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Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

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Chainsaws, and like pickaxes from a quarry, or a nightstick off a police zombie, and be able to carry two side arms if you have two holsters, or a gun with a strap on your back and one in your hand...

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As far as crossbows are concerned, I'm not too fussed as long as I can actually aim the damn thing.

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I'm pretty sure everyone wants to see a Nagant in DayZ. :thumbsup:


This is the most unwieldy, front heavy, inaccurate, dirt fouling gun ever made. Yes I own one. Its the last gun on my bug-out list, actually its not even on my list. Its a horrible gun. Just sayin'

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This is the most unwieldy, front heavy, inaccurate, dirt fouling gun ever made. Yes I own one. Its the last gun on my bug-out list, actually its not even on my list. Its a horrible gun. Just sayin'



I think someone would disagree?

Edited by Zeppa
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This is the most unwieldy, front heavy, inaccurate, dirt fouling gun ever made. Yes I own one. Its the last gun on my bug-out list, actually its not even on my list. Its a horrible gun. Just sayin'

maybe you got bad exemplar in bad condition,or maybe you just use low-quality ammunition?

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This is the most unwieldy, front heavy, inaccurate, dirt fouling gun ever made. Yes I own one. Its the last gun on my bug-out list, actually its not even on my list. Its a horrible gun. Just sayin'

You just went full retard. I own two type-53's, an m38 and a 91/30. The 53's are the chinese m44's produced on russian machinery from '53 - '56 before the Chinese demanded SKS manufacturing equipment.

They are the most used and abused of any mosin variant still considered "serviceable". My two were used in Vietnam extensively and it showed before I refinished them and re-blued the metal.

The bad rap they get now is because idiots with no smithing ability what-so-ever picking them up and expecting some kind of godly accuracy off the bat with no work. Most of them have absolutely no crown left on the barrel with marred rifling or no rifling for the first couple mm from victor and charlie ramming their steel barbed cleaning rod down the barrel without the guide. You simply have to re-crown the barrel to see a considerable decrease in group size.

Dirt fouling? It's one of the most reliable platforms on the planet. Maybe your dumb-ass ran corrosive surplus through it and decided never to clean it.

Front heavy? I'm almost sure you don't own one now as that isn't the case with any 91/30 I've held. m44's and T-53's yes, because of the added weight of the bayonet swivel vs the shortened barrel length.

http://imageshack.us/a/img401/8700/imag0017iz.jpg - original stock compared to a steamed, sanded and stained one

http://imageshack.us/a/img850/3392/imag0019vw.jpg - both stocks finished one stained and sealed, one just sealed

http://imageshack.us/a/img16/6427/imag0059gd.jpg - left was re-blued, right still has the original finish

Anyway, moral is, if my rifles managed to survive the humid jungles of vietnam in the hands of peasant farmers, I'm sure it will withstand just about anything.

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There are 40+ weapons in DayZ not counting the hatchet and the crowbar and many of them are pointless. How many different versions of ak74 and m4a1/m16 do you really need in a game?

We will only need the base of an AK when we are able to attach attachments.

But some may spawn with attachments already on, I think that'd be great.

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Speaking of machine guns...

*in sports chant style*




This guy agrees:


You can already use the PKM on DayZ Namalsk, as well as a lot of the weapons being asked for here. Its awesome at taking down hoards of zombies and bloodsuckers :thumbsup:

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There are 40+ weapons in DayZ not counting the hatchet and the crowbar and many of them are pointless. How many different versions of ak74 and m4a1/m16 do you really need in a game?

As many as I can get because it would seem unlike you I like variety in my game, as far I'm concerned the Devs can add as many weapons as they like as long as the high end weapons have a low spawn rate and need to be searched for, it would give players something to do search for weapons that is. Plus in the real world there are 1000s of different types of weapons and Rocket has always said that DayZ is more of a simulation and less of a game.

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on the topic of equipment, clothing.

what if i found a bandana? could i use it like a has or over my neck or cover may face like a bandit?

can you stack clothing? say on namalsk it gets COLD, so no warm clothing? find a bunch of jackets T-shirts, and jeans, then bundle up.

I think this would be an intresting concept. Also there should be dyes for clothing to make uniforms for your clan.

One last thing: I'm a hero, right? In SA I want to be a hero. There should be a type of vest, shirt, had, pants, gloves and shoes that replicates the original hero skin.

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Fireworks :)

Firecrackers would be awesome for distractions.

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Probaly already suggested, but the Lee Enfield needs to be replaced with the Mosin Nagant, seen as chernarus is based on russia or somthing like that.

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Probaly already suggested, but the Lee Enfield needs to be replaced with the Mosin Nagant, seen as chernarus is based on russia or somthing like that.

I say!! Leave my Lee Enfield alone! What has she ever done to you other than remain trully beautiful? I fell in love with this weapon the first time I held her in my arms, and can still remember the scent of her gun oil. I was 14 and remember it leaving a weird brown stain on my shirt... I forgave her.

The Lee enfield .303 is a genuine work or art, and remains a workhorse of rural communities world wide. Plus, she will nail a fly on a penny at 400 yards on a bad day without a scope.

How can something so sexy be so deadly? One of the creator's untold mysteries, I say!

I know of Mosin Nagant, and yes, he does deserve a place amongst fine weaponry, but there will never be a substitute for the 'Point three o' three Lee!'

Edited by codestargod
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Humvee's that spawn with military loot, redbull can, A car radio but not the best quallity and it breaks up in certain areas maybe. Sling shot, An overpowered baseball bat. And maybe make .50 cals alot more rare because in a way they ruin the DayZ expereince. Also maybe 'replace' the Humvee with a Gaz "Vodnik" seen as it's a russian area :D

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pen/pencil and paper/notebook (to write instructions on a notebook or pinning a paper somewhere with instructions or locations to other survivors).

This would be Awesome. But to many trolls...

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I would love melee system worked well, be free to use simple things like a stick and stones, hitting and throwing objects, I feel powerful when using my hands to create chaos in the apocalypse lol

Feel the power:

the perfect scene of the best movie

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My thing is i don't like the whole point of view.. It's sorta a 'where am I??' When I first start out, you could add something to describe just HOW you got to this hell on earth situation. Otherwise greatest zombie game ever.. FYI my brothers birthday is July 24 and I'm really hoping i could get him the best game ever... Dayz

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My thing is i don't like the whole point of view.. It's sorta a 'where am I??' When I first start out, you could add something to describe just HOW you got to this hell on earth situation. Otherwise greatest zombie game ever.. FYI my brothers birthday is July 24 and I'm really hoping i could get him the best game ever... Dayz

Why don't make your own story ?

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Some weapons/gear I would want are things to communicate to another player from across the map so we need to find something for that at radio stations...

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..You started a discussion on..reddit? Ok, but I thought these were the official forums?

Get finished, btw. DayZ is loosing interest with people.

Edited by Skadefroen

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Get finished, btw. DayZ is loosing interest with people.

Nobody even Rocket doesn't care if DayZ is losing interest.

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