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About apache25

  • Rank
    Bean King

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    gaming reading military history russia.

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    hated by many members of the dayz zommunity
  1. did you all forget? dead people dont reanimate in dayz. people only reanimate if they got killed by undead, zombies in dayz are fast and alive. by the way OP this would only work if you turned into a zed after getting bitten.
  2. apache25

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    honestly i think gore is just pointless. we dont need intestines, eyeballs, testicles, or asses flying everywhere. i think its better when the bodies are left in 1 piece. i agree with bullet boles and maybe shunks flying out when you shoot a guy in the head but bursting heads and flying legs? no
  3. apache25

    Lock-On Rocket Launchers

    just no. stingers, javelins and LAW rockets would just make the pvp crisis worse. aswell as snipers we would have bloody rocket spammers blowing every chopper out of the sky.
  4. personally i would not mind america very much but my favourite maps of all time would be ireland or alaska
  5. ireland.......................lots of mountains and fog and places to hide. and the catacombs in dublin would be great
  6. apache25

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    the above comment has loads of weird stuff because i was typing on playstation 3
  7. apache25

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    Rich text editor, editor_50a7d819d21c5, press ALT 0 for help.form{border: 1px dotted #FF0000;padding: 2px;} img.cke_hidden{background-image: url(http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/plugins/forms/images/hiddenfield.gif?t=B8DJ5M3);background-position: center center;background-repeat: no-repeat;border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;width: 16px !important;height: 16px !important;} a.cke_anchor,a.cke_anchor_empty,a[name],a[data-cke-saved-name]{background:url(http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/plugins/link/images/anchor.gif?t=B8DJ5M3) no-repeat left center;border:1px dotted #00f;padding-left:18px;cursor:auto;}img.cke_anchor{background:url(http://dayzmod.com/forum/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/plugins/link/images/anchor.gif?t=B8DJ5M3) no-repeat left center;border:1px dotted #00f;width:16px;min-height:15px;height:1.15em;vertical-align:text-bottom;} great ideas but you should research the wildlife in russia because im fairly sure theres no cougers in russia
  8. apache25

    Lets Make the Zombies Not Dumb

    yes infected need to be faster and roam the forests and stuff but no headshot zombies!
  9. wat, you dont know about dogs being included in the standalone? there is numerous vids on youtube with information on the dogs,
  10. thanks for good feedback guys have a can of heinz beans
  11. apache25


    good idea but you dont need a saddle to ride a horse.
  12. (1) i would like to see seasons in the game such as winter. winter: animals will go into hibernation, the infected will become more agressive, hunger and thirst will go down faster, players will need to find warm clothes build shelters and stock up on food to survive, and the infected will take to the forests and fields in search of food. (sorry i cannot think of any good ideas for other seasons) (2) add character building. every player would choose what they want to wear when they start such as hoodies, jackets, cargo pants, shemaghs, helmets, tactical vests, bullet proof vests, (helmets and vests are merely cosmetic) (3) make cars alot more common and mainly in good condition but without keys or fuel. keys can be found in nearby houses or dead zombies. rewire kits (very rare) could be used to hotwire cars if a player had no keys and smashed the window to get in. (smashing car windows results in alarm going off attracting infected while you are hot wiring the car) (4) i would like to see basic climbing in the game. nothing like assassins creed climbing. just grabbing window ledges and pulling your self in or climbing head high walls or vaulting high fences. (5) add the abillity to boost another player over a very high fence or wall. this would be fairly good reason to team up to reach fenced off areas or climb in an upstairs window. if a fence was barbed at the top one player could put a jacket or hoodie over the wire to climb up safely. (6) add horses in the standalone. at first horses would not always follow your commands but over time your horse will get used to you and follow your commands and follow you around. players would have to feed their horse and bring it to troughs and lakes to drink and sometimes groom their horse. (7) when dogs are added in the standalone add the possibilty for dogs to have pups with eachother. if the pups were not of pure bred parents then he pups would not be as healthy as a pure bred dog and more likely to catch a disease such as rabies. (8) in the standalone add rabid dogs that willl attack you and try to bite you (you can kick the dog away if you dont have a gun) if you are bitten by rabid dog you ust find a cure or antibiotics or you will die. (9) add stealth kills so if you come up behind a zombie/human you can plunge a knife into their neck and drag their bodie away. for humans a counter kill is available if you are fast enough you can grab the knife and stick it into your attacker. (10) add the abillity to punch and kick for unarmed players. (11) spawn each player with a notebook and a pencil which would allow players to detail their experience or tair out a page and stick it on a tree as a message or a sort of treasure map. thoughts? (no flaming or abuse please)
  13. (1) i would like to see seasons in the game such as winter. winter: animals will go into hibernation, the infected will become more agressive, hunger and thirst will go down faster, players will need to find warm clothes build shelters and stock up on food to survive, and the infected will take to the forests and fields in search of food. (sorry i cannot think of any good ideas for other seasons) (2) add character building. every player would choose what they want to wear when they start such as hoodies, jackets, cargo pants, shemaghs, helmets, tactical vests, bullet proof vests, (helmets and vests are merely cosmetic) (3) make cars alot more common and mainly in good condition but without keys or fuel. keys can be found in nearby houses or dead zombies. rewire kits (very rare) could be used to hotwire cars if a player had no keys and smashed the window to get in. (smashing car windows results in alarm going off attracting infected while you are hot wiring the car) (4) i would like to see basic climbing in the game. nothing like assassins creed climbing. just grabbing window ledges and pulling your self in or climbing head high walls or vaulting high fences. (5) add the abillity to boost another player over a very high fence or wall. this would be fairly good reason to team up to reach fenced off areas or climb in an upstairs window. if a fence was barbed at the top one player could put a jacket or hoodie over the wire to climb up safely. (6) add horses in the standalone. at first horses would not always follow your commands but over time your horse will get used to you and follow your commands and follow you around. players would have to feed their horse and bring it to troughs and lakes to drink and sometimes groom their horse. (7) when dogs are added in the standalone add the possibilty for dogs to have pups with eachother. if the pups were not of pure bred parents then he pups would not be as healthy as a pure bred dog and more likely to catch a disease such as rabies. (8) in the standalone add rabid dogs that willl attack you and try to bite you (you can kick the dog away if you dont have a gun) if you are bitten by rabid dog you ust find a cure or antibiotics or you will die. (9) add stealth kills so if you come up behind a zombie/human you can plunge a knife into their neck and drag their bodie away. for humans a counter kill is available if you are fast enough you can grab the knife and stick it into your attacker. (10) add the abillity to punch and kick for unarmed players. (11) spawn each player with a notebook and a pencil which would allow players to detail their experience or tair out a page and stick it on a tree as a message or a sort of treasure map. thoughts? (no flaming or abuse please)
  14. apache25

    suggestion for chernarus.

    because of a virus obviously. rocket has said so himself that they are infected not undead his brother is a virologist and they discuss the matter on occassion so i've heard