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Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

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I am starting with two quotes I found in this thread:

Please... play arma2 if you wanna full out war with every toy. thats just rediculous.

and this...

I agree, tanks are not for DayZ! Go play Arma if you want high end gear and tanks! This is supposed to be a survival mod/game, and how can it be surviving when you have a tank, ghillie and as50?

You have my beans, dear sirs!

Most of the discussion is about new or other weapons. Of course, some of the proposals have been cool, but Dayz is not about military sim. So first of all: keep balance... perhaps move the scope from military to more civilian. In Dayz most players are much too heavy equipped. Less would be better. Military grade loot should be spawned extremely rare.

Brings me to my second point:

Focus on simple and basic things and interaction with those items:

1) Rope (also duct tape and/ or superglue). You can perhaps climb down a building from roof top using a rope, you could tie some other player down with either tape or rope, fix things and so on.

2) Batteries. One type fits all, can be found highly common but used everywhere (and you wont know how full/empty it is!), new (=full) only in stores. If you have NVGs, flashlights, thermal vision, radio systems, you need them to keep your equipment working. NVGs and Thermals should not work long on one battery (an hour maximum on a full battery I suppose). A flashlight/ LED Light may work longer (10 hours?).

3) Paper and a pen. Leave messages somewhere (Drop paper, someone else can read) or have some daybook or whatever with you.

4) berries from bushes, fruits from trees (apple), veggies from gardens

5) Several ways to make water clean (a pot to boil water, water filters, tablets to purify water chemically)

6) replace tents by boxes/ crates you can (optionally) burry and of course dig out again, if you have a shovel. Different box sizes would be nice.

7) A slingshot (low damage, low range, silent, highly common) would be nice.

8) Different binocular types (common to rare find, depending on augmentation (2x, 5x, 10x or variable 4-12x)

Modifications for the gameplay:

1) A backpack cannot store a tire or a jerrycan (stupid I think). If you want to transport things that big you need to carry them using your hands (or transport with vehicle). You need to drop the item if you want to use a weapon

2) Crafting seems nice to me. Perhaps your char needs to find info how to craft things before he can craft in game (Find a manual how to repair a motor or how to craft a pipe bomb or how to mix explosives from some chemicals... ... ...)

3) Zombie respawn (I think this one is already "promised" by rocket): only where the player can not see it, outside of some range of the player. Also stop respawning the same zombie if killed several times, so one has the chance to clear some area from zombies (zombie hordes dropping by occasionly make perfectly sense then!)

4) Consider adding a single player mode for practice or those who do not want to be dependent on www access/ on a server.

I'd like to finish my post with another quote:


Robbery/mugging, carjacking and similar expected common events will almost never happen in DayZ beyond some roleplayers, because you just kill the guy and don't feel anything. In real life most people in this scenario, despite being desperate and losing most of their morality, would still not murder every person the second they see them, especially unarmed people. Increasing player dependency as is currently planned by Rocket will not be enough. The un-realistic, immersion breaking, mindless shoot-on-sight behavior by 99% of the current player base should be discouraged, in a "light" and appropriate way. The real-life psychology/morality that would stop most people from automatically shooting all unarmed people on sight in an actual crisis will never exist in-game for most who play, so it must be programmed in in some light form. Ways to do so would require a much bigger discussion. The current bandit system with the mask is great, but isn't quite effective enough. I don't mean friendly behavior should be forced, just thoughtful and cautious behavior. The purpose is to increase authenticity, not make the game world less dangerous.

I think this is true. Another member opposed this statement later on by pointing out that this statement is only true for the first few days of a zombie apocalypse. I think killing another person would still be harder than doing it now in game. I didn't kill another player (if he did not attack me first), although I am long term player now. I think this is reality as well (and more fitting to the opinion of kak from quote above).

I don't know how, but somehow one should be motivated ***not*** to kill other players.

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I would like to see .243, .22 and other low caliber rifles. With and without scopes.

