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[DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

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It is not all that much when you think about it, people do run a lot, driving as well. You relate it to the number of characters its only 52km per char.

Mhmm... So how about this.

Total Walked: 1,131,783,565 km

Time Played: 1061 years, 7 months, 14 days

If we divide those two numbers (distance walked and time played) we should get average speed, right?. Let's figure out the time played in hours, so we can get the speed in Km/hour

1061 years * 365.25 days/year * 24 hours/day = 9,300,726 hours

7 months * 30.44 days/month * 24 hours/day = 5,113 hours

14 days * 24 hours/day = 336 hours

For a grand total of 9,306,175 hours

Now 1,131,783,565 km / 9,306,175 hours = 121.6 Km/hour.

The average speed in the game is over 120 Km/hour? :huh: That's a lot of players zooming around really fast :D

P.S. Seriously now, I can't find the mistake in my math. Do you see it? Could it be that the total walked distance includes zombies and animals for instance?

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Mhmm... So how about this.

Total Walked: 1,131,783,565 km

Time Played: 1061 years, 7 months, 14 days

If we divide those two numbers (distance walked and time played) we should get average speed, right?. Let's figure out the time played in hours, so we can get the speed in Km/hour

1061 years * 365.25 days/year * 24 hours/day = 9,300,726 hours

7 months * 30.44 days/month * 24 hours/day = 5,113 hours

14 days * 24 hours/day = 336 hours

For a grand total of 9,306,175 hours

Now 1,131,783,565 km / 9,306,175 hours = 121.6 Km/hour.

The average speed in the game is over 120 Km/hour? :huh: That's a lot of players zooming around really fast :D

P.S. Seriously now, I can't find the mistake in my math. Do you see it? Could it be that the total walked distance includes zombies and animals for instance?

This is because you computed the average speed _of the game_. Not _of a player_. If you took all the average speeds of all the players and summed them (assuming the rest of your math was correct) it would be 121.6Km/hour. In other words... people are often very, very still in this game.

Think about what you're dividing/multiplying next time.

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It is not all that much when you think about it, people do run a lot, driving as well.

In other words... people are often very, very still in this game.

Which one is it? :huh: Are you saying that people that walk 52 Km on average (the number Vekien got) on an average life expectancy of 49 minutes (the number currently shown in the home page), are standing very still?

Think about what you're dividing/multiplying next time.

Please back this statement with math. This is my chain of reasoning.

The number I got = Total walked distance / Total played time


Total walked distance = number of players * average walking distance of a player


Total played time = number of player * average playing time of a player

So, the number I got, is (number of players * average walking distance of a player) / (number of player * average playing time of a player)

if you simplify by number of players, you get

The number I got = average walking distance of a player / average playing time of a player otherwise known as average speed of a player.

Still don't see the mistake.

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how about when helicopters were in..in a couple of hours you can fly a lot..having the fuel

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how about when helicopters were in..in a couple of hours you can fly a lot..having the fuel

Between this and the rest of the vehicles, 120km/hr would make sense. Balanced by the campers.

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Mhmm... I don't know, I've never seen that many players going around in vehicles, but I don't have the numbers to make an estimation.

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If the average speed of a player was over 120 km/hr then that would mean that every player in the game would need to spend half their time riding a helicopter at full speed.

Which is not the case.

What you have here is a case of misleading data. The "total walked" number is a short hand explanation for something else. What that something else is, I don't know, but I know it isn't the agregate of how far people have traveled in the game from walking (or running or shuffling or crawling, etc. etc.).

The "total walked" is almost certainly an extrapolated number which is why it is misleading (and accordingly incorrect).

EDIT: For my terrible spelling and vanity.

EDIT2: It is not my intention to be critical of DayZ but I am trying to be critical of misleading infromation. In my mind, one of the greatest injustices executed upon any body of people is to mislead them. One or more of the statistics on the front page of dayzmod.com is missleading and it chaffes my sensibilities.

Edited by Chssmius
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Any idea when those leaderboards are going up? I would put a statistic up for that but it would = 0... lol jk I know you guys are working on actually making it less stressful on the servers but an eta would be nice because I really miss those leaderboards :(

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I think the total walked distance is a total false. The engine doesn't have a function to natively and accurately calculate the traveled distance. It would require a constant checking of velocity or position and time in client/server and reported to Hive, which would be a waste of resources.

The stat number is most likely derived from differences between save points. But it's strange that central server would save history of points, there would seem to be no point for that.

Or maybe the number unintentionally includes distance between dying and respawn, easily an instant increment of 10 km when you die at the NWA.

I like numbers but this one is as good for stats as a frozen salmon is for a tire iron.

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This game is getting hacked to pieces and you want to give out a heat map with most frequented locations ? Jesus christ did you guys provide the hacks aswell ?? Why not program in an arrow that shows you the nearest player. And then telling us to grow a pair.


Edited by vanrosemont

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Statistics update:

- Approximately 2.6% of all current survivor and bandits combined have NVGs.

