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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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I posted here before to be added, but something seems to have gone wrong so posting again :P

name: Anton

location: Sweden

guid: e0f8d612d19c6ca544c75cf4323d7ec4

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Can one of you guys check out LeReidy on page 166, I think his app might have been missed due to the debate lol.

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Hey Panda,

now, back from work, once again ;)


Forum name: kkbee

Ingame name: DavyJones

Location: Germany

GUID: 1f4fe78d201cb9d471fe4b46fea07426

is a good friend of mine, id be really great if we could play together on the server.

thanks in advance and byebye :)

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In game name : Gimmyboy

Location : Naples,Italy

GUID : 854981b39caddfcc0fcb9267d9cde35c

im searching for a good server and this seems to be a great server :) i really want to play on, ty for all.

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Well the pheriphal dots voting seems to have a clear ending.

When will the pheriphal dots be removed?

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Well the pheriphal dots voting seems to have a clear ending.

When will the pheriphal dots be removed?

I set the config to remove the dots and it worked for the first time. But when the server restarted it put the dots back on even tho the setting still were set to have the dots off.

The only way I can see to remove the dots is by setting the difficulty to Mercenary but then thay forces 3rd person view off.

If you know of a way to remove the dots pls let me know!

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Guys were getting some application posts that clearly do not meet the new requirements for applicants. I will be updating page 1 soon reflecting the new whitelist requirements.

Edited by -Panda

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Name: Prodek

Location: United Kingdom

GUID: ba609a8a99330091952ca2879d4dc20b

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third time is the charm saw the new requirments :P

name: Anton



Want to play on the server cause it's semingly hacker free and was looking for a private hive to make home.

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jenny or somethin else...pn me the coords where u wanna have the huey... im not back online before 4pm tomorrow

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Name: LoCo

Location: Norway

GUID: 7e2ff1a1ab1f0e1f41f52a54d45b33d0

Name: teq

Location: Norway

GUID: f98b8327211d6f12b8ef36ebb2a35ac7



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Please add my friend

Name : Faithless

Location : UK

GUID :eoe57a44ea206f0ie255428df368ef

GUID too short!

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oh guys i forgot i dont have 15 post because im new of this game and i cant help anyone so good,but im not an hacker i swear

Name : Gimmyboy

Location : Naples,Italy

GUID : 854981b39caddfcc0fcb9267d9cde35c

3356 --> original post sorry for repeat if u want i wait 1 week :(

Edited by mariokartjkl

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-Name Paddy

-Location Ireland, currently living in Scotland.

-GUID 60d52fcea034fb616d35cdcb9ef08fd0

Reason for wanting to play on the server is that my roommate told me to apply to this server so we could start playing dayz again since I stopped playing due to hackers basically.

ADDED ! Enjoy!

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im from danmark


My friend told me to check this out.

Your whitelisted mate needs to refer you. At current you do not meet the whitelist requirements detailed on page 1.

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Gabriel Holt



Sorry you do not meet the requirements for WL applicants are detailed on page 1.

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