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Dealing with in-game banditry is one thing. Dealing with murderers is entirely another.

Dealing with murderers is SIMPLE if not a bit immersion breaking, but hey... murderers are already breaking immersion by laughing to themselves and killing everyone they see.

So... dealing with murderers is SIMPLE. Killing an unarmed player as in "doesn't have an active gun in their hands" (NOT inventory/backpack) but in their hands increments a statistic in the database for that player known as, "Blood on your hands".

As "Blood on your hands" or BOYH increases, you smell more and more like blood and thus are mUCh more frequently attacked by zombies/zombie dogs/infected anything. You're also easier to track if someone has their own dog, you essentially increase your detection radius to the point where... well... good luck hiding anywhere, if you go even a mile from a town zombies aggro on you, get your scent and hunt you.

Also, random wandering woodland zombies/dogs attack from ranges you're unaware of.

Who wants that? No one. If it means death after 4-5 unarmed player kills.... it will both reduce the number of players that attempt it and also be a really fun game mechanic.


Edited by Cinnabuns
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Maybe we need different fuel types like:

1)gas for some vehicles and gas burner(cannot be used to make molotov)


3)diesel fuel for big trucks and tractors(cannot be used to make molotov)

4)jet fuel can be obtained only near airstrips and/or military bases and maybe some military bunkers(that's why it's important to control airstrip)

Edited by Answord

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I wanted to comment, that you're assuming if this was a real scenario that humans would behave differently. The sad truth is that they won't, and we have thousands of years of written history that proves that point. Even in the "civilized" world we have people who ignore laws completely, so just think what would happen if there was no laws at all.

I too want to believe in the best of man kind, but I cannot ignore reality, there are bad people out there who do horrible evil things.

The reality is that you can not feel all picture of emotions,when your personage running thru the woods in the night when raining and very cold.Just imagine:his hands shaking while he trying to make fire and get some warm,and matches eventually brakes one by one,he loudly talks some bad words in the darkness,cursing all that rain and night,and then something is coming for dinner to the plaice where just was a single desperate shout.

Yes,it's a very good idea to make hand shaking and panic in extreme situations(emotional and environmental),like when you run several kilometers in the darkness and frozen to bones and then you hear zombies roar or bullet whistle near your head,or explosion of the grenade,which teared your friend to peaces in several meters behind you

I want hardcore!

Edited by Answord

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The reality is that you can not feel all picture of emotions,when your personage running thru the woods in the night when raining and very cold.Just imagine:his hands shaking while he trying to make fire and get some warm,and matches eventually brakes one by one,he loudly talks some bad words in the darkness,cursing all that rain and night,and then something is coming for dinner to the plaice where just was a single desperate shout.

Yes,it's a very good idea to make hand shaking and panic in extreme situations(emotional and environmental),like when you run several kilometers in the darkness and frozen to bones and then you hear zombies roar or bullet whistle near your head,or explosion of the grenade,which teared your friend to peaces in several meters behind you

I want hardcore!

If you're running in the cold darkness, you may be scared but you won't be cold... cause you're running creating body heat.

Hands shaking from cold is fine with me and I would enjoy that mechanic, however hands shaking from panic,or a panic game mechanic would not be realistic.

I'm sure it would for some people though. I've been in a couple horrible situations, three or four, and I absolutely detest people who panic. I want to punch them in the face. It does absolutely nothing to help the situation and instead of using their brain to help others get out of the situation they babble on and yell at others, get tense, make others tense and honestly need sedated.

All I'm saying is some people deal with situations better than others and if you're a person that does, having your hands shaking in game because of panic would feel very fake and dumb.

So like I said, its fine for a "you're cold (or hungry) and your hands are shaking, but if you want to have a panic game mechanic please make it a game option that can be disabled.

As far as body heat I think that's a great mechanic. You can jump in place over and over or run around, which burns more of your food resource timer, but you have food and you don't have matches or a heat pack so it would be another way to generate heat without those things. It allows the player to be creative using a real world mechanic. I like it.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread.