- The distribution of coke and pepsi is pretty even. Approx 30k characters have at least one coke OR pepsi in their inventory. Roughly 23k characters have at least one coke OR pepsi in their backpack. (this may overlap).

Only 521 characters have a mountaindew in their inventory, and 738 have one in their backpack.

As for heatmaps: wouldnt that go the same the other way?.

It'd help people know what areas to avoid.

Heatmaps work fine in other games such as EVE Online, I think you guys need to grow a pair ;)

But of course we'll carefully consider before publishing this data.

wait...mountain dew...aww man, i want one :P

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This game is getting hacked to pieces and you want to give out a heat map with most frequented locations ? Jesus christ did you guys provide the hacks aswell ?? Why not program in an arrow that shows you the nearest player. And then telling us to grow a pair.


This game is getting hacked to pieces and you want to give out a heat map with most frequented locations ? Jesus christ did you guys provide the hacks aswell ?? Why not program in an arrow that shows you the nearest player. And then telling us to grow a pair.


Biggest idiot in the world right in that reply.

Heatmaps will show what we already know,hotzones Cherno, Elektro, NW airfield,Stary Sobor.

Also hackers have ESP scripts so why make a shitty conclusion like that.

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Biggest idiot in the world right in that reply.

Heatmaps will show what we already know,hotzones Cherno, Elektro, NW airfield,Stary Sobor.

Also hackers have ESP scripts so why make a shitty conclusion like that.

This game is about the players discovering everything for themselves, give us a heatmap of the players and a lot of "hiding" places will show up and interest people to go give that a look when they otherwise wouldnt have done that. It's bad enough all the vehicles, choppers, loot spawn locations WITH PERCENTAGES are already out there, basicly fucking over anyone still wanting to play in the "dark", because half the players already have all that info and thus any chance of spotting a vehicle or some actual discovery in this game is already very much hampered. And then the devs themselves want to give a map of player locations too ? hidden camps anyone ? That you cannot understand this probably makes you at least as big an idiot as me.

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I'd like to know... of all the players who join a server and proceed through the server lobby... how many of them ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY GET IN GAME.

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i'd like to work a sort of market values for goods in dayz. if someone who runs a clan/group who makes transations, or if someone traded something privately it would be nice to post it, maybe in a new thread would be better, and see where this brings..

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Which one is it? :huh: Are you saying that people that walk 52 Km on average (the number Vekien got) on an average life expectancy of 49 minutes (the number currently shown in the home page), are standing very still?

Please back this statement with math. This is my chain of reasoning.

The number I got = Total walked distance / Total played time


Total walked distance = number of players * average walking distance of a player


Total played time = number of player * average playing time of a player

So, the number I got, is (number of players * average walking distance of a player) / (number of player * average playing time of a player)

if you simplify by number of players, you get

The number I got = average walking distance of a player / average playing time of a player otherwise known as average speed of a player.

Still don't see the mistake.

Well, I did not do the Math, the Math was done by Vipeax i believe, the stats i receive is a singular number already processed by the hive. I think, it is just fetching the number from the ingame function (from Arma 2 engine) that is recorded.

That said, you can get around in game much faster than in real life, the speed to travel 1000m in game is much faster than what it would be to travel it in real life using same principles, i believe anyway, not tested but im pretty sure as I can zoom around in a car across the whole island in what feels very little time, so trying to base the math on real life conversion I dont think would work, but you can go test this to show i am wrong.

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Average zombies killed per character, and median zombies killed per character.

Out of all current "alive players", as of a few days ago the average number was 8 (i did the math).

edit: this is average # of zombies killed per character

Edited by Littleassassin2

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Speaking of statistics whats the situation with the leaderboards? I've been asking for a while and cant get a simple response from anyone. Im on day 28 right now and know im in the top 20 again I just wanted to see it and be happy incase I die to a hacker tommorow. So anyway can I get my rank on longest life or are the leaderboards coming back up soon? Have they been tracking our progress since they went down more then a month ago? Thanks!

Good going, just dont try to climb over any rocks :) and stay away from busy servers

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I dont think a heatmap is required, its easy to deduce where the hotspots are. For hiding places just look on the map and think where could I hide to get the best view of people entering this hotspot.

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How large is the Database(s)?

How many rows is there in total?

How many queries get executed per min?

Sorry, developer nerd here.

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I haven't read the entire thread so maybe these have already been suggested, but how about some statistics on weapon usage? With all of the complaints about hacking and duping it would be interesting to know what percentage of players are equipped with "Rare" weapons. It would also be interesting to look at weapon load out versus character age or number of kills. What exactly is the gap between the haves and the have nots in this game? How about the most popular combination of weapons?

Hell, there are to many interesting questions, maybe we need an API to the anonymized data.

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I'd love to know my average lifespan of my characters. I've been waiting diligently for the Leader-boards to come back, but no dice.

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Well I just died to an obvious hacker... Is there any chance you can tell me what number was on longest live? I Know im in top 10 for sure. Day 38 300+ hours.

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