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The one and only: Hackers rustled my jimmies thread.

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Alright, this thread turned into a shitfest with the typical "get used to it", "this is an alpha" and "your gear sucks anyways" bullshit.

Please stick your head in a toilet, flush and never return to the forums.

First of all, I'm the OP and I have yet to die from a hacker, I was wondering about the punishments for the hackers, not if or when they will get what they deserved.

Second. Don't talk shit about people's gear. All I'm missing is a pair of NVGs and a rangefinder. Other than that, I'm very well geared. My sniper team has the best possible weapons and skins for the job.

A lot of whining from both sides ITT, from the "xhardxcorex" players to the people whining about losing an Enfield.

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Hackers will be dealt with.

It is beneficial to the devs.

Nuff said.

You've said this 203489 times in the thread already. People should be free to talk about hackers in this thread without having some non-Dev intervene and tell them "it will be handled".

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Free to bitch/moan/whine/etc

That's the spirit!

I'm actually sad this one got picked out by rocket and had the name changed. I had an epic post about neckbeards and cheetoh dust in another hacker thread.

Ol' Plain Jane got picked by the devs to talk in.

It's a sad day.

EDIT: If you have some accusations of a hacker on your server of choice' date=' either post in the cheat subforum under your server thread or make post here with a screenshot of the player list.

EDIT 2: A good tactic to avoid hackers...stay out of full servers during primetime playing hours, and stay away from popular hosts, i.e. Reddit or [MISC'] servers.

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I get your point, I honestly do.

Hackers are an insanely irritating negative to an otherwise wholly positive experience.

I want them eradicating, as soon as you do.

But the devs need a second to breathe; contrary to popular belief they are not our puppets and need the opportunity to surmise, recalculate and move forward.

We seem VERY impatient as a community, considering the gift that has been bestowed us.

I apologise for my flippancy beforehand; I have been most aggrieved by many threads tonight.

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Saw somebody post this on 4chan:

was wondering if anything can be done

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Saw somebody post this on 4chan:

was wondering if anything can be done

Yeah, something can be done.

1. Buy cheetohs and a glock.

2. Place cheetohs within smelling distance of said hacker.

3. Lure said hacker to the bag of cheetohs.

4. Proceed to unload a full magazine into their fat corpse.

5. Collect their Ragu blood and make some spaghetti later.

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Well, I would like to address this horrible issue.

If you look at the Cheater report forum, you will see that many threads have been posted about nuking in the past 24 hours.

I am bringing this issue publicly so everyone can possibly stay offline to avoid losing items and to reach this issue to Rocket and his team (if he hasn't been noted of it.)

My clan server was just wiped and I was looking into how many others have this problem.

Please be careful on what servers you go on. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

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Just like to report that while playing on DE_4 I randomly shot about 50ft in the air and died. So did everyone else on the server...we all died. No idea who it was obv....

Lost my range finder, silenced M4 and M9......:(

Happened on 15/06/12 at around 12:30am GMT. Hope you catch these guys.

Also, we shot a Russian dude the other day who was armed to the teeth, and we picked up a grenade we had never seen before. My friend has it in his inventory...no idea what its called but he says its egg shaped. Is this a hacked nade....should we ditch it? We don't want to get any bans through this.

Thanks BreaK

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Well' date=' I would like to address this horrible issue.

If you look at the Cheater report forum, you will see that many threads have been posted about nuking in the past 24 hours.

I am bringing this issue publicly so everyone can possibly stay offline to avoid losing items and to reach this issue to Rocket and his team (if he hasn't been noted of it.)

My clan server was just wiped and I was looking into how many others have this problem.

Please be careful on what servers you go on. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.



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Well' date=' I would like to address this horrible issue.

If you look at the Cheater report forum, you will see that many threads have been posted about nuking in the past 24 hours.

I am bringing this issue publicly so everyone can possibly stay offline to avoid losing items and to reach this issue to Rocket and his team (if he hasn't been noted of it.)

My clan server was just wiped and I was looking into how many others have this problem.

Please be careful on what servers you go on. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.



If you want to play without any bullshit, this man is doing the right thing. What is the harm if he locks the server and allows anyone in who isn't a shitbag cheater? I doubt he WANTS to do this permanently, this is a reaction to the massive influx of cheaters lately and this has been the only proactive, temporary solution.

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I will probably be shutting down my server until it is fixed.

I can completely empathize with server admins that want to lock it. Frankly, I can see why they would ask why should they follow DayZ rules if there is wide perception that they aren't doing anything about scripters. No one wants to wait for a massive content patch a week from now.

A hotfix. A temporary reprieve on locking. Something.

Especially since these have been around for almost 3 years.

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This is why survivor average life is going up, I myself have only gone in to feed my character since this "cheat wave"(see what I did there?) started.

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This is why survivor average life is going up

Yes, people mass killing entire servers all at once over and over again is why the survival rate is rising. Nailed it. NAILED IT.

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Rocket and BIS really need to resolve this quickly before the mod completely dies off, a huge amount of server nuking is going on at the moment, hackers basically just hop from one server to the next and do this shit..

What in the fuck posesses people to do this shit I will never know.

I guess they want DayZ to fail and have gaming stay in the sorry fucking state it's been in for years.

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well back to brick wall that is diablo 3

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I literally only log on to eat and drink. I camp my character next to a pond and go hunting when I run out of food and fill my canteens up.

I'm not logging on to get killed by some scrub hacker. To all the people claming "it's an alpha" need to shut it.

Alpha, beta or release, hacking is not an excuse to lose your shit. These are the scummiest of players and they are ruining the game for a lot of people.

I haven't had the misfortune of dying to a hacker yet but fuck all that noise. I'm not going to let that happen.

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I really have a hard time understanding why hackers would do this server wide nuking shit..

Hack gear? Hack vehicles? I can sort of understand, even though it ruins the game for other people at least the hacker would be having fun I guess..

But nuking the server and just completely fucking ruining it for everyone and not even having fun yourself? It's like.. do they have some kind of grudge against DayZ for some unknown reason? Do they want to completely ruin the mod and have no one play it?


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Here is the response to all of the rampant hacking occurring on the DayZ servers.

I'm happy to see them go down so they can properly address the situation and hopefully squash all of the hacker cockroaches.


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Bada-BOOM! That'll get their attention. Also, as an insult,

small-bearded neckdicks

would have definitely made a bigger impact, I think...

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Simple question... what is up with that?

Yesterday we came across 2 bodies, both having insane amount of WEAPONS (read, 27 M4's, 77PDW's, a bunch of rockets ), today, was playing not 20 mins ago, a guy was rapid-firing rockets out of his launcher, took 4 shots to the head, stood up after each one, and took more shots to the body, before dieing, from an M24 (read, high powered sniper rifle), coming back not 10 minutes later to the airfield on the north...

So what is actually being done to combat these? I saw the server came down earlier to ban more hackers, however, what's to stop them from ruining everyone's day?

PS: I didn't die to one yet, we killed the one guy called Purple, however, if we did die to a hacker, and try and appeal it, it would mean another email from the devteam going "Nope, sorry, can't roll back the database", last one due to their own mod's glitch.

Anyway :p Discuss!

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