Edited by Cinnabuns

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If you're running in the cold darkness, you may be scared but you won't be cold... cause you're running creating body heat.

If you got some steel weapon in your hands(without gloves),or you just stand for a while under the rain to rest you will feel the cold very fast.

So like I said, its fine for a "you're cold (or hungry) and your hands are shaking, but if you want to have a panic game mechanic please make it a game option that can be disabled.

I'm talking about different factors which provides some chance of panic and some situations just multiples it.

And maybe if you survive a lot of bad situations your chance to panic will be greatly reduced (but still got some random moments).

And i want to see mechanics in DayZ like suppressed fire when you can't effectively aim and or/hands shaking when someone shoots near you.Maybe if you survive some fights you become more cold-blooded and then suppressed effect become greatly reduced.And there should be several drugs that make you a steel-balls terminator-commando for a time for the price of your health and some other funny effects.

And maybe some of characters need to be spawned with random skills,like iron will or engineer,or surgery,or fast aim/reaction to get better chance to fix a vehicle of a vehicle part,or to lay down and open fire faster to the enemy or block zombies melee atack,or to fix your deeply wounded comrade in the wasteland without hospital equipment.But all this skills and parameters of you character should be hidden.

I'm sure,that people in DayZ should be more attached to the life of their characters(not like now,when a dozen of batmans every day jumping from lighthouse just to spawn near Berezino or Cherno).And they should not be like killing-all-that-moves machines,just like now.We need more socialized world,or at least a chance to build it,i think.Or it will be just another death-match shooter,just with a big map and some survival elements.

Edited by Answord

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Even if DayZ is a Survival Game there is a plot (poor) behind. Care Packages, Barracks, Hangar and Military tents are supposed to HAVE MILITARY WEAPONS. I know that DayZ is a "survival game", but think about it: you go into a military area and loot all the buildings and you are supposed to find MILITARY weaponry, not the Makarov or the CZ 550, it's UNREALISTIC. Even if you have the ghillie and an as50, and your enemy a M24, it doesnt matter... Personal Skill, commonsense will help you a lot in a firefight or in avoiding hot area (Elektro Hill and Cherno Snipers).

I think that the game should be balanced yes, but should also require Skill to survive. Yes, people are getting dumber and dumber with videogames that always tells to you what to do, and dying by a sniper shot because you forgot to check the hills that sorround a city, is a great lesson

Edited by Arkard

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Even if DayZ is a Survival Game there is a plot (poor) behind. Care Packages, Barracks, Hangar and Military tents are supposed to HAVE MILITARY WEAPONS. I know that DayZ is a "survival game", but think about it: you go into a military area and loot all the buildings and you are supposed to find MILITARY weaponry, not the Makarov or the CZ 550, it's UNREALISTIC. Even if you have the ghillie and an as50, and your enemy a M24, it doesnt matter... Personal Skill, commonsense will help you a lot in a firefight or in avoiding hot area (Elektro Hill and Cherno Snipers).

I think that the game should be balanced yes, but should also require Skill to survive. Yes, people are getting dumber and dumber with videogames that always tells to you what to do, and dying by a sniper shot because you forgot to check the hills that sorround a city, is a great lesson

YOU are unrealistic (and I'm just making a pun off the words you used, not directly criticizing you so please don't take offense). You think there are just oodles of high tech weaponry lying around military bases? NV goggles, GPS, AS50s, Thermal Scope? Yeah... Frontline forces have those things shipped to them or their training facilities and they are under lock and key. Also, zombie apocalypse breaks out and there are 1000's of forces activated, those weapons are gone, moved to large cities for support. You'd be lucky to fine ONE laying around anywhere in/near a military base anywhere.

