Fenrod 60 Posted January 27, 2013 I would like to be able to use your fists as melee weapons. It should be very weak but at least do something instead of having to look around for a hatchet. It should take like 10 hits to do minor damage.I also think it would be cool to make bomb traps, as rocket said there would be some kind of crafting system in the SA, you put a empty bean can, a grenade and some rope together to make a tripwire mine. Seriously though, this has to be implemented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoki671 29 Posted January 27, 2013 I would like to see traps such as,Traps:Tripwire Mine (Made from Grenade, Wire, Wood)IED type explosives (Made from Fertilizer, Car Batteries, Black powder, Etc.)Swinging Log Trap (You know like in the movies) (Made from a lot of Rope and Wood maybe able to add spikes using Scrap Metal)Non lethal traps:Trip Wire to Flood Light (Made From Trip Wire and a Flood light) Used to scare people from your camp and or alert you to their presenceNet Trap (Made from Rope, Wood, Netting) Used to capture a player who steps on a pressure plate made from Wood, Leaving it up to the owner of the trap or the first to come along to decide their fate, if no one comes along they will need to die of starvation, dehydration, or if the captured person owns a Hunting Knife can cut his/her self free.Just some random thoughts i had on traps i would make in a post apocalyptic world thanks for taking the time to read this.I would love using Tripwire Mine for hunting. Place the trap in Zelenogorsk and pick up your loot somewhere at Berezino. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted January 28, 2013 Personally, I like variety between weapons. There is already a pretty broad range of weapons in DayZ(for the game it is), but I think more are needed. The vast majority of weapons should be from Eastern Europe, to match the setting. You could limit the majority of Western weapons to heli crashes and the barracks, and I'd find that plenty fair. For example, the Army of the Czech Republic pack had some weapons that would be decent replacements for some of the higher tier loot. And I'm still waiting for someone to port Bysterica to DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted January 28, 2013 steyr aug, i bet they are popular in the czech rep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slipjuniero 1 Posted January 28, 2013 (edited) Well weapons our beloved czech army uses are [those i know of] M249 SAW , RPGs and guns from Česká zbrojovka : 805 BREN , Universal machinegun vz.59 , 9mm handgun vz. 82 , skorpion... Never seen M4 here ... maybe some AKs but thats just what i saw :] heh i would love to see some czech arsenal in dayz Edited January 28, 2013 by Slipjuniero Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted January 28, 2013 The game needs a lot more sidearms if melee weapons are going to be more prevalent and more likely to clog up the primary weapon slot. Just some more peashooters and revolver types would be enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted February 1, 2013 (edited) Considering Weapons, what I'd like to see is realism.Like most people already said, those weapons that are found most often in reality, have to be found most often in the game too.I'd like to see very distant military bases with NPCs on guard (Like DayZ Origins Mod), where you can get the most hightech guns and ammo if you manage to get into their stash. But if you have those, you will always have to worry about getting ammo for it again when you shoot.I could imagine, that the outer tower guards could have a DMR with 2-3 mags, while a sniper on a central tower could have a As50 or m107. It should be a level of difficulty, where defeating a 6-guards patrol around the outer perimiters and scoring a few fullauto AK, maybe an AKM or even 3rd gen NVG and GPS, should be considered a huge success for a well trained team. Actually getting into their central stash being almost impossible if you don't operate as several coordinated teams in perfection.The Effort you'd have to put into getting those guns, and the limited amount of ammo avaliable, combined with the limited inventoryspace, would make it a very difficult decision wether to stick with your semi-auto ak-74 or scoped hunting rifle, or going after a gun that gives you full-auto you hardly ever use or a sniper that you hardly ever find any ammo for, risking all the gear you have on you, maybe on your whole team.When I play DayZ today, and I spawn fresh, I try to get a hatchet close to the coastline, run up to the center-west area where the supermarkets are in smaller towns to get backpack, basic rifle, handgun and other gear and continue to stary or NWA to get my higher military gear. Everything going according to plan I'm at a good military gear in less than an hour. That's something that has to change. Military gear has to be something rare. If you see someone having a uniform (found in military complex) or military guns, you should be able to tell by that, that he survived the most dangerous threats the game has to offer and came back alive and you better don't mess with him.Tools:I'd like to see more alternatives in tools. 