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Brandon Clinch

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About Brandon Clinch

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Brandon Clinch

    Status Report - July 2019

    Dayz Underground. It is really great from what I have heard. Have to try it out one of these days!
  2. Brandon Clinch

    Status Report - July 2019

    Just as this forum Reddit is pissed off. Brian is crying..
  3. Brandon Clinch

    Status Report - July 2019

    Great that the team will be working on the balancing on base building, adding more content and work on mod support but "while this is desired by many hardcore players, we are still struggling to fully explain the complexity of the existing system to the majority of players. " - sounds like nonsense to me. Is a broken leg and treatment to complex to explain to new players? Like many before me has stated your reports are way too shallow, please flesh it out with hard facts instead of dancing around the topics. Also what will be scrapped that was in 0.62 or actually promised for 1.XX? We have the right to know these things. It is important can't you guys see this?
  4. Brandon Clinch

    Why do not grenades exist?

    Here's the long answer. The real reason as to why they are not in yet is the same as why cars are a suicidal to drive (can shoot up in the air etc), the lack or real rag dolling (both players and AI) and also why bows are not in yet: Physics. The team has developed a new engine for years that was supposed to be better than the old one, and it is in many respects, but when it comes to physics and the physics communication with the servers it is a mess. The developers have even told us that physics is basically a nightmare to implement and they don't know when it will be stable (if ever?) enough to implement into the game.
  5. Brandon Clinch

    BI, we need to have a talk... (Duping)

    Welcome to the most authentic and exquisite DayZ experience, something we PC-users been having for years and years. You'll only find it right here, at Boheamia Interactive.
  6. Brandon Clinch

    Stable Update 1.03

    I have never noticed that before, thanks for the heads up!
  7. Brandon Clinch

    Investigating A Mysterious Radio Signal At Green Mountain..

    Me too! Keep it up you lovely slut (I mean that in the most loving way).
  8. Brandon Clinch

    Thoughts on QnA Dev. Stream yesterday

    It just sad.. every time they make an announcement or communicate it is either bad news, leaves the buyers /players with a iffy vibe or leaves the "scene" open for contemplating about a terrible outcome. With all that put together it would point at they truly don't have anything major to bring to the table. I mean they can't even implement ragdolls and has yet not even (in soon 4 months) been able to bring back core features. To a 1.0 game.
  9. Brandon Clinch

    Thoughts on QnA Dev. Stream yesterday

    To be fair he also stated that they won't spoil anything until they know it will be in a coming update as they have mess up that part so hard in the past. Still though, there is a lot of big question marks floating around the major issues and it seems like the devs knows as much as us about them.
  10. How many of you watched it and what is your thoughts on it? I did not go into the stream with a negative outset on the contrary I was genuinely interested in what they had to say about the state + the future and so on but very little info was given. I did not even feel a glimmer of hope and was mostly left with the impression of a tired and drained atmosphere. 70% of the questions were answered with "yeah.. uhmm.. we don't know yet honestly / we want this too, just as much as you do, but right now....." awkward silence... Two things that got me down was how Martin basically said that airplanes maybe won't even make it into the game and that the physics engine / sever communication is so messed up that they can't even implement player rag dolls without causing major issues (33:45). When he talked about the ragdoll /physic issues his whole body language came off as super tired and as if they are completely in the dark on how to fix that problem or that it is a huge undertaking. Same thing with the bow, Martin said it will take major time before it will be re-implement. On the flip side they aim to implement broken bones, sickness and hit boxes (if I did not mistake that one?) soon. Short summary: The devs only announced "we are working on it / we don't know yet / it will take long time" + news that some things like airplanes might not even make into the game and that ragdoll is a nightmare to add due to physics. Link to the stream: https://mixer.com/DayZ?vod=98056701
  11. Brandon Clinch

    Stable Update 1.02

    The past years at HQ has come off like this to me. Fighting bugs and trying to make progress. -You need a flare? -No.. he's close.. he's real close.
  12. Brandon Clinch

    Experimental Update 1.02

    The inventory looks like this? : / https://i.imgur.com/XCLgZYZ.png Not only are cars potential projectiles but they do inflict damage now. Other than these two things + no fix for base destruction and cars bugging out the update looks good. "Fixed: Driving over character with a vehicle does not inflict damage"
  13. Brandon Clinch

    Experimental Update 1.02

    "Tweaked: Improved quickbar visuals and responsiveness" I hope this solves the issues I had yesterday. I died twice within 1 hour from a non responsive quickbar. I tried to switch to my main weapon but nothing.. Got over swarmed by zombies / shot by a player I would have taken out if the damn quickslots had worked.
  14. Brandon Clinch

    New players. "what i wish i knew when i first started playing DayZ"

    Thorough and stable list you made here. We should make some sort of nice looking manual with this as the starting pages and keep expanding with how to craft and so on...
  15. Brandon Clinch

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Thanks ImpulZ! 🙂