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A: Cabub

B: Low blood/ flashing/ passing out

C: The church in Elektro

D: Wearing a coyote backpack

I have the blood bag, I just need the doctor. Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope.

On the survivor servers hive

Just helped him. Even though he didn't answer ingame, everything seemed alright.

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A: [sIB] Al Caporno

B: Low blodd / flashing / bleeding

C: Barn close to the military tents at stary sobor

D: Black, Camo clothing, Akm

help now or in about 7 hours

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A: [sIB] Al Caporno

B: Low blodd / flashing / bleeding

C: Barn close to the military tents at stary sobor

D: Black, Camo clothing, Akm

help now or in about 7 hours

Still need help? Find me on the medic teamspeak ts.dayzmedics.com

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A: [sIB] Al Caporno

B: Low blodd / flashing / bleeding

C: Barn close to the military tents at stary sobor

D: Black, Camo clothing, Akm

help now or in about 7 hours

still need help

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Your in-game name: Arazzex

Your condition/ailments: Low on blood (I've got a blood bag)

Your location: On top of the mountain "Pik Kozlova" (that's near Cherno) 08.5, 12

A general description of your character: Default skin, civilian clothing, ALICE pack

If you still need help, add me on Skype.

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A: James

B: I have broken legs and I'm in pain; so some morphine and painkillers would go down a treat! ;)

C: I've crawled for about an hour to try and get to Elektro hospital, but I can't get past the zombies. I'm just north of Elektro at the minute, near the edge of town hiding. 122-108 roughly.

D: Wearing a ghillie suit

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A: Egard

B: Very Low blood, Passing out all the time.

C: The Way north of Elektro west of Staroye (may be wrong spelled)

D: Bandit Skin

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A: Egard

B: Very Low blood, Passing out all the time.

C: The Way north of Elektro west of Staroye (may be wrong spelled)

D: Bandit Skin

If your west of Stary i can help add me on steam

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A: Your in-game name: Merrick362

B: Your condition/ailments Low on blood, broken leg, need pain killers, bleeding heavily

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): Second floor of the NWA firehall.

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): Wearing a normal skin with M14 AIM

EDIT: Resolved. Thanks Z-StaTik_z, you have my beans.

Edited by Merrick362

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Merrick, I would help, but I'm having some ping issues. Hop on the TS and go into the help needed channel and a medic will contact you directly

TS adress: ts.dayzmedics.com

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A: Your in-game name: Jaciel

B: Your condition/ailments Low on blood (have a blood bag), passing out

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible):106.125 on hill outside of elektro

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): Normal skin w/ coyote pack and with m24

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A: microapple

B: Broken Legs, In Pain

C: The gas station in between Sosnovka and Pustoshka

D: Normal Skin, Czeck Backpack, Lightly Armed

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A: microapple

B: Broken Legs, In Pain

C: The gas station in between Sosnovka and Pustoshka

D: Normal Skin, Czeck Backpack, Lightly Armed

Add me on Steam if you still need help: SoulShaper2

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I'm back for now and willing to help for the next 4-5 hours. If anyone's in the need of help, I'm currently on Skype and available.

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Broken Leg

Hiding just past the army road block heading up green mountain

Normal skin, Alice pack, Lightly armed

Not on skype or steam... please message me here... I'm currently on the Private Hive server

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A: Your in-game name: Th3F3aR

B: Your condition/ailments : Low Blood (No blodpacks etc.)

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): village between Dolina and Solnichniy, in the forest under the little village

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): normal skin, hatchet

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A: Your in-game name: Th3F3aR

B: Your condition/ailments : Low Blood (No blodpacks etc.)

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): village between Dolina and Solnichniy, in the forest under the little village

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): normal skin, hatchet

Even though I'm in the cherno region right now, I could come over to your location, if you add me on Skype: kichilron

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A: Your in-game name:

B: Your condition/ailments (ex. Low on blood, sick, broken legs, in pain, passed out)
Low on blood, still bleeding. Need bandage, and bloodtransfusion if possible

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible):
North Airfield, the one near Grishino (cords 045 047,

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.):
Normal skin. Armed.

Please respond in PM to arrange time and server. Can use skype if necessary

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Remember, Though forum posts are a great way to get help. hopping on our team speak and siting in the correct help channels could help speed up response.

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A: Your in-game name: Tehmedic

B: Your condition/ailments: In pain, Broken Legs, Low Blood, Infection.

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): Slightly Northwest of Berezino, Cords = 118 060

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): Wearing a Ghillie Suit.

Help D:

Solved* HerrJon, Fluxley58, and Jack came out and saved me. All the way from Zelenogorsk.
Edited by Tehmedic101

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thanks to the team of Ourobus, Xalo, Walters, Pilikia, and Fameous for hooking me up. sorry if I butchered the names

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A: Your in-game name:

B: Your condition/ailments (ex. Low on blood, sick, broken legs, in pain, passed out)
Low on blood

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible):
No map; "castle" near Mogilevka

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.):
Normal skin. Armed.

PM if available.
Edited by Dabaroony

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