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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Yes I remember you slating the admins via chat, even though I told you we were busy configuring the new Gotcha Anti-Hax program that we were due to install a few moments after you reported your hacker.

That message never got to me. You must've sent it whilst I was loading back in but I did wait a bit to see if you replied and my mate never saw that message either. Can't blame us for thinking you were just ignoring it. Looking for hardcore private hives but al probably try out the server again.

Edited by AndrewM

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I guess it is offline again? Ah well, got to go to Uni anyway, might be on later today if its on!


Port changed to: 2362

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Hey, good to see the server back up, but when I try to connect I get the "Bad version, server has rejected connection error"? any fixes?

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Really well administered server, thanks to the admins, been on most of today and not seen any hacking really (one event, insta-banned), has given me back love for dayz :)

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Still no fix for the vehicles eh, that really sucks..

Be patient dude, geezzz! Its a big code rework, as explained, it was because of a bliss hive update that caused conflicts with the vilayer code update v 3.2. They are working on a fix!!

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Really well administered server, thanks to the admins, been on most of today and not seen any hacking really (one event, insta-banned), has given me back love for dayz :)

^^ This makes it all worth it :) Thanks for the feedback! :)

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Hey, good to see the server back up, but when I try to connect I get the "Bad version, server has rejected connection error"? any fixes?

make sure you're using beta files 97771, if you are, try rolling back to the previous version via DayZ Commander... that may help...??

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Morning all, seems server is online but i only get the loading screen?? Im thinking maybe they have an update and the admins just need to update it. Hope its going soon otherwise I'll have to start cleaning the flat and i dont wanna really i dont want to!!!!

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Morning all, seems server is online but i only get the loading screen?? Im thinking maybe they have an update and the admins just need to update it. Hope its going soon otherwise I'll have to start cleaning the flat and i dont wanna really i dont want to!!!!

Im having the same problem but outside of that just want to say big thanks to panda, great server and really well run, had a great time playing on it yesterday, the way dayz is meant to be enjoyed.

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New update has been released, currently installing now :-) :D

Edited by -Panda

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Got back on last night but didnt have much time on it, still uploading footage from day 1, Apologies for the lousy audio, i had accidently reset FRAPS to defult -.- Server seems to be constantly sitting at 49/50 players, which is great, i would hoenstly say its 50/50 bandits and survivors, perhaps at some point we could have a massive server war for electro or something, bandits vs survivors, might be fun :D

Also, the party bus incident was the greatest thing on Day Z to date, big thanks to Delta Ryan for the bus and his driving, the footage from it was amazing craic.

Also, cherno seems to be under near constant sniper fire from the two main hills so on saturday(the 20th) Im going to try to round up a posse to try to flush some of em out. I'll probably start around 9 at night GMT time.

And finally, the gotcha anti-hack system is brilliant, very useful and efficent, havent had a single overlap with a hacker though i know there have been a few here and there, hope the new patch fixes vechiles, i want my bicycle back D:

And Episode 2 is up just as i type this, so leave a like, comment or sub please:

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Panda why are the RUSSIAN IP banned? It is not correctly, because this is some kind of rosism!

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Nice vid Sneaky !! HAhaha you were hesitent to trust uncle Bob, LOL, he's an admin you can trust him tongue.png


Free DayZ Standalone teamspeak

Edited by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Panda why are the RUSSIAN IP banned? It is not correctly, because this is some kind of rosism!

Players connecting from Russia are not welcome on this UK server, nor are players from Hong Kong, Korea, Brazil, U.A.E, or anywhere else that is stupidly far away. Nice try playing the race card, but its a fact of lag and server performance. There are plenty of DayZ servers in Russia, I suggest you play on one where you get a decent ping.

UK, Europe, USA, and Canada only please! We keep this server as lag free as possible!

Edited by -Panda

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Panda, there seems to be a huge lag issue at the moment. Unable to bandage, give blood bags, get in cars etc.. Possibly issues because of all the vehicles on the server? I'm not sure what else it could be.

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Panda heve you even seen text of Convention on Human Rights? This game is doesn't have a reseller right in countries. You cant close public server for any another country!

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Players connecting from Russia are not welcome on this UK server, nor are players from Hong Kong, Korea, Brazil, U.A.E, or anywhere else that is stupidly far away. Nice try playing the race card, but its a fact of lag and server performance. There are plenty of DayZ servers in Russia, I suggest you play on one where you get a decent ping.

UK, Europe, USA, and Canada only please! We keep this server as lag free as possible!

It's not tolerance! How old are you?

Lag? My ping is lower then 60% of players from UK! It seems like you don't know anything about handling of servers.

Edited by avz

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Panda heve you even seen text of Convention on Human Rights? This game is doesn't have a reseller right in countries. You cant close public server for any another country!

You do make me laugh, thanks :)

Its my server dude, I can set it up, run it, admin it, modify it and restrict it however I choose. I guess you need to learn how private hive servers differ to public servers :-)

If you were serious about appealing your ban, you've certainly gone about it the wrong way.

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Panda, there seems to be a huge lag issue at the moment. Unable to bandage, give blood bags, get in cars etc.. Possibly issues because of all the vehicles on the server? I'm not sure what else it could be.

Should have been resolved when the server restarted... it could be due to the server being full regularly now, I may look at doing more frequent restarts but I would of thought every 6 hours would be sufficient... :s

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I see Vilayer has just finished another patch (3.7.8). Great to see they are working hard on fixing a lot of issues.

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Hi panda

You know when the server had the major restart and update and my character didnt reset because i was saving on the bliss server i think you said. Well would this mess up my vechicles being saved??

And if so how can i get my guy off the bliss??

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Everything map wise was reset, all tents and vehicles. Characters maybe different as character data is stored on the private bliss hive. Most peoples characters reset if yours didnt im not sure why... if you want jt reset then get eaten by zombles it will have the effect :)

I will update the server today at 12:00 to the latest vilayer code update, this shouldn't cause any loss of items on the map or your player character :)

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