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Private Hive DayZmod Integration Project

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Edited by smasht_AU
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Now that's what I call good development practice.

I've always been a modding community guy and have supported independant developers.

Things can only get better....


Edited by Boneboys
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OK so basically a massive DB/QA department then? (sort of)

Edited by disorder

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Beans mate.

Only way to say it :beans: :beans: :beans:

Theres only one way to go.



all other is just not as stabil tbh.

Edited by Byrgesen
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I think Anti-Rocket's is probably the closest to the real thing. That being said ...

All of them are hacks that had to fill in alot of missing information from scratch.

Why don't you just release the "official" server package and the source code to the hive.dll so it can be customized to connect to any database?

Or modify it yourself to connect to a local MySQL.

That way it's not just close to the real thing, it is the real thing. And 100% compatible with future updates.

Edited by Hutch
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Our over-arching goal is to holistically leverage upon the C2C concept by collaboratively incentivizing actionable deliverables to create a paradigm-shift in cross-cutting vertical integration.

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  On 9/20/2012 at 4:06 PM, Joel Cheng said:

Our over-arching goal is to holistically leverage upon the C2C concept by collaboratively incentivizing actionable deliverables to create a paradigm-shift in cross-cutting vertical integration.

Ahh, Does it shunt power from the fusion coil into the flux capacitors and while simultaneously overloading the EPS relays?

Edited by disorder
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  On 9/20/2012 at 4:06 PM, Joel Cheng said:

Our over-arching goal is to holistically leverage upon the C2C concept by collaboratively incentivizing actionable deliverables to create a paradigm-shift in cross-cutting vertical integration.


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  On 9/20/2012 at 4:04 PM, Hutch said:

Why don't you just release the "official" server package and the source code to the hive.dll so it can be customized to connect to any database?

The private hives would appreciate a single database type instead of 5 billion branches. That way, when rocket makes a new DayZ update, there is only one type of Public and Private hive that has to be updated, not 5 billion. Do you realize how much DB crap has to go into effect just to get Dogs ready for Private? Now multiply that by multiple privates hives running different tables and crap.

I need to go trademark uber synergy™ before rocket does...

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What we need is a pro-active synergy of customer facing paradigms meshing with our value-added blue sky core competencies which will leverage a result-driven strategic fit that will empower our bottom line.

Oh.. Sorry.

Edited by disorder
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  On 9/20/2012 at 4:06 PM, Joel Cheng said:

Our over-arching goal is to holistically leverage upon the C2C concept by collaboratively incentivizing actionable deliverables to create a paradigm-shift in cross-cutting vertical integration.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

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  On 9/20/2012 at 4:12 PM, Guidez said:

The private hives would appreciate a single database type instead of 5 billion branches. That way, when rocket makes a new DayZ update, there is only one type of Public and Private hive that has to be updated, not 5 billion.

But since all of these databases were made up from scratch making up or re-engineering missing information. Why don't the devs release the official database or schema? and a way to config the official server package to use a local database server instead of the hive.

Then we don't have to choose one of these kludgy packages, just use the official one.

Edited by Hutch

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  On 9/20/2012 at 4:18 PM, Hutch said:

But since all of these databases were made up from scratch making up or re-engineering missing information. Why don't the devs release the official database or schema? and a way to config the official server package to use a local database server instead of the hive.

Then we don't have to choose one of these kludgy packages, just use the official one.

I bet you the plan is for the Dev teams to officially take a look at what the private community has developed to see not only which private hive best fits the makeup of the public hive, but ALSO to see if the private hives have done anything better (which I am sure they have) then the old hive.

Just because the private hives are essentially hacks of the public one doesn't mean that the public hive DB runs things the best way.

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