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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

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If anyone needs help along the coastal area just add me on steam at "Muncywolverine" or private message me on the forums.

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  On 10/22/2012 at 12:27 AM, frozenlogurt said:

A: Logurt

B: Broken legs

C:Balota Airfield

D: Hero Skin AK 74

What server? Dayz Commander can't find you.

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A: Your in-game name: The aussie bandit ( just a name )

B: Your condition/ailments Low on blood, in pain, passed out)

C: location - Stary sobor church

D: A general description of your character: normal skin coyote pack

please private message me for the world i am in who ever can give me a blood transfusion and pain killers will be greatly rewarded.

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Saddly a bandit K.O'ed meI cannot assist but someone else on TMW Teamspeak may be able to!

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Hi, not sure if this is your area of expertise or if you can help me out here but I'm sick... In need of antibiotics... which I have never even seen before nevermind knowing where to get some.

I appreciate you guys are more about helping out the stricken, unconscious types but I thought it was worth a try!


A - Spandex

B - Infected

C - Mobile but currently in the region of Lopatino

D - Female character. Mirror shades. Toting M16A2 and Coyote backpack.

EDIT: Now sorted.

Edited by Spandex

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Hey wondering if anyone can help me im in the gas station north of Solnichniy and i glitched through the counter broke my leg started to bleed out and went unconcious any help please?

My steam Patriot

My Skype patriotg12

Edited by DayzApex12

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hey apex need some help? join me in ts and I will get you fixed.

and your steam name links to everyone with Patriot in it.

Edited by Strazyplus

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A. Dreuger

B. Broken Leg

C. Panthera (West) - Kluze Fortress, very close to it (near a rock).

D. Typical Survivor skin with an Alice pack. Fitted with an M249 SAW with plenty of ammo to spare.

Other Details:

I will spawn once we have the details figured out.

I have access to Ventrilo, Skype, and TS3.

Edited by Dreuger

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Thanks for the offer Strazy but I am now sorted. Logged in tonight and the infection was gone? Not sure if that is normal or a lucky fluke but I'll take it.

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A. Jeremy

B. Low on blood and passed out.

C. A little NE of main Cherno, outside of a high value barn if you use the online dayz map.

D. Normal skin, alice pack, enfield

Can use skype or steam for communication.

Will give the medic who helps me an extra reward if they can provide transportation to Pustoshka.

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A: Your in-game name: NotSoSimple

B: Your condition/ailments: Broken Bone

C: Your location: 042 052 - W of NW Airfield in trees on edge of field

D: Normal skin, armed with an AK, equipped with an ALICE pack.

First post, bummer I had to use it here. Was with a buddy and we both glitched going out of the ATC tower :( Crawled out of the airfield but had to log. Should be able to get on 10/25 after 8:00PM PST.
Edited by NotSoSimple

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Not so simple I may be able to assist. add me on steam when you're available.

Edited by Strazyplus

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A: Your in-game name: Dennis

B: Your condition/ailments: Bleeding, no bandages.

C: Your location Just south of Grishino, near the road leading to it.

D: Ghillie suit skin, armed with an M4a1 Holo.

E: My skype name is ; killectro23

F: My Steam name is ; Killectro

Edited by Killectro

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A: Your in-game name: Patriot

B: Your condition/ailments (ex. Low on blood, sick, broken legs, in pain, passed out): Bleeding out no bandages

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): The church in Pustoshka

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): Ghillie suit MK48

Skype name is Patriotg12
Edited by DayzApex12

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A: Your in-game name: Sunde

B: Your condition/ailments (ex. Low on blood, sick, broken legs, in pain, passed out): Broken leg, semi-low on blood (I can scavenge food to fix that though, as Im hungry in game anyhow)

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): The warehouse near the dock in Komarovo. ( 035 131 )

D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): Chick, coyote backpack, M4.

Skype: CrimsonWaltz

Steam: CrimsonSorrow
Edited by Sunde

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  On 10/24/2012 at 10:14 AM, Strazyplus said:

Not so simple I may be able to assist. add me on steam when you're available.

Done. Hopping on tonight, will let you know.

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