eyes (possibly) the sniper rifles precision have been tweaked for the worse.

I understand the importance of balance em, but if what i've experienced is true, then this isn't the right way to do so: you can't fake a zoom or tweak the precision, coz many of us are using this same rifle in other mods as well and they should be "constant". If anything, and i'm all for it: REMOVE em (ie: leave only the CZ550) .. but don't start to modify it unrealistically pls.

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Woot :beans:

Now this is the atmosphere what DayZ needs! You can feel the instant danger when you spawn on this island.

Ambient sounds, cold, random zombies, love it all. Need to try the Namalsk Crisis too at some point.

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Wow I like what I see so far Sumrak from the shaking from cold instantly on map to the random infected roaming the map.The shaking right away with the wind sound made me feel instantly cold while playing and I love it!Some suggestions...

Add in the breath fog mod

Make shaking visible when in 3rd person

The wind and ambient noises are too loud IMO.Can you make them 1/4 the volume they are now?The reason I ask is that I like playing with volume at full so weapons sound dangerous but then the ambient sounds are overwhelming.

Slow down the run speeds back to default Arma2 level.The pistol is the same in Dayz and Arma2 but running with rifles in Dayz is same speed as sprinting or so close that you see no difference.I think the more realism added into a simulation the better and the flying thru the woods look just throws me off.Also when I am firing at an enemy and they are jinking side to side at this faster level it looks off to me.

Back to give it a go,thanks Sumrak......


Breath fog could be awesome together with the other winter stuff I am planning :P

Will take a look on it as most of the servers have 3rd :|

I can try to play with it (be sure, you are not alt tabbing much, I am having problems, that sounds are louder and louder with each return to arma)

Oh, I didn't know that running is faster, interesting, will take a look on it!

Not sure but the sniper rifles have been tweaked? The zoom on the AS50 seems out of place, also for the first time today i had to use 2 or more bullets to kill a static enemy, something that i never missed in months... and it happened the whole day, so unless there's something wrong on my eyes (possibly) the sniper rifles precision have been tweaked for the worse.

I understand the importance of balance em, but if what i've experienced is true, then this isn't the right way to do so: you can't fake a zoom or tweak the precision, coz many of us are using this same rifle in other mods as well and they should be "constant". If anything, and i'm all for it: REMOVE em (ie: leave only the CZ550) .. but don't start to modify it unrealistically pls.

The only thing, which has changed, was spawn chance of them, I haven't done any changes to the rifles or ammo itself.

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I love the map but can you please move the "spooky" sound fx to the "music" audio track. Listening for zombies/footsteps/gun shots is a huge part of dayz.

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The only thing, which has changed, was spawn chance of them, I haven't done any changes to the rifles or ammo itself.

So the only other options remains: me, or the 1.7.3 patch.

Anyway are you 101% sure? There might be a chance that the bullet deviation or the zoom have been affected by something else you changed in the patch? (just guessing...).

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Did I not see a report of sights being off center with some weapons + clothing ?

I'll keep my eyes peeled.

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Did I not see a report of sights being off center with some weapons + clothing ?

I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Specific for Namalsk? May i did't noticed it.. or maybe i read it but i don't remember.. or maybe i don't know what you mean.

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Specific for Namalsk? May i did't noticed it.. or maybe i read it but i don't remember.. or maybe i don't know what you mean.

Was your character wearing warm clothes at the time of shooting with your sniper rifle?

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Can u please explain me where i can report bugs?:/ i maybe missed it. I just got dropped throw the floor in the one of the building in city )= and few other

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I love the map but can you please move the "spooky" sound fx to the "music" audio track. Listening for zombies/footsteps/gun shots is a huge part of dayz.

Definitely a must; I only want to hear sounds which are really there; no screaming kids or footsteps etc...

A previous poster already mentioned the fact that ambient sound is too loud, too; I also prefer playing on max settings (on a volume I would guess one day the cops ring my door's bell) but on Namalsk I have to really tune them down.

Another thing my friends and I encountered is that -as you stated in your changelog- the new version has higher chances of antibiotics; we recently found 5 antibiotics in one hospital which is way too much I think; this item should definitely be kept more rare.

What I encountered pretty negatively is the face that you break your legs damn often - not sure if you can fix this but replacing some narrow objects in doorways or so may already help to reduce this.

Other that that a really awesome map!

Edited by wickedinsane

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M4A1 CCO SD seems to be pretty correct and accurate for example, can you please tell me, on which weapon did you noticed it?

That is very strange, as for me and the guys I play with the M4A1 CCO SD shoots very high and to the right in warm clothes, and a switch to civ clothes will instantly "fix" that.

For myself, any weapon I fire while in warm clothes has its aim point moved from civ clothes. I'll post some screen shots when I get home from work to illustrate.

Also, my two cents on the spooky sound fx is to leave em....they add to the atmosphere of the map more than they distract from the game sounds.

Edited by Vyper

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