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Infected children in DayZ. Poll.


  1. 1. How do you like the idea of adding zombie-children to DayZ?

    • I'm against this (I have children)
    • I'm against this (I have no children)
    • I'm indifferent (I have children)
    • I'm indifferent (I have no children)
    • I would like to see it in DayZ (I have children)
    • I would like to see it in DayZ (I have no children)
  2. 2. How adding zombie-children will influence DayZ and it's core concepts?

    • DayZ will be much improved. This will help to understand survival better and make right decisions. DayZ will get better and more useful.
    • This will change nothing. Just useless work.
    • The core concepts of DayZ will be jeopardized and it will be a most controversial feature. DayZ reputation will be put at risk.

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They shot a child zombie in the widely popular Walking Dead TV series.


Please, no.

They also spread pronography, they sell people to slavery, they sell drugs...

They can do everything they want in this world. Money can buy every imaginable perversion. You gave a very bad example. If it is somewhere presently introduced, it doesnt mean it was right decision. It's just a sad fact and no more.

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No, why, its a subtle and ethical question, not only will this add almost anything to the game, most people i play with have kids, and they wont like this, this can be the reason we will leave if this is implemented, but perhaps it could change gameplay. Since its going to be only an aestheticc change, i am totally against!!!!! I might even leave, no kids should be harmed, and if you do this, where are you going to stop? Children as optionable skin? NO, this is a very hard ethical and moral question, lets not even go into this, its too tiring and we do not want to portray the image of child killers.

I agree or am convinced it could do more harm to the game than good. On the other hand, I think many are too sensitive about it. IMO with children included in the game as zombies dayz will be even more shocking ''reality'', which is obviously the point but the question remains - is it really worth it? The game could be as well banned god knows where.

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Colonel-Wicked, you can consider me a sensitive person. I understand that its my personal problem/quality. My sensitivity was boosted when I became a father.

But ethics and morality are common for evryone I thoight. Can you really say theres nothin against it in this zombie-child idea?

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Ouch. Ebay, saying "They" I meant anyone who has the choice of doing and not doing something they can.

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OK maybe I should clarify the "They" we are talking about here. AMC Network aired the killing of a child zombie on their rated TV_14 popular series "The Walking Dead." Here is the clip:

The example is a comparison between a very popular mainstream zombie TV show and a very popular zombie video game. If you've ever watched the show I don't think anyone would recommend letting children watch it. There is a lot of graphic and violent content. I don't think anyone would want children playing this game either even as it currently stands. But please consider that the majority of this game's player base are mature adults or young adults over the age of fourteen. Please also recognize your personal bias in having children of your own and try to see the issue from all perspectives.

Try to notice the very dramatic treatment that single scene was given. In order to shoot that child, they spent most of the season doing very little else but building the sense of hope and dread that led to this scene. Then they dragged the scene out to show the emotionally devastating effects this was having on those involved. You won't get that treatment in a videogame if children zombie models are used. You'll get "Killing Kids in DayZ" videos on YouTube, but you won't see any life shattering drama, because that requires work to set up.

I said before that I thought the addition of children to DayZ would be too disturbing. I wasn't referring to the children themselves, but what a sizeable portion of the playerbase would do with it.

So, unless DayZ is going to have Final Fantasy style cutscenes interspersed through it, the addition of children to DayZ could not get the treatment it requires, and for that reason, I can't support the idea.

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Ouch. Ebay, saying "They" I meant anyone who has the choice of doing and not doing something they can.

I apologize in advance for this, but I think you should have either not started this thread or should excuse yourself from it, given the fact that you have what seems no chance of allowing your mind to be changed, which is admirable, but leads only to an unproductive thread.

You are entitled to defend your view, and you are indeed entitled to voice your opinion, but by starting it as a poll and then strongly advocating not placing children infected in the game, you come across as trying to influence the opinions in a rather unscrupulous manner. I understand you have a child, and it would be rather wrong and hypocritical of me to say that I understand, but this is a game. More importantly, this is the suggestions thread for a game, and by starting this thread you may have asked a hard question many of us answered, but it seems you didn't want to hear the answers many have given.

You have given your point, and responding in defense of it to every poster who disagrees isn't going to help.

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They aren't children, they're infected. I can understand all the points your making, and the target audience.

But there's people like me. Albeit somewhat completely moral citizens, with or without children, who play video games because of the fact it's one of the only places where I can go nuts without consequence. Yea, I work out, eat right, and train my brain at school most of the week, but game time is relaxing, act on impulse time. Not cold and calculating grown-up time.

Don't restrain the realistic performance if you can easily overlay another model with the click of the button. What was once a child is now a crazy murloc coming at you with the same animations and sounds.

I think this idea was once called 'kiddie-mode'. Change it to 'Low-Gore' mode and everybody's happy :lol:

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I personally don't care much of it gets added or not.

To be perfectly honest the only thing it will do gameplay wise is that I sometimes have to aim slightly different to get headshots, (keeping in mind the hoppers).

Psychologically it wont do much either, it's not like we are shooting live people here, just AI that are appear like humans.

With the addition of children we just get miniature versions.

On the other side of the coin, there is no reason for them not to be in the game.

So I'm pretty indifferent and I'd say that if he wants to add them that he should make them a low priority.

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I used to disagree with having zombie children in game, however seeing as chernaurus is a simulation they would not be represented as real children, but as zombIe children. But then again I can also sympathise with different countries certification and ratings being a stopping point!

If perhaps Rocket could implement children zombies after release or as a add-on of sorts for those who want it? This would work around any limitations via regional classification. That way voters for and against could choose what to have in their gameplay.

Failing that just add midget zombies and use your imagination.

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I personally don't care much of it gets added or not.

Psychologically it wont do much either, it's not like we are shooting live people here, just AI that are appear like humans.

With the addition of children we just get miniature versions.

Picture it is dark, your in a house looting, you turn around and a kid zombie runs at you! Screeching to high heaven as it runs at you snarling, blood dripping from its mouth as your torch waves around frantically.

You would shit them, don't lie. : p

Remember zombies are being re-done for the SA, new patching and new looks, sounds and actions!

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If they did it right, it would add to the game. If they spawn as rare as Mountin Dew, and in places where you less expect them; then yea it would be good. If they are every third infected then no it wouldn't add anything to the game. Most children younger then teenager probably wouldn't surive long enought to become infected, majority of them would be a snack. So seeing them a lot wouldn't be good. Teenagers on the other hand would still be less then adults but probably higher chance of suriving the intial attack to become infected.

Children and teens could have a quieter voices, run better but lose intrested in you quicker, maybe.

It would cool, in future updates if we could also play as teenagers, male and females. New skins for females would be nice as well.

Yes, we need female zombies.

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I don't really care if they get added or not, I think it's an useless feature.

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I don't really care if they get added or not, I think it's an useless feature.

It only makes sense as all humans could be infected. Fat, skinny, white, black, young and old would all be vulnerable.

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Zombies aren't nice creatures. They don't care about equality, gender, race, age, anything. They only care about killing and eating what they kill. Children are no exception, they die just as bad as regular folk, if not faster.

If the idea of children horrifies you in a zombie game, then good, you should be affected. They're young, a sign of innocence and the preciousness of life, so to see them as part of the problem that's killing folks should be terrifying as all hell. If for one second, it makes you hesitate to click your mouse and make your gun fire, then the game's doing what its suppose to do, make surviving hell.

Edited by Smalltown
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there's a reason you cant kill children in any game. (unless it's a mod)

it's illegal. dayz would get massive sue letters from parents.

Edited by CaptainBingo

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I apologize in advance for this, but I think you should have either not started this thread or should excuse yourself from it, given the fact that you have what seems no chance of allowing your mind to be changed, which is admirable, but leads only to an unproductive thread.

You are entitled to defend your view, and you are indeed entitled to voice your opinion, but by starting it as a poll and then strongly advocating not placing children infected in the game, you come across as trying to influence the opinions in a rather unscrupulous manner. I understand you have a child, and it would be rather wrong and hypocritical of me to say that I understand, but this is a game. More importantly, this is the suggestions thread for a game, and by starting this thread you may have asked a hard question many of us answered, but it seems you didn't want to hear the answers many have given.

You have given your point, and responding in defense of it to every poster who disagrees isn't going to help.

No need to apologize. I'm thankful for what you have told me. Your point is very fair and adequate and I take it. I started this poll both in Russian and English sections of the forums just to make people reflect on this idea. The idea of poll was not mine, many users were tired of simply discussing it and our Russian thread evolved into a poll. I skipped the useless argumenting and made a poll for you, which will reflect the current public opinion more precisely than any amount of arguments below it in discussion.

The opinions I express and my strive to influence the other... right, now seems a bit harsh and too much agressive. I just want other to know what different aspects and underlying problems are hidden in this matter besides simple decorative or emotional game content.

But now I'd better leave the discussion and watch what others may say. Sorry for my moralizing too much... just couldn't help it.

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Silent hill had crazy knife wielding babies. I remember the fear inside me on seeing those in 32 bit on the psx. This game is supposed to give the player a hightened sense of fear. Im all for it. Its not like you'd be literally shooting children. They are undead. As in already dead.

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Been suggested before, but I like that youve put a poll up that includes different focus groups like any practical satanic marketist (is that a word?) would.

But thinking abotu it, I was on a mates computer a few weeks ago and started a game of Black & White 2, upon which building a massive city, I collected all the children from the nursaries, and threw them off a cliff. (It was a creative population control method I employed)

I cannay remember any controversy (or at least not severe) about the prospect of you sacrificing or killing children in Black & White 2?

Tbh i think zombie children should be part of a whole host of alternate zombies that exhibit different abilities without creating the spceialist zombies ye get in l4d

So like, zed children are quick and nimble,

but you could have fat morbidly obese zombies that are slow, but WILL knock you down if ye get to close, and take more shots to the torso.

Or zed police, wearing bullet proof vests requiring a head shot.

Or even disabled zeds, house bound elederly zeds or bed ridden hospital zeds.

I dunno, maybe its cuz im a teacher and drunk, and just wanna shoot children on the weekends to balance out their endless energy during the week XD

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Been suggested before, but I like that youve put a poll up that includes different focus groups like any practical satanic marketist (is that a word?) would.

But thinking abotu it, I was on a mates computer a few weeks ago and started a game of Black & White 2, upon which building a massive city, I collected all the children from the nursaries, and threw them off a cliff. (It was a creative population control method I employed)

I cannay remember any controversy (or at least not severe) about the prospect of you sacrificing or killing children in Black & White 2?

Tbh i think zombie children should be part of a whole host of alternate zombies that exhibit different abilities without creating the spceialist zombies ye get in l4d

So like, zed children are quick and nimble,

but you could have fat morbidly obese zombies that are slow, but WILL knock you down if ye get to close, and take more shots to the torso.

Or zed police, wearing bullet proof vests requiring a head shot.

Or even disabled zeds, house bound elederly zeds or bed ridden hospital zeds.

I dunno, maybe its cuz im a teacher and drunk, and just wanna shoot children on the weekends to balance out their endless energy during the week XD


A. I hope you are not an english teacher.

B. Leave that out of the parent teacher conference.

C. Awesome.

D. Can I have some of that shit you're drinking?

Edited by thebirdolux
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Not overly fond of the idea. I wouldn't mind if it got implemented, but I wouldn't praise such a decision either.

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A. I hope you are not an english teacher.

B. Leave that out of the parent teacher conference.

C. Awesome.

D. Can I have some of that shit you're drinking?

A. Physics and Maths XD

B. I try

C. I hope it will be so!

D. You can, Morgans Rum! Id send you some directly if it wasnt for the thought of me pissing on my laptop :(

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D. You can, Morgans Rum! Id send you some directly if it wasnt for the thought of me pissing on my laptop :(

Deployed =[

I'll catch you when I get back!

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