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Scripted Activity Animations

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Animations would be great. My question is, would these animations be in first person or third person for the person performing the action?

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Love the ideas, I love that sort of immersion.

@Agent Lucien, Hopefully both.

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This would certainly increase the feeling of involvement players would get in certain situations.

Getting mauled while in the "take a knee" pose doesn't promote the same empathy as actually seeing your picnic interrupted.

If the animations were to take a little longer, having someone to help might speed things up. I can picture a few guys chipping in to pitch a tent, for example.

Could this be another opportunity to encourage cooperation with strangers?

The only thing that might be harder to animate is taking things out of your buddies backpack. (and I would get busted stealing borrowing ammo more often.)

EDIT: Using medical supplies on others might also end up with "clunky" animations. Any time two characters directly interact could cause problems.

Also - We need more actions/poses like "sit" "salute" and "surrender". Pointing, waving, thumbs up. There could be a lot more options if selecting a pose was done with a mouse wheel menu.

I love the idea of things (like car repairs) being quicker with more than one person helping, it would definatly encourage teamwork.

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Animations would be great. My question is, would these animations be in first person or third person for the person performing the action?

The way the Arma engine works it would be both. One of the things that's fairly unique about Arma is that the camera (in 1st person) is actually attached the the player model, your not just a floating orb-cam so as long as they provided the animations the rest would be taken care of.

Edited by Fraggle

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I'd like to be able sneak up behind someone and do this:


I actually have a brown belt in BJJ so could do this in reality. Once you have it locked in, takes anywhere from about 3 to 30 seconds (or longer depending how deep you have the choke and how well they can resist) to put someone to sleep. The longer you hold on, the longer they are out. Hold on long enough and they're dead.

But I understand that it might not be appropriate since it's not realistic to assume that everyone might have this skillset.

On the other hand, I don't know how to use an AS50 in reality but can do so in the game, so...

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Would be good if an AKM would take shorter time to disassemble than an AR-15 type weapon for example.

And for the stealth kills, I thought it was kinda ridiculous that a dagger hurts more than a big fucking axe. Come on.

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Eating/Drinking: Any chance our avatare will now have some dinner manners and eat with his mouth closed? Manners! I want MANNERS! It's the last vestige of civilization, after all! CRYYYYY!

Edited by kebman
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maybe if you hade more jump animations, like you that actually could jump forward, or one that gave you abiltiy to roll into any direction, those would be great

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Eating/Drinking: Any chance our avatare will now have some dinner manners and eat with his mouth closed? Manners! I want MANNERS! It's the last vestige of civilization, after all! CRYYYYY!

I vote for a skill system for manners. At level 10 you will use a serviette and use the correct spoon for eating soup.

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I also hope that in addition to more fleshed out animations there will be more visual changes depending on what gear you carry with you. Not just clothing and such, but if you have a full backpack the model will be "bigger" than if you are carrying an empty backpack. If you have a tent it will be attached to the pack, a compass will be hanging around your neck and so on. There could be a difference where a player can have some items "ready" for quick use, these will be visual on the character model, or other stuff packed in the backpack.

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Griff I think this is like common sense to think basic stuff like that is going to be into the standalone game.

Even WoW have an animation for when you use the map.

EDIT: I had wrote Gritt by mistake. My bad.

Edited by Dickhat

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I'd really like to see this, especially prolonging the duration of the animations.

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Yeah they all need their own animations, and i think extending the time of some actions would immerse me more in the game, like with cooking you put the food, set your stopwatch and your free to cover the area till its ready, the food could even go cold again and lower morale. I'd love everything to have 100 different animations but if the industry wants to use storage heavy motion capture and not realtime animation what can you do?

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From what I have read about the Arma2 engine,its extremely hard to do animations.This is why the reload animations are so terrible compared to other games.But since this is full standalone and I think it will be a big seller than I am all for these animations.Another area that I hope the standalone really puts good effort into is the bolt action rifle animations.And of course killer shotguns w/reloads and pump action!!

