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DayZ: Namalsk

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New: Survival aspect added - so called "EVR sequence" - A1 device is out of control and there is no way to stop it, prepare yourself, take cover & get protection device!



What is this?

Sumrak can you explain it in more detail?

Sounds really interessting and thanks for this great map!

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Unfortunately, as far as I know, the standalone version of DayZ will have modding disabled unfortunately. So that basically means no custom mods, islands, etc., but that could change over time as DayZ devs will manage to secure the core DayZ experience. Adding more and even community maps, possibility of travelling between them, I am sure they do not want to miss this chance and it will be possible one day :)

that's all I wanted to hear :-)

I know that modding will not be supported right from the start of the DayZ standalone but Rocket stated that there will be new maps (official and fan made) in the future....btw very good point mentioning travelling between the maps..in this case I personally dream of something like the Metro (2033) universe project for DayZ in the future...


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how many slots will the new backpack have? also, less antibiotics? when first playing the map i got a cold right away, and I had to look for very long time to find antibiotics.. my friends kept telling me to just kill myself and pick up my own gear to get rid of the infection (i didn't, but still, I thought about it for a while).

don't you think that reducing the spawn rate for antibiotics will just encourage people to do the same?

Edited by LeYuno

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What is this?

Sumrak can you explain it in more detail?

Sounds really interessting and thanks for this great map!

just play the NC campaign and you´ll know what he´s talking about :P

otherwise great changelog, Sumrak,

keep it coming :D

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just play the NC campaign and you´ll know what he´s talking about :P

otherwise great changelog, Sumrak,

keep it coming :D

Thank you very much, for almost nothing :P

But your little piece of information - that EVR is used in NC helped me to find this interessting article:


Edited by Jayz

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wow very nice cl. this mod will be sure better then the standalone, i hope they will support this mod one day. but we have this mod, so why play the standalone.. this is the real dayz experience will all this survival stuff...and great new weapons, i suggest take the one shot snipers out of the game so pvp will be more challenging and better

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There's nothing wrong with having one shot snipers in the game, as long as the spawn rate for them is balanced.

I've only found 2, through lots of gameplay now.

One shot snipers force you to play more skillfully and if you can't cut it then you die, I don't see the problem there.

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when you play namalsk on dayzcommander, you can't just install another dayz patch, because the namalsk mod doesn't include the dayz files and relies on the actual @dayz mod folder.

and in play with six you can't easily install previos versions.

you'll have to do things manually, easiest is to use dayzcommander, put namalsk & corresponding dayz version into one mod folder, name it "@DayZNamalskVesionXYZ" and put that one as dayz directory in settings.

viola, you can now join servers running this verison of namalsk. if you want to go back to standard dayz, just untick the override option for your dayz directory.

Where do i fine the Namalsk and corresponding dayz version files?

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I just want to say great work Sumrak excelent map and awsome features you have brought to DayZ! Can't wait for the update to see what you are bringing next!

This is gonna be EPIC!

New: Survival aspect added - so called "EVR sequence" - A1 device is out of control and there is no way to stop it, prepare yourself, take cover & get protection device!

Keep us updated please.......


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Thanks all!


What is this?

Sumrak can you explain it in more detail?

Sounds really interessting and thanks for this great map!

You can try, as @ST already said, Namalsk Crisis campaign, you will get all needed background around it, anyway, I can described it here too a bit, because I will do it anyway during the .7 release :)

EVR sequence is basically from Namalsk Crisis story (named and used by NAC to experiment & protect themselves), source is in unknown & old alien structure called A1, capable of doing *I do not want to spoil anything*, so lets say it does stuff. It has nice visual and sound effects. The most important part on the gameplay is however the fact, it will blind players for a moment / make them unconsciousness. It is really pretty dangerous, mainly for human's brain. This sequence will start every 1 - 1.5h. There are 3 possible ways of surviving / dealing with EVR.

a) You will just ignore it, once it starts, you will just do normal stuff and ends up blind for few seconds completely, hurt a bit, then lying on the ground for 30-40 seconds, getting your vision slowly back to normal.

B) You wont ignore it and once it starts, you will start quickly searching for any cover (this is fun part and I think, people, who played Namalsk Crisis will know what about I am talking), and once it will start, you will get similar progress like a) but you wont get hurt

c) You will be lucky enough to find protection device (apsi), you will be able to detect it around 1 minute before others (without apsi) will do and while you will be blind for a few seconds, you wont end lying on the ground and definitely wont get hurt

I have to mention also, that scripts, controlling this thing, were modified and it will behave slightly differently than in Namalsk Crisis or Namalsk Crisis warfare, but that's mainly from the "technical" side so servers wont explode.

how many slots will the new backpack have? also, less antibiotics? when first playing the map i got a cold right away, and I had to look for very long time to find antibiotics.. my friends kept telling me to just kill myself and pick up my own gear to get rid of the infection (i didn't, but still, I thought about it for a while).

don't you think that reducing the spawn rate for antibiotics will just encourage people to do the same?

18, and yeah, less antibiotics .. if you visit hospital, you will find that there is quite lot of antibiotics currently (thats why I am going to decrease it a bit, but of course not to DayZ original rates) Since .6 there are also medical care packages spawned on the island, those are also source of the antibiotics.