The military base I was stationed at had none of these things. Yes we had some NV goggles, M16A4's, M24's, M60's, Bazookas, LAW's, 50cal tripod mounted (un-carryable), but they were from the Vietnam era. Most bases are stocked with weapons that were viable 20-30 years ago. Why? Cause you have a bunch of new recruits using them, training on them, and tearing them up. High tech stuff isn't going to be at every base and more likely only a few, and to say that the military base in the Chernarus area is one of them is reaching a bit. Plus IMO these things only encourage COD type players to come in and camp on a hill and grief. Plus, they jam frequently because of their age and use (they do..no shit) and so it'd be neat to think, man I got this great gun but the rear site is broken and it jams every third shot so its freaking useless. This type of thing brings despair in to the game and in my opinion, it what survival is all about.

That instant when you see something from a distance and fantasize about it thinking is WAYY better than what you have, the grass is always greener, and you go through everything required to get it, and when you actually lay your hands on it, your heart falls and you think to yourself, "what was I thinking... this is the apocolypse, the world is in ruins, this gun is a piece of shit... where do I find ammo...what was I thinking...."

Another thing, Ammo. NO houses anywhere would have ammo for them. Remember, this is Chernarus, this isn't Texas :P. The only place that you could find ammo would be at the military base and (without duping ammo) it would be extrememly scarce. Zombie Apocolypse hits... All the good guns and Ammo are loaded on trucks/planes, etc. and flown to large cities (think skyscrapers) where they will be needed. Leaving something behind would reduce chances for success so they wouldn't.

This means military bases would be pretty devoid of pretty much any firearms save for the few souls that stayed behind (wandering military zombies) and their personal firearms they chose to keep/carry/etc.

Speaking of, having zombies carrying M16A4's, AK47, AK74s on shoulder slings or in their hands would be great! You have to kill the zombie to get it and killing the zombie brings in other zombies. Having a gun toting zombie who can't aim but remembers where the trigger is would be hilarious. You shoot at him and he fires a random round in a random direction and other zombies hear it and come running, good stuff.

Not just quietly walking through a hangar or barracks and picking it up off the ground.

I personally see nothing wrong with basic shotguns, rifles, pistols, melee. Much more challenge for us "skilled" players and more realistic and immersing. If there are excellent crowd destroying weapons they should be so rare as would their ammo, as to not be really of any use other than the... "Welp... that 20rounds is gone...time to find a new gun". It was fun while it lasted. ...OR, HEY! an M24 with a scope!... and 4 rounds of ammo... BETTER MAKE IT COUNT!

Edited by Cinnabuns

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Guy's, can you go and read Rockets original post again please. He wants simple suggestions for new items/weapons. Making long winded posts about spawn rates/areas is off topic and detracting from the thread. If you think he's going to pick through your walls of text for some nuggets of wisdom then you really do need to read the first post again.

Why not open a new thread and take the debate there?

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Guy's, can you go and read Rockets original post again please. He wants simple suggestions for new items/weapons. Making long winded posts about spawn rates/areas is off topic and detracting from the thread. If you think he's going to pick through your walls of text for some nuggets of wisdom then you really do need to read the first post again.

Why not open a new thread and take the debate there?

Yep, sorry! Got a bit off topic. The game inspires passion.

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Please god no thermal weapons.

Some of the old bolt action rifles of the same vintage as the lee enfield would be cool.

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I'm sure most are already mentioned. Just thought I would share my list

1) Game Voice/text commands (i.e."Friendly", "Look out!", "Hands up!" similar menu like CounterStrike)

2) While prone; ability to spin on to back and half sit ready to shoot behind you. (i.e. double "XX" key)

3) Have a more stealth approach which makes you creep a lot slower but doesn't make noise (maybe a low percentage you would make noise)

4) Trade window (instead of dropping items on the ground) that you can accept or decline so trade is approved

5) Holster/shoulder weapons (which are view-able)

6) Make 1st person view better (have field vision be 120 degrees; see more gun and hands)

7) Run/Walk and change weapons without stopping

8) Hand gestures similar to game/text commands (gestures to show friendly, or military hand gestures to communicate to your team silently)

9) The ability to wave a white flag (surrender gesture)

10) The ability to toss handcuffs to someone (allowing player to attach handcuffs to themselves)

11) Log out timer which will prevent Alt+4ers (also timer if shot on or you shoot 30sec)

12) Have the ability to sleep as a log-out option (requires a bed, sleeping bag, etc..) This will allow character to heal slowly over time while logged out. You could have to have a set placeholder for character so if it does get shot while away you would die

13) Leave recorded tapes, notes, graffiti, etc.

