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About LancerG2

  • Rank
    Freedom Fighter.

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    Not sure? Look harder.
  • Interests
    Burning shit.
    Insanity wolf.

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  1. LancerG2

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    Come @ us bully. Yeah didn't think so. Chickenshit..
  2. LancerG2

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    A few months later. READY TO START ON EPISODE 3. 10 years later... We've done work on EPISODE 3. Dead.
  3. LancerG2

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    Don't joke, Inception is serious, I've met him, he's sqeakier than a mouse. So hold those shits n' giggles...
  4. LancerG2

    Admin Abuse and How to stop it.

    Lolno. Free speech. As long as I don't mention "rape" (Total bullshit) or racism I'm fine, I did not imply anything else. Besides I'm not broadcasting this to anyone else, if boneboys has a problem we can talk it though, other than that stop getting tiresome over other peoples issues.
  5. LancerG2

    Standalone: Types of footwear

    Add socks to game as well, prevent blood blisters, (If you get one and it pops you can lose blood and get infection.) Also should be able to make sock puppets. FOR THE LOLS.
  6. LancerG2

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    boneboys? Pffft. But still yes have TyrannoSSaurus whatever, heil why not a Soviet counterpart enemy for the series? Also why not stop motion animation in Garry's Mod? You've got an easy model Wolf, as for Cap't he can be louis from L4D? XD
  7. LancerG2

    The Offical DayZ forums Animation thread

    You better include me as some sort of Mercenary. Edit: I don't have 1k posts, screw you guys then. :P
  8. LancerG2

    Admin Abuse and How to stop it.

    Wait? This is ingame admin abuse, pity... I thought this was a solution to the forums.
  9. LancerG2

    idea for punish thief

    HEY, DON'T MOCK KoS. Or I'll eat you.
  10. LancerG2

    decapitation, put player head on spike

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh! OWNED.
  11. I actually had trouble reading this. TLDR version please?
  12. LancerG2

    Why I became a bandit

    Welcome to the dark side.
  13. LancerG2

    Knife Takedown

    No, this isn't Far Cry 3.
  14. LancerG2

    idea for punish thief

    KoS you sick fuck... I LOVE IT!