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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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  On 4/16/2013 at 10:54 AM, Jenny said:

youre the mong! MONG!


italian mong

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  On 4/16/2013 at 12:06 PM, Weasel82 said:

italian mong

hahaha yep
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i have embraced my inner italian, i shall now drive my ferrai to cherno, smell ya later beechess

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  On 4/16/2013 at 9:12 AM, Puskasissi said:

Hey UK#10!

I started a new DayZ-series, recorded on this server ofcourse!

Also starring, DayZ Steve, Tom and Popadopolous. Check it out!

Friendly survivor. Episode 1 : Helicopter Evac!

Don't forget to comment, rate and subscribe!

Constructive criticism is always welcome!

You should brighten up your video's a bit more, it gets way to dark alot of the times.

Edited by TFF-Chris

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Yet another friend of mine would like to join the UK#10 server. :-)

Name: Erlend

Location: Norway

GUID: 8142e3031ea1348a322423adbb59e305

Edited by Endre

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Hey guys look its Ireland :P Italian-flag_zps349ba299.jpg

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My poem to Panda

Today we were banned from teamspeak,

uncoordinated, lost, inside of Elektrozavodsk my teams outlook was very bleak,

As you began your server interrogation we had approached the train station,

Suddenly we were banned from the server without warning and now we're left in mourning

forever lost, alone, without a teamspeak to communicate with.


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  On 4/16/2013 at 11:21 PM, Annabelle Queen of Dayz said:

My poem to Panda

Today we were banned from teamspeak,

uncoordinated, lost, inside of Elektrozavodsk my teams outlook was very bleak,

As you began your server interrogation we had approached the train station,

Suddenly we were banned from the server without warning and now we're left in mourning

forever lost, alone, without a teamspeak to communicate with.


And why were you banned?

Edit: Nm server adv.

Edited by quint
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  On 4/16/2013 at 11:21 PM, Annabelle Queen of Dayz said:

My poem to Panda

Today we were banned from teamspeak,

uncoordinated, lost, inside of Elektrozavodsk my teams outlook was very bleak,

As you began your server interrogation we had approached the train station,

Suddenly we were banned from the server without warning and now we're left in mourning

forever lost, alone, without a teamspeak to communicate with.


You expect to be told our teamspeak is not to be used by players who are playing on a rival server!? This should be blatantly obvious to anyone. I find this very disrespectful.

Edited by -Panda

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  On 4/16/2013 at 11:21 PM, Annabelle Queen of Dayz said:

My poem to Panda

Today we were banned from teamspeak,

uncoordinated, lost, inside of Elektrozavodsk my teams outlook was very bleak,

As you began your server interrogation we had approached the train station,

Suddenly we were banned from the server without warning and now we're left in mourning

forever lost, alone, without a teamspeak to communicate with.


I will give you a C for your poem.

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  On 4/16/2013 at 8:41 PM, TFF-Chris said:

You should brighten up your video's a bit more, it gets way to dark alot of the times.

Yeah, it seems it does. I have to work on that. The preview is just fine, but after rendering it gets too dark at times.

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  On 4/17/2013 at 8:00 AM, Puskasissi said:

Yeah, it seems it does. I have to work on that. The preview is just fine, but after rendering it gets too dark at times.

I was also gonna say add some emotion to your voice, but that would be mission impossible ;)


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  On 4/17/2013 at 7:30 AM, Popadopalous said:

I will give you a C for your poem.

  On 4/17/2013 at 7:08 AM, -Panda said:

You expect to be told our teamspeak is not to be used by players who are playing on a rival server!? This should be blatantly obvious to anyone. I find this very disrespectful.

I'll make another one after I've finished my anti-rocket rant, remind me.

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  On 4/17/2013 at 8:59 AM, Annabelle Queen of Dayz said:

I'll make another one after I've finished my anti-rocket rant, remind me.

trolling, trolling on a river....


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  On 4/17/2013 at 9:24 AM, sneekygreenman said:

trolling, trolling on a river....


morning babes x

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I think your voice is pretty fitting for the setting of the game IMO, anyone... just me, maybe my dad. haha lol sneeky will get it im sure!

