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Grimey Rick

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About Grimey Rick

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    Strikingly Handsome, Newly Reformed Forum Poster

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  1. Grimey Rick

    State of weather - rain.

    Cool idea, bro. 🙄
  2. Grimey Rick

    Community Disconnect

    Played since the mod, don't care anymore. This game is decent at best, and that's all it'll ever be.
  3. Grimey Rick

    Hackers Everywhere

    What do you use to track game time?
  4. Grimey Rick

    Hackers Everywhere

    Steam is not "rubbish" for gathering stats, wtf are you on about m8? And yup, hackers have been around the entire time this game's been in development. They're everywhere these days. Do you PVP... ever? EDIT: To add to this, if you ever run around with high value loot, your chance of encountering a cheaters increases tenfold. Without fail, whenever I get my hands on a FAL or SVD, green ghillie suit, or anything of substantial value, a cheater won't be far. It might take a day, maybe two, but you're going to die to someone zipping around the area, shooting you through walls. On the coast, they're everywhere. Pick a full server and hang around Elektro.
  5. Holy shit. I've actually found someone on this sad excuse for a forum that I actually agree with. TANDWAN FOR PREZ 2020! EDIT: Tandwan deserves special formatting!
  6. Grimey Rick

    Cheater on official DayZ server

    Good luck. Beyond BattlEye catching him, there's not much that can be done on official servers. Cheaters are running rampant and there's nothing being done about it.
  7. Grimey Rick

    DayZ Lore question-

    Honestly dude, tf is wrong with you? Lol.
  8. Grimey Rick

    cooking food

    Make a fire in a shed. As you explore, you'll find more types of buildings that all but completely eliminate light exposure from the outside. Furthermore, when you kill an animal, only take the fat (unless you've just spawned, at which point you should take and eat all of the animal's meat, leaving the fat for last). Baked fat has the highest caloric value in the game and will last you quite a while. I generally run with two pieces of fat and a canteen. I can literally play all week like this. When your food drops to ~75%, let your character chomp on the fat three times, and you'll be back up to 100% almost instantly. Here is a helpful link to guide you to the proper medication for any given malady. Food poisoning (caused by consuming raw meat, drinking Alcoholic Tincture, Disinfectant Spray, or Gasoline) is cured by Charcoal Tablets.
  9. Grimey Rick

    Hacker on official server

    Rick, let me run this idea by you – You ever drink Pepsi? Man, it's good. After enduring a dozen handfuls of Lays chips being shoved into my mouth, the salt is LiTEraLlY killing me. But dude, when I slam back an ice-cold can of Pepsi? HOLY SHIT. How do you think that will affect these cheaters?
  10. Grimey Rick

    What happened to the weapon damage?

    It's definitely fucked. I just had to mag-dump a half-geared player in Kabanino with a FAL. One bullet should've knocked his ass out, but he literally didn't die until the entire magazine was spent. It was probably partially lag, but still, v1.07 folks.
  11. Grimey Rick

    Hacks or new bug?

    I haven't experienced that, but me and a friend met a grenade-spamming cheater in Tisy yesterday. We hid in the double barracks watching the door as he proceeded to move at speeds that would make The Flash jealous whilst throwing (much quicker than a normal player could throw them) dozens of grenades as he circled the building. He eventually fucked off. I guess he figured with two of us laying prone watching the entrance with our FALs that even if he managed to kill one of us the other would drop him. Kind of leaves a sour taste in your mouth, though. But with DayZ, we're used to spitting. DayZ needs to eat some watermelon. EDIT: Words. Tired.
  12. Grimey Rick

    Free Weekend + no servers added = ?

    Dude, what the fuck?
  13. Grimey Rick

    DayZ Livonia Server Switch and Server Shutdown

    It's funny that they took down 4-ATL 225 and 4-ATL 274, as these servers were full 80% of the week and always had a queue on Friday and Saturday evenings. GrEAt dECiSiON maKInG.
  14. GORN! ;) Nah, Skyrim-ish combat would be a welcome addition. Perhaps a little more intuitive, though.
  15. No, the list shows when games went into Early Access and when they were released. Arma 3 didn't have an Early Access until most of it was done, so it's an exception to the list. DayZ went into Early Access with a functional, base game ready to play – arguably the most fun version to date. It's not like they began work on the game as soon as it released on Steam. Not all games take forever to develop; OP's list was cherry-picked to prove a "point" that DayZ is "right on schedule". It'll finish when it finishes, however, it's not following Dean Hall's initial estimate. I can't find a link, but I remember him thinking it'd be ready around Christmas 2015. Verdun, as another example, is one I partook in and had a blast in so doing. They did everything right IMHO.