40pcs matches/20px waterproof matches/Zippo, refillable/ maybe throwaway lighter with random lifetime when found; but definetly the firesplint (requires knife to make fire)Binoculars should have a chance of glass breaking when you fall or get shot. Also you should have to look through them to see if they are working or not, like in reality.NVGs should come in Gen1 to Gen3. Gen1 beeing very noisy and blury, but can be found in outdoor and sport stores; Gen2, little bit blurier than current nvg, that might be found in a military or gun store and Gen3 (the best) that are only extremely rare and only found in military bases.Hatchets should come as Woodcutters Axe, Fireman Axe, Combat Axe; Machete(I too hate that hatchet in the woodblock: it's not freaking excalibur. I want to take it out!!!)All having the ability to cut wood, but with different weight, damage per hit and other properties. f.e. the woodcutters axe and combat axe should be able to put in a "axe-bag" you put on your belt. The Firemans Axe should do the most damage (fewest hits needed to destroy something, cut something) but be the heaviest and should be considered a primary weapon. smaller axes should be considered a secondary weapon.(And of Course, if you cut wood it should make a sound!!!)GearRocket mentioned, that certain items might give you additional inventory-space. (like pants with pockets)I would like to see the option of adding additional bags in general. f.e. a bag for hatchet, handgun, knife, mag, grenade, ... on your belt.different spots on the body where you can attach items. (knife in boots f.e.) If you dont't have an extra bag for it, you have to carry it in your regular inventory. Some bags might take up only a specific item, others every item. Some should be considered Inventory (knife in boot or on shoulderstrap; pistol in holster), others a backpack (additional bags, ammoboxes, medical kit, etc.)As you are able to put your gun over your shoulder, you should be able to choose between using two main weapons, a main weapon and an extra bag or one big bag, but no mainweapon. Medics could carry a medics-bag that allows more medicine to be stored than other bags.Teams could specialize. Intentions could be read from that. (ghilliesuit, no backpack, probably not going to come for medical aid; Player with medical bag and Silenced M9 probably will, if it's not a trick)In General I'd like the choice of equipement to be reflected in the characters appearance in the world. If you decide to go PK with a medics-costume, you should have all the disadvantages of a medic. You want to be fast and silent? take off all the heavy gear. You want to be supersoldier? wear a bulletproof vest and use up all your inventory for Weapons and ammo. It should really be a strategical decision wether to take that extra bag or other item or leave it. If you have a left and a right holster for your handgun, you should be able to carry two secondary weapons. Otherwise adding two bags to the side of your body would increase the items you can carry, doesn't provide a place to put your handgun. (beeing able to put it in your pants, gangsterstyle, having a risk of dropping out when running, is probably too much)It would be awesome tough, if you could pack one backpack into another backpack (maybe using up 30% of the inventory space the backpack itself provides, simulating it beeing empty and folded)Backpacks should also come in all colors and be upgraded with camo-net or rain-coat in different colors to make it less visible and providing some basic camo when you put a backpack somewhere as the most basic form of a stash. (just putting stuff somewhere on the ground, not having it disappear would be the really nice to have too. Also: please make garbage-bin accessible and flush them on server-restart. Just because the Zombie-Apocalypse struck, doesn't mean the environment suddenly doesn't need our attention anymore :-DModern military backpacks usually offer the option to combine several bags. Maybe having a big backpack that can hold 2 smaller collectors bags could be implemented. You could leave your 24 slot backpack below a tree, hidden. take off the small 8-slot pouch and attach it to your vest and go looting a village. If you're shot, you know that your main gear is hidden somewhere and you can get it back later, having only lost time and what you had on your body. Some backpacks could add a "drop backpack" item into the menu, that allows quickly dispatching your backpack to be faster and harder to see.Of course, the Amount of Items you can carry should be determined by their size, but the overall weight should affect your movementspeed and rate of exhaustion.Restraints:I personally love the idea of restraints!there should be handcuffs and plastic cuffs; handcuffs are hard to open by force but reusable when opened with a key. plastic cuffs are onetime usable only and can only be opened with a knife (or something similar sharp). There could also be prison-transporters having those hand+feet cuffs, for the psychopath with special needs.Just one thing, why is everyone talking about handcuffing "one person"?I think it would be hilarious if you could cuff a person to a radiator, tree, fence, carbumper,.... But even more hilarious if you could handcuff to people together, rendering them incapable of moving away from each other for more than .5m, basically having to try to coordinate their movements via direct-channel, to ensure they don't trip over and break an arm or leg or something.In general, restraining people would give rise to the possibility of taking hostages.I just think that it is necessary, that a person with cuffs on can still run around, but also be carried around like a knocked out player.Giving the hostage the ability to resist being pulled around, requiring a second player to aid in "showing the hostage the right way" or just knock him out and drag him like an actual knocked out player.In Short: the feature allows so much metagaming with so little functionality required, it is a must-have!NPCs:Like mentioned previously, I really think NPCs are the step that have to be tackled after character, base build and vehicle are done.Being able to hire a NPC, giving him gear and letting him patrol around the camp, man a watchtower, etc. to protect your camp; Having Merchant NPCs and Black-market Traders; having Military bases protected by soldiers; possibly transports through the map.I just really do hope, that the SA-Changes to the Engine, don't prevent the possibility of ever introducing NPCs, as all their code has been removed for performance...Having Said that, comes the realization that I really need to work on writing shorter replies...Also, When dogs are implemented, can I please have a pet-monkey? pretty-please?!?If not, I'd also be happy to put a zombie on a leash, making him carry my backpack. either that, or the petmonkey, both awesome!gratitude to those who read through it, apologies to those who regret that.Edit: another one last thing: I want to be able to commit suicide. When there's a sniper outside, I'm bleeding and low on ammo, I want to be able to take my own damn life, so he can't! A neat primary or secondary to the head animation would be nice, but if "player died (suicide)" was displayed, I'd be happy too. (If there ever is a katana implemented, a custom animation is obvious tough!) Edited February 1, 2013 by liquidmind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deetaili 49 Posted February 1, 2013 If there will be swamps, there shall be hovercrafts!...hovercrafts full of eels! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted February 1, 2013 If there will be swamps, there shall be hovercrafts!I don't get the logic of that.. I'd say if there will be swamps, there shall be banjos! It's also clear that making your own alcohol that has a chance of causing blindness is going to be there.. no way around that.. swamps and alcohol induced blindness go hand in hand, everyone knows that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deetaili 49 Posted February 1, 2013 (edited) I don't get the logic of that.. I'd say if there will be swamps, there shall be banjos!Banjos make perfectly sense too!To be precise, I meant airboats, not actual hovercrafts: Edited February 1, 2013 by deetaili Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted February 2, 2013 Banjos make perfectly sense too!To be precise, I meant airboats, not actual hovercrafts:Oh, those do make sense. lol. would require a huge swamp tough. those things are loud.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted February 4, 2013 How about you add the different guns from the ACR DLC pack for Arma 2? I wouldn't mind having a UK59 to mow down the occasional wild boar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skurkanas 27 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) I see lots of love for new weapons etc., but we are so far neglecting one of the prime elements of every zombie survival:Fortifications!Give us the ability to build makeshift bases to keep out the zombies, gather loot, tend to our wounds, contact & wait for friendly survivors, trade etc. etc.I'm not talking huge Wasteland style compounds (which however proves that basebuilding can be easily implemented), but there should be a way to fortify existing buildings.Here are a few easy ways to implement it with what we have now, plus optional improvements for the future- Make interior objects moveable. (Bookshelves, tables, random pieces of wood, you name it)- Give us a way to lock them in place- The easiest to implement but would already offer a lot of basebuilding possibilities depending on the variety of objects used (for instance tables could be shot over, while a bookshelve would block a whole door, or you could combine the two)-> Optional: Add fancy physics so they topple over or can be piled on each other, require a certain force to be pushed etc- Add basic building materials and tools (wooden planks, scrap metal, nails...)- They could be used to craft predefined types of Items (e.g. "Wooden window block", requires 3 planks of wood, a hammer and 1pile of nails")- Those would always look the same and be placed over an adjacent unblocked window or door. They would have fixed properties of Devs choice, ranging from simply blocking view to fending off attacks-> Optional: Give different items different properties (e.g. "can be broken by melee weapons & zombies yes/no", "can be penetrated by bullets yes/no" depending on the material)- Locks- Give us the ability to lock doors the usual way. And to pick those locks (that's an idea I've seen here already)- Following on that, there could be safes with valuable loot in themThose are from the top of my head, I'm sure there are more.It would add a wealth of depth to the game experience Edited February 5, 2013 by Skurkanas 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assassin8813 5 Posted February 13, 2013 I didn't actually spend the time reading every single post, so I don't know if this has already been brought up or not, but I think that the focus of weapons should shift away from all the Military gun-ho, suppressors, Ak-47's, and the like.If you wanted to create a real zombie survival game, you should have the weapons be almost entirely restricted to civilian only. The reason for this is how often do you actually come across a military grade weapon in real life? I know for a fact that I've only ever seen a handful and used one once (it was an M16A4).Let's take a look at how often we find civilian weapons. For example, in my house (being that I live in Northern Wisconsin), we have around four 12 gauge shotguns of varying size, model, and ammo capacity, and at least six hunting rifles, ranging from a lowly .22 all the way to a 300 Weatherby (kick-ass power, BTW), each of them different models, clip sizes, clip types (i.e. my 30-06 is a top-load rifle, meaning that bullets go in one at a time, not in fours), and with different scopes attached to each of them.Along with this, we have a .44 Revolver, a .45 Semi-Automatic Pistol, a .22 Pistol, and another semi-automatic pistol (somewhere between .22 and .44).This is what we have in MY home. Keep in mind, I live in Northern Wisconsin, where it's illegal to not own at least five firearms (not really, but it seems that way). Now take for example somebody living in a densely populated area such as New York or LA, where owning a firearm is nearly impossible without having to go through a whole bunch of legal documentation. Therefore, even finding a firearm of any sort in cities with higher populations is probably harder than those with low populations in rural areas.Now I'll look into the Military aspect of weapons. In my town, we have a National Guard Reserve of around 20 people or so (my town only has 8,000 inhabitants), which means that they're probably not stocked with high-grade military weapons. The nearest National Guard post after that is over 60 miles away in a town with around 20,000 inhabitants. The nearest full-fledged military base is Fort McCoy, which is 247 miles away from where I live! That's a four hour drive on the highway!With this being said, I think that finding military-grade weapons should be EXTREMELY rare (of course, depending on where you are), and dependent on the time-frame of the DayZ Standalon. If the game takes place so much as a week after the initial outbreak, military-grade weapons become THAT MUCH HARDER TO FIND!!!I mean, think about it. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, the first thing that's going to go through 9/10th's of the population is that "Oh no, I need to get some high-powered weapons to survive!" or "I need to get with the military, they'll protect me!". Therefore, military bases all across the country are going to be swarmed by civilians seeking shelter, refuge, weapons, etc... The military in response is probably going to lock everything down, allowing nobody to enter, and focus on their own agenda, whether that be escorting civilians to 'safe zones' or looking out for number one. In this scenario, military-grade weapons are in the hands of one group only...the military.Now I have a lot of faith in the U.S. Military, along with those of all the other great nations in this world. With this, I'm fairly certain that the military isn't going to get absolutely ANNIHILATED by the zombies, that's completely unreasonable. However, they are going to have outposts set up across the nation with extremely limited access, and they're going to be protecting their shit. Still, all the military-grade weapons are in the hands of the military.However, I know that not ALL of the military would survive, which means that there would be SOME of those weapons floating around, but obviously, finding the weapon would be very hard, and finding the right type of ammo would be even harder.I do understand that the Police Stations would probably have similar weapons, but this is also dependent on the size of the town, and they're probably going to be in the hands of the police, not the civilians.I'm not saying that you should completely remove military-weapons from the game, I'm just saying that they shouldn't be made so common like they are now. Honestly, with the way DayZ is now, if you don't have a military-grade weapon, you're still considered a Coastal Cutie.I hope that this makes sense, and I hope that you look to this for some of what you're going to implement in your game!Regards,Assassin8813 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerbo Knight 48 Posted February 13, 2013 I didn't actually spend the time reading every single post, so I don't know if this has already been brought up or not, but I think that the focus of weapons should shift away from all the Military gun-ho, suppressors, Ak-47's, and the like.If you wanted to create a real zombie survival game, you should have the weapons be almost entirely restricted to civilian only. The reason for this is how often do you actually come across a military grade weapon in real life? I know for a fact that I've only ever seen a handful and used one once (it was an M16A4).Let's take a look at how often we find civilian weapons. For example, in my house (being that I live in Northern Wisconsin), we have around four 12 gauge shotguns of varying size, model, and ammo capacity, and at least six hunting rifles, ranging from a lowly .22 all the way to a 300 Weatherby (kick-ass power, BTW), each of them different models, clip sizes, clip types (i.e. my 30-06 is a top-load rifle, meaning that bullets go in one at a time, not in fours), and with different scopes attached to each of them.Along with this, we have a .44 Revolver, a .45 Semi-Automatic Pistol, a .22 Pistol, and another semi-automatic pistol (somewhere between .22 and .44).This is what we have in MY home. Keep in mind, I live in Northern Wisconsin, where it's illegal to not own at least five firearms (not really, but it seems that way). Now take for example somebody living in a densely populated area such as New York or LA, where owning a firearm is nearly impossible without having to go through a whole bunch of legal documentation. Therefore, even finding a firearm of any sort in cities with higher populations is probably harder than those with low populations in rural areas.Now I'll look into the Military aspect of weapons. In my town, we have a National Guard Reserve of around 20 people or so (my town only has 8,000 inhabitants), which means that they're probably not stocked with high-grade military weapons. The nearest National Guard post after that is over 60 miles away in a town with around 20,000 inhabitants. The nearest full-fledged military base is Fort McCoy, which is 247 miles away from where I live! That's a four hour drive on the highway!With this being said, I think that finding military-grade weapons should be EXTREMELY rare (of course, depending on where you are), and dependent on the time-frame of the DayZ Standalon. If the game takes place so much as a week after the initial outbreak, military-grade weapons become THAT MUCH HARDER TO FIND!!!I mean, think about it. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, the first thing that's going to go through 9/10th's of the population is that "Oh no, I need to get some high-powered weapons to survive!" or "I need to get with the military, they'll protect me!". Therefore, military bases all across the country are going to be swarmed by civilians seeking shelter, refuge, weapons, etc... The military in response is probably going to lock everything down, allowing nobody to enter, and focus on their own agenda, whether that be escorting civilians to 'safe zones' or looking out for number one. In this scenario, military-grade weapons are in the hands of one group only...the military.Now I have a lot of faith in the U.S. Military, along with those of all the other great nations in this world. With this, I'm fairly certain that the military isn't going to get absolutely ANNIHILATED by the zombies, that's completely unreasonable. However, they are going to have outposts set up across the nation with extremely limited access, and they're going to be protecting their shit. Still, all the military-grade weapons are in the hands of the military.However, I know that not ALL of the military would survive, which means that there would be SOME of those weapons floating around, but obviously, finding the weapon would be very hard, and finding the right type of ammo would be even harder.I do understand that the Police Stations would probably have similar weapons, but this is also dependent on the size of the town, and they're probably going to be in the hands of the police, not the civilians.I'm not saying that you should completely remove military-weapons from the game, I'm just saying that they shouldn't be made so common like they are now. Honestly, with the way DayZ is now, if you don't have a military-grade weapon, you're still considered a Coastal Cutie.I hope that this makes sense, and I hope that you look to this for some of what you're going to implement in your game!Regards,Assassin8813DayZ is not set in the US. What weapons you may or may not find in the US are irrelevant to the fictional state of Chernarus.Just keep that in mind. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted February 13, 2013 DayZ is not set in the US. What weapons you may or may not find in the US are irrelevant to the fictional state of Chernarus.Just keep that in mind.Considering that Rocket already announced a western style map, it might be relevant one day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerbo Knight 48 Posted February 13, 2013 Considering that Rocket already announced a western style map, it might be relevant one day.Might. But I guarantee that if military grade loot is taken out/cut down significantly, it will be the least popular map.I'd bet that 70% of players never touch this forum now that DayZcommander fetches updates for them. The majority of people who do go on this forum, are the people who complain about the amount of military loot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shabadu_ 66 Posted February 13, 2013 The UK is in the "West" and we don't have guns floating around in the same way as they do in the US. In fact if I were surviving a zombie apocalypse and I wanted a gun the only places I can think of looking is the local Territorial Army and Police Stations... so aside from out in the country where farmers tend to have shotguns and such knocking around, in the city you'd have to break into heavily locked down sites to get at the weapons and there'd end up being a good mix of "civilian" and "military" weapons.Unless you're a crim and you know where to get this stuff ^_^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted February 13, 2013 The UK is in the "West" and we don't have guns floating around in the same way as they do in the US. In fact if I were surviving a zombie apocalypse and I wanted a gun the only places I can think of looking is the local Territorial Army and Police Stations... so aside from out in the country where farmers tend to have shotguns and such knocking around, in the city you'd have to break into heavily locked down sites to get at the weapons and there'd end up being a good mix of "civilian" and "military" weapons.Unless you're a crim and you know where to get this stuff ^_^Problem is that no one wants to play a zombie game where we all run around with sticks until we bump into a guy who found an overturned humvee and is strapped like the terminator. If weapons are rare, the people who DO find them will win almost constantly. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hexares 9 Posted February 13, 2013 DayZ is not set in the US. What weapons you may or may not find in the US are irrelevant to the fictional state of Chernarus.Just keep that in mind.Exactly.Plus, people complaining about the overflow of military grade weapons in DayZ Chernarus should really play ARMA2 Harvest Red campaign. This fictional country (Chernarus) has seen war with a pro-russia and a pro-america side involved, then russians and americans themselves.Just like in the Balkans, the country is overflooded with guns!And on the question of realism, let me tell you a story to give some insights about the "why" and the "how".I currently work with some strangers, and most notably with a macedonian political refugee who had to flee his own country after the civil wars of the 90's. Even if he was a kid back then, he lived in a village where guns were completely common.AKM's, PKM's, RPK's, RPD's, RPG's, SVD's, 82mm mortars were EVERYWHERE. And he learned to use some of these.He wasn't a freedom fighter, or a terrorist, nor any of his fellow village inhabitants were. But as they had to get out eventually after they took some bad hits from their local military, during the ethnic purges that ensued the war, they had managed to get some military equipment to face a possible attack, nothing more.Chernarus, even if fictionnal, is WAY more close to this kind of state than any other western/northern American state.If maps set in England, Germany, France, Italia, Spain, Switzerland, are created, then maybe they'll all have different guns and weapons, with different drop rates.Again, there's a difference between realism and contextual realism.DayZ Chernarus is contextually realist. There's nothing strange or unrealistic by having lots of different guns here, as this map will be the mother of all those which will come with DayZ standalone. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted February 13, 2013 snipBeans for a nice, thought-out, post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assassin8813 5 Posted February 13, 2013 (edited) DayZ is not set in the US. What weapons you may or may not find in the US are irrelevant to the fictional state of Chernarus.Just keep that in mind.I did say that it should be dependent on where you are , but I still think that finding military weapons shouldn't be as easy as taking a hike to the nearest airfield with some empty slots in your backpack, and you come out loaded.But to quote Hexares, I do understand that a post-war state would have a significant amount of weapons floating around. Edited February 13, 2013 by Assassin8813 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterwit 118 Posted February 13, 2013 I did say that it should be dependent on where you are , but I still think that finding military weapons shouldn't be as easy as taking a hike to the nearest airfield with some empty slots in your backpack, and you come out loaded.But to quote Hexares, I do understand that a post-war state would have a significant amount of weapons floating around.Well, that just offsets the fact that not a single dead soldier has a gun on them. Guns would be all over the place if that were the case. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 40 Posted February 13, 2013 Recurve bow and a workable system for fishing, if it's request time! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lupatchi 143 Posted February 13, 2013 Tin cans. with attatchments of course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites