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What if the 50 cals were taken out of DayZ?

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I love how people are complaining aout the 50 cals. They were once rare until duping and scripters came around. Hell I have a tws on me right now. I really wouldn't want to see 50 cals being removed. They're in the game for vehicles and most people like to use them on players which is fine by me. Now for the people complaining about it being OP.. It's a 50 cal what do you expect. Oh my god I died and he shot me in the foot wtf. Have you ever seen the power of a 50 cal on a human body? Blood and gore everywhere.

The only thing I see as a temporary fix is doing a database wipe. That way we can all have a reason to go to the north again.

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yes i think 50 cal. needs to go since they just seem to be way to common think about it what are the odds that your going to walk around and just see a 50 cal. on the ground realistically

Too common? I haven't found one legit but I'm not loot farming the NWAF. The dupers on the other hand.. they make those things extremely common.

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They will never be rare as long as someone can dupe them and duping can not be stopped in the mod. You should try not looking so stupid before you post.

this post is about totally removing the .50's not making them rarer... looks like it's you who needs to read before posting bro... btw i use dmr myself best sniper in the game imo.

Im sorry, i would have thought someone intelligent would read my post knowing that I was talking about the standalone, and removing them wont be happening, i was stating that rocket is going to make them rarer but not remove them, the decision has been made, so these threads are pointless, which is why i told people to read up before making pointless threads like these.

Also saying im an idiot because people abuse a system and dupe guns on a mod does not clarify, because im not the idiot for stating what rocket said, You may have a deadpool profile picture, but you are stupid.

Edited by kenny29

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BAH, I can kill you all just as easily with a DMR as an AS50, and I can do it at night with the DMR also. Guns don't kill people...snipers do.

Agreed, I could too but most players lack the skill needed to range the target and score a perfect hit.

Edited by RogueOne

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Agreed, I could too but most players lack the skill needed to range the target and score a perfect hit.

Some people are more skilled than others when it comes to the art of sniping, but .50cals are essential for any group, taking out large targets ie trucks or choppers at a range so your squad doesn't become endangered.

I'll stand by my argument that if there is vehicles, then there has to be .50cal

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Honestly, if it weren't for duping and terrible player ethics, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

I'm all for getting people to travel inland more though, its lonely up north, few people to trade with or shoot at.

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I think they are a necessary for snipers, its the only way to kill an alt f4'er, they should make other snipers 1s1k, because if you get shot the only way you aren't getting hit again is if you alt f4, and if you alt f4 you deserve to have your toe nails plucked. one by one.

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Honestly, if it weren't for duping and terrible player ethics, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

I'm all for getting people to travel inland more though, its lonely up north, few people to trade with or shoot at.

The reason why people don't always move inland is simply because it's just as high a threat of being sniped at with those lovely .50 cals, but with less places to hide from it. It's almost all farmland up there, and if you dare venture on the areas both east and west of NW airfield, you're bound to be sniper food. Then again, that goes for pretty much any sniper.. it's just that the .50 cals leave little to no chance of survival. I'm one of those who wouldn't want to see it out of the game, just altered. It should be a role based sniper in my opinion. You should feel that shooting players with it is a terrible waste of ammo and instead save it for vehicles and/or bigger groups of hostile players.

But to give my opinion on the topic itself, I wouldn't cry if they were taken out. My playstyle is not to sit around and blast players in Elektro or Cherno with a fucking cannon.

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This whole post is a cleverly designed carebear attack by someone that just "doesn't want to get shot anymore"

Can you explain this reply? I'm afraid the point you are trying to make eludes me.

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I don't care if they're in the game or not so long as they're rare (which they will be once scripting is suppressed) and ideally if sniping at range is made proportionally more difficult to match with reality (i.e. wind and greater instability).

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Truth be told, I'd be in favor of a Chernarus+ with no US military presence, where you're packing Nagants, hunting rifles and the odd AK at top level gear status. Too much gun going around, really.

The .50s are dumb, I say. Lose 'em. As others have said, there's a very satisfying sniper experience to be had with the .30-caliber rifles in the game, and the big dumb guns just allow jerks to be jerks more effectively. Yes, Alt-F4 is a problem, but a guy alt-F4ing out of your sniper scope is no more unfair than a guy alt-F4ing out of my shotgun's sight or out from under my hatchet. Fixing Alt-F4 is important, and one-hit sniper rifles are not fixing it, so stop trying to make the two discussions more closely related than they really ought to be.

If I found a server with no .50cal rifles or thermal/night vision (except rangefinders, that's legit), more common vehicles and parts to fix them, and a private hive with good admins and a monthly hive wipe, I'd be willing to pay a subscription for that version of DayZ. The game has an awful lot to offer, and even when you take into account duping, you can fix most of that problem by either removing items wholesale or making them more common to begin with.

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i think, not only should they leave .50's in, they should introduce .338 lapua's, .300 win mags etc (theyre all pretty common rifles now.. and give a .50 a run for its money ballsistically). hell right now a dirty ole .303 is a one shot gun, which is as it should be(although a .303 and .308 are basically identicle rnds). A larger calibre centrfire should kill you if you are hit. They should also bring in BMG .50's, but make it a two man weapon, one to cart tripod instead o pack, and other guy the gun instead o pack, with a tin o ammo using 3 slots per 50 rnds. WE NEED more heavier weapons... not less ^_^ I love to hear the sound o care bears whining in the morning :rolleyes: it sounds like... victory B)

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I don't think taking anything out would improve DayZ, but If the anti materiel rifles are ever going to be used as intended 12.7 ammo will have to be made rare as fuck, and vehicles shouldn't explode/burn up when you burst the engine block (that only happens in Lethal Weapon films anyway. AFAIK)

That and make the kickback more jarring so a miss is more costly. It would probably be easier to hit a 2M wide truck first time than a 0.5M wide person.

I think that would encourage snipers to use anti personnel weapons against um... personnel.

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Would be the end of the game. Look at SE9 and SE10 servers, there are no AS50s and L85s and anti-altf4 scripts. But you can never log into them because they are completely stacked full. Is that what you want? Is it? Have all servers full?!

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Lets take out all the whiners trying to gimp dayz into another generic shooter where all the guns are the same. GTFO the lot of you. You don't want 50cals then go play bf3 and leave NOW!

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Shot a clan chopper down with one today, video of it soon too. But if .50 cals were taken out or made properly rare like they should be it wouldn't affect me anyway, i love me a DMR/M14 or M24 anyday.

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I just think they need to be less accurate. We're talking about rifles that with the best ammo on the best day in the best shooters hands will be 1.5 MOA. So realistically give them accuracy of 2 or even 2.25 MOA for "authenticity's" sake. So if you're shooting from 500 meters aiming there will be an 12 inch circle it will hit. A 500m shot would need to be a dead center hold on the chest to guarantee a hit. Factor in environmentals to make it even more difficult. In this case hitting a moving soft target would be near impossible, but hitting a truck, even moving, would be quite possible, if not easy.

Also these weapons have massive overpressure. The recoil isn't really all that bad given the large clamshell brakes, but overpressure is nuts, as well as the report. This should come into play. I like the combat deafness like in ACE. Without ear protection you would at LEAST be temporarily deafened. While I don't think you should have ruptured ear drums on this game, I think a little deafness followed by ringing for a few minutes after using one of these with no ear-pro would also make sense (but add ear-plugs as an item). It IS adding balance, but in an authentic way. There are real-world drawbacks to using a .50 BMG rifle and those should translate into the game.

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what if n00bs stopped doing stupid shit that gets them killed really easily? wouldent that be good?

>It's the noobs fault that the sniper pulls the trigger. They wouldn't get raped if they didn't dress like that...

Stop posting.

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>It's the noobs fault that the sniper pulls the trigger. They wouldn't get raped if they didn't dress like that...

Stop posting.

Indeed, it's the noobs and careless that feed the snipers... give them something to aim at and they WILL shoot!

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Indeed, it's the noobs and careless that feed the snipers... give them something to aim at and they WILL shoot!

But think if you give them something to fear?

Maybe a player who found the scumbag sniper in the distance and decided to flank him?

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