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There should be no high grade weapons in standalone

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Fun Fact no 582: Rocket has stated recently that the standalone will focus more on lower grade weapons. High grade weapons will still be available but will be much rarer and due to the new coding allowing them to be customised, each weapon can effectively carry it's own stats so they can become unreliable and so on making them harder to maintain. That's how I interpreted it anyway.

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Yes, exactly.

People WANT these ridiculous weapons and try to make silly arguments that they are 'realistic' and fitting with the game setting.

Ok bubba, make the argument that you could even carry an AS50.

Go on.


Ah, that's right, because even if you're 6.2", 250 pounds and built like a brick shithouse, moving one of those is a 2 man job, and forget about any supplies or a second assault rifle in your backpack.

That's where you descend into the other argument that 'it's a game' and any pretence you had about realism goes out the window.

High end stuff SHOULD exist, I'm talking DMR's, CZ's, m14's and other goodies, but they should be super rare.

People don't really know or understand what makes a game 'fun' or interesting or gives it replay value, so they just want über shit because they think THAT'S it.


We'd all have a better time if my 5 man team was armed with winnies, ak's and pistols, fighting your 5 man team over a house we've stockpilled food and medical supplies in.

30 minute long wild west style standoffs would ensue.

More replay value and more interesting that 'RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING, AS50 AS50 RUNNING RUNNING RUNNING M249 SAWWWWWWWWWWWW' *5 guys laying dead and us high fiving*

That's what it is now and will remain until people GROW UP and relinquish their space cannons in favour of things more true to the setting and the genre.

Case - fucking- closed.

Dude, just because that's how you want to play, doesn't mean that's how others want to play.

If you are so afraid of the big bad .50's, go play on some low pop server or something.

The whole point of getting higher end weapons is to GET A FREAKING ADVANTAGE OVER THE OTHER GUY.

Stop whining because Rocket didn't make the game you wanted.

If you don't like DayZ, don't play DayZ.

I'm sure Care Bears in Disneyland would be more your speed.

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Dude, just because that's how you want to play, doesn't mean that's how others want to play.

If you are so afraid of the big bad .50's, go play on some low pop server or something.

The whole point of getting higher end weapons is to GET A FREAKING ADVANTAGE OVER THE OTHER GUY.

Stop whining because Rocket didn't make the game you wanted.

If you don't like DayZ, don't play DayZ.

I'm sure Care Bears in Disneyland would be more your speed.


I don't even know if it's worth replying to a post this silly, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Firstly, I'm not afraid of getting killed by AS50's (I have two on me just now), I'm 'afraid' of the gameplay becoming stale because they exist in the game.

Yes, some people want it this way, but some people also want COD deathmatch.

This is what it is just now and it doesn't fit with either the genre or the game setting.

And for your information Rocket IS making the game I wanted, right now, he says so.

I'm making this thread in the hopes he'll read it and get some ideas or commit even further to removing the space cannons and focusing on proper, gritty, survivalist gameplay.

So when standalone comes out, it's back to COD for you and your ilk.

Or off to the hacker forums for more scripts.

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Fun Fact no 582: Rocket has stated recently that the standalone will focus more on lower grade weapons. High grade weapons will still be available but will be much rarer and due to the new coding allowing them to be customised, each weapon can effectively carry it's own stats so they can become unreliable and so on making them harder to maintain. That's how I interpreted it anyway.

Considering at present there are five civilian weapons that's not a surprise, six if you count the crossbow.

But making military grade weapons unreliable for balance would be pure pants on head retarded. Modern military weapons are designed to be easy to maintain, to fire tens of thousands of rounds in a lifetime, to be reliable in the worst possible conditions.

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Well, once you have a decent rifle, a canteen, matches, an axe, and a hunting knife there is nothing else you need. So why even keep playing? Stuff you can find in 30 minutes of play can keep you alive forever (barring skiddy attack), so what do? Sit out in the woods forever?

I get emergent gameplay, but seriously, most of the time DayZ isn't a Survival Game, it's a hiking simulator.

This is because the mod is not balanced yet IMO.It works but it needs tweaks to really become an outstanding game.

Matches should be old school style(single stick matches)that you collect into waterproof container as you find them.Should also be risk/percentage chance of failure with each match you use with bad weather increasing the failure rate.Water needs to be boiled so that makes matches even more important.I sometimes play the game with only eating rabbits and boars and can tell you its very hard and very immersive with me actually dying from lack of.Water holes as the only liquid source is also great stuff.To me,Dayz should be made that the apocalypse has been going on for more than a year.Very rare bean,sardines and soda drops means that every town you stumble upon COULD have something you need.Right now I avoid all the small towns I come across.You want players to constantly need something....why give them it all so easy?

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So you want .50's out, but you want vehicles to stay?

You still don't get it.

