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The one and only: Hackers rustled my jimmies thread.

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Hacking has reached pandemic proportions.

Soon you will see why this is a very' date=' very good thing.


Behold the major banhammer that lurks the horizon.

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Me and my friend just had our first run-in with a hacker about 2 hours ago on UK4. The entire server got thrown into the air and killed. Didnt catch the name unfortunately.

I was killed by that too' date=' then headed back to my body and was shortly after killed by a guy driving a tank...

The fuck is going on lol


Me and Lazermatt play on your server if you play by Nimble!

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Me and Lazermatt play on your server if you play by Nimble!

Yeah I do, that wasn't you two at a barn getting shot at just before the server went down was it? :P

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Me and Lazermatt play on your server if you play by Nimble!

Yeah I do' date=' that wasn't you two at a barn getting shot at just before the server went down was it? :P


Luckily that wasn't us haha. Watch out for Sir Busselboff and The Majestic Minge!

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AC-130's, Nukes and god knows what else is plauging day z. It's frustrating to experience this when the whole server loses hours of game play to cheaters.

Honestly 3+ deaths to hackers in the last 2 weeks losing day old characters hiders my motivation to re-grind.

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Lost 2 characters in 1 night to hackers. 2 different servers, over the course of around an hour.

1 6-day character, 1 freshly spawned character.

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Sorry to hear =\

Same to you. :/

Luckily, although it's quite annoying, it hasn't stopped me from playing. Yet...

It would take a lot for that though. haha

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Hacking has reached pandemic proportions.

Soon you will see why this is a very' date=' very good thing.


Please turn them into empty tin cans which we can throw at stuff. That would be lovely.

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Yeah, my buds and I found a UAZ, loaded it down with gear, and a hacker mowed us down. I know the hacks he used to do it, too, because I've seen the video on YouTube - spawned a silenced M4A3 CCO silenced, as best I could tell, upended a clip of unlimited ammo into me at our campfire, and then speed hacked/teleport hacked about two klicks south and killed my guys driving the UAZ at top speed through a forest in the dead of night with their lights off. It would have been literally impossible to kill them if he had been right in front of them, without even factoring in that the fucker killed me just moments before.

It's getting old. I play the game because it's a challenge - hacks would erase that challenge. Why would it be any fun? Sadly, this is a BattleEye/ArmA II issue - even vanilla ArmA II was plagued with hackers for years - so I doubt Rocket can do much about it himself. It's up to the individual server owners to start banning IPs if they catch hackers in the act, but, let's face it: with a 225 square kilometer map and 220,000 people playing DayZ, it ain't gonna happen.

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They're working on it. Like its been said over and over, its hard to stop because of the way ARMA 2 works; its all client side, making hacks much easier then in a normal game. Hopefully Rocket and the crew will find some way of blocking the hacks more effectively or that Arma 3 wont be so easy to hack (which honestly doesnt help us in the meantime but at least its something to look forword to if it happens).

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Yeah' date=' my buds and I found a UAZ, loaded it down with gear, and a hacker mowed us down. I know the hacks he used to do it, too, because I've seen the video on YouTube - spawned a silenced M4A3 CCO silenced, as best I could tell, upended a clip of unlimited ammo into me at our campfire, and then speed hacked/teleport hacked about two klicks south and killed my guys driving the UAZ at top speed through a forest in the dead of night with their lights off. It would have been literally impossible to kill them if he had been right in front of them, without even factoring in that the fucker killed me just moments before.

It's getting old. I play the game because it's a challenge - hacks would erase that challenge. Why would it be any fun? Sadly, this is a BattleEye/ArmA II issue - even vanilla ArmA II was plagued with hackers for years - so I doubt Rocket can do much about it himself. It's up to the individual server owners to start banning IPs if they catch hackers in the act, but, let's face it: with a 225 square kilometer map and 220,000 people playing DayZ, it ain't gonna happen.


ArmA II was plagued with hackers? There was no reason to hack in ArmA II because there wasn't grinding for guns/gear and the player base didn't play just to derp. Not to mention there were maybe a maximum of 1000 people online at any given time.

Nice try though.

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Just now in Atlanta 14 a hacker threw everyone in the air and we died before we even hit the ground' date=' I heard some ringing sound as I died. Literally, EVERYONE died. Just two minutes after server restart I believe, everyone lost the session.

