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About diddums

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    Amazing Max' amorous amazon

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  1. diddums

    AMD Vs Intel

    Sorry Fubar, but this is wrong. That's like saying "my VW is underpowered so I bought a Ford, Ford is much better". The problem is that the VW might be 10 years old. The Ford might be a much more powerful model. It might be more expensive, and in your case, the AMD is not a laptop which makes a huge difference. I'm no fanboy of either AMD or Intel. However, there's no hiding that clock for clock, Intel spanks AMD with their hands tied behind their back. It's not got to do with cores or clock speeds, but IPC (instructions per cycle). To put it simply, each "mhz" is a job. This job is carried out along a motorway. AMD sends a little scooter which can carry a bag of salt. Intel sends an 18 wheeler which carries 100x more load. Both take the same time, but the 18 wheeler gets a ton more work done. That's how IPC works. That said, if AMD is serving you well then brilliant, that's what you pay for. There's nothing wrong with AMD and until you speak of dual graphics cards or high resolutions, it can complete fairly well with the blue team. However, once you really start applying load or pushing limits, AMD folds to Intel. I should point out that for the average gamer, AMD is perfectly fine. But saying that it's better than Intel without taking numerous variables into accounts is just wrong.
  2. diddums

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Well said. I've been of this opinion for a long time, he's getting as bad as that Rhino chap lately though.
  3. diddums

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    You effectively agreed with what I said in terms of updates which is nice. It's nice to know I'm right sometimes :D However, whilst having artists sitting around and twiddling thumbs is obviously not productive at all, it's also a waste to have them doing things which have such little impact on not only a paid for product, but an almost negative effect on BiS' image in the eyes of us, the paying customers. In my post I touched briefly on how BiS needs to sort out their priorities and your post goes a long way to confirm this. Whilst I wish nobody out of a job, perhaps BiS should reassign those artists to other projects where they can make a noticeable difference, or replace them with coders who can crunch through the errant / out of date code so we can get a better product sooner. There's no "fanboyism" or "hater" mentality going on here. Yes I am well aware that the game is being constantly developed. The problem isn't that. The problem is that there's simply nothing for us to sink our teeth in to at the moment. No vehicles is a massive downside. Let's not forget that for many of us, the mod revolved around vehicles. That made the game exciting. Whether it was watching Ceppy crash choppers or finding that last part of a vehicle to get it working, these were big things that not only affected a player but in many cases a whole group of people. In the mod we could all get together and hunt down parts for a chopper / car / whatever and when we got it working, it was awesome. There's nothing like this in the current release. Yes the small updates are nice. New weapons. New clothing. Hunting. These however are also the kind of update you get once a game is completed. What we're not seeing is the kind of update you get in an early release game, like vehicles. That's a huge thing. Obviously I'm focussing on vehicles as it was a main point for me and the people I played with, but others will probably have the same opinion about other things in the game. All I'm saying that right now, a year since I got the game, it's a disappointment, and from my point of view it's purely down to bad management. If BiS put those artists to work there they can actually make a proper difference and put some more coders into the DayZ project, we'd see better updates and faster. For my perception of what we're seeing now, see my above post.
  4. diddums

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Always a pleasure reading your posts L. Whilst you make some valid points, I would like to point out that we did pay... £25(?) for this game. I understand the early access points, but the game has hardly been developed at all since we purchased it almost a year ago. As I said I'm not expecting a finished product, just something more considerable than some vanity items. You say that the dev team isn't a group of guys who can throw in some code, yet that's exactly what it feels like. A bunch of guys just coding on laptops and throwing us a bone now and then. Bohemia isn't small. They're not an indie dev running a company out of someone's house, they're a fairly large firm which should have contingencies in place for things like sick days, annual leave, people coming and going. That's how a business is run. If I called my boss and said I had to delay a project because of something that I'm responsible for, whether it's people calling in sick, unexpected circumstances or whatever, I expect them to raise questions. That's how business works. It's simply inexcusable that all we have to show for a year's worth of development is a few guns and some clothing. If this was EA, people would probably have the pitch forks out by now. We're very forgiving and understanding of Bohemia, but there's only so much patience one can muster.
  5. diddums

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I'm aware of that. I'm not going to go into the specifics as I'm well aware of how things work in terms of deadlines, priorities, and people holding purse strings. That said, having a game on "early access" implies that it will in fact be finished at some point. We as a community have been very forgiving with Dean Hall and now Bohemia. We don''t expect a finished product now, but we do expect more than simple vanity items and the odd gun. Let's be honest here, that's not "game improving updates" or "nearing completion" - that's appeasement updates. They're more "here, give them a gun, that'll shut them up". Of course you'll dispute that and tell me I'm wrong, I expect no less, but the fact is that's how it's perceived. By us. The paying customers. You cannot deny that the development of DayZ has been glacially slow, to the point of some people actually wanting their money back. Perhaps Steam should have an area called "might be finished at some point, might not" because that's where it feels like DayZ should be. Don't get me wrong, as said I'm pretty savvy on corporate environments and how they work so I'm not sitting here going "game now pls". I understand that you guys are only as strong and efficient as budgets will allow. The problem is that from a consumer's point of view, the priorities are all wrong and development on the more important things like vehicles is being put aside as it probably entails much more work than was originally accounted for. Bohemia needs to swallow that pill and say "right guys, let's get this done". Amass all your devs, stick them in an office with a Subway platter and some coffee, and put in a concerted effort to put something forward that really makes the waiting seem worthwhile. Until then, we'll just continue moaning about an unfinished product which for many of us was meant to be one of the greatest games this decade.
  6. diddums

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I'm sure the usual horses have been beaten so I'll stay away from the traditional "fix pc first" bullshit. All I'm hoping is that Sony implement some quality control and give the devs a good kicking if the product is shit. Steam should've done that ages ago, or at least pulled it from the shelves until such time that the game is complete enough to warrant its price. That said, this is a huge step for them so I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to ensure it's up to par.
  7. diddums

    Card decks/Poker chips.

    Strip poker. Yeah. I'll bring whisky.
  8. diddums

    DayZ Xfiles

    Dewd I even scrubcised to your channel. I'm lexyscid nau. hurrrr.
  9. diddums

    DayZ Xfiles

    I still exist. I have ceased to exist for numerous months due to not wanting to internet for various reasons. Things are looking up. There's even a channel revival on the horizon. Stay tuned. God knows you might even be entertained (inorite? rite? rite? k)
  10. diddums

    invisible zombies

    Click click motherfucker. I like Hetstaine's post. Only clothed people get that popular <3
  11. diddums

    DayZ Xfiles

    A wild Hetstaine appears. Wild Hetstaine casts "VIDYO" It is Very Effective! Hetstaine is a poof. I love you.
  12. diddums

    Final Build , How good will this run ?

    OMG M8 UR PC IS TOTES AMAZEBALLS LOL WAUW I WISH I CUD HAF 1 LIKE URS LOL There, now that you've gotten the response you want, stop being an attention seeking twat. You know damn well that your PC is a monster. //To add something constructive, unless you watercool those cards or think out your cooling strategy very carefully, they will burn your house down. Trust me, I have the same. Hotter than the sun they are.
  13. Go write your own fucking game then.
  14. Don't. Bite the bullet and adapt, you're only prolonging the inevitable, and when push comes to shove, you'll regret buying one of those odd ones. Dunno if you can get a Yamakasi Catleap cheap-sih off the 'bay in the US, but they're excellent monitors for little cash. 1440p, the panels are Retina displays, the only issue is the build quality but it's fine if it's a stationary monitor. All those Korean monitors are in fact excellent for the price. https://teksyndicate.com/news/2013/08/15/tek-syndicate-1440p-monitor-club
  15. diddums

    Computer Help - Picking the parts

    Fair enough, but don't go saying he'll get shit FPS with a certain CPU and then recommend it in the next post. Anywho, moving on. Your build also looks good but I would downgrade the 270 to the 750 ti, smaller HDD, smaller PSU, and include an SSD. And SSD is literally the biggest boost in smoothness of the game. You are also lacking an OS.