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Commercial Products - No More Heinz BeanZ?

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With the full standalone release of Day Z, am I correct in thinking we no longer see commercial brands such as Coca Cola, Pepsi and Heinz in game?

I think it's a shame that we may no longer have these products in game as I will forever associate Heinz Beans with Day Z! I'm pretty sure there will be a good portion of the community who are the same - maybe some kind of sponsorship could be worked out!

I personally prefer HP beans myself though! What other brands would you guys like to see in game?

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You're right, Box, we need to brainstorm a suitable replacement for Heinz Beans incase the legality of Heinz doesn't work out..

I'm voting for Tesco Value's own!


edit; i know, not the most glamorous aesthetics but damn, the value improves the taste!

Edited by mzltv
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You know, you'd think Heinz and Mountain Dew would be all over the idea of having their products idolized in some fashion. It's PR gold, without any effort on their part. The idea that some jerk would say "NO" outright is ridiculous! It can't possibly cost that much to license the name like that.

What's more, the Paste and Frank & Beans are old discontinued products that shouldn't have a bearing on whether or not they're used. But I hope for Day-Z's sake that they continue to use community idolized products.

Edited by Fyre

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I can actually see Mtn Dew endorsing this in some way. They have a history of supporting gamers and games. Heinz I'm not too sure of, I can see a new brand of Dew coming out now called: Infection ya that would be cool!

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i need my DEWS. they bring me luck D:

seriously, i drank a mt dew, and scored an l85 from a heli, then i found 2 people in a car, killed em, and took it. The car had 2 as 50s w/ ammo and a mk48!

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Just do what most games nowadyas do and spell the brands slightly different.Heinzz,Mountain Dewy etc.Then a modder can just release the real names and make it client side.DONE! :)

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I asked Matt about this a while ago, and he said it's probably companies such as Heinz may pay for the endorsement.

So you will have to wait and see

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This game wouldn't be DayZ without some Heintz Beans. The beans are the center of the universe in DayZ. They keep all things in a circular, zombie apocalypse, player killing, motion.

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I can actually see Mtn Dew endorsing this in some way. They have a history of supporting gamers and games. Heinz I'm not too sure of, I can see a new brand of Dew coming out now called: Infection ya that would be cool!

Mountain Dew limited edition Infected blood, fuck I'd buy some for posterity.

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hello there

Many commercial companies will actively support in game advertising of their products, unless it goes against their ethos/ethics (or if they cant get away with it) so, we may well still see the same names in game. (in fact they may well support it through "stealth" measures)

If not, well, there'll be many other companies happy to have ads in game.

Personally, i can't bloody stand beans, I'd rather have tins of "Spam". it's pretty much indestructable.




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how about some foreign beans and soda ....wth is heize doing on a russian map anyway

Yea! I'm pretty sure we should be eating beluga caviar and drinking vodka around the clock in Chernarus.

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i'd search some local product..like the most famous brand of beanz in russian regions or something they eat canned..and do the same for the other maps if they come..

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Op, check Matt Lightfoot's twitter. He tweeted just the other day asking if anyone had connections with Heinz and Pepsi Co.

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Get on it people ..


There is a mod for a game that has exploded this year and will hopefully change the face of computer gaming as we know it. This mod is called DAYZ .

For those not in touch with current gaming trends it will sound like just another game..based on a zombie apocalypse and the survival of yourself in it.

Heres the kicker. The main food resource is canned. The primary canned product being HEINZ BEANZ :) Because of the popularity of the mod, BEANZ has now become somewhat of a net phenomenon amongst gamers and on many forums, to the point that the developer has signed many canz of Heinz Beanz at gaming festivals. How many canned products have that distinction ? :)

The mod has grown that much in popularity that it has featured at most major gaming festivals this year and has gone into production to be released as an alpha standalone title this December (2012). All of the people involved in this mod , players and developers alike are hoping that Heinz Beanz will remain in the game ..thus this contact form.

The mod itself.. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ http://dayzmod.com/

The main person who would need to be contacted is Dean Hall (Rocket) and his other half Matt Lightfoot. They can be contacted at either of those sites linked above :)

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and i hope you can take at least 5 minutes to delve a little bit into DayZ and see the reason why we need the backing of Heinz for the standalone title

Real (Hetstaine) Name

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I dont know if anyone else is gunning for this but I would like to see full bottles of alcohol for my char to consume and maybe get himself killed runnning around at night

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Heinz makes some damn good beanz, and I have tried them thanks to some family in Poland.

Now only if there were some Fanta...

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Heinz makes some damn good beanz, and I have tried them thanks to some family in Poland.

Now only if there were some Fanta...

Dont ya wanna wanna dont you wanna fanta

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You're right, Box, we need to brainstorm a suitable replacement for Heinz Beans incase the legality of Heinz doesn't work out..

I'm voting for Tesco Value's own!


edit; i know, not the most glamorous aesthetics but damn, the value improves the taste!

There is no suitable replacement for Heinz beans. A&M and Bush's baked beans are phail sauce compared to them

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