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* [NEW] - Removed annoying "re-arm" option from actions menu

* [NEW] - Models and textures for mutton.

* [NEW] - Seperate meat for goats, same blood regen as mutton.

* [NEW] - Can now combine magazines.

* [NEW] - Added new loot & table for church.

* [NEW] - Added new food and drink items (only found in supermarkets).

* [NEW] - Added model for a dropped map and watch.

* [NEW] - Weapon MakarovSD (Military, Military Special).

* [NEW] - Weapon RPK_74 (Mi8 Helicrash).

* [NEW] - Vehicle Damage in Percent (With a Toolbox).

* [NEW] - 5L Fuel can takes 1 inv slot.

* [NEW] - Bigger Compass (You can see the number of degrees).

* [NEW] - Added auth retry system to make sure clients are authed before they spawn (should stop seagull issue).

* [NEW] - Added force end mission for players joining with wrong version/failed auth. (Will replace timout later).

* [NEW] - Mi8 Crash site model.

* [NEW] - 3 New decayed Zeds - harder to kill(WIP).

* [NEW] - Added optional watermark for servername (server admins only).

* [NEW] - Sleep updated to Rest. (restores food and drink) (WIP)

* [NEW] - Remote exec security. Should pervent all major RE exploits

* [NEW] - Clear Ground around crash sites have now been disabled by default, server admins can enable. (

* [FIXED] - Vehicle Repair should now always work correctly.

* [FIXED] - M107 & AS50 Lock on system removed.

* [FIXED] - Humanity skin change can now change during gameplay in all directions. (No longer have to die to change from hero to normal to bandit and vice versa)

* [FIXED] - StudyBody should now work.

* [FIXED] - Crashsite loot should now spawn correct for all types of Crash model.

* [FIXED] - Hero Skin teleport issue.

* [FIXED] - BAF Bags so they dont set on fire. :-) (no moaning it was a bug)

* [FIXED] - Updated timeout timer from 40 secs to 60 secs, Should allow lower end systems to keep up. (Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again!)

* [FIXED] - Zeds spawning underground.

* [FIXED] - Loot spawning undergroung.

* [FIXED] - Melee weapons having no ammo on login/skin change.

* [FIXED] - Loot Spawns have now been fully resolved. Buildings are now tagged and will not spawn any new loot for 10 minutes.

* [FIXED] - Loot Cleanup has now been fully resolved. Old loot piles will now be cleaned every 15 minutes and no players within 250 meters(WIP). (Server performance boost)

* [FIXED] - Gear menu Explot to force respawn.

* [FIXED] - Optimized some destruction effects for security and performance.

* [FIXED] - Unconscious Damage scale to only happen if hit by zeds.

* [uPDATED] - Reset action alert of zeds, Zeds hearing from actions is now reset back to - M107_DZ Zed pull range 450 meters (Max sight/hearing from movement forced to 80 meters)

* [uPDATED] - Updated rabbit to drop 2 raw food items. Lowered hp gain to Raw - 200 each / Cooked - 800 each.

* [uPDATED] - Moved anti teleport system to mission. Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (See prerequisites)

* [uPDATED] - M107 lowered chance in loot tables.

* [uPDATED] - AS50 lowered chance in loot tables.

* [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been updated.

* [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been rebalanced.

* [uPDATED] - Updated Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.

* [uPDATED] - Mac and 1911 Pistol dmg updated.

* [uPDATED] - CrashSite Loot should now represent each type of model more. (("MilitaryWEST","HeliCrashWEST") Two new crash site loot tables)

* [uPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.

* [uPDATED] - Readded the "save" option to tents and vehilces. This is a fail-safe option, not required. (Due to a small amount of servers reporting issues with tents saving. With no info for us to recreate we readded this option to save tents/vehilces)

* [uPDATED] - Zed generate system. Should stop zeds spawning in veiw of players then being deleted.

