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A realistic suggestion for food and blood

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Here's a suggestion for food and blood. When you have just been shot with a gun you could eat a massive amount of meat and practically instantly heal yourself. Which is why I think that once you eat any sort of food that you're blood should slowly start to regain overtime maybe 8 blood per second.

What do you think?

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what? no, eating lots of food doesn't instantly heal a GUNSHOT wound. a gunshot wound usually causes a fracture, and in some cases, a broken bone. morphine or bust, that is how it is. food doesn't, and shouldn't help, it would only slowly bring up your blood (like it already does)

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8 blood per second is way too fast...more like 100 blood / hour maybe.

It's difficult to replicate a complex wound healing system like IRL, if you had a broken bone it would take weeks or months + reha, a broken collarbone might heal in days but you could really use it at full strength a lot later.

I do hope they remove or at least reduce the amount of blood you can regenerate with food, food should be used for hunger only. What do we have bandages and blood bags for?

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8 blood per second is way too fast...more like 100 blood / hour maybe.

It's difficult to replicate a complex wound healing system like IRL, if you had a broken bone it would take weeks or months + reha, a broken collarbone might heal in days but you could really use it at full strength a lot later.

I do hope they remove or at least reduce the amount of blood you can regenerate with food, food should be used for hunger only. What do we have bandages and blood bags for?

What about the lonewolfs?

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They did decide to play alone, right?

or they don't have friends playing the game, or their not in a clan, incentive for groupplay, not punishing you for playing alone.

also i like the idea of food not giving blood upfront, instead of a can oof beans giving you 200 blood, it would be giving you 1 for 200 seconds or 2 for 100 seconds....sounds good to me

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this idea is not realistic if you eat a load of food after getting shot you dont magically heal.

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They did decide to play alone, right?

Or then you are forced to play alone, since almost all of my friends are playing on consoles and none of the friends with PC's wont play this game. And to add, I don't have a mic, which makes communication impossible, other than direct chat in-game. Do not punish lonewolves.

Edited by Sutinen
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Regenerating health has been talked about a thousand times on here bro.

Make a fire and cook a cow, eating and drinking and breathing is how blood slowly comes back.

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What I wonder is.. How come every time you get shot.. You only break a leg bone? Why not a arm bone? At least if you break an arm bone.. your able to still flee.. I hate people just shooting you and you somehow end up with a broken leg.

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or they don't have friends playing the game, or their not in a clan, incentive for groupplay, not punishing you for playing alone.

also i like the idea of food not giving blood upfront, instead of a can oof beans giving you 200 blood, it would be giving you 1 for 200 seconds or 2 for 100 seconds....sounds good to me

Or then you are forced to play alone, since almost all of my friends are playing on consoles and none of the friends with PC's wont play this game. And to add, I don't have a mic, which makes communication impossible, other than direct chat in-game. Do not punish lonewolves.

There is no "i can't find people to play with" in DayZ. We have enough posts where people are looking for like-minden people to play with. ven i was playing with only one buddy because the other 5 decided to stop playing for whatever reason. The following week i found a post where a player was looking for others from his country, suddenly we were 12+ players! If you happen to play alone day after day you either are not able to work in a team ergo no one wants to play with you or you chose to play that way.

Edited by Enforcer

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How about mushrooms that make you increase in body mass?

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Or then you are forced to play alone, since almost all of my friends are playing on consoles and none of the friends with PC's wont play this game. And to add, I don't have a mic, which makes communication impossible, other than direct chat in-game. Do not punish lonewolves.

I feel your pain bro. I'm probably the only guy in my high school who plays on PC.

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how about self adminstered blood bags which give half the amount of regular blood bags?

I feel your pain bro. I'm probably the only guy in my high school who plays on PC.

I Feel all of your pain my friends :(

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blood should defenetly regenerate slowly after eating anything ! Hell how about bloodtype blood packs to make the game even more difficult and you randomly spawn with a blood type when u start on the coast

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Wrong blood pack would fuck you right up! You should also be able to poison blood packs.

If you're ever held up by a bandit forcing you to transfuse him, it would be a while before he notices. By then you're gone!

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The "lonewolf" concept is misunderstood.

A lone wolf is a wolf that is on its own and therefore has a very hard time surviving, in real life a wolfs only real chance of survival is in a group.

I think it's fine to make the game harder to survive alone, that could be the primary reason to team up as in real life.

Edited by thomas28
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dont make the game harder on lone players! add tools for administering bloodpacks to yourself and in the standalone make it so that you dont need other people to build underground bases

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What's up with being so hungry so often? If you don't eat once every 30 mins you die. Are all the survivors of the apocalypse diabetic? Maybe that's what makes them immune from the virus. Nothing wrong with slowly producing more blood, at least we wont have people chowin on 5 cooked meats and magically be 100%. Love the blood type idea too

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Wrong blood pack would fuck you right up! You should also be able to poison blood packs.

If you're ever held up by a bandit forcing you to transfuse him, it would be a while before he notices. By then you're gone!

Yes, indeed. Perhaps poisoned with say..? Reduced human fecal matter.


Edited by liquidcactus
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I agree that food should only satisfy hunger. So blood should regenerate slowly. How about a very slow regeneration that could be going on even when you are offline? Otherwise you might have to play with really low blood for way too long.

So you get shot today. Your wound is bad and needs x days to heal. You can still do stuff in game, but when you disconnect it is resting time. Maybe blood regegerates a bit faster when offline. The next day you login and there... You already feel somewhat better! In a couple of days you will be as good as new.

Meanwhile bloodbags could be used too.

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