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About DeatHTaX

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    Dad, Producer, Video Editor, and dedicated gaming enthusiast.

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  1. Gonna a have to totally agree with IMT. Play on first person servers. It completely balances the gameplay, as you dont have to worry about who is watching you behind an object. Always be moving. Never stop moving if you can avoid it. If you have to stop moving for any reason make sure you are concealed. I cant tell you hie many times prey has gotten away from me because I couldn't risk the shot and they were not a static target. Overall, being slow or taking too long in DayZ is a death sentence.
  2. DeatHTaX

    Forced Disconnection

    So several times yesterday I encountered a player on a public 3P server, and shortly after I encountered then and took some pot shots at them, the server magically either reset or I was forced to disconnect. One time happened twice with the same person on prison island. Has anyone else experienced this? I dont think it has to do with server reset times and being unlucky, as the first person it happened with I reconnected and everything was exactly the same, then it happened again when I re-engaged him.
  3. DeatHTaX

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    I'm not quite sure what you were trying to communicate in this rant, but...shovels or something? Side note, you have to first FIND A SHOVEL in order to do anything you're talking about. You make it sound like they fall out of the sky. My point is I've been playing this game since launch. The development direction has shifted so many times I lost count. My point is I'm happy you dont die of starvation in a ridiculously short amount of time. My point is for some reason some people want this game to be a camping simulator and I'm not sure why. I'm only clarifying these points because I really have no clue what you're trying to say.
  4. DeatHTaX

    Generic item labeling instead of fantasy names

    >Suggests changing name of iconic items in game
  5. DeatHTaX

    Stable Update 1.03

  6. DeatHTaX

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    I'm just not sure why you all are so stuck on the "survival" element of the game. I personally think the hunger system as it is is fantastic. Maybe it could use some slight tweaking in the other direction to moderately ramp up the difficulty, but there is so much more to the game than trying not to starve. This was honestly one of my biggest concerns for years. People want to turn this game into some kind of Dark Souls for scavenging and not dying of starvation. Really the main reason a lot of you are even complaining about this, in my opinion, is due largely because there is still a crap ton of content missing from the game after 5 years. There are plenty of other survival sims out there that are actually suited to such a gameplay. The thing that made this game initially successful from its inception was the P2P interaction, and the fact it had some zombies in it. Just my 2 cents.
  7. DeatHTaX

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    I'm a huge fan of this personally. A large portion of this community from the get-go were adamantly against this game becoming The Forest. I appreciate that it doesnt take you half an hour to starve in this game. You know what's fun? Playing the game and enjoying the survival elements with friends and constantly being on the lookout for potential dangers. You know what isnt fun? Running around for 2 hours to do nothing more than loot in order to keep your character just above the brink of starvation. As a serious past critic of the direction this game has taken, this is probably my favorite thing they have done. I get to enjoy the game, while still keeping an eye on my food meter to make sure it doesnt dip too low.
  8. DeatHTaX


    Damn Gews, looks hot. Also, glad to still see you round these parts.
  9. DeatHTaX

    Stable Update 1.03

    Not quite sure what's wrong with your client, but the only crashing issues I've had are when I'm trying to close the game entirely. Is running quite smoothly for me, and I'm shocked to say that as I might be one of the biggest critics of this game.
  10. DeatHTaX

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    I'm honestly not sure what you're referring to when you say food is infinite. In my experience over the last 20 hours of gameplay, the food spawn is NOTHING compared to what it was in previous builds. I've hit large residential areas and grocery stores that appeared to be unlooted, and some on reset, and only managed to find two jars of strawberry jam across about 3 different major towns. I'm fine with this, as the hunger meter has been drastically changed from previous versions (thank God) to be where you don't starve in half an hour.
  11. DeatHTaX

    In-Game Crafting Guide?

    So It's been a while since I picked up the ol' Dayzz, and after reading through a lot of the patch notes I've discovered there is a LOT of new crafting options available. After looking through the list of previous suggestions and doing a forum search, I couldn't find any trace of a possible idea: an in-game crafting guide item. Basically it would be a lot spawn that operates as an outdoor survival guide that has a list of crafting options, possibly even spread out across several different volumes. It would be an object you hold in your hands and read through in the tab menu. I personally think this would be great as it would eliminate the need for a third-party app or Google meta that you get your crafting ideas from. If this has already been suggested, please feel free to move this post to the proper location.
  12. DeatHTaX

    Is this game officialy dead ?

    All you need to know is set an alarm on your phone for 6 years from now and it might be finished completely.
  13. DeatHTaX

    So....Anyone seen this?

    I picked up DayZ again today after a while, and when I logged in this happened. I tried verifying my cache, and killing my own character. Other than uninstalling and reinstalling does anyone know of a fix for this extra set of hair elastic rubber band issue?
  14. DeatHTaX

    Shotguns not working

    I fucking love this dev team lol
  15. DeatHTaX

    Why is the game UI so bad?

    This is a BS excuse at this point, sorry. Heard this shit for the better part of 5 years, now.