* [uPDATED] - Zeds overall dmg has been updated per hit/per zed (Max possible dmg = body 600, Legs 100, Hands 50, Head 1200)

* [uPDATED] - Bleed from zed attacks will now only happen if the initial dmg is above 0.7 or the zed gives a head shot. (should reduce the amount of bandages needed)

* [uPDATED] - Zeds knocking players unconscious now has a 50/50 chance if dmg multipier is above > 0.8

* [uPDATED] - When unconscious all dmg is lowed to 50 blood for each hit zeds do no matter the part they hit. (Should allow some surviabilty)

* [uPDATED] - Zeds sight and sound chance has been readded so there is a chance they can ignore you.

* [uPDATED] - Sight and sound rebalanced to make them a little more even from movement.

* [uPDATED] - Call extension calls for vehilce dmg.

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will no longer spawn for air vehilces.

* [uPDATED] - Hunters loot table adjested with more weapons.

* [uPDATED] - SQL files working on linux.

* [uPDATED] - Add crawl animation damage. Players will now take dmg from crawling zeds.

* [uPDATED] - Updated zed speed to default.

* [uPDATED] - Melee systems updated.

* [uPDATED] - Old Bandit skin for male chars.

* [uPDATED] - Lowered action sound for refuel from 10 meters to 5.

* [uPDATED] - Lowered Direct coms action sound.

* [uPDATED] - Vehicle damage syncs updated to reduce call extension spam.

* [uPDATED] - Lowered Transfusion infection rate.

* [REMOVED] - Wild spawning zeds. (Zeds spawning in forest areas will be added next patch)

* [REMOVED] - Zeds can now push players to the ground when attacked from behind.

Zed knock down removed due to transition issue with animations working on this for the next patch. (Code left in just commented out)

Updated :-)

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Hey Panda or any other admin please whitlelist my friend since he couldn't post

- Name: Ryan

- Location: England

- GUID: f77801e1bf1ad5f8975c6cfb6f678757

- He wants to play dayz with the rest of RCC on the server :D

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  On 4/17/2013 at 7:22 PM, GyPo said:

Hey Panda or any other admin please whitlelist my friend since he couldn't post

- Name: Ryan

- Location: England

- GUID: f77801e1bf1ad5f8975c6cfb6f678757

- He wants to play dayz with the rest of RCC on the server :D

Done :D

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  On 4/17/2013 at 4:51 PM, -Daniel- said:

* [NEW] - Removed annoying "re-arm" option from actions menu

* [NEW] - Models and textures for mutton.

* [NEW] - Seperate meat for goats, same blood regen as mutton.

* [NEW] - Can now combine magazines.

* [NEW] - Added new loot & table for church.

* [NEW] - Added new food and drink items (only found in supermarkets).

* [NEW] - Added model for a dropped map and watch.

* [NEW] - Weapon MakarovSD (Military, Military Special).

* [NEW] - Weapon RPK_74 (Mi8 Helicrash).

* [NEW] - Vehicle Damage in Percent (With a Toolbox).

* [NEW] - 5L Fuel can takes 1 inv slot.

* [NEW] - Bigger Compass (You can see the number of degrees).

* [NEW] - Added auth retry system to make sure clients are authed before they spawn (should stop seagull issue).

* [NEW] - Added force end mission for players joining with wrong version/failed auth. (Will replace timout later).

* [NEW] - Mi8 Crash site model.

* [NEW] - 3 New decayed Zeds - harder to kill(WIP).

* [NEW] - Added optional watermark for servername (server admins only).

* [NEW] - Sleep updated to Rest. (restores food and drink) (WIP)

* [NEW] - Remote exec security. Should pervent all major RE exploits

* [NEW] - Clear Ground around crash sites have now been disabled by default, server admins can enable. (

* [FIXED] - Vehicle Repair should now always work correctly.

* [FIXED] - M107 & AS50 Lock on system removed.

* [FIXED] - Humanity skin change can now change during gameplay in all directions. (No longer have to die to change from hero to normal to bandit and vice versa)

* [FIXED] - StudyBody should now work.

* [FIXED] - Crashsite loot should now spawn correct for all types of Crash model.