14) Caves and tunnels (could be set as instances which would could change each time you enter)

15) Have a selection of non-lethal weapons (i.e. taser, pepper spray, tear gas, chloroform, handcuffs metal, zipcuffs; also have bean bag slugs or SIM rounds)

16) Allow guns to be stored in backpacks, but for larger guns you have to disassemble them (so when you take out a sniper weapon you have an animation of you putting the gun back together)

17) Stack gear

18) Allow barricade material to fortify a place

19) Have Battering Ram items, Door Jam Spreaders, JAWS of life, Halligans *also used as weapon (Police/Rescue style tool) to enter buildings and barricades

20) Have Tactical inspection mirrors

21) Military/Police flashlight has cap for glass breaker (use flashlight as melee weapon too)

22) Bolt cutters for fences and locks

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Who suggested fying pans? For the love of god no, its not Tom and Jerry!

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I dont know if anyones suggested this yet as I havent read all 14 pages:

  • Please get rid of SD ammo!!
  • Make a silencer a rare and seperate peice of kit
  • More melee

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A multi-tool soo you can open any locked doors or anything locked (locked doors hold rare things) that was only a sugestion :)

Edited by petris90
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Please god no thermal weapons.

Some of the old bolt action rifles of the same vintage as the lee enfield would be cool.

I concur this post.

Keep out all high-tech weapons such as thermals and rather encourage using and getting better with traditional weapons.

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There should be an extra slot for small melee weapon. Like a secondary slot but only for small melee weapons. It might hold

Hunting Knife (assuming it can be used as a weapon)

small hatchet


or maybe it can hold attachments for weapons like


extended mag

acog sight

red dot sight


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I'm not that big on guns, I've shot a couple of pistols, an assault rifle (ak rip off), a light machine gun. That was the army. After that all the shooting I've done is with bows. So I'm here to suggest bows. I think there could be 4 kinds of bows in Dayz:

Primitive bow

  • Can be crafted
  • Arrows can be crafted
  • Fast shooting
  • Instinctive aiming
  • 20-30 m accurate

Olympic bow

  • Can't be crafted
  • Arrows can be crafted
  • Moderately fast to shoot
  • Sight aiming
  • 50-60 m accurate

Compound bow

  • Can't be crafted
  • Arrows can't be crafted
  • Slow to shoot
  • Sight and peep aiming
  • 60-70 m accurate


  • Can't be crafted
  • Arrows can't be crafted
  • Slowest to shoot (takes up to 1 minute to load)
  • Scope mount
  • 70- 100 m accurate

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How about a halo suit?

But yeah make arrows easier to carry with you like you should be able to put 100 arrows in 1 item slot or have a quiver slot or something.

I'm a big fan of crossbows so personally i would like to see like +- 3 different crossbows / arrows ( like steel tip normal wooden and maybe explosive (this really hard to get)) .

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How about a halo suit?

But yeah make arrows easier to carry with you like you should be able to put 100 arrows in 1 item slot or have a quiver slot or something.

I'm a big fan of crossbows so personally i would like to see like +- 3 different crossbows / arrows ( like steel tip normal wooden and maybe explosive (this really hard to get)) .

That tip option thingy would actually solve the blunt weapon need also, since there can be blunt arrow tips. Every category I mentioned could easily have +- 3 different bows, especially there are many primitive bowtypes. Compound bows on the other hand have a lot of different sight options, while on to a

and such you can mount basically any rifle scope. Edited by Invisible

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