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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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"ADMIN BAN: Associate of hacker"

Okay, first of all, NONE of the Jailbait members are "hacking". We hate hackers ourselves.

And Fletch's Admin ban because of "wallhack" is utter bullshit, and we would like to see some evidences for it.

(Which you can't provide, unless they are fabricated, because He / We dont use scripts.)

And we have been playing on your server for quite a while now, with no problems, so what's up with this nonsense?

Would like to appeal for an UNBAN, because this is just ridiculous.

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Fletch, fpmsl you've got a front to appeal this, although I guess you have to, to look legit to your team.

Twiin, if you honestly dont know anything about what Fletch is doing, I suggest you take a good look at your team mates actions and his knowledge of player whereabouts.

I do not ban unless I am 100% certain of a hacker, in this instance, I am 100% certain. I also ban all known associates of hackers, this is why the entire Jailbait team has been banned.

Edited by -Panda
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Look harder mate it is up, lol

lol, ok

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To look legit to my team?

I know 2 of them in real life.

And im not hacking, so this is fucking ridiculous. I really dont understand why you are "SO SURE ABOUT THIS"

Know about where players are? wtf? When i got banned i ran around in cherno looting, and killed 2 ppl there, WOW I REALLY MET SOMEONE IN CHERNO I HACK LOL HEHE XD

no, im not hacking. But you can think whatever u wanna think mister. But its not true, and i want u to unban me cause u dont have evidence for it, and its fucking bullshit.Its only because u dont want us to play there or some shit like that. u should reconsider this, really.

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Good night lads, lots of quality footage (3 hours), including helicopters, and a rather awesome incident with cipher, a borrowed UAZ, and a bit of revenge :D :beans: to all involved!

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Fletch/Twiin, as I've already explain I only ban when I am 100% certain, I do not ban without evidence.

I do not have to provide you with copies of this evidence; you do not fund the server, you do not contribute, you merely play on my server for free.

Your bans will stand.

Edited by -Panda

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Good night lads, lots of quality footage (3 hours), including helicopters, and a rather awesome incident with cipher, a borrowed UAZ, and a bit of revenge :D :beans: to all involved!

Yes Sneaky, excellent games tonight!!

Cipher, what can I say, "sorry" wouldnt cut it I guess, being part of the group who was hunting you and stealing your UAZ(s).... :o

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Well, Panda, Tell the rest of the server how you are teleporting all the time.

Killed my friend in polana factory, then you get in a car, then suddenly disappear.

and not logging out either.

Before ACCUSING others of cheating, with no freaking evidence, stop using scripts yourself?

"NO HACKERS, PLAY HERE" in server desc., but what you don't tell, Is that you are abusing scripts and cheats yourself :((((

Oh Well, Too much admin abuse and coastal noobies on your server anyway.

Lads, admin abuse is not rampart, in fact, havign spent literally hours in contact with all of the admins, I can safely say Panda, Cipher or any of the others do not hack. Look, there are plenty of other server that you guys can go on, I am sad to see you go, but am staying out of this. Having only ever met with one of your crew, I cannot comment on whether or not this ban was deserved.

I can however, attest to Panda's honesty and dedication to running a tight, organised server and that, unelss he had good reason, your team-mate would not have been banned. Panda does not act rashly. I bid you adieu, and please, there is no need to flame panda or the server. I hope that you guys can find a home on another server.

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Panda, you CANT provide any evidence because there are NONE xD

jesus, would think you had a little more brain than that.

OK, bye now.

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I will just buy another steam acc, and play there again. see u soon, teleporter.

lol, thats quite a compliment, paying for the game twice just so you can play on my server :thumbsup:

Bye now.

Edited by -Panda

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Good night lads, lots of quality footage (3 hours), including helicopters, and a rather awesome incident with cipher, a borrowed UAZ, and a bit of revenge :D :beans: to all involved!

What happend in my absence?!?!?!
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Great day on the server..... everyone is so friendly,,,,,,,,,, except for Sneekygreenman the rat bastard shooting me in the back ><

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Look guys, if you are shooting for an unbanning, you probably shouldnt be all angry and demanding and such, Thing is that Panda can ban anyone he wants for whatever reason there could be. From suspected cheating to his favourite tea and biscuits being sold out.

If I were you, I'd try my best to present proof of my legitimacy and be all "please" and "may I". Playing on uk10 is a privilge. Its the sweetest server around and we get to play on it for free. Some civility and manners isnt too much to ask for.

That said, I freaking love this server. Havent been on any server that could even compare to it. Only complaint I got is that people are too damn nice to eachother ingame. Having parties and helping eachother.

Makes me sick! :P

Edited by Deviant82
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It is a bit crazy the entire team got banned though. Their are 2 separate groups of players. Stranger Danger, Gier, Doc, Marrocu and me (Thijs) are from the Netherlands and we haven't even played the last couple of days. Fletch and Cheeze joined us after some pvp fun, they are from Norway. This can be checked with the admin tool. Anyway, now we are all banned and the Dutch guys haven't even played for a while nor did any of the group except me and Marrocu play with Fletch/Cheeze on occasion for some PvP. The Jailbait tag was initially formed out of a joke by a group of real life friends (dutch guys) and we just let them add the tag so they could pvp along with us, and just the make our team name more known on the server. Be that as it may, it's completely your choice to either allow us access or not. It's just ashame that some of us have been playing here for months, and never ever been associated with hackers, and now we get banned (for a reason i still not fully grasp since I wasnt there). This plead is only for my Dutch friends, I would vouch for them since i know them in real life very well.

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Look guys, if you are shooting for an unbanning, you probably shouldnt be all angry and demanding and such, Thing is that Panda can ban anyone he wants for whatever reason there could be. From suspected cheating to his favourite tea and biscuits being sold out.

If I were you, I'd try my best to present proof of my legitimacy and be all "please" and "may I". Playing on uk10 is a privilge. Its the sweetest server around and we get to play on it for free. Some civility and manners isnt too much to ask for.

That said, I freaking love this server. Havent been on any server that could even compare to it. Only complaint I got is that people are too damn nice to eachother ingame. Having parties and helping eachother.

Makes me sick! :P

Awww he/she is just taking their first steps

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