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About fuzzy_chimera

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Camp Pioneer
  • Interests
    people watching

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    Logical and well read

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  1. fuzzy_chimera

    The "Pew Pew Pew" players have over win.

    I like how you had to specify properly run Namlask server, that gave me a good chuckle.
  2. Still progress. If it makes you happy to keep track of it all more power to you freerider, Do you think we may have more by the end of 2022? (wait for it someone to get salty about necro thread)
  3. fuzzy_chimera


    Landmines set on ground active are sunk into the ground, only in limited cases they are above it, but if you can pick it up means it's not active.
  4. The Necro is real and very hilarious.
  5. fuzzy_chimera

    Favourite place on the whole map...

    I have a printed out map as well as older maps.
  6. fuzzy_chimera

    Favourite place on the whole map...

    It's the mountain village south of Green mountain. 2k meters or so. also easy to reach from Balota from the south on moving about. https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Windy_Village also this. lol
  7. fuzzy_chimera

    Favourite place on the whole map...

    043 113 Windy Village.
  8. fuzzy_chimera

    Gearing up and survivability

    Wobo's videos are good, but I don't think he is doing them as actively anymore. Do miss alot of the more active members of our community. I'm sure you, can find the answer here somewhere or just use some common sense to figure out the best choice for your playstyle.
  9. fuzzy_chimera

    How I Became The Best Player In DayZ

    So Pro.
  10. fuzzy_chimera

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    We shall see. That is all I have to say.
  11. fuzzy_chimera


  12. fuzzy_chimera

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    Will have to wait and see what Eugen says. Who knows it may be insightful, haven't seen backlash this harsh since the food shortage in the mid .50's
  13. fuzzy_chimera

    Server Hopping

    I truly think that was a great deterrent, cause that audible sound was so loud for people scooting and looting. To make things better it could have been the pain sound playing like it was back in the mod, for those who didn't have a weapon to reload. Not sure why they got rid of it, there is nothing meta about a hopper getting shot in a high traffic area other than the hopper themselves trying to shortcut the game mechanics.
  14. Seriously though reading the Xbox forums is like traveling back in time to mod days where everyone is trying to regurgitate the same we said back in the day when we had issues regarding the mod and start of the standalone. It's amazing to be honest and feels like fresh life pumped into the game atleast for the new people trying it out for the first time. Going to say in time they will become jaded like many others, but looking forward to see what comes of it. Not sure about anyone else but some of my normal day to day friends have picked up the game now that .63 is around are like thought this game was dead, this is really good fun. goes to show you that there are people willing to still experience DayZ.
  15. fuzzy_chimera

    I'm Back!

    It's great to see old names pop up every once and awhile. good to see people coming back, to see whats going down.