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Thank god, I am so tired of bandaging my cars I cant even see straight :)

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From what I have read about the Arma2 engine,its extremely hard to do animations.This is why the reload animations are so terrible compared to other games.But since this is full standalone and I think it will be a big seller than I am all for these animations.Another area that I hope the standalone really puts good effort into is the bolt action rifle animations.And of course killer shotguns w/reloads and pump action!!

I dont think BIS had the mo-cap studio for Arma 2. I could be wrong though.

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Lets hope Rocket doesnt bring in shitting then. Though i'd love to watch the motion picture capture session at BIS.

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By the way, there should be some "carrying" animations as well. Like when you pick up something that realistically won't fit in a backpack (car engines comes to mind) your character actually has to put away whatever weapon he carries (put it on his back perhaps) and actually carry the heavy stuff.

EDIT: Awesome typos

Edited by Terrorviktor
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Having your normal-paced animations until under 5.5k blood, then you look slightly injured and move at a 20% slower pace. After being lower then 3k blood, you have heavy-limping/injured animations and move 50% slower then normal pace. I don't like how in current mod, being injured only causes your screen to go fuzzy, with no real implications on mobility. Realistically, people who are severely injured would visually show it, not to mention it could garner sympathy for an injured character if they are about to be shot. Also, it'd be interesting if they had animations that actually look like you're crawling around with a broken leg.
Agreed! If I'm injured, low on blood or whatever it should show or at least match whatever visual effect I get. The purpose would be as you said garner sympathy - or wake the inner bandit in players. Either way it gives an indication on how dangerous someone is, if he/she can be outrun, don't see well etc.

Only kidding! I like it. With my playstyle I like tracking people for hours so it'd be nice to see what they are actually doing. Also It'd help a lot with the immersion.

And make it easier to judge what kind of player they are - which may well save their life without knowing it (and the opposite of course).

I think this is a great idea i just dont want to make it to where we have to wait like 20 minutes for construction animations but not to short either

They could be split up into several acts that doesn't take that long each. Replacing fuel tank parts could require a "get under object" animation as prerequisite (and could be used for hiding as well).

I also hope that in addition to more fleshed out animations there will be more visual changes depending on what gear you carry with you. Not just clothing and such, but if you have a full backpack the model will be "bigger" than if you are carrying an empty backpack. If you have a tent it will be attached to the pack, a compass will be hanging around your neck and so on. There could be a difference where a player can have some items "ready" for quick use, these will be visual on the character model, or other stuff packed in the backpack.

Exactly. If detailed enough, this could replace the bandit/survivor/hero skins. Today if someone is carrying a sniper rifle it's a cause for caution, perhaps less so if the player also have the beginner backpack. More visible details make it easier to assess how dangerous players are.

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By the way, there should be some "carrying" animations as well. Like when you pick up something that realistically won't fit in a backpack (car engines comes to mind) your character actually has to put away whatever weapon he carries (put it on his back perhaps) and actually carry the heavy stuff.

EDIT: Awesome typos

This would also encourage multiple players cooeperating! :beans: you earned em!

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Definately worth putting some work into.

  • Subduing a player - An attack from behind should disable the victim in a neck-hold. This allows for another player to rob the victim. Then, the player can let them go. If the player had a knife/gun equipped, the option to kill should be available.

I'm only a bit sceptical about that one. Since it is not only affecting your player but forcing another player into an animtion he can't do anything about. He can't try to escape that grib. Also with the possibility to kill him that would lead to an insta kill animation from behind. I'm not sure that fits into DayZ.

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Well when you're put in a hold, you are pretty useless anyway. If you have managed to sneak up on a player to the point of being behind him and grabbing him, i think youve earned a no-struggle position of power

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  • Subduing a player - An attack from behind should disable the victim in a neck-hold. This allows for another player to rob the victim. Then, the player can let them go. If the player had a knife/gun equipped, the option to kill should be available.

in dayz redux you can do that with chloroform Edited by burritoman259

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