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About klesh

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    Lambos Hereby Revoked!

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  1. klesh

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I am friends with him on Steam and he recently posted a very damning and scathing review of the game. I wouldn't expect him back anytime soon.
  2. klesh

    How active?

    I got the game for free in pre-Alpha and I feel ripped off having waited so long and listened to so many ideas and promises that seemed to have just disappeared. Seriously, maybe another year of dev time to get this to where is should've maybe been at a 1.0 release?
  3. klesh

    Reviews starting to come out

    I havent played in a long time. I was in the pre-alpha NDA testing group. Ive been telling my crew to just hold on, yeah the stable branches of alpha werent fun, they all gave up, but fellas just hold out for the 1.0 release! Frankly I am shocked at how bad this release is. I played for about 10 minutes and in that time I saw enough bugs to just put the game down again. My character’s hair clipped through his hat. My character’s glasses clipped through his face. The worn dirt texture on my jacket became a rainbow spotted distortion. And seriously THATS the beards we got? Yikes. The zombies... just stood there. The entire experience felt absolutely no different than the past several years of early access. I even got this game for free and I feel ripped off. I’ll check back in a year. My group of 6 will never come back to play. You had it, fellas. You had lighting in a bottle and you let it get away. Just think of all those Lambos you could've had.
  4. klesh

    Forum: Signature Deletion

    When I manually delete the contents of my signature on this forum, upon clicking save the editor responds with "Your previous content has been restored" resulting in a loop whereby you cannot remove your signature. Clicking "clear editor" will delete the signature field, and hitting save results in "Your previous content has been restored" as well.
  5. klesh

    Thoughs on Open World and the SR Report

    I laughed out loud at this one guy's sarcastic, frustrated reply to the SR on steam: He's being a wiseass to be sure, but man it hit me in the funnybone. Also, where is Hicks?
  6. klesh

    This map sucks!

    That boat sailed for me at least a decade ago.
  7. klesh

    This map sucks!

    I wonder what happened to SenChi. I dont see him around these parts anymore. That dude was really talented with maps. I fell in love with his work on Iron Front (which is also where I initially met Orlok). Those were the days.
  8. Wasn't one of the major points of the enfusion engine to remove the client side things that allowed hacking to be so easy in the mod? Did it not work? Honest question, I'm not a programmer.
  9. klesh

    .63 ETA ?

    I happened to check that game out on Steam the other day for ol' time's sake. They're selling $4.99 Country sweatshirt DLC. lol.
  10. klesh


    There is your problem right there.
  11. klesh

    Health system.

    Seems like a ragepost after being 1-shotted by a zombarino.
  12. klesh

    Arma 2 DayZ Mod vs DayZ: when will we be there?

    Its more like being told the new sausage is going to have natural, organic, delicious ingredients, and then finding out that's all rolled back to pig noses and hooves because it costs too much. :/
  13. klesh

    Arma 2 DayZ Mod vs DayZ: when will we be there?

    What content do you find seriously lacking?
  14. klesh

    Health system.

    Of course it needs going over. Game is in alpher, mang.
  15. klesh

    Arma 2 DayZ Mod vs DayZ: when will we be there?

    This is also pretty disappointing. Looking at this picture of the new spawn methods, I am really annoyed at the fact that only 3 of the 5 shelves will ever have loot on them. There will never be loot on top of the lockers, never under the desks, only inside one of those knocked over boxes on the floor. It reminds me of going to old buildings in the mod and looking in the same 3 corners for the spots the loot will spawn. I can remember Dean talking about how cool it would be to have to go into buildings and actually look behind chairs and under things to spot the loot because it could be anywhere. Its seems right in line with changing zombie spawn mechanics in the name of server performance. Somehow they've got this new Enfusion engine that runs great for the client, but they're having to roll back cool new server-side changes to squeeze out more performance. Was Dean simply dreaming too big with no regard for hardware realities?