* [FIXED] - Hero Skin teleport issue.

* [FIXED] - BAF Bags so they dont set on fire. :-) (no moaning it was a bug)

* [FIXED] - Updated timeout timer from 40 secs to 60 secs, Should allow lower end systems to keep up. (Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again!)

* [FIXED] - Zeds spawning underground.

* [FIXED] - Loot spawning undergroung.

* [FIXED] - Melee weapons having no ammo on login/skin change.

* [FIXED] - Loot Spawns have now been fully resolved. Buildings are now tagged and will not spawn any new loot for 10 minutes.

* [FIXED] - Loot Cleanup has now been fully resolved. Old loot piles will now be cleaned every 15 minutes and no players within 250 meters(WIP). (Server performance boost)

* [FIXED] - Gear menu Explot to force respawn.

* [FIXED] - Optimized some destruction effects for security and performance.

* [FIXED] - Unconscious Damage scale to only happen if hit by zeds.

* [uPDATED] - Reset action alert of zeds, Zeds hearing from actions is now reset back to - M107_DZ Zed pull range 450 meters (Max sight/hearing from movement forced to 80 meters)

* [uPDATED] - Updated rabbit to drop 2 raw food items. Lowered hp gain to Raw - 200 each / Cooked - 800 each.

* [uPDATED] - Moved anti teleport system to mission. Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (See prerequisites)

* [uPDATED] - M107 lowered chance in loot tables.

* [uPDATED] - AS50 lowered chance in loot tables.

* [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been updated.

* [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been rebalanced.

* [uPDATED] - Updated Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.

* [uPDATED] - Mac and 1911 Pistol dmg updated.

* [uPDATED] - CrashSite Loot should now represent each type of model more. (("MilitaryWEST","HeliCrashWEST") Two new crash site loot tables)

* [uPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.

* [uPDATED] - Readded the "save" option to tents and vehilces. This is a fail-safe option, not required. (Due to a small amount of servers reporting issues with tents saving. With no info for us to recreate we readded this option to save tents/vehilces)

* [uPDATED] - Zed generate system. Should stop zeds spawning in veiw of players then being deleted.

* [uPDATED] - Zeds overall dmg has been updated per hit/per zed (Max possible dmg = body 600, Legs 100, Hands 50, Head 1200)

* [uPDATED] - Bleed from zed attacks will now only happen if the initial dmg is above 0.7 or the zed gives a head shot. (should reduce the amount of bandages needed)

* [uPDATED] - Zeds knocking players unconscious now has a 50/50 chance if dmg multipier is above > 0.8

* [uPDATED] - When unconscious all dmg is lowed to 50 blood for each hit zeds do no matter the part they hit. (Should allow some surviabilty)

* [uPDATED] - Zeds sight and sound chance has been readded so there is a chance they can ignore you.

* [uPDATED] - Sight and sound rebalanced to make them a little more even from movement.

* [uPDATED] - Call extension calls for vehilce dmg.

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will no longer spawn for air vehilces.

* [uPDATED] - Hunters loot table adjested with more weapons.

* [uPDATED] - SQL files working on linux.

* [uPDATED] - Add crawl animation damage. Players will now take dmg from crawling zeds.

* [uPDATED] - Updated zed speed to default.

* [uPDATED] - Melee systems updated.

* [uPDATED] - Old Bandit skin for male chars.

* [uPDATED] - Lowered action sound for refuel from 10 meters to 5.

* [uPDATED] - Lowered Direct coms action sound.

* [uPDATED] - Vehicle damage syncs updated to reduce call extension spam.

* [uPDATED] - Lowered Transfusion infection rate.

* [REMOVED] - Wild spawning zeds. (Zeds spawning in forest areas will be added next patch)

* [REMOVED] - Zeds can now push players to the ground when attacked from behind.

Zed knock down removed due to transition issue with animations working on this for the next patch. (Code left in just commented out)

Updated :-)

Banging! !

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  On 4/18/2013 at 3:15 PM, -Panda said:

Banging! !

Bit of a late reaction :P

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