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What your describing sumrak sounds very similar to the blowout from Stalker Clear Sky, difference being that this you require a protection device for this and clear sky you just need the cover.

Very interesting :)

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Looks awesome Sumrak. Where can we check to see when you release it? Can't wait to put it on my server.

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No er7 removing yet? I'm bored of kicking and banning ppl on my server ...

Why don't you just remove it from the loot table yourself? :P

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Can't upload the mission myself (on my current host).

Try contacting them through the support. They might be willing to help you out :)

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No er7 removing yet? I'm bored of kicking and banning ppl on my server ...

Well then maybe the map is not for you...and your server. Kicking and banning people for having a weapon they found on the map must make you feel super awesome!

[sarchasm]Your a credit to admins everywhere![/sarchasm]

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Well then maybe the map is not for you...and your server. Kicking and banning people for having a weapon they found on the map must make you feel super awesome!

Yeah, coz having a er7 right after the first spawn on the beach is legit.

[sarcasm]i bet your server is always full[/sarcasm]

Edited by WalkerDown

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There are no plans for removing ER7 completely, I feel, changes in 0.60 seems to be working pretty nice and ER7 its rare enough. The ER7 is not the problem, duping IS. If I would remove ER7, people will dupe AS50 or something like that.. so what is the point in doing that?


I was actually thinking about something around the loot, something like the local server loot setting, I would like to discuss this idea with you guys.

Basically what I mean that the server owners could choose from a variety of different loot setting (default, hardcore, ..).

Everything needed would be included in the current files, no pbo changes for different loot settings etc., what do you think?

I was thinking for example loot setting, where the AK-47 would be almost the most powerful weapon available, but there could be of course more options! (Like russian weapons only, no sniper rifles,..)

If you like it, please shoot me some of your ideas! Thanks a lot! :)

Edited by Sumrak
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There are no plans for removing ER7 completely, I feel, changes in 0.60 seems to be working pretty nice and ER7 its rare enough. The ER7 is not the problem, duping IS. If I would remove ER7, people will dupe AS50 or something like that.. so what is the point in doing that?


I was actually thinking about something around the loot, something like the local server loot setting, I would like to discuss this idea with you guys.

Basically what I mean that the server owners could choose from a variety of different loot setting (default, hardcore, ..).

Everything needed would be included in the current files, no pbo changes for different loot settings etc., what do you think?

I was thinking for example loot setting, where the AK-47 would be almost the most powerful weapon available, but there could be of course more options! (Like russian weapons only)

If you like it, please shoot me some of your ideas! Thanks a lot! :)

Rocket Launchers Only :D

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Harcore setting for me, more "casual" weapons (hunting rifles, pistols, AK/M16 type assault rifles), less high tech military stuff. Ironsights for the win! Maybe russian light machineguns for backup fire... but less .50 cals, that's a overkill. My 2 cents.

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There are no plans for removing ER7 completely, I feel, changes in 0.60 seems to be working pretty nice and ER7 its rare enough. The ER7 is not the problem, duping IS. If I would remove ER7, people will dupe AS50 or something like that.. so what is the point in doing that?


I was actually thinking about something around the loot, something like the local server loot setting, I would like to discuss this idea with you guys.

Basically what I mean that the server owners could choose from a variety of different loot setting (default, hardcore, ..).

Everything needed would be included in the current files, no pbo changes for different loot settings etc., what do you think?

I was thinking for example loot setting, where the AK-47 would be almost the most powerful weapon available, but there could be of course more options! (Like russian weapons only)

If you like it, please shoot me some of your ideas! Thanks a lot! :)

I would love to see something like this sumrak, then everybody could play how they want and not have changes forced on them that they or their community does not want. I think expanding it to allow a full range of settings so those that want to play with casual weapons, or those of us that have no issues with any of the weapons being in the game or even a mix of both.

Then it's win win for everybody :thumbsup:

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There are no plans for removing ER7 completely, I feel, changes in 0.60 seems to be working pretty nice and ER7 its rare enough. The ER7 is not the problem, duping IS. If I would remove ER7, people will dupe AS50 or something like that.. so what is the point in doing that?

Many script kids are coming on Namalsk only to troll with the er7.. if you remove it from the loot table they wouldn't specific aim at this map for their childish (since you can dupe/hack an AS50 everywhere).

The rifle is also (but this is my opinion) pretty lame.

I don't like also the idea of expanding the loot table with other rifles.. this would make the admin work even more frustrating.

I recognize that this is not a problem of the map creator, but a problem of dayz.. but when you plan something you must face the reality, you can't ignore cheaters, they exists and you don't have to give em more ways to hide.

Make a server private is a solution.. but this would make this map much less popular and more server will just switch to something else.

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Make a server private is a solution.. but this would make this map much less popular and more server will just switch to something else.

hmmm...Our private Namalsk server is are most popular one. Our pub central hive server gets hardly any use.

p.s you must be the unluckies server admin out there too as our namalsk server has had two hackers since the Map has been out and both were caught and banned straight away.

Edited by trichome
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