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To anyone thinking of hacking

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MostrlyPanda, If you want to fill the general discussion with troll/flame comments, I don't mind much about it, but please don't start to post useless youtube stuff, makes it look we're in the off-topic section.

Much Obliged...

at least try to spell a name properly. if you don't mind, why comment? must be bad to be you :( you are even unsure of your own decisions.

Good point, but, who said I quoted it as an aggressive way of sending any kind of message? I just lol'd my ass off to that comment and thought It would be nice to put it as a signature, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who sees it that way.

Quite the hypocrisy otherwise don't you think?

No you didn't give any thought. that's the main problem... you are not capable to do.

Edited by MostlyPanda

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I actually said this same thing right in that thread. With a generation of internet tough guys around here, bronies are always welcome lol.

Also laughed at the guy claiming carebears are the ones who hack.

Yes...the ones who have problems with shooting people are the guys scripting in weapons to kill people and thunder doming and teleporting to kill. Yeah that makes sense...

Both groups hack and cheat. So called carebears will make rationalizations for hacking. I only do it to newb snipers, I do it to restock my gear after some bandit Coddie (credit to Angel for that term) KoS me, or I do it to help new players versus all the questionable gear floating around.

Bandits, well they do it for the lolz.

Dont have a dog in this fight since I am friendly on chernarus and play as a bandit on Lingor. Like someone else said I like to know what I am dealing with and have lurked on ***er forums, you definitely see both groups well represented.

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So, You click on a link on youtube and surprised at being global banned because the hack don;t work? Stupid, Stupid person you are.

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Also laughed at the guy claiming carebears are the ones who hack.

If you dont snipe or kill fresh spawns, you wont meet them, but as I do, I can confirm they exist. They just appear behind the tree that I have behind me when doing my stuff and wait there for me to act and when I shoot them nothing happens=they have god mode, then they kill me. Ive decided in the future when I see someone is being too fearless, Ill just log out to save me 1 hour of work to get fully geared again.

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If you dont snipe or kill fresh spawns, you wont meet them, but as I do, I can confirm they exist. They just appear behind the tree that I have behind me when doing my stuff and wait there for me to act and when I shoot them nothing happens=they have god mode, then they kill me. Ive decided in the future when I see someone is being too fearless, Ill just log out to save me 1 hour of work to get fully geared again.

And when does the carebear enter this scenario?

EDIT - Nevermind, I've learned my lesson about sarcasm on this forum. You did not confirm anything, you have no idea whether that player was carebear, a legit bandit, or a worthless braindead coddie before he started hacking.

Edited by Angel Knight
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Ok that doesnt confirm other than that hackers do such stuff, but you can read in the forums now and then hackers justifying their actions telling they do it with good cause= carebear. And hes not legit bandit if he doesnt die when shot at, clearly not shooting me at first opportunity but waiting for me to go first.

Edited by dzzz

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Ok that doesnt confirm other than that hackers do such stuff, but you can read in the forums now and then hackers justifying their actions telling they do it with good cause= carebear. And hes not legit bandit if he doesnt die when shot at, clearly not shooting me at first opportunity but waiting for me to go first.

I meant 'legit' in the sense that he is actually a bandit, killing people in order to loot them and take their stuff for survival as opposed to the brainless kill-everything-that-moves elektro deathmatchers who refer to themselves as bandits, when they are in fact poltroons.

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remember? every1 is innocent until proven different

You don't really believe that bull shit do you?

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I meant 'legit' in the sense that he is actually a bandit, killing people in order to loot them and take their stuff for survival as opposed to the brainless kill-everything-that-moves elektro deathmatchers who refer to themselves as bandits, when they are in fact poltroons.

You fit my criteria for a carebear.

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Lol. OP is not too bright. The "free hack" from YouTube replaced his CD key with a banned one and stole his to sell. Do you people not read battleye.com?

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Hackers don't kill people, people kill people. Stop trying to remove my rights to protect myself with hacks.

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You fit my criteria for a carebear.

You fit the dictionary's criteria for a lot of words.

Most of them are negative.

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At the end of the day Scripting sucks and Script Kiddies are just a right Royal Pain.... Roll on the Standalone but in the mean time they shall not defeat me, i'll play the mod till the standalone is released. Loyal to the Core

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Criminals create jobs, its called law enforcement. Same thing applies to hackers. Also sometimes hackers buy hacks from someone, right? Then of course they get banned by the anti-hack department.... Then sometimes they re-purchase the game. Even if it was pirated, they still create jobs :)

Prove me wrong

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A 1000 bucks says that of all the wannabe cheaters, who this youtube hacker has scammed out of their cd-keys, all of them think they just got banned by BattleEye and not fucking one of them has attempted to take down the original video as a scam, getting viewers to download a trojan virus.

1. You didn't download a free DayZ cheat.

2. You downloaded a free virus.

3. BattleEye didn't ban you.

4. The virus you downloaded, stole your cd-key and replaced your's with a previously banned key.

But yo dawg:

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Criminals create jobs, its called law enforcement. Same thing applies to hackers. Also sometimes hackers buy hacks from someone, right? Then of course they get banned by the anti-hack department.... Then sometimes they re-purchase the game. Even if it was pirated, they still create jobs :)

Prove me wrong

I actually disagree with you about law enforcement, believe it or not. From what Ive seen (I live in a place with a low crime rate) when there are no "criminals" the law enforcement fill in their time by raising revenue by fining from things like J walking and riding your bike on the footpath and other really serious offenses.

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Call me an old fart, but this thread reminds me of Yul Brynner when he did those anti smoking interviews.

"Whatever you do, just dont hack!"

(Look it up people!!!)

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Aham, internet unplug. replug the wire. WOW i got new IP! it's magic?

Some people have static ip, and VPN won't work on arma 2 engine.

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I decided to download ... from YouTube.

Hacking aside, I will never ever understand why anyone ever uses links provided in YouTube videos to download anything... legitimate or otherwise. It blows my mind.

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Hacking aside, I will never ever understand why anyone ever uses links provided in YouTube videos to download anything... legitimate or otherwise. It blows my mind.

Sheepism (yes i just made that up) They see something and they follow....

or Magpie-ism (damn that should be in a dictionary) See something shiny and download!

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