In real life, military weapons are both more common AND more reliable than civilian weapons.

In the scenario at hand, there would be lots of mil weapons out and about, because they were being employed against the infected, AND their owners got killed or infected themselves.

If you are NOT trolling (doubt it), give it some thought about what YOU would see in YOUR neighborhood post infection.

You want Romero weapons in a post Romero world-doesn't work.

Maybe you can find someone to make a zombie mod set in '58.

Short of that, the weapons in this mod, as they are (discounting duping and hacking in extra stuff) is pretty close to how it would be.

The only way they would NOT be in circulation would be if the military had not been overrun and was still operating with command and control.

And take you hacking comment and stick it somewhere uncomfortable, m'kay?

Edited by NickM

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So you want .50's out, but you want vehicles to stay?

You still don't get it.

In real life, military weapons are both more common AND more reliable than civilian weapons.

In the scenario at hand, there would be lots of mil weapons out and about, because they were being employed against the infected, AND their owners got killed or infected themselves.

If you are NOT trolling (doubt it), give it some thought about what YOU would see in YOUR neighborhood post infection.

You want Romero weapons in a post Romero world-doesn't work.

Maybe you can find someone to make a zombie mod set in '58.

Short of that, the weapons in this mod, as they are (discounting duping and hacking in extra stuff) is pretty close to how it would be.

The only way they would NOT be in circulation would be if the military had not been overrun and was still operating with command and control.

And take you hacking comment and stick it somewhere uncomfortable, m'kay?

Wrong, wrong and... guessed it? Wrong.

It's been said previously over and over again: this is not the Unitet States of Armed to the Teeth, it's fucking Chernaurus. Slowly again for you: A post-soviet, EUROPEAN country. Not that there's anything wrong with looser law for firearms - I completely support that tbh - but it's just not right in the setting. Look at WarZ: they call their map "Colorado" for a reason.

Granted Chernaurus is an ex warzone also, but how many soldiers do you think you can fit on this map with the given military infrastructure? I've said it before, there's nothing wrong with weapon-porn and high-end gear but it needs to:

a.) Fit the setting.

b.) Be balanced for the location the game is taking place in.

One thing that I simply don't understand is: do you people really want to play a survival sim or rather just want to goof around? What's the point in having all the high-end gear in the current numbers (even without hacks and duped items)?

The last time I checked, this was supposed to be hard, unfair, and terrifying. It's not in it's current easy mode state. Also, with the way WarZ looks, don't you think that game may suit your needs more with weapon attachments everywhere, a gun and a silencer - that works with every gun - at any corner, easy mode ballistics, all the fancy stuff?

I damn sure don't want this mod to look like that. I want to be afraid of the rusty old SKS that I found not working when I need it and I want to be put in situations so desperate that I want to hang myself ingame rather than continue on the journey. Not another zombie game that happens to have sandbox gameplay.

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Removal of the 50 cals has been discussed over and over, no one has ever provided a good reason for keeping then in.

Alt+f4 is not a reason, vehicles are not a reason.

There are other weapons much better suited to dayz within arma 2, rarity is not a solution, it's about what is appropriate for the game.

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When encumbrance is reinstituted in the game and a more realistic weight balance of 1 magazine/10 rounds of M107 ammo = 2 magazines/60 rounds of AKM ammo = 4 magazines/120 rounds of NATO ammo. And when a more realistic weight balance of 2 assault rifles + 2 shotguns + a NATO sniper rifle = 1 M107, then I think that would at least be a step in the right direction.

Same for SAWs. If it was a choice between 3 shotguns and 100 shotgun shells or 1 SAW and 200 rounds of ammo, you would probably see fewer people carrying around LMGs.

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When encumbrance is reinstituted in the game and a more realistic weight balance of 1 magazine/10 rounds of M107 ammo = 2 magazines/60 rounds of AKM ammo = 4 magazines/120 rounds of NATO ammo. And when a more realistic weight balance of 2 assault rifles + 2 shotguns + a NATO sniper rifle = 1 M107, then I think that would at least be a step in the right direction.

Same for SAWs. If it was a choice between 3 shotguns and 100 shotgun shells or 1 SAW and 200 rounds of ammo, you would probably see fewer people carrying around LMGs.

This is quite definitely true.

I will agree that the weight of the weaponry is not implemented at this time.

I believe that Rocket has stated that will change in the standalone.

As far weaponry not being there because it's a European setting?

You think the military units that are there to stop the outbreak are bringing Enfields and Winchesters with them?

Take a look at some pics from Iraq and Afghanistan for a good idea at what a modern expeditionary force will bring to the table.

Simple fact: if the military of 1 or more first world countries were to deploy for something like this, there would be a fuckton of heavy weaponry and infantry weapons there with them.

Setting of the host country makes very little difference, except for what you will find in civilian houses.

If there is a multinational force (as is hinted at), there will be host country weapons as well as whatever one or more outside forces bring with them.

Given the scenario, I find it quite believable to find mil weapons where they are found as lootable, with the addition of I would expect to find them laying around the roadblocks, etc.

I would NOT expect to find magic tents that spit out LMG's like a kids bubble blower, but that really has nothing to do with the premise of the game, or the OP maintaining that there should be nothing other than what he likes to play with.

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I would like to see more readily available weapons like:

  • Baseball bat
  • Sword
  • Machete
  • Pipe
  • Chainsaw anyone?

High grade weapons shouldn't be as easy to come by as they are now. IMHO

Yes indeed, because everyone has a spare sword or two lying around at home

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Removal of the 50 cals has been discussed over and over, no one has ever provided a good reason for keeping then in.

Alt+f4 is not a reason, vehicles are not a reason.

There are other weapons much better suited to dayz within arma 2, rarity is not a solution, it's about what is appropriate for the game.

You are right the removal of the .50 cal has been discussed alot...

Still no good reason to remove it !

Why remove it!!! WHY ?

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i like all the guns in my hands or the guy shooting me ads diversity plus nothing like killing a guy with a winchester and looting his body t find an m4 and thinking i owned that dip sh**

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After some month or year's all the gun big or small will be rusty and no good to use !

So for a more realistic game... should Rocket remove all the gun's and only keep rusty axe and pipe ?

What about blood bag staying on tha ground for year's ?

Edited by Tabarnator

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It should be the same with vehicles, tons of them everywhere..But fuel will be worth its weight in gold...or blood.

Same as weaponry, guns gun guns gun guns everywhere, on dead bodies, hanging on military zombies, shoved in outhouses, in barracks etc. Its ammo that should be rare, forcing you to thing before wasting a precious bullet to kill some unarmed asshole or that zombie that refuses to leave you alone.

Also realistic inventory and handling of guns would be nice, but I'm certain thats going to happen in the stand alone.

Edited by Tracker

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You do not need to take the weapons out, some changes need to be implemented to make

weapons a lot harder to obtain and keep.

  • Ammo should be rarer especially for the high end weapons.
  • Weapon magazines should be randomly filled or even empty, Scrap Metal can be used to make bullets.
  • Weapons should also have a chance to jam, this will force a reload.
  • Player weapons should decay and need repair, the Tool Box can be used for this purpose.

Imagine a sniper rifle with only one bullet in the magazine? Who do you shoot now? Without maintenance your weapon will jam more frequently or even stop working, time to loot another one, no more bullets, better make some then...

This could also save players from snipers camping hills in relative safety, encounters/trades gone wrong, bandits murdering new players en masse etc.

You already have to find essential supplies to survive, so by adding some restrictions to the weapons you use, it adds more tension to encounters, installs additional dilemmas and increases/decreases the survival chances of the players on both sides.

Edited by daz81

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well the way i see it...is there is no overpowered gun...in dayz its all based on the user someone who has no idea how to use mill-dots(assuming they didnt have a range finder)would be terrible with a as50 and a guy with a lesser powered gun lets say the akm could easily take him down once he found his position...i mean sure the thermal l85 is very good but it was supposed to be a very low spawn rate and only at heli crash sites but due to duping and hackers its impossible to show the true rarity of those weapons including the AS50 however i do not think thermal is over-powered as its only on one gun and its basic use it pretty much to scout thats it...i couldnt imagine getting into a firefight with a l85...unless im 500-600m away from said targets

so to remove these trophys from the game would be obsurd once the stand-alone comes out these guns will be much much more rare

Edited by xgreedx

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well the way i see it...is there is no overpowered gun...in dayz its all based on the user someone who has no idea how to use mill-dots(assuming they didnt have a range finder)would be terrible with a as50 and a guy with a lesser powered gun lets say the akm could easily take him down once he found his position...

Your argument completely falls apart at any distance greater than 400 meters.

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The top end guns should be limited spawns personally, like a counter on each server, it theres more than 5-7 AS50s on players at once the server stops spawning more, until the number drops below 5-7 again.

*Makes them things of awe instead of the standard greifing tool for coast-killers.

*Makes groups equip its members due to their strengths. ie: You have one AS50 in your group, most won't give it to the guy with a funny eye and ADHD.

*Makes owning one a truly paranoid experience. cos your groups a worthwhile target instead of just another survivor to kill 'just for the lulz'.

Loads more reasons also, if its possible to limit the servers keeping limits on some of the uber gear present at once it adds a great new dynamic.

Also everyone saying 'ah DayZ should have guns because of ARMAs context' please stop. Look at DayZ in the context of DayZ. its a mod branched from ARMA granted, but now its going standalone, with its own backstory.

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You do not need to take the weapons out, some changes need to be implemented to make

weapons a lot harder to obtain and keep.

  • Ammo should be rarer especially for the high end weapons.
  • Weapon magazines should be randomly filled or even empty, Scrap Metal can be used to make bullets.
  • Weapons should also have a chance to jam, this will force a reload.
  • Player weapons should decay and need repair, the Tool Box can be used for this purpose.

Imagine a sniper rifle with only one bullet in the magazine? Who do you shoot now? Without maintenance your weapon will jam more frequently or even stop working, time to loot another one, no more bullets, better make some then...

This could also save players from snipers camping hills in relative safety, encounters/trades gone wrong, bandits murdering new players en masse etc.

You already have to find essential supplies to survive, so by adding some restrictions to the weapons you use, it adds more tension to encounters, installs additional dilemmas and increases/decreases the survival chances of the players on both sides.

I agree that would be cool, but remember that that amount of micromanagement is a huge turn off for a lot of people.

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I agree that would be cool, but remember that that amount of micromanagement is a huge turn off for a lot of people.

You already have to micro manage your inventory and health your survival depends on it, weapon chance to jam would be low on maintained weapons, making bullets is optional, but it gives you something else to do. You have to scavenge for parts to repair vehicles anyway so this integrates easily enough into the current system.

This is just the natural evolution of a diminishing supply of weaponry and ammo that would take place anyway as society devolves.

It would also make camping spawns harder, weapons much rarer, encounters become riskier for both players. It would certainly make it more challenging. Right now all you do is server hop, grab weapons and sit on a spawn/hill till you get bored...

Edited by daz81

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Where's the end-game content, weapon side?

"Ooh look, a winchester! This is amazing end-game, it took me SOOOO long to find such a rare weapon!"

So end-game content is finding the l33test weapon?

Sorta like... WoW.

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Everyone who thinks they'll find these high end weapons at a military base should call and ask them...although I'm not sure if the phone line can handle that much laughter.

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You already have to micro manage your inventory and health your survival depends on it, weapon chance to jam would be low on maintained weapons, making bullets is optional, but it gives you something else to do. You have to scavenge for parts to repair vehicles anyway so this integrates easily enough into the current system.

This is just the natural evolution of a diminishing supply of weaponry and ammo that would take place anyway as society devolves.

It would also make camping spawns harder, weapons much rarer, encounters become riskier for both players. It would certainly make it more challenging. Right now all you do is server hop, grab weapons and sit on a spawn/hill till you get bored...

Right now all i do is lurk on these forums waiting for a sign that the mod has stopped being a mess its worth loading for the first time in a month. :P

But as i see i agree to a point, but your reason there is why its getting to much.

Micromanaging blood, food, water, inventory, ammo, engine parts, dogs (for some reason), construction materials (hopefully), firewood, clothes (if temp. etc returns in a more solid form).

add it all up and what will we end up with? 2 hours micromanagement just to get sniped by a bandit with an AS50 within 5 mins of arranging things..

Edited by Never

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Right now all i do is lurk on these forums waiting for a sign that the mod has stopped being a mess its worth loading for the first time in a month. :P

But as i see i agree to a point, but your reason there is why its getting to much.

Micromanaging blood, food, water, inventory, ammo, engine parts, dogs (for some reason), construction materials (hopefully), firewood, clothes (if temp. etc returns in a more solid form).

add it all up and what will we end up with? 2 hours micromanagement just to get sniped by a bandit with an AS50 within 5 mins of arranging things..

But that is exactly what is happening already, so unless the situation changes drastically, players have already started to give up and leave as theres no point in collecting anything anymore. By making weapons much more scarce and ammo far less available, you add more tension to the game, and increase/decrease the risk to encounters to a point where the player has to think before he shoots.

Encounters with Zombies are already risky, firing noisy weapons is extremely dangerous. With the axe and crowbar under close combat you risk infection and broken bones or even unconciousness, that changes the outcome to a point where a player has to think "Should i engage this zombie?" and risk it all to scavenge for ammo in that barn/shop/house?

The same style of play should be adjusted/implemented on players using high end/distance weapons, there needs to be more restrictions otherwise its all too easy to get kitted out and sit there killing new spawns as they come into town. You get virtually nothing from this scenario except frustrated players who simply hop a server to an empty one.

In a survival situation, banditry would exist, lone wolves would roam the terrain, heroes do come to peoples aid, but weapons would not be so easy to come by and ammo would dry up due to the sheer amount of zombie infection, eventually you would be forced to use other types of weapons/strategies to save your precious ammo till you really need it. Right now the mechanics are flawed and are ruining the gameplay experience.

You already made the point correctly about how frustrating the game has become to a lot of players, add to that the hacking issues, its become quite unplayable which is such a shame as its got so much potential...

Edited by daz81

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