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About BeaverProductions

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    Bean King

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    Glasgow, Scotland

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  1. BeaverProductions

    ServerTime Settings not working anymore!

    Having the same issue. Have tried all sorts of options to sort the time. Would love a solution. The serverTimePersistent variable doesnt seem to work anymore, not sure about acceletrated time
  2. BeaverProductions

    Supermarket Sweep

    After a long struggle to render this I finally managed it. Hope you enjoy
  3. 150m with naked eye too. Scoped didn't make any difference. Seems to be tied to player distance If you are seeing more houses in the distance your config view distance was probably amended at some point I run 32 bit myself. Was getting lots of crashes on 64 (but actually getting lots on 32 now also)
  4. BeaverProductions

    Missing cartridges

    See this is where the reading or perhaps understanding comprehension has come in. I was saying that I have had no access to any weapon growing up apart from an air rifle, so I know absolutely nothing about guns and ammo over what I have learned from gaming (specifically DayZ). My post had nothing to do with calling Americans 'gun toting', you just decided to read 2+2 and come out with 5 as the result
  5. BeaverProductions

    Missing cartridges

    As a UK citizen, who had never fired a gun or had an interested in ammunition, I can't admit to understanding a lot of this but I enjoyed reading it and fully support a move towards correctly using the appropriate caliber for the guns in game
  6. BeaverProductions

    Looting Talk - A discussion on DayZ Standalone looting //Problems and Solutions

    I'm hoping that they still plan to do a massive amount of work to the CLE. The devs said they were pushing out the mini military camps to allow them to finalise the CLE. I hope that doesn't just simply mean painting the regional control loot areas, and actually means fixing all the problems with it
  7. BeaverProductions

    Looting Talk - A discussion on DayZ Standalone looting //Problems and Solutions

    Thanks Oliver The CLE obviously has many iterations to go and we will probably see many changes to it both pre and post beta. I'm broadly happy with the general progress of the CLE, my main gripe is how key "DayZ" assets never get explored or looted due to the benefit/time ratio of looting these large structures (Rify/High School etc). Interesting statement from Hicks on the chopper scenario. For a long time Ive been hearing the devs say they dont intend to have any AI controlled vehicles or scripted things like choppers crashing. Makes me happy to see they might be thinking about changing that viewpoint. Things like an actual heli crashing would bring much needed life to the game.
  8. BeaverProductions

    Looting Talk - A discussion on DayZ Standalone looting //Problems and Solutions

    Thanks Gruntt - I may have a wee rant in this video but I love this bloody game so much and hope folks realise its constructive feedback and not a moaning video.
  9. This is quite a long video so I have added timestamps below for different sections. Looting in DayZ has changed a lot in the last year and continues to be improved and iterated. Here I discuss the current positives and negatives and other aspects to potentially improve the looting systems in game. TIMESTAMPS 1. Current Positives - https://youtu.be/TSmhfd3OceQ?t=62 2. Current Issues - https://youtu.be/TSmhfd3OceQ?t=198 3. Military Loot Issues - https://youtu.be/TSmhfd3OceQ?t=349 4. Building Loot - https://youtu.be/TSmhfd3OceQ?t=647 5. Dynamic Spawns - https://youtu.be/TSmhfd3OceQ?t=1004 6. New Loot Concept - https://youtu.be/TSmhfd3OceQ?t=1127
  10. I understand that it can be a struggle for some in the game to survive. This is a good thing. When I first started playing I died to infected a few times until I worked out how to deal with them. I died due to getting lost in the woods one of the patches food was scarce. It's ok to die. It's ok not to live every spawn. It's ok to get lost in the fog and not know if you will find food in time. It's a survival game. There's plenty of game out there where you can press 'save' every few minutes.
  11. It's not nearly hard enough in my opinion. Experimental was harder as energy depletion rate was faster but on stable its easier. I want to be forced to hunt/farm/fish/trap etc
  12. BeaverProductions

    Surviving with the Beav

    Such lovely clothes for having them all of 20 minutes :(