That's great, because I lost a pair of binos, a crossbow with three bolts, wood pile, 2 water bottles, 2 painkillers, 2 morphine injectors, 5 different cans of food and 6 cans of pepsi, 2 raw meat, an ALICE back pack, M1911 with 5 mags plus one in the gun, 5 bandages, a G17 with 2 mags plus one in the gun, hatchet, box of matches, hunting knife, one clip of STANAG 30 rnd, and that's about it. If a moderator or staff member could give my character my stuff back the name is "SuperComputer" without the quotations. Please, it took me about two days' worth play time (not two days, but as in two days worth of time) to get this stuff, and I was going north to meet my friends. Thank you. I was on my way to see friends in a camp and I died two miles south of Gvozdno on the road up there.

Seriously, how the heck does this happen? I know I'm probably spamming the forums with this a bit, but it needs to be seen.

Thanks, Rocket, it's appreciated.


Sorry, you won't get that back.

1.) Character Revives are extremely, extremely rare, I can't think of a instance where it would apply.

2.) The gear that you lost can easily be replaced in a few hours, if not less. Sorry to be so mean about it, but it isn't anything special. Try not to get too attached to your gear, you can be killed at any time, for any reason.

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I just got killed by someone who was sat next to a rearming station or whatever they were - crates just full of all weapons and ammo from ARMA2. I'm sure THAT'S not meant to happen.

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ArmA II was plagued with hackers? There was no reason to hack in ArmA II because there wasn't grinding for guns/gear and the player base didn't play just to derp. Not to mention there were maybe a maximum of 1000 people online at any given time.

Nice try though.

Just as a few dozen is lot out of 200,000 when it comes to hacking so is 5 of 1000.

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ArmA II was plagued with hackers? There was no reason to hack in ArmA II because there wasn't grinding for guns/gear and the player base didn't play just to derp. Not to mention there were maybe a maximum of 1000 people online at any given time.

Nice try though.

Just as a few dozen is lot out of 200' date='000 when it comes to hacking so is 5 of 1000.


Well I never saw the 5 to begin with. Any ArmA II game play doesn't really lend itself to hacking because it just isn't necessary and server admins were almost always on in full/near full servers so any hacking would immediately result in kicking/banning. This doesn't happen in Day Z.

Shit in most ArmA servers you'd get kicked for crashing a helicopter.

Fact is hacking didn't exist in ArmA II not because the game design didn't allow it, but because the community never had that element.

Edit: Also still waiting for mods to delete this shit because it's literally the dozenth thread in an hour.

2nd Edit: Good job mods!

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Lost 2 characters in 1 night to hackers. 2 different servers' date=' over the course of around an hour.

1 6-day character, 1 freshly spawned character.


I lost a Day 23 character, shit sucks, gonna Makaroni people in the face now.

edit: Not complaining though, this is an alpha, this stuff is bound to happen.

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Something I've seen in this thread repeatedly: We are alpha testers. Ok, so we're alpha testers. How come we don't have a comprehensive list of in game features for each patch? The patch notes are useful, but they are hardly all-inclusive. Half the time I don't even know whats working and whats broken to report bugs when I see them. I understand there is a difference between public and internal testing. But it would help the playerbase to have the needed to do the job.

Yesterday I got blown up by a satchel bomb. I didn't even know that shit was in the mod. Is it? Or was it a hacker? I don't know, but if I had a reference list of features and items, I could find out quite easily. If devs don't feel its worth the effort, thats certainly understandable. But it would certainly aid in public testing, and cut down on a lot of forum spam asking about features.

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"It's an alpha, deal with it HURRR"

Yeah about the only thing i'm testing is how much time I can waste between being slammed into the ground at mach 4, or how easily I can avoid an airstrike in the middle of chern (hint : not at all)

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Ye just got hopped in to air on FR 7 as well' date=' guy called [FC']Co_0d4n1 yelled on chat FLY LIKE AN EAGLE! and 30 sec later poof in the air and died. Lost my nvgs and gps's and all that...

then 30 min later while I was running he did it again...

Last time i reported someone, they told me about to give proofs so... do you have proofs? im sure not.

thats because I was with him.

A hacker joined and seconds before to launch everyone to the space, told "FLY LIKE AN EAGLE".... minutes later, [FC]Co_0d4n1 was joking with that and he wrote it, but he isnt a cheater small paranoic guy :).

If any admin wants to check his account they will see about he isnt a cheater (he is a noob, but cheater? no way :D)


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Hey OP' date=' how much did you pay for DayZ?

I just need some details for customer support.


This is a stupid question.

But I'll answer anyways. 30 USD off of steam, Combined Operations.

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Ye just got hopped in to air on FR 7 as well' date=' guy called [FC']Co_0d4n1 yelled on chat FLY LIKE AN EAGLE! and 30 sec later poof in the air and died. Lost my nvgs and gps's and all that...

then 30 min later while I was running he did it again...

You are wrong mate, i wasn't the hacker, i just rewrote the same the hacker said